Sex & Shenanigans

Oooh a confession!!!

Take a bit of (@crazychemgirl ) chemgirl for a whirl

A lil bit of (@MidwestPrincess23) Midwest for a munch fest

Spread a bit of (@MindYaBitness) Mindy on some toast

Watch a bit of (@Wriggle’s) wriggle’s thing jiggle

Oh then (@Tallulah82) Tallulah hallelujah

N finally (@morelikeasong ) MLS PLS!!

Firstly, you lot in this thread are bonkers and post at a speed that makes me dizzy. 🧐

Secondly, I thought this was an acrostic poem but I cannot for the life of me figure out what TASWON means. Some dodgy Lit code, for sure. 😜
Oh also … any tips on cooking veggies ahead of time?

So I’m cooking Christmas dinner for 14 on Christmas Eve and then transporting it on Christmas Day to my in-laws … the turkey is good reheated.. so is stuffing and mashed potatoes… but reheated steamed veg is kind of meh … any tips?
Firstly, you lot in this thread are bonkers and post at a speed that makes me dizzy. 🧐

Secondly, I thought this was an acrostic poem but I cannot for the life of me figure out what TASWON means. Some dodgy Lit code, for sure. 😜
Lmao … I think it’s supposed to be a Mambo #5 parody about lit crushes.
Woohoo - Mindy crushes me too

Woohoo - Mindy crushes me too
Oh also … any tips on cooking veggies ahead of time?

So I’m cooking Christmas dinner for 14 on Christmas Eve and then transporting it on Christmas Day to my in-laws … the turkey is good reheated.. so is stuffing and mashed potatoes… but reheated steamed veg is kind of meh … any tips?
What about a cold salad rather than warm veggies? Is that an option?
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