Planetside - OOC

Nah, you're free to make up stuff like that...its just the transport anyway, not like its a major player.

Although I will provide major descriptions of locations, settings, what-not, you're free to embelish. Add dew dripping from leaves, crash webbing under the seats, whatever. I liked that idea by the way. Reminded me of the web restraints on a C130.
good stuff. i'll feel free to tinker with the environment then, in minor ways.

actually what made me think of that were world war two movies, and.... you only live twice i think it was, the bond movie. the one where Timothy Dalton fights with the guy while hanging onto cargo netting out the access ramp of... what a Herc?
Sorry I haven't posted this past week. I had an unexpected computer malfunction that denied me the use of my computer until today. I'll be working on catching up soon.
Khadgar, I think that movie was "The Living Daylights"

("You Only Live Twice" was with Sean Connery).

And yeah, I think you're right, he was wound up in some cargo netting in the loading area of a C130 I think. Might have been an old C123, but I think it was a Hercules.

Would have to watch that scene again, but lol its just not that damn important for me to break out the Bond DVDs.
Darn it Ra, couldn't you have waited for me to put up my post? I'm at almost two pages long with the post as is, now I'll just have to do more, unless I can find some way to break it up.
Shit, that's a long post I just put up. Hope no one is bothered by it. It's only about 2 2/3 pages long in Word.
no worries man, sometimes you've got to write a paragraph, sometimes you';ve got to write a page.

i expect Angelus' post is going to be fairly lengthy too, seeing as he's only made one so far hah.

besides, i can't complain, i'm a fan of writing a fair bit myself.
Jedi that was a good post. I think you have really captured your character's uniqueness. I really like what you wrote.

Everyone seems to have a real grasp of their characters and mission. This is going to get even better as we go.
AmenRa said:
Jedi that was a good post. I think you have really captured your character's uniqueness. I really like what you wrote.

Everyone seems to have a real grasp of their characters and mission. This is going to get even better as we go.

Thanks, Ra. I'm kinda curious to hear that you don't have any...problems with it.
AmenRa said:
Jedi that was a good post. I think you have really captured your character's uniqueness. I really like what you wrote.

Everyone seems to have a real grasp of their characters and mission. This is going to get even better as we go.

i can't say i've gotten a true grasp of my charecter or his mission really, but things will fall into place in due time. hell it's still day one.
so.... game's over? it's been like... 5 days since "I" posted, and i posted when no one had posted for a couple more days. so.... no posts in a week.

are we continuing this?
As far as I know, yes, we are continuing this story. However, winter holidays are fast approaching and some people have final exams to study for and take. So, that means people will be absent doing RL stuff.
hell i'm writing a final exam as we speak. take home final, but still a final.

okay though, glad to hear it.
before i post, i just want to make sure i understand something.... my beam rifle has an automatic fire setting?

also, since the beam rifle runs off my nuke pack, or is at least rechrged by it, it's going to be tethered to me unless unfastened. so my movement away form the rifle is going to be limited.

i'm still not sure it's like.... a sentry cannon though?
Maybe you could set it for automatic targeting or something with a protable power pack?

Want me to edit that post?
no, i can probably make some shit up, it just suprized me that the rifle can be turned into a sentry.
I think those bat things in the cave ate everybody.
my email hasn't said anythign new is happening in the thread, let me go see and if there is, POST!
I'm still poking around (here in the forums), waiting for something really respond to. As for Atal, he's sitting up there in his perch, keeping an eye out.
Hey, Ra, are we waiting on something in particular or has interest been lost?

I've posted a few responses to particular characters, including yours, but no one seems to have noticed.....
I noticed, but what can Atal do about it? Other than watch? Meta-game, he's going to continue to sit up there, check on it every-so-often to see if there's any change. When day comes, he'll check to see if he can see it, if not, then he'll check to see if it occurs again that night.

Atal's rational is that it seems to pose no immediate threat to the group, seeing as how it's way over on the horizon, and that there isn't really much he or the group can do about it, for the same reason (it's way over on the horizon), so why bother reporting it to the commander at the current time? Besides, it just may very well be some sort of atmospheric/planetary phenomenon like the Northern Lights on Earth.