Sex & Shenanigans

I apologize to @morelikeasong for making her sad 😢
Ok shenanigang ….

I want one Christmas memory … can be sexy, funny, embarrassing, etc … whatever you want.

Share your best Christmas memory with us.
I have a memory of laying in my sisters bed as a kid (she is 7 years older than me)… and her somehow making knocking sounds without me noticing and telling me it was hooves on the roof … and to be especially quiet or Santa would know we were awake and not give us our presents.

(I should note the very next year she showed me our mums present hiding spot in our parents closet … they were not very stealthy in the 80s apparently)

After that we did a thing where we would try to see how many times we could yawn before we actually fell asleep.
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Ok shenanigang ….

I want one Christmas memory … can be sexy, funny, embarrassing, etc … whatever you want.

Share your best Christmas memory with us.
So I was in a young relationship, not very financially well off, and I wanted a Nintendo Wii (this was the year it came out). My lady had a contest at her work to win one, but she wasn’t doing super hot. I didn’t expect it, would have been cool though.
Fast forward to Christmas moening, I also needed a new computer chair, so I open a present from her with an inexpensive but functional chair. Cool, I genuinely appreciate it because I knew she put thought Into it.
I go to open it, and instead of a chair I see a wii, extra controllers, and Guitar Hero III because she had busted her ass and won the competition and wanted to surprise me for Christmas.
So I was in a young relationship, not very financially well off, and I wanted a Nintendo Wii (this was the year it came out). My lady had a contest at her work to win one, but she wasn’t doing super hot. I didn’t expect it, would have been cool though.
Fast forward to Christmas moening, I also needed a new computer chair, so I open a present from her with an inexpensive but functional chair. Cool, I genuinely appreciate it because I knew she put thought Into it.
I go to open it, and instead of a chair I see a wii, extra controllers, and Guitar Hero III because she had busted her ass and won the competition and wanted to surprise me for Christmas.
That’s a bomb ass memory!!!