Race of the Gods

Very exciting indeed.
Hmm... need to finish that AV I wanted to put up with the start of this thread...
No wonder the bad guys never win. We're always outnumbered. Time to even the score.

An elven mage.
Gray hair that reaches to his back, and clear blue eyes.
He spent most of his life studying, never doing much practical magic. When he finally sent off for his own trials and tribulations, he found the magic world more harsh than he realized.
Quickly forming through the ranks, he now claims himself as a top mage, holding a darkened staff that spits out fire. Instead of mastering a single type of magic, he has instead become a conisseur of every piece, from rune lore to alchemy, to battle magic and beyond. He holds no spells that are devistatingly powerful, but he is a worthy opponent in any fight.

But, Goven learned long ago that fighting wasn't his style. He preferred to stay on the sidelines, and let the fighters, who have it born into their blood, fight.

Ogre Warrior.
He is small for an ogre, most of them stand around 15 feet high when they reach maturity, he is just a hair under 12 himself. Coarse dark hair that runs down his back like a main. He wears little clothing or armor, except for a piece of ragged cloth to cover his unmentionables...
And a spiked collar around his neck.
If one were to examine it closely, they'd see glowing runes that never fade on it, and it has no latch or spring. The collar was welded onto the beast while it was around his neck.
Tork has calm green eyes dull gray skin, and a huge double bladed battle axe on his back.

Tork does whatever Goven wants him to do, without question, argument, or hesitation.

Rings of alignment, what a clever trick. Well, if it were used, you'd clearly see that Goven is evil. Tork would be a different matter though....
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great charcters.. I cant wait to see them in action .. well I have almost got all the littel messages out.. once I finish .. I will post the location and the setting of the start of the thread.. thenyou guys can jsut start posting from there .. Kay ???
Lady Rozes- I for one am ready to go. Love the reasoning I got.... devious.
thanks hun .. I will be posting my thread .. in a few .. still working on reasons.. Im glad you liked it .. I thoguht you would enjoy the deviousness of it.. :p

All right people the thread is up .. wow man I am never staying up this late again its like five in the morning here.. phew..

anyway hope you love it and play it.. and post away people

srry really late her .. need sleep

the IC thread is called The seven Keys
This is a little late, but here's my character. I figured you all would want to see him before I post on the IC thread.

Name: Ramas Vae

Race: Human

Class: Knight. Due to his training with the ranger Lan Hawker, Ramas posesses some Ranger skills as well.

Ht: 6'2"

Wt: 215lbs

Hair: Long black, usually tied back

Eyes: Ice Blue

Age: 23ish

Weapon: An ebony and gold hilted longsword

Bio/History: Ramas Vae was born on the human island to a high born lord and lady. He was schooled in the arts of swordplay, religion, speechcraft, and other such knightly arts from an incredibly young age. Ramas was focused on his training an becoming a knight until he met a young woman by the name of Jasmine Aurous. Ramas and Jasmine fell in love. They courted in secret, for Jasmine was a commoner, albeit the daughter of a wizard, and such a romance would be deemed in appropriate if ever discovered. As all things go, it was eventually discovered.

Ramas' brother Snider found Ramas sneaking from the castle one night and decided to follow him. Ramas led his brother right to his love's home and from the shadows Snider saw the couple consumate their love. Sickened that his brother would stain his family's good name, Snider led a small band of orc mercenaries back to Jasmine's the following night. While remaining hidden in the shadows outside, the mercenaries stormed the home of Jasmine. They wounded Ramas severly, kidnapped Jasmine, and slayed her wizard father, but not before he roasted one or two of them. Snider allowed the orcs to sell the girl to a slaver.

Ramas recovered from his wounds. He never discovered Snider's betrayal. But he did know what he had to do. Ramas was all ready a knight. He asked his father, who also happened to be his liege, to quest for the woman he loved. When his father granted the request after hearing the entire story. Snider was furious. Snider intended to teach his brother a lesson in class rank and mingling with those outside of your class......A lesson he would teach Ramas even at the cost of Ramas' own life.

Ramas did not quest for very long before he lost the trail on his love. He had discovered that the ship had gone to the elven realms before heading to the trade isle. He had arrived at the tradelands, but he lost the trail. Determined, he learned that a woman matching Jasmine's discription had been seen several times with a mish-mash group of elves. He went in search of this group. Eventually he found the name of one of the elves in who's company Jasmine was often found: Lan Hawker.

Ramas set out after Lan, often encountering many orcs bent on killing or capturing him. Rarely on the wrong side of surprise in these encounters, Ramas often came out on top, cleverness and amazing swordplay his tools of victory. The more he dealt with orcs, the more he began to hate them. He blamed the orcs for the disappearence of his love unaware that they were just pawns used by Snider. Ramas eventually found himself at odds with orcs who were not his enemies.

One day, nearly three years after Ramas had begun his journey, he found her. And Lan. In fact, Lan appeared to be training Jasmine for something In the three years from when he had last seen her, Jasmine had grown from a fledgling mage who barely knew which end of the dagger to use into a full blown Battle Mage. The reunion was nearly epic. Ramas has almost thought that Jasmine was dead and Jasmine had thought that Ramas had given up on her. Ramas joined his love in training under Lan. Ramas only wanted to be with Jasmine and support her in her training. He managed to add something to her training and Lan noticed this. It may have been the only reason Lan allowed him to stay. They were happy together until Snider found them.

Snider was furious that his brother was so stupid. He decided to go and confront them directly. Snider had always possessed certain abilites that nobles shouldn't have. He was a skilled assassin. Poison, shortblades, long blades, and bows were his weapons, as was revenge. He observed them froma distance. He waited in order to get down their pattern. Finally, Snider struck.

Snider struck so fast that Jasmine never saw him coming. While walking with Ramas at night near a canyon with a raging river below, Snider lept from the shadows and with a lightning fast strike slit her throat. Ramas drew his blade quickly and began to attack his own brother. Snider tried to talk to his brother, t make him understand that he had done it for Ramas's benefit, but while he talked Ramas struck. The blow cause Snider to tumble backwards into the canyon never to be seen again.

Jasmine was buried where she fell the next day. Lan and Ramas were the only ones there. Ramas opted to remain with Lan, who took the shattered youth under his wing as his new apprentice.
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I think this is starting rather well.

Sgt- don't take Cali's insulting personally.
I though the spider was a nice way of introducing your character. But Cali would protest it and for the reasons offered IC.

Oh- IC= In character
OOC= Out of character

And Blue's right- its rather rude to make an assumption on what a character would do like that. Especially one that conflicts with the characters general nature.
Forest elves tend to be pretty stoic and Trianna seems to personify this rather well. She's not the type to enjoy a joke like that.
Cali, were she drunk and back home, probably would, but only because she'd know everyone and it wouldn't scare off buisness.
Make sense?

That is a definate. There was no insult intended in my OOC post. All of us have been virgins at one time or another and have been trying our writing out. And all of us have recieved the simple OOC that is meant to instruct and help...not critisize.

Personally, I find your writing is very good and I love the imagination. Not many would come up with such a way to introduce their char. It was very refreshing.

Now...if it had been Ophelia instead of Trianna you would have gotten a laugh, an offer of a drink and maybe...just maybe...a roll in the sack...lol.

Then again, you might want to watch out for that lady. Never know how she will feel in the morning light and you don't want to meet her when she's grumpy. *grins*
Crap, I thought I fixed everything that Rozes told me too. I'm about to re-edit it now. We talked and she changed some of my powers and stuff. There, fixed it.

I was wondering for a second, though.

"75 years? Yeah, that's a stretch for '23-ish'."
Well, in time you'll all see what's going on with Ramas.

*Starts to laugh, begins to cough violently*

Ow.....I hurt my lung.....
oh God you guys are doing great .. did I mentuion that I love you people.. and this is working far better than I excpected.. Now we are just hoping htat hte others show up soon , and we will be on our way ..
Speaking of chars, Rozes, are we waiting on others to join Ophelia before we move that section of the story on?
*Holds head in hand*


GM, I don't follow the listing of people you said we already have on our list.

What white haired woman?

We have a lavendared and raven haired woman right now.

Confusion reigns!
Vixandra said:
Gender: Female (big surprise huh?)
Hair: White with lavender highlights- only one like that in her hometown.

See, white.

So HA!
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Aww, you most certainly may be confused.

Be as confused as you want.
In fact, be twice as confused.
Perfectly fine with me.

Eris loves you anyway.

In a very sexual way. In public.
With probably quite a few people watching, masturbating or screwing.

Eris like that kind of stuff.
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Eris is a pervert...and sounds like my kind of people.

Wonder if we can fit that scene into the thread without a demand it be moved over to the SRP?
you guys crack me up totally . .Im glad that I can that we have poster.. I am thinking though that .. since I havent goten replies from Rone and Dt they havent read their pm's yet .. which means that they dont know what up with the thread yet.. so .. hoping that siren and Rone might join other wise I will just .. have to pm other people to take their places.. perhaps they will come on tomorrow it being monday .. most everyone is always posting on the weedays.. so .. we should probably .. wait for them and give htem a chance to post.. other wise.. then we will jsut get other people to take their place.. but I hope I wont have to do that ..

*stands up and cracks her back... I have been on My knees a while .. begging people to join.. LOL *
The GrandMage said:
See, white.

So HA!

Whoops... that's what I get for making an Av then going off that, LOL.
Okay, my fault. Cali now has pale lavender hair... close enough to the origional concept. Okay, not really but I'm not making everyone change thier posts because I screwed up.

There has been sex in the ORP before- just had to be "descreet" about it. Though I think
"Eris loves you anyway.

In a very sexual way. In public.
With probably quite a few people watching, masturbating or screwing."
Might be a smidge too much, LOL.
LadyRozes said:
I am thinking though that ..

I'm confused. Were you thinking about waiting before sending the baddies out, or,...

Were you thinking about moving this to the SRP? Heh.