Planetside - OOC

we must as well be team five i think. I think it should be wolf team, and Cormac will be call sign Wolf 5, codename "Smokey". or he'll be Whatever-Everyone-likes 5 codename "Smokey"
Why don't we go with a team name that is ironic or contradictory to the situations that we get into, like if we get into a lot of difficult situations, we're Easy Team?
Jedi poped into the ORP announcement thread and mentioned this might be something to look into. at least i think he said this one...

i'm curious about it. If it hasn't started up already i think i'd like to throw my own mind into this.

i would likely play human if i can get into the thread, i mean, so far there's only one, and as i recall from the the first post this is a mostly human endeavor. (could be wrong though) but if we have aliens with lightning reflexes, and chitenous armour plating natural to their bodies, and others that have bear-like strength, perhaps creativity is in order heh.
Khadgar said:
Jedi poped into the ORP announcement thread and mentioned this might be something to look into. at least i think he said this one...

i'm curious about it. If it hasn't started up already i think i'd like to throw my own mind into this.

i would likely play human if i can get into the thread, i mean, so far there's only one, and as i recall from the the first post this is a mostly human endeavor. (could be wrong though) but if we have aliens with lightning reflexes, and chitenous armour plating natural to their bodies, and others that have bear-like strength, perhaps creativity is in order heh.

You've come to the right place, Khadgar. No, this story hasn't started yet, so you're more than welcome to join.

Humans are welcome, as well as aliens. Feel free to make your own race if you so desire, just nothing over the top. No magic and keep it within the realms of science.

At this point we need a team medic, a team leader, a heavy gunner/machine gunner, and just about the all of the scientists and non-combatants that were evac'd from the planet before being attacked.
i kind of assume AmenRa should take up team leader. at least i would HOPE he would.... then again, it would be amusing and unpredictable if he didn't.

either way, i thought Sprite was essentially fulfilling the role of medic?
i read ALL the posts in this thread so i know about no magic, i wouldn't try for it anyways, magic has little place in Sci-fi. well, thats not nessecarily true, but whatever.

as for over the top, i've seen one race here i wont name that seems.... fairly flawless. one of the key elements in creation i think is not just creating strengths, but weaknesses. sometimes more weaknesses than strengths is a hell of alot more fun, so i wouldn't worry about me going over the top.

i still think i'd go human, though military protocal might impliment some genetic re-coding, or bio-manipulation just to compete with some of the other species around. that would be interesting.
Khadgar said:
i kind of assume AmenRa should take up team leader. at least i would HOPE he would.... then again, it would be amusing and unpredictable if he didn't.

either way, i thought Sprite was essentially fulfilling the role of medic?
i read ALL the posts in this thread so i know about no magic, i wouldn't try for it anyways, magic has little place in Sci-fi. well, thats not nessecarily true, but whatever.

as for over the top, i've seen one race here i wont name that seems.... fairly flawless. one of the key elements in creation i think is not just creating strengths, but weaknesses. sometimes more weaknesses than strengths is a hell of alot more fun, so i wouldn't worry about me going over the top.

i still think i'd go human, though military protocal might impliment some genetic re-coding, or bio-manipulation just to compete with some of the other species around. that would be interesting.

Sprite would essentially fill the role of medic, but I believe she's a civilian, not military. The Sp Ops team would have its own medic. Anyways, not need to debate it.

A genetically altered human would be kinda interesting. Maybe as a result of the genetic manipulation, this guy is just a tad violent or somehow otherwise a "loose nut"?

