Scream it out! Roe v. Wade edition

As an American, I am horrified and embarrassed. I can’t honestly imagine how hard it is to be a female in this day and age. My heart goes out to you all. Coming from Utah, this is every conservators wet dream and I am so confused.

How do conservatives want to limit government and then use that same government to tell not humans - but women what they can and can’t do with their bodies? Makes zero sense.

It makes me sick. Humanity is the devil…
And the women being jailed or imprisoned for miscarriages. 😥😡
I have questions about the above statement which I've read before in this thread as well as elsewhere. Since Roe v. Wade was overturned have any women here been arrested due to a miscarriage?

My wandering mind makes me wonder, wouldn't blood exams indicate any medications which would cause a miscarriage?

Wouldn't a doctor's exam indicate any mechanical actions via instruments to manipulate a miscarriage?

I'm not an MD, RN, or any of the people who can answer this, and the only OBGYN I've seen online who stated in the affirmative on all of the questions I wrote here is anti-abortion so to me that means I'd like to hear it from some other sources to ensure objectivity.

But overall at this moment, I'm more concerned about the understandable hesitancy of Doctors and hospital administrations to perform medically necessary procedures. That and women seeking out unlicensed individuals to perform abortions just make me feel horrible for those in such desperate straights. The so-called "trigger laws" are disturbing.
Y'alls wound up over this, but y'ain't seen nothin' yet.

The SCROTEs will be going after same-sex marriage and a few other things including redistricting and gerrymandering next term. The future of freedom is not bright.

Hopefully somebody will find a way to remove Clarence and Kegger Kavanaugh at least. And then there's child abuse cultist Amy .....

Amy Coney Barrett's Former Religious Group Was Accused of Child Sexual ... › en-us › news › crime › amy-coney-barrett-s-former-religious-group-was-accused-of-child-sexual-abuse › ar-AAY94PZ
Jun 6, 2022People of Praise, an Indiana-based religious group in which Supreme Court Justice Amy Coney Barrett once served in a leadership capacity, is in hot water over freshly unearthed allegations of child...
I have questions about the above statement which I've read before in this thread as well as elsewhere. Since Roe v. Wade was overturned have any women here been arrested due to a miscarriage?

My wandering mind makes me wonder, wouldn't blood exams indicate any medications which would cause a miscarriage?

Wouldn't a doctor's exam indicate any mechanical actions via instruments to manipulate a miscarriage?

I'm not an MD, RN, or any of the people who can answer this, and the only OBGYN I've seen online who stated in the affirmative on all of the questions I wrote here is anti-abortion so to me that means I'd like to hear it from some other sources to ensure objectivity.

But overall at this moment, I'm more concerned about the understandable hesitancy of Doctors and hospital administrations to perform medically necessary procedures. That and women seeking out unlicensed individuals to perform abortions just make me feel horrible for those in such desperate straights. The so-called "trigger laws" are disturbing.
Texas was ahead of the Supreme Courts recent decision on abortion as they made any abortion illegal after 6 weeks. Most sources say 10-15% of all pregnancies end in miscarriage, but as a nurse working with fertile women for over 30 years, it seems higher than that to me. There is a lot of misunderstandings about women's anatomy and pregnancy. A hospital in Arkansas refused to dispense Plan B to women presenting following rape/assault. To be clear, Plan B does NOT cause abortion. It prevents pregnancy when taken within 3 days of a sexual encounter/rape (the pharmaceutical basis is the same as birth control pills - that is, they prevent an egg from being released and/or prevent fertilization).
The medications most commonly given to women following a miscarriage can also be used to induce a medical termination. It can be difficult to impossible to know whether a woman has miscarriaged spontaneously vs attempted termination. If an abortion is performed in a safe and legal way, there is no physical change to the cervix that would be a definitive diagnosis for having had an abortion. The procedure to do a d&c (very commonly done post miscarriage any time there is concern for retained products of conception) is EXACTLY the same procedure as an abortion.
On the other hand, if an abortion was attempted with non sterile surgical instruments or various household implements there is a high risk for perforation and even higher risk for infection leading to sepsis, later infertility and possible death.
A non treated miscarriage, or a later term miscarriage denied appropriate medical management will also result in sepsis.

