part 11 of the China Pearl Inn

It is a hazy day with temp projected to be in the low 80F's. A day to just enjoy the cool confines of the Inn or possibly a dip up at the bath and teahouse. I ponder my choices as I sip my Irish whisky.
Ah a real New England choice Jack. The only thing is with or without cream.

I start to prepare his Ice Coffee. Discretion being the better of valor I serve with a bowel of sugar and a pitcher of cream.

I must admit I am quite depressed with the lack of female writers at Lit.
I nodded, gave a polite thank you, and appreciated the thought that I had a small amount of cream in the chilled beverage.

Yes I have to agree while there are some lovely creative women (and a few that aren't creative or good writers) they seem to be in the minority here regarding writing quality smut. There is always someone looking for a female writer. While I have no statistics to support this, I believe the number of women writers and the number of writers in the roleplay area have decreased. You used to be able to put an idea out there and at least get some interest, and even if nobody was interested, you knew people were checking the idea out. One science fiction concept I had was borrowed by someone who was happy to ask me to use it. I don't know what it is, but it is always depressing to me that people are being less creative. I will say more than a few people seemed to have moved on from the site for various reasons. It is a shame when you know someone out there is unable to express themselves. I hope they find a new creative outlet or find their way back.
"Oi! CG! You about? I would love a hurricane, if you please. I haven't had one since I was in my twenties and I ordered one the other night. Dangerous things, those drinks.
How are you? Cooler weather here lately. The hubs took me to a concert Saturday night. It was my anniversary present a little early. We went to see Three Dog Night and The Little River Band. It was awesome.
More importantly, I got my new computer, got it installed and I'm loving it along with the new keyboard and mouse. Yay!"
I am glad you and hubby had a great time. So you love hurricanes, their strong caress as they lift your skirts and tear at your clothes? I tease Cait as I mix her the potent drink.
These drinks have been known to lift a skirt or two Miss. I remember one time down in Florida and a young red hear...... Perhaps a story for another time Cait but one that left me with pleasant memories.
I am glad you and hubby had a great time. So you love hurricanes, their strong caress as they lift your skirts and tear at your clothes? I tease Cait as I mix her the potent drink.
These drinks have been known to lift a skirt or two Miss. I remember one time down in Florida and a young red hear...... Perhaps a story for another time Cait but one that left me with pleasant memories.
*grins* Oh, I know all about potent, CG. We were stationed in Florida when I had my very first hurricane and I drank, 3 or was it 4 of them? One too many, I'm sure. Let's just say my ex-husband had to help me out of the NCO club that night. I hadn't had one since until last Friday night. We were celebrating him finally being able to go to the job he had put in for. His ex-boss kept in his old dept. for longer than he needed to. Dryfter even had one. But yeah, I know about it lifting skirts, sir. *laughs*
And you have such beautiful shapely legs. I do love sexy little whirl winds Cait.;)
And you have such a sensual and bewitching smile, and those sweet come hither eyes Miss. ;)
That you have, CG. That you have. :kiss:

So, how is everyone? It's Friday after all. Yay. We made it through another week. Next week is our third anniversary, Dryfter and I. Married three years, been together then. Damn, time flies.
Happy Anniversary to you and Dryfter Cait,. I wish you both all the happiness.
It has been a better week as I have had a chance to some writing.
I think the challenge for me and the fun, is writing with someone else and making the story cohesive, especially when my partner throws me for a loop now and then.
He wonders and looks around. Is there any chance of getting one of those very obnoxiously happy tropical drinks in a large glass?
"OOOOO... did I hear Hurricane? CG makes an excellent Hurricane. I'll have one of those, please."

She always seemed to pop into the Pearl at the right time.
"OOOOO... did I hear Hurricane? CG makes an excellent Hurricane. I'll have one of those, please."

She always seemed to pop into the Pearl at the right time.
One Hurricane coming right up Cait. Yes you do seemed to know when it is just the right time to show up Miss.
"OOOOO... did I hear Hurricane? CG makes an excellent Hurricane. I'll have one of those, please."

She always seemed to pop into the Pearl at the right time.
This is a fresh reply with an interesting development in our story, which I thoroughly enjoy. I think our characters will be coming together very soon. I also enjoy fleshing out our other idea inspired by Karate Kid. So much to talk about. Waiting on my other writing partner, who seems to have a very busy schedule.

Cracks open a few more nuts.