Siobhan's fantasy epic of eipc fantasy (open, PM me first)

The Keshvian nods "the governor's palace is the holy grail of delving. Everyone's cousin's wife's father who was lost at sea saw it once through a horde of ghouls..."

The dwarf chuckles "nay lass, not a horde of ghouls, an army of orcs, eating nothing and living in the dark just waiting for the unwary"

The two laugh, but nod "it is down there, somewhere. It is the goal of all of us really. IF we can find it we'd never need set foot underground again. Well unless the dwarf wants to" Miya smiled "I am up for such an undertaking. As for this staff of fire well... I can perhaps counter some of its effects. The problem is I cannot both use my power for offense and at the same time deal with the incoming magical fire. It would be an either/or sort of proposition"

Grimgur speaks up "so we're waiting on someone else then? a priest I hope? nothing worse than dying alone in the dark because you're belly's torn open and there's none to succor you."
Harrison nodded. "The clergy of The Twins is bringing in a cleric but they are coming over sea. It will take two weeks for them to arrive. With that extra time, however, I'd like to use it to prepare as much as we can. I'd like to talk with other delvers and update my map. Now that we are here atop the ruins themselves, I will be continuing my research with tomes that only exist here, hopefully. If you know of any others that might be a trustworthy companion, feel free to bring them around. A few more hands couldn't hurt our chances." He explained, looking at the other two.

"If there's nothing else, I'd say that it's time for dinner. Any place you'd recommend on this side of town? My kitchen isn't quite ready to prepare my repast for the evening." He said, gesturing to the boxes still stacked in it that he has yet to unpack.
Grimgur snorts "you're in City Elf territory lad. All the food is twee little cubes of something hevily spiced and insubstantial. We can go down to the basin if you want"

Miya shakes her head "there's Keshvian and local food over in the harborview section of the rise." She stands up "we can get pogacha and Cevpapi over at the local place, or some Kofte and coffee at the Keshvian"

She heads for the door "in any case, its all down towards the harbor. Just a half mile or so, and about this elevation, maybe a street up."

The dwarf slides out of his chair "Duke's payin for this meal aye? since it's a working dinner?"
Harrison sighs at the mention of elven food. Grimgur wasn't wrong; Harrison had lost about 10 pounds during his time among their kind. He somehow always felt full, though. He was more curious about local cuisine though. "Miray, I leave my culinary future in your hands this evening. Not sure about Kofte, though. Something in the way it's prepared or so I hear." He grumbles, thinking back. "Then again, I might be confusing it with something else."

Chuckling with the dwarf, Harrison checked the stipend he was given. "Oh, I don't think the Duke would want us preparing for his delve on empty stomachs. How generous of him to pick up the tab tonight." He chuckled as he followed the others out onto the street, making sure to lock up the house for now. Walking along the street, he chatted amicably with his new companions, but his eyes darted about, watching corners and hidden spots. From what he had heard, delving is a treacherous business. A lot of groups lost their way due to the interference of others. He wasn't aiming to be easy pickings on this trip.
reply to harrison

A short time later, as the sun had slid below the line of the Stiulkin Vid and the town was lit only by the suffuse light of fall sunset, the trio was ensconced at a small table inside a local eatery. Fresh Pogacha bread was sliced on platters, and sizzling Cevpapi (minced meat garlic and onion patties) sat on hot plates before them. The men had a pitcher of beer and Miya a mug of water.

"we should get coffee after" she muttered, a bit put out at Harrison disparaging her national dish. She picked at the Cevpapi, and the dwarf ate heartily. "We should get some of those smoked Ludowy sausages... kiel... whatever. for the delve" he seems to be able to eat drink and talk all at once, shoveling his face full of food into an apparently endlessly empty stomach. "Most empire ruins are above ground aye? You ever been down in the dark boy?" the dwarf asks between mouthfuls of food "its tight. close like you've never experienced."
Harrison eat carefully and slowly. He seemed worried about burning his fingers on the hot plate. Seeing Miray poking at her food, he leaned over. "Maybe I just haven't tried Kofte with the right people." He said, flashing that charming smile at her before taking a bite. Shaking his head as he watched food disappear into Grimgur's mouth while he spoke, Harrison sighed.

"I've not spent a prolonged period underground, no. There were a few times I found extended caverns in the outposts for long term supply storage to outlast sieges. But nothing I've found matches what will see below, I imagine. I am not unprepared for the hazards, however." He said, trying to reassure the dwarf that he would not be a burden.
Miya smirks "you could barely tell the difference between it and what you're eating now" she rolls her eyes but smiles a little, sipping at her water and picking at the bread a bit "I mean everyone has a meat and onion patty, its just spiced differently." she eats a little more, relaxing a bit as the dwarf continues talking

"Well then, forget your reading. I'll take you down into some tight spaces below this week. We can't have you panicking while shit is bad, because you can't handle the space or the dark." he drains his beer and fills another, before calling for a second pitcher "The time to figure out you're claustrophobic is not while you're in the shit, you know?" He grins "as amusing as it might be for you to freak out in a space tighter than your mother's womb and twice as dark, it is less amusing when we're also being gored by skeletons. I'll find a nice safe section of cave north of the city to take you to."
Dieter had just finished hurling for the third time already today. The open water and rocking of the ship made him feel sick for the entire journey. This ifrit wanted nothing to do with the sea, yet it was his only way of getting to Gradzlata. He looked up and sighed happily as he finally saw his first glimpse of land in days. He would be arriving soon and finally get off of this damn ship. He leaned against the railing of the ship and took in the site of the large city, vastly different than the tiny village he grew up in. He turned his attention to some murmering from behind him. Some elves still chatting about his odd charcoal colored scales and odd red hair that always seemed to be on fire. He rolled his glowing red eyes and picked up his bag, walking away from the elves and over to the half-orc he enjoyed spending his time with. Though only having just met on this ship the half-orc seemed to be far better company than the rest of the passengers or crew. The half-orc didn't judge him for his scales, his flame like hair, glowing eyes, or even his tattoos that seemed to glow with magical energy.

As the ship docked, Dieter pulled a cloak around himself and said his goodbye to Majumdar, the only friend he made on the voyage here. Normally Dieter loved showing off his muscular body, but being in a strange new city and not knowing anyone that seemed like a bad idea. He thanked the gods for being on solid ground again as he left the docks. Looking around and admiring such a large city for a few moments he just stood still, getting bumped into a few times before he started moving again. He shook his head and started looking around for a tavern. Dieter needed some food and a stiff drink before beginning his search for what he came here for. After catching the scent of food being cooked he headed off in search of the source. Not much longer, he thought to himself. Not much longer until his search can finally begin.
Harrison, Archaeologist

Harrison listened, looking a bit more worried about how Grimgur was going on about the tight spaces down below. He seemed to be overemphasizing it, probably to make Harrison freak out or something. Harrison kept his poker face, a talent he'd developed from having to deal with artifact merchants and the like. When the dwarf had laid out his plan, Harrison nodded. "If it will put you at ease to see that I'm not too worried about working below, then I welcome the chance to do so. I'd like to have your trust before we begin our delve." Harrison made no mention of his spelunking gear. He would show Grimgur when the time was right.

"Would you join us, Miray? Sounds like a lovely day out." Harrison offers, joking about how threatening Grimgur made it sound.
reply to Harrison

"It sounds like a boy's weekend." She grins and picks at her Cevpapi, then washes it down with the last of her water "But it makes sense. I will come along. The Dwarf and I have both been plagued with companions that lost their minds in the tight spaces. Some of the catacombs are cavernous, but some of the areas between are small enough to have to crawl through. Some people take to it well, some do not." she looks over at Harrison and grins "I'm sure a strong man like you will have no worries."

The dwarf shrugged "it's best to know, before things get hairy. We can make an afternoon of it. When do you want to go?"
Reply to Dieter

Dieter arrived at the docks of Gradzlata mid day, and so had time to seek out the accommodations that were recommended to him on the boat. First, he got his bearings.

The docks were on the south side of the city, in the protected harbor. When he looked down into the water he could see still some of the ruined buildings of Citta De Mare on land that had once been above sea level and now was sunken by the god's mountain. As he looked into town, he could see nice neighborhoods clinging to the low rise of the Stulkin Vid mountains, and nicer ones in the heights looking down over the city. The City was bifurcated into eastern and western halves by the river, and looming over the north side of the city was the Demonska Planina, the small mountain upon which sat a fortress, and the ducal palace in all its splendor.

He had been recommended the laughing dolphin in the north basin for somewhere clean and safe and sort of pricey, the whorish mermaid at the docks for something cheap and unsavory, or if he had a lot of coin there were a number of establishments in the western rise.

He had also heard tales of the famed brothels of Gradzlata, but first he'd need somewhere to park himself.
Dieter spends some time looking into the water at the ruins. He takes a few mental images and makes plans to look at them again before heading off. Being from a small village and traveling from town to town he's seen his share of unsavory establishments. He figured he'd at least give the whorish mermaid a shot. He had some coin from his adventures and gambling in cities, but he tried not to spend it on stuff he considered a waste. Before heading to the whorish mermaid he spent some time looking over the mountains and the fortress atop the small mountain. He also spends some time looking at the citizens, knowing cities like this could be full of trouble and crime. He didn't intend to lose any of his belongings by being careless.

Dieter stretches and heads off to the whorish mermaid. He gives it a questioning look but shrugs as he gets ready to enter. He pulls his hood down and takes a step inside and looks around.
Harrison smiled at Miray. Already he was enjoying the banter he was sharing with her; they were going to get along just fine. He finished his bite and wiped his hands and mouth as he considered Grimgur's question. "Perhaps the day after tomorrow. I have a lot of unpacking to do yet and an inventory of items to catalog before I'm ready to do any sort of exploration in and around the city." Harrison explained.

"Perhaps it might go quicker if you join me," He suggested, grinning at Miray as he sipped his drink.
The inside is what one might expect of a cheap dockside inn. Second hand often patched furniture, mismatched tankards and flatware. A lack of decoration on the walls and a surly look from the barman. Still, there's a decent bard in the corner playing a merry tune and the patrons seem lively if not well heeled. The beer is flowing despite being the middle of the day, and Dieter would smell a roasting pig over the sour smell of spilled beer that has never adequately been mopped up.

In the tavern area he can see any number of dock workers drinking their lunch, but also armed and armored folks in small groups here and there, having all the hallmarks of other soldiers of fortune. Small groups mingle and he can hear them greeting each other, asking how their latest foray into the catacombs went, or lamenting the loss of a mutual friend. A waitress sidles up to him with an already weary look "y' here to eat or here for a room or both?"
Miray smirks "Oh? bring the little woman along to unpack your clothes? maybe i could wash them" she rolls her eyes, but her tone indicates its all in fun "You must have quite the thing to unpack if it takes two" she leans back in her chair a bit, looking Harrison in the eye.

The dwarf trails off at their banter, getting up to get another pitcher of beer. He returns with some candied fruit and another pitcher of pilsner, but makes no effort to share either as the two continue to talk.

"I might be persuaded" the Keshvian continued "to come help out. I mean if you really really need it"
"Some of it is rather cumbersome and an extra pair of hands wouldn't go amiss." Harrison flirts back. "As for laundry, it was all done prior to packing so that won't be a worry. With the house being so long unused, it would be helpful to have someone along to test the quality of the furniture. I'd hate to think the duke's furniture had fallen into disrepair." He added with a grin at her.

As Grimgur came back with his bowl, Harrison snuck a pinch from it whenever he tipped his mug back. It was never much, but just enough to help cleanse his palate from dinner. Such was the smoothness of his motion that it was difficult to register if it even happened.
Dieter shrugs off the smell, having been around it plenty of times in the past. He looks around at the patrons who at least seem lively. Hearing the waitress he looks over and tilts his head slightly. "I'll go ahead and do both. And some beer if you don't mind." He pulls out some coin and hands it to her before heading off to find a table. He listens to the conversations about the catacombs. He does his best not to stick out too much and make it obvious he is listening, hard as that may be to do. He waits for the waitress to come around with his food, his stomach growling every now and then.

Dieter spends some time listening to the groups loss of friends and tries to pick up how they may have perished. He glances around the room looking for any sign of a job board or any posters of missing persons or wanted criminals.
reply to Harrison

Grimgur looks down at his bowl, "must have drank more than I thought" he muttered, as he was reasonably sure he hadn't eaten nearly as much as was gone. "Well. When man doesn't remember eating, its time to go home" He announced. He stood, more sober than he expected to be "wonder if they cheated me on the fill" he muttered, then said his goodbyes and made his way out.

"Do you remember how to get back to your house or do you need a guide?" The dusky hued woman teased "I mean I'm not much for unpacking but I can't let a new man about town get robbed. There's Ludowy scoundrels about."

She grinned and stood "So I will make sure you get into your house. Unless you think you can handle it without me."
Dieter mostly heard groups looking for someone else to join them in a delve. When the waitress came around with his food, after a few questions she explained that "after the riots" which she stated as if everyone knew what they were, there was a bit of martial law imposed and so many local criminals and bounty hunters and such had gone to ground.

Also, with the famine in Sewochan, a lot of ne'er do wells had gotten jobs guarding grain ships and caravans. "Grain is big business right now. " she nodded "If i had the gold i'd invest in grain futures, though the time to get in was early spring." She sighs "A girl hears a lot more around here than she's got the coin for. I'll tell you that." She looked down at Dieter, than as an afterthought threw a key down "So... if you don't mind my asking.... are you uh... cursed or something?" she gestures at the hair "I've only ever seen one other man with a burning head, and he was on fire."
Dieter listens to the waitress talk as he takes a bite of his meal. He looks up at her and smile after hearing her ask if he's cursed. "Cursed? No, not at all. This is just how I am. Scales, glowing eyes and all. This is a big city you've never seen anyone like me? Damn, was hoping maybe my sister passed through here." He takes a few moments to think before speaking again. "You hear more than you get coin for huh? Well.. I'm new in town, I could use some knowledge, and I'd be willing to pay for the information. I don't know about these riots you spoke of. Martial law seems a bit harsh, were they really that bad?" He looks around the bar realizing she's probably too busy just to stay here talking to him. "If you don't have time this can wait. I know I'm not the only one needing food and drink. But if you have some free time I have some extra coin for some good information."
Reply to Dieter

The waitress nods "well. If there's been a girl like that in town, she ain't been here. There's about 100,000 people here though. Maybe more." She sat "day drinkers are shit tippers, I have a minute" she set her serving board aside "the riots were as bad as all that. Ludowy law says a man can't rape his wife. As you probably know Volk law says otherwise. Some treaty or some such says we have to respect marriages performed in either country. Well Ludowy man beats and rapes his estranged Volkish wife. Was quite the week while the trial was going on, and after. Volks and Ludowy have been at each other's throats ever since. There was an accusation the Ludowy tried to assassinate the magistrate as well. It hasn't been going great for them. Ludowy sections of town have constant patrols to keep the Volk out, and we natives have just been fucking annoyed."
Dieter looks in surprise for a moment. "Over 100,000 people? Great, so finding someone here will be tougher than I thought.. Good to know." He takes a few more bites listening to the waitress talk. "That's what they've been at each other's throats? With everything else going on in the world that's what they fight over.. So there's patrols around to keep the Volk out huh? I guess patrols running around would get annoying. They can't keep at it forever though, eventually someone has to give in." He sits quiet for a moment and shakes his head. He puts a few gold on the table before looking at the waitress again. "My name is Dieter by the way. Any time I'm here you won't have to worry about one day drinker being a shit tipper. Do you know anything about these catacombs? I haven't heard much about them, I assume you hear about them every now and then at least."
The money disappears almost instantly, her hand moving to secret it away "if the person you're looking for has a head of flames it will be less difficult than all that" she laughs and leans back "Well you know, they can't just go to war with each other over nothing now can they?" She shrugs and regards him "I mean, not every one of them is a patriot but enough of them are." she shakes her head and looks around the bar "most of these sad sacks have been down there. a lot of what they bring up is the equipment left by dead adventurers. From what I hear a lot of the easy stuff has been wiped out. Things worse than ghouls are starting to rule the depths of the catacombs."
Harrison, Archaeologist

Harrison stood from the table as well. "Well, if this part of town is so dangerous, it's probably best I get home with an escort. Especially when I'm not too clear on where home is." He said, playing along. With Grimgur heading out to sleep it off, Harrison paid for the table on his way out. Walking slowly down the street, Harrison moved in a bit closer as they made their way to his house.

"So why did you get into this line of work? Grimgur, this feels like a natural extension of his talents, but what do you get out of these delves?" Harrison asked, curious about his new companion for these explorations.
"Things worse than ghouls huh? What do people around here consider worse than ghouls? I suppose if all the easy stuff is taken care of down there that leaves the more exciting stuff." He chuckles softly and shakes his head. "Yes, she has blue flames though. I guess that'll make it easier. Though if you happen to hear anything about someone like that I'd make that information worth your while." Dieter finishes off his meal and sighs. "Besides the catacombs, anything in the city interesting and fun to do? After being stuck on a boat I need something to do for a little bit before turning in for the night."