Hello (Lit) World
*What you hope to get out of your time at lit (please include level of critique you are looking for)
o I have no real hopes or expectations. I've been enjoying reading the poetry here on Lit more than the stories, to be honest. It could be interesting to connect with people who enjoy expressing themselves in the type of forum that Literotica is and has the potential to be. As far as criticism goes, I'm open to anything constructive. I like to think that life is about growing and changing, and perhaps posting poetry and prose here is an opportunity for growth and improvement. That said, I do understand that there is often pain associated with growth, so, if you have something to say about what I've written--out with it. I am a big girl.
*What do you hope to contribute to the poetry community at literotica? What role do you see yourself playing here?
o I wish to contribute my psychological and experiential uniqueness to the Lit Collective. We are Borg....err we are Boring... err we are Born. Resistance is futile (and a real turn-on).
*How would you describe your writing?
o What person who writes like she has a monkey on her back has enough perspective to describe her own writing?? I write constantly, amateurishly, and with few inhibitions. I would say my writing describes me.
*URL to your work at lit, personal website etc.
o View my forum profile. Or, my Lit submissions page: http://english.literotica.com/stories/memberpage.php?uid=495297&page=submissions
*List of some of your favorite poems/stories you have at Lit, in case anyone wants to get a taste of your work
Down by the Willow
Sensual Physics
And two others I just submitted that should be showing up shortly:
Crescent Moan
Check and Mate
Under You
*What you hope to get out of your time at lit (please include level of critique you are looking for)
o I have no real hopes or expectations. I've been enjoying reading the poetry here on Lit more than the stories, to be honest. It could be interesting to connect with people who enjoy expressing themselves in the type of forum that Literotica is and has the potential to be. As far as criticism goes, I'm open to anything constructive. I like to think that life is about growing and changing, and perhaps posting poetry and prose here is an opportunity for growth and improvement. That said, I do understand that there is often pain associated with growth, so, if you have something to say about what I've written--out with it. I am a big girl.
*What do you hope to contribute to the poetry community at literotica? What role do you see yourself playing here?
o I wish to contribute my psychological and experiential uniqueness to the Lit Collective. We are Borg....err we are Boring... err we are Born. Resistance is futile (and a real turn-on).
*How would you describe your writing?
o What person who writes like she has a monkey on her back has enough perspective to describe her own writing?? I write constantly, amateurishly, and with few inhibitions. I would say my writing describes me.
*URL to your work at lit, personal website etc.
o View my forum profile. Or, my Lit submissions page: http://english.literotica.com/stories/memberpage.php?uid=495297&page=submissions
*List of some of your favorite poems/stories you have at Lit, in case anyone wants to get a taste of your work
Down by the Willow
Sensual Physics
And two others I just submitted that should be showing up shortly:
Crescent Moan
Check and Mate
Under You
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