Pmann wants to discuss Johnny Depp and Amber Heard

Lord Pmann

Mar 12, 2012
Now, I'm normally one to shy away from drama. I certainly don’t like watching drama between couples unfold in public; it makes me uncomfortable. That’s just not who I am. 😇 However, it’s very hard to look at anything online without seeing some Depp/Heard drama.

Now, everyone seems to love Johnny Depp and be on his side. When I first started hearing this, I thought people must be wrong because he seems like the ass of a donkey. Also, Amber Heard is easy on the eyes and… okay, that’s it. It’s enough reason for me to want to side with her. But then I saw some of the exchanges between the two… Johnny was quite clever and charming, some would say reminiscent of Lord Pmann. Some would say that.

Then I started seeing some of her testimony. She’s not the most eloquent. Nor is she likable. Nor is she believable. And she shit in his bed. 💩 🛏 Now I’m not judgy. I mean, who among us hasn’t shit in SOMEONE’S bed? Our own? A friend’s? A lover’s?

HOWEVER, I figure I may be going easy on her because of her pretty face and impeccable fashion. Her stylist is on point. Although she did wear one outfit that looked like something from Kim Jong Un’s closet. She still looked hot as hell, but a North Korean dictator look may not be the sympathetic appeal for which she’s trying.

On a more serious note… this sucks balls for both of them. Imagine if your shittiest behaviour (🤭🤭🤭🤭) was literally broadcast on every social media outlet for the world to see. Recorded. On blast. Everyone judging your every move. Taking sides.

Furthermore, TRY to imagine for a moment, if Lit was a place where people blasted their drama out there for the world to see. Like if two people liked each other and it went south, then they acted like cunts to one another. Maybe some of it leaked onto the boards. Maybe some people took sides. What if someone made a passive aggressive post in the Dear Lister thread or posted James Blunt music in the What Are You Listening To thread? 🤯

Let’s discuss.
I haven't felt even the slightest desire to watch

Why do people enjoy this so much? 🤷

And I once shit in my husband's bed. Granted it was due to the fact that I was trying to masturbate mid bowel prep and woefully underestimated my body's ability to squirt.
But(t), still...
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Wait… aren’t you the one always arguing politics on The Playground?
Always? No. I do periodically get sucked in. Not sure what that has to do with this, other than you baiting me to post in this thread again so it looks like someone might be interested.
Always? No. I do periodically get sucked in. Not sure what that has to do with this, other than you baiting me to post in this thread again so it looks like someone might be interested.

Just pointing out the irony of you claiming this should be on the GB board, whilst you argue politics to the PG.

Perhaps I could’ve made it men vs women or make it an ABC thread?
Furthermore, TRY to imagine for a moment, if Lit was a place where people blasted their drama out there for the world to see. Like if two people liked each other and it went south, then they acted like cunts to one another. Maybe some of it leaked onto the boards. Maybe some people took sides. What if someone made a passive aggressive post in the Dear Lister thread or posted James Blunt music in the What Are You Listening To thread? 🤯

Let’s discuss.
Been there. Done that. 😳

I've only been following it mildly. I haven't been listening to the audios/testimony. I think they both did some shady shit to each other, but haven't followed enough to know if the defamation case is strong.
They both deserve life in prison for keeping my feeds clogged up.

Right? I mean, fuck feeds. I don’t even like feeds.

But dammit, if I see one of those Johnny Depp clever comebacks, I can’t look away.

I do, however, think they are going to push Amber Heard to something crazy (see Britney Spears).
I haven't felt even the slightest desire to watch

Why do people enjoy this so much? 🤷

And I once shit in my husband's bed. Granted it was due to the fact that I was trying to masturbate mid bowel prep and woefully underestimated my body's ability to squirt.
But(t), still...

Are you trying to lure Johnny in?
Same here. Other than the fact it's a dumpster fire, I don't understand the attraction people find in this train wreck.

I’ve not obsessed over it, but I’ll admit I’ve found it somewhat entertaining to watch. It’s just like watching a shit tv show. You know it’s bad, but sometimes you sit and watch it anyway. Like The Kardashians or Game of Thrones. :D
I suppose I picked the wrong crowd, @alwaysaway. These are classy fuckers who only watch Downton Abbey. Oh, and Daddy/lg porn. They’re much too high to discuss the nuptials of some Hollywood stars.