Star Wars: Return of the Sith

Jedi Padawn Gwan Twak

The Corrino had been back at coruscant for some time now. Having returned with a large numberof Clones, which were posted at the shippingbay to work on the construcation of the Super Star Destroyer Avanger.

Gwan, once Kane, was to keep everything at Coruscant in working order unill D'Rack had returned.... "Maybe if the Avangeris ready beforeD'Rack returns, I can clam back my leadership." Gwan, hadbeen overpowered by D'Rack, and chose to join D'Rack on the light side, for the time being. Gwan had plans, plans which needed to be done right, and with D'Rack's strong-will with the force, things could not be done right; untill D'Rack was out of the picture.

"No, I need D'Rack and the Rebellionto weaken the Imperials so I will be the most powerfull, then I wipe out D'Rack and the Rebellion with him." Gwan smiled to himselve as he felt pride of his plan. Things may turn out better this way.

"This is the path to the dark side Gwan, do not go there!" Ever since D'Rack showed up, Gwan had started to split into two personalties, driving him to the break of insanity... One personaltie was evil, and wanted to destroy the Jedi and rule for himself, whereis, the other halve was a kind, caring being, the nature of a Jedi.

"Shut up! With both Light and Dark side powers, I will be the most powerfull Sith there is! No one will be able to stand agaisnt me!... They'll bow, or die; which ever way, I will win!" Gwan thought to himself as he stood at the bridge, looking out at the construcation of the Super Star Destroyer Avanger.

"Sir?" Came the voice of the comm-officer, stricking Gwan back to reality.

"What is it?"

"We have just recieved a communication from the Renegade. They made it to Mached V just in time to see the fall ofd the Rebellions base, and help hold of the imperials untill what Rebels could exscape.
The Renegade, along with the other Rebels have gone to the home base of the Jedi, where, they did not say... But Master D'Rack is there to take part of Jedi bbussness. Our orders are to procide with active gurding of Coruscant, and the construction areas. Master D'Rack also sends word that he will contact you when he is finished his work with the other Jedi."
Darth Azrael

Still suprised from the jedi that I had found, I didn't immediately notice the threat warning until a few moments had passed. Then I noticed the corvette, & 2 squadrons of fighters leaving it in a search pattern.

I shut down the TIE's sensors, & relying on the force for guidance I slowly made my way into the planets atmosphere, & down toward the forest below. Skimming over the treetops, I stopped the TIE over a decaying temple, and set down in the clearing in front of it. I came out of the trance, & then noticed the more modern building in front of the temple, & sensed the presence of many, many Jedi.
Some days it doesn't pay to be a Sith. This was going to be interesting.

I shut the TIE down, & then walked outside to see what was going to happen next.

Daelon managed a weak smile as he heard Marius' comment, but the smile was gone in a moment.
"Perhaps you should take this all a little more serious, Marius." Daelon said, his brow pulling together. He was as annoyed with himself as he was with Marius; a strange sensation seemed to be niggling at the back of his mind.
Suddenly Daelon knew what it was, and he suddenly stood up, staring straight into Marius' eyes.
"I'm sorry, Marius. I'm sorry for what I just said, I'm sorry for Raine, I'm sorry for everything. I'm sorry."
With that said, Daelon turned and walked away from Marius, who could do nought but stare after him, stunned.

I was speechless at first, wanting to speak to Daelon but not having the words to. When they finally came, he was almost out of earshot, but before I managed to speak, I felt an odd sensation overcome me.
I glanced around, certain someone was far too close.
The temple, I thought. Something's not right there.
I wanted to ask Daelon if he'd felt it as well, but I didn't waste the time. I just switched off the lightsaber and headed in that direction, wondering what it could be, but knowing that the presence there was not a good sign.

"No," Nastasia replied. "We're from a place called Cloud City, on a planet called Bespin. At least, that's where we were last. We're frieghters. We transport goods from one place to another. We're not with the rebellion or with the Empire. We just met up with one of the Rebellion pilots and followed him here. Tell me more about this Tynan. I don't know about him, but I would never leave you here alone."
Her motivations were beyond me at this point, but then, perhaps they would always be beyond me.
I awaited the boy's reply.

Luke thought about it. Tynan did leave him alone, but...

"Tynan's been nice to me," he said a little defensively. "He just wants to make sure I get trained. He can't do it, 'cause he's not a Jedi anymore..." his voice trailed off, and he looked down on the ground.

Why? Why couldn't he do it? Maybe I don't want to be a stupid Jedi. He'd rather just stay with Tynan. But Tynan obviously didn't want him around. He felt unshed tears in his eyes.

Tynan stood outside the council chambers pacing. The guards kept looking at him nervously. It must be the damned Jedi robes. Not often does one see a Jedi in this temperment, and they had no way of knowing he was not true Jedi.

He'd give them fifteen more minutes.

Bal looked at his sensor read-out and let out a curse. There was a TIE fighter out there but then suddenly it was gone. He looked around and wondered where it had gone. He flew towards Yavin IV hoping that it would head that way and was rewarded when he saw the heat trail that was coming from a ship going through the atmosphere. He knew that he couldn't get to it before it went through the atmosphere and landed on the planet so he knew he could only do the next best thing.

He switched his comm unit over to the command center on Yavin IV, "Command Center, this is Lieutenant Bal Isalias requesting permission to land."
"You are cleared to land Lieutenant."

Bal flew his X-wing through the atmosphere and when he came upon the landing area found the closest empty landing space. As soon as he landed and got out of his ship he was met by some guards who saluted then asked him to follow them.
Jedi Master Duu'Raan

Duu'Raan felt the emotions coming from his apprentice, and nodded. He knew what he was thinking, and agreed with him to a point. He used one of the hand signals they had worked out between them to say that they would discuss it later, and waited for another Master to speak, before putting forth his idea.
Darth Azraiel

Stepping out of the TIE, I feel the steamy jungle air envelope me. I can sense Jedi everywhere aroundme, but mostly in the large building off to the right. Off a short distance away I hear a fighter landing, & know that I had been detected during my approach to the planets surface.
People were now starting to come out & see the spectical that had appeared before me. I noticed one immediately, a child of around 10 wearing padawan robes. I motioