Roses are Red, Violets are blue... Part Deux

Roses are red
My drink is cold
Come here, Scarlett Johansson
Gimme something to hold. 🙄😁
Roses are red
Grass is depressing
Let's make love
While slowly undressing.
Roses are red
Left over Halloween candies are better
My hands traveling up your skirt
To get you all the wetter.
Roses are red
My balls are swollen and blue
I better masturbate soon
Or I’ll be thinking of one of you.
Roses are still red
In twenty twenty-four
Give me a little smile
And I'll give you a dozen more.
Roses are red
Just like her dress
Which I'd like to see drop
I must confess. 😈
Your ass will be red,
And my balls blue,
When I’ve finally finished dumping
My loads in you.

Cumbucket. 🌹
Attagirl. 😉
Roses are red
And romance not dead
I'm just deleting the above post
Right out of my head. :rolleyes:
Roses are red
I'll send you some more
Remember to vote, everyone
Taegul twenty-twenty four!
Blood red roses,
Strewn across the bed.
It’s a damn waste of money,
When I’m in the truck getting head.

Happy Early Valentine’s Day my wonderful little whore. 😉