Sex & Shenanigans

Mosquitos feed bats. I like bats.
I haven’t. But I’ve seen it and my eyes said it was yummy.

And I’m not a raisin hater! I usually don’t personally bake with them but I’m not gonna pass up an oatmeal raisin cookie unless it’s a “healthy” one
Honestly it's not even a flavor thing. It's texture for me.
Raisins and mosquitoes need to be eradicated. They serve no purpose. A perfectly wonderful and delicious grape was sacrificed for a raisin??? Why?
You're right. I'm very sorry.
This is why I usually leave them out when I bake. Texture.
But if the oatmeal cookie is a little bit crunchier, I don’t mind the raisin. If it’s a softer cookie, the raisin has got to go. Idk why that’s just what my mouth likes 🤣
The oatmeal needs to go too.

You can't improve on the chocolate chip cookie (unless you add nuts), so why try.

Cranberries in cookies. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Are we back on Kinks or is this the vegetable?

I'm more than willing to sacrifice peas to rid the world of mosquitos and raisins. The demon weed might as well go too.
Umm..the vegetable.
Though its always seemed to me unjust to classify peas with actual edible plants.
Are we back on Kinks or is this the vegetable?

I'm more than willing to sacrifice peas to rid the world of mosquitos and raisins. The demon weed might as well go too.
So The Kinks Are the Village Green Preservation Society era Kinks, or more the mid 80s Word of Mouth era?