And as for what AmenRa will do, only he knows. We'll just have to work with it, now won't we?
i probably wouldn't have psychosis as a setback, because likely neither would a heavily armed military group LOL!
kewl glad you liked the idea and i think for now Rishka is a civilian rescued from the planet AmenRa mentioned, as i am sure eventually we'll all end up together anyhow *smiles* evenually as she travles with her rescuers she would pick up more knowladge of medicans science and languages.
just because they are physically built for combat, doesnt mean they dont have weaknesses, and it doesnt mean that they wont be revealed over time.
lol don't worry about it bud, i'm not slinging shit to anyone here, and i'm not trying to be a jerk, sorry if it came across that way. you're race would seem the envy of most warrior castes, and i commend you for comming up with it, a great creation.

but i wasn't just referring to the race you created. the lizard people as well seem like infallable assasins, though every group has their strong point.

hopei haven't pissed anyone off *smirk*
Khadgar, welcome. I look forward to seeing your character description posted soon. As for me assuming the role of team leader, I have considered this: if no one volleys up for it, then I will take on the position. I do have a character in mind, however I wanted to give anyone else a shot at it should they decide.

And each race has their own weaknesses. Trellosians (lizard people), are cold-blooded, and they don't do well at all in cold environments. Even with the specially designed combat suits providing heat, they are still much slower in cold weather. The Arconians, the felinoid species, is as about a perfect blend of stealth and agility you can find, however because of their super-sensitive noses and ears, they are susceptible to strong odors (such as gas grenades) and loud noises. And, although Ren didn't mention any weaknesses in his post, I can assure the enemy will find one when the action starts.

So, join up. Special Mission Force Team 5 is awaiting you.
AmenRa said:
So, join up. Special Mission Force Team 5 is awaiting you.

HEY! That name is way too lame for this group! :mad: We're working on making a different name, just so you know. Ren suggested Wolf, I suggested we go with something ironic or contradictory to what we are, and then we'll go from there.

You can call the team "Pissed Off Bunnies" for all I care. It is not at all unusual for a SpecOps group to have a team name, code name, or whatever. US Navy Special Warfare Team 6 (SEAL) called themselves "Red Cell". The US Army Special Forces Operational Detachment Delta is simply called "Delta Force".

The official name, given by the Alliance Defense Command is:

Alliance Defense Command, First Division Special Operations Battalion, Special Mission Force Team 5, or Special Mission Force Team 5, or just SMF 5.

The breakdown is like this:

The Alliance Defense Command (ADC) has three main divisions: Infantry (1st) Division, Fleet (2nd) Division, and Support (3rd) Division. SpecOps falls under the 1st Division. The 1st Division is comprised mainly of light and mechanized infantry, armor, artillery, air/space defense, special operations, and colonial police forces.

The 2nd Division is the ADC Fleet. Starships, battle cruisers, fighters, transports, drop ships, shuttles, refuelers, carriers, tenders, and the crews that fly and maintain them make up this division.

The 3rd Division is the support division. This is mostly admininstration, field support, logistics, public relations, consultants, recruiting, things like that.

So, while the team is SMF 5, the pilot and crewmember aboard the transport that crashes will be members of 2nd Division assigned to SMF 5.

I don't mean to get too technical, but as we get ready to begin, I think that the more background you have for your characters, the more in-depth fun you will have in the story.
I wasn't really mad about the name you used Ra. I was trying to be funny, hence the :D at the bottom of the post.

And as for the team name and background stories, I've thought up a pretty good name that can tie in easily with our backgrounds (or at least, the background I have in mind for my character). The team name woud be the D.R. Squad. Can anyone guess what D.R. stands for and how it will tie into the background?
Oh well, I guess you guys aren't in the mood for guessing games. Very well.

D.R. stands for Death Row and it ties in with the background of the characters (or at least mine) in this way:

Until a year and a half ago, before Atal was assigned to the SPF, he had been a covert operation sniper for the military, going out on his own to take out high priorty targets in order to prevent future conflicts. Usually, the missions were to be low profile and easily deniability by the military for their involvement. This meant that if the military was ever suspected, Atal would get the shaft.

A couple of times the military was suspected, but they were able to brush it off by having Atal go underground for a time. They would bring Atal back a few months later on a different assignment once the heat cooled down from the last one.

Atal's last mission as a covert op sniper had been a year and a half ago. The task was simple: locate and eliminate the target, in this case a rather radical voice in an otherwise peaceful society. The catch was that Atal had to make it look like it had been an accident, with little or no collateral damage.

Atal tracked the man for five days before deciding upon his final move. Everyday, at a certain time, the man walked past an isolated fuel depot, escorted by his top "staff". Although most of the fuel in the depot was stable and wouldn't react unless under the right conditions, there was one spot in the depot that did hold explosive fuel. The fuel had been known in the past to spontenously explode for no apparent reason, so this fuel would be perfect for taking out the target. And thankfully, the target walked right past that fuel everyday.

The fuel depot sat about a mile outside of a docking facility, which the depot serviced. There was a pipeline that ran from the depot into the heart of the facility. The explosive fuel to be used in the operation was kept apart from the main depot in case the fuel exploded, it wouldn't take out the rest of the depot. That idea would be put to the test.

The time came to finish the operation. Atal sat camoflaged about a mile away from the depot, his sights set on the targeted fuel. The target to be eliminated was right on time, walking past the fuel at the appointed time. Atal took his shot, the bullet going through the target's ear before impacting with the fuel, causing it to explode in a massive fireball that engulfed the headless remains of the target and his staff.

But much to Atal's misfortune, the resulting explosion proved to be much bigger than he or the depot staff had predicted. The explosion from the unstable fuel caused a chain reaction, creating the perfect conditions for the more stable fuel to explode too. The entire depot erupted in a massive explosion that shook the ground, leaving behind a massive crator that a WWII aircraft carrier could have sat in easily. But that wasn't the end of it.

The explosion traveled down the pipeline to the unsuspecting docking facility. It too went up in a series of devasting explosions. Instead of the little to no collateral damage that the military brass wanted, they had a destroyed docking facility, a fuel depot, several hundred casualties, and several billion dollars worth of damage.

Although the military was never suspected, Atal was a headache that needed to be dealt with. He was quietly tried and convicted for the incident, sentenced to death. But instead of having him sit on death row for five years before they could get around to executing him, the military decided to put him in the SPF. At the time, the expected lifespan of a member of the SPF was just under five years, and it was a lot cheaper form of execution than havng Atal sit on death row.

This was not the first time the military had made such a decision. Dozens of prisoners sentenced to death over the years had been transfered to the SPF squad that had become known as the Death Row Squad.

i dont think so, but if everyone else likes it, then fine. Cormac is no criminal, hes a 15 year veteran with numerous decorations for skill and valor.

as for riada weaknesses, i suppose i shall explain. Riada are not the brightest of the bright. They aren't stupid, but none of them are about to win first at the science fair if you catch my drift. They have very short tempers and are not overly creative in terms of military strategy. They've also been known to get a bit reckless in their zeal to get up close and get the measure of their enemies in close combat as "Luagh and Cernus intended" They are also not very fast, though their reflexes are quick, being as they are so built for strength and stamina.

does that perhaps explain a bit?
rengadeirishman said:
i dont think so, but if everyone else likes it, then fine. Cormac is no criminal, hes a 15 year veteran with numerous decorations for skill and valor.

Atal is no criminal either, although the military might say otherwise. He was just trying to do his mission when things when horribly wrong, and he got the shaft.
rengadeirishman said:
in any case cormac is not a criminal even according to the military

Well, he is second in command, right? Maybe he and the commander got stuck commanding the squad of criminals or just Atal simply because the military said so.
I know that Joshua is most definitely not a criminal. He might act like one sometimes (you'll see) but he is not a criminal.
maybe the bigwigs think a badass horned and fanged warrior with a sword, retractable claws and a big ass gun will keep him in line.
rengadeirishman said:
maybe the bigwigs think a badass horned and fanged warrior with a sword, retractable claws and a big ass gun will keep him in line.

Maybe. At least, until Atal gets killed during duty, if he ever does.