It can be impossible to determine if a woman is naturally miscarrying vs failed abortion upon presentation for medical care even by the most experienced practioners. I'm pretty sure your local sheriff or aggressive prosecutor will make more errors in this stuff than not <read deep and abiding sarcasm here>. How could they possibly know if a medical practitioner can't? It makes me ill in so many ways. The thought of a woman who desperately wanted to be pregnant who suffers a miscarriage is a truly traumatic experience...add to that a trip to the police station and home searched to see if she is a criminal besides... it kills me.
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Texas was ahead of the Supreme Courts recent decision on abortion as they made any abortion illegal after 6 weeks. Most sources say 10-15% of all pregnancies end in miscarriage, but as a nurse working with fertile women for over 30 years, it seems higher than that to me. There is a lot of misunderstandings about women's anatomy and pregnancy. A hospital in Arkansas refused to dispense Plan B to women presenting following rape/assault. To be clear, Plan B does NOT cause abortion. It prevents pregnancy when taken within 3 days of a sexual encounter/rape (the pharmaceutical basis is the same as birth control pills - that is, they prevent an egg from being released and/or prevent fertilization).
The medications most commonly given to women following a miscarriage can also be used to induce a medical termination. It can be difficult to impossible to know whether a woman has miscarriaged spontaneously vs attempted termination. If an abortion is performed in a safe and legal way, there is no physical change to the cervix that would be a definitive diagnosis for having had an abortion. The procedure to do a d&c (very commonly done post miscarriage any time there is concern for retained products of conception) is EXACTLY the same procedure as an abortion.
On the other hand, if an abortion was attempted with non sterile surgical instruments or various household implements there is a high risk for perforation and even higher risk for infection leading to sepsis, later infertility and possible death.
A non treated miscarriage, or a later term miscarriage denied appropriate medical management will also result in sepsis.

It can be impossible to determine if a woman is naturally miscarrying vs failed abortion upon presentation for medical care even by the most experienced practioners. I'm pretty sure your local sheriff or aggressive prosecutor will make more errors in this stuff than not <read deep and abiding sarcasm here>. How could they possibly know if a medical practitioner can't? It makes me ill in so many ways. The thought of a woman who desperately wanted to be pregnant who suffers a miscarriage is a truly traumatic experience...add to that a trip to the police station and home searched to see if she is a criminal besides... it kills me.
This is appreciated and disturbing. I can fully understand the prosecution of the woman who was taking the narcotics. But that in no way means that I agree with it because I don't. But what it appears they are doing is akin to charging someone for the death of a fetus when the pregnant mother is murdered or killed in an auto crash where she was a passenger or not the at-fault driver.

However, prosecuting someone for a miscarriage without evidence of recreational drug usage is just going to create case law where that becomes a case of providing inconvertible proof. I think this is going to be a very hot topic and I hope women who are such charged turn around and sue. It all just pisses me off. It's just wrong on every level.
This is appreciated and disturbing. I can fully understand the prosecution of the woman who was taking the narcotics. But that in no way means that I agree with it because I don't. But what it appears they are doing is akin to charging someone for the death of a fetus when the pregnant mother is murdered or killed in an auto crash where she was a passenger or not the at-fault driver.

However, prosecuting someone for a miscarriage without evidence of recreational drug usage is just going to create case law where that becomes a case of providing inconvertible proof. I think this is going to be a very hot topic and I hope women who are such charged turn around and sue. It all just pisses me off. It's just wrong on every level.
Those cases were just the first ones that came to hand. The numbers of these types of cases with a huge variability in specifics is going to be horrific to watch unfold.
Texas was ahead of the Supreme Courts recent decision on abortion as they made any abortion illegal after 6 weeks. Most sources say 10-15% of all pregnancies end in miscarriage, but as a nurse working with fertile women for over 30 years, it seems higher than that to me. There is a lot of misunderstandings about women's anatomy and pregnancy. A hospital in Arkansas refused to dispense Plan B to women presenting following rape/assault. To be clear, Plan B does NOT cause abortion. It prevents pregnancy when taken within 3 days of a sexual encounter/rape (the pharmaceutical basis is the same as birth control pills - that is, they prevent an egg from being released and/or prevent fertilization).
The medications most commonly given to women following a miscarriage can also be used to induce a medical termination. It can be difficult to impossible to know whether a woman has miscarriaged spontaneously vs attempted termination. If an abortion is performed in a safe and legal way, there is no physical change to the cervix that would be a definitive diagnosis for having had an abortion. The procedure to do a d&c (very commonly done post miscarriage any time there is concern for retained products of conception) is EXACTLY the same procedure as an abortion.
On the other hand, if an abortion was attempted with non sterile surgical instruments or various household implements there is a high risk for perforation and even higher risk for infection leading to sepsis, later infertility and possible death.
A non treated miscarriage, or a later term miscarriage denied appropriate medical management will also result in sepsis.

It can be impossible to determine if a woman is naturally miscarrying vs failed abortion upon presentation for medical care even by the most experienced practioners. I'm pretty sure your local sheriff or aggressive prosecutor will make more errors in this stuff than not <read deep and abiding sarcasm here>. How could they possibly know if a medical practitioner can't? It makes me ill in so many ways. The thought of a woman who desperately wanted to be pregnant who suffers a miscarriage is a truly traumatic experience...add to that a trip to the police station and home searched to see if she is a criminal besides... it kills me.
Thank you for this, I didn’t know 99% of it. Bookmarking for future conversations with relatives 🙄😡
Changes won't happen until Americans hit back at the States leading these Fascist ideals. I do zero business with any person or business located in either Texas or Florida. I pick and choose businesses and individuals I deal with from those states following these two. Words are cheap. Actions speak. Money speaks more. It is their God. Remove their power.
Republican men refuse to tolerate controls of their guns, but demand the right to control access to abortion. Go figure.