Scion: Seeds of Glory OOC/Recruitment

Whew! For a minute, I was afraid we'd go a day without posting!

Also, I acknowledge that I may be paranoid, but my bullshit alarm is SCREAMING about that woman's story.
I'm with you. Still, this is an interesting curve ball for them to have thrown.

And yes, the posting shall continue apace! Arooo!

Sorry got back from my brides to be only to go to my brothers.

Happy Thanksgiving.

This is the extent of my posting.

Other news, tomorrow I get to see Avenue Q which is back in Vegas for the moment. Should be much better then the boot leg copy I saw last month.

Also just sad real life event. Gay friends boyfriend was mugged today. Not very festive.
Being mugged is pretty awful, I hope it went as peacefully as it could and he wasn't hurt at least.

I also hope you can enjoy the show. It should be a real blast; I've heard the live performance is excellent. I wasn't able to see if when it came thought here.

And a very Happy Thanksgiving to all!
Happy Thanksgiving, friends! And cats, I'm sorry to hear that it was such a rough day. I hope everyone's all right, and that you got to have some peace at least.

Is Evan trying to make a check to read her? And are Brigitte and Crystal doing so as well? It's not a huge deal, but let me know if you 1. need me to roll that and 2. want to spend Legend for it or 3. want to wait on the Legend until you see if you succeed in the roll.

As a side note, I may only post in the late evenings until next week sometime - family staying over = no time to myself.
Yes, Evan is making a check to try and read the mystery woman. I don't think I'll use Legend (already down two points and there might be a fight soon); might regret that later but, eh. He's already taking a huge risk, why not one more?

I'd channel a Virtue for the roll but I don't think any of his would apply.
I'm not trying to read her. Brigitte has her pigeonholed as "Liar, one."

Cats, I'm sorry about your friend, sweetie. I hope he's ok. On a happier note, enjoy Avenue Q, and happy thanksgiving!
I'm fine, I've never met the guy. So as shallow as it is, I am not to affected other then some general disgust and feeling bad for a group of my friends who had there thanksgiving ruined as a result.

Oddly I was to meet the guy tonight, but he shouldn't go to Avenue Q now. The doctor told him to avoid smiling and laughing due to stitches in his upper lip. That may be amoung the most depressing news I've heard from a doctor.
Hook edited her last IC post to add some more detail and I'm going to post in the IC as well now and see if we can't start the feud!
GM's note: Evan has to do as he was told, but he does NOT have to do it in any particular way. And he also doesn't have to keep quiet about it to the girls either. Just sayin'.
"Brigitte will go last."

Heh. Yeah, right. Brigitte will spend a legend to activate opening gambit and go first.

Protocol question. Should I post what I'm trying to do here, then translate into IC when I have the result of my rolls, or post directly into IC with the "attempt to do such and such" and wait to write the results until after the dice are in?

Edit: Isn't join battle Wits+Awa? If it is, I should have 6 dice+1 success for E.Wits, which may obviate my need to use Opening gambit.
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Derp. I looked at the sheet and saw 1 dot under the Wits section - and not reading "Epic" before it, I was like "Huh. Well, okay."

I'll edit and fix it, and reflect your use of Opening Gambit.

The rest of it, we've been doing it as the "attempt to do such and such" and then I deal with whether or not it manages to succeed in my post resolving the roll. If you'd rather do it another way, we can experiment with it - but either way, I'm happy.

Annnnd you rolled well enough to skip having to spend Legend for Opening Gambit. So bam!

Now, kick some monster booty.
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Sorry to make you do bookkeeping! If I wind up going first anyway, I won't OG. Otherwise, yes. Must...kill...psycho demon whore!
Go get her!

I also realized that in a staggering oversight, I did not give Evan any points in Integrity. I have made a point of buying Integrity with every other Scion character I have made and encouraging people I've gamed with to put points into it.

I am shamed.
Well, if the little stunt I just posted works, it may not matter much. What d'you think the impact of a very heavy greatsword wielded by a small woman falling from a height of ten meters is?

But seriously, I'm a psychotic Aesir Scion with daddy issues and more kinks than a corkscrew who's carrying a cursed blade, and I've got two dots. Freya would be sad. Ah well, I don't mean to bash. And hey, at least you've GOT soft skills. I just kill.

I just find it funny, and annoying I'll admit, in retrospect. Looking at it now, it's like "What was I thinking?" But, eh. We'll have to see.

I also don't think Brigitte's psychotic. She's on her way to it, but she's not there yet. This, sadly, will likely not help matters.

And bash away! Come on, I can take it. Just not in the face. ;)
If I kill the bitch, you can body-slam me for all I care. I may even like it. But first, a stunt!

This is predicated on several things.
1. I have untouchable opponent up
2. Dex 5, Edex 2
3. 1 tick head start
4. Evan's warning
5. The Rule of Cool
6. She can dance, too

Pop Culture Reference of the day: Let's see if we can't get a tune outta this trombone.

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Reading all this ooc almost makes me want to cry it seems like I am missing out on all the fun.

Oh well last night was DnD for me, so I was roleplaying any ways.

I got integrity 1, is that good?
NOTE from IC.

I am asking armphid about Evan's outfit and will either drag his arm, pin his pants, or if neither is a good option try and break a tree branch on top of him or between him and her if needed.

If the girl dodges I may try for her instead. Opportunistic hunter.

I will likely edit the same post to do so.
Evan is wearing just a t-shirt right now (as summoning his ax tends to rip shirts apart, he really doesn't want to wear anything nicer if he can avoid it) as well as a jeans and good, tough boots. Crystal's best bet would be to try and pin his pants legs together to make him trip or pin him to a tree by them or something of that sort.
Ok, better than I'd expected, not as good as I'd hoped. So, the monster plays mind games, huh? Have I been brain-locked somehow, or are my actions still my own? Either way, I've got a plan, but being free to act offers the opportunity to go a little crazier.
I asked Hook before she went to work about that. Brigitte is not actually mind controlled, it just read her mind. So you're free to act however you want.

I also personally think that the monster made a very, very poor decision there. Most likely it's last poor decision.
I am inclined to agree. I believe the description of the next second is going to be "beat her like a drum."

I don't know what the stunt protocol is here, so I'm just going to write it as it comes. If it becomes stunt-worthy, I'd like to slide the stunt dice into the attack roll. If I could find called shot penalties, I'd consider trying to repossess that leg, but since I can't, I'm just going to roll with the normal, albeit rather brutal attack.

Edit: After going through the book, I've figured out what exactly I'm doing. Brigitte is executing a fierce blow, adding 2L to the damage but raising the difficulty of the attack by 1, and increasing the DV penalty to -2. In addition to any stunt dice I may receive, I'd like to front load the attack dice by spending a willpower to channel courage, since she's facing an unknown creature with obviously considerable power, and she knows that striking it down in its current form is going to probably do irreparable damge to her psyche. She's doing it anyway. If this is alright, it'll be another 3 dice to the attack, raising it to 15+stunt if applicable+2 Epic successes, and the damage to 15L+2 auto successes.

Can you tell that I don't like her?
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I am a little envious that you guys get to post while am at work. But such is life.

Also 15 DICE! nah I think you like her a little. Perhaps so much you wish to share her and that is why you are trying to cleave her into two.
Hehe, I'm glad it got a reaction. Also, um, damn. Someone opened a can of whoop ass, and it got all over that monster.

So. You have vanquished the monster. Well done! What'cha gonna do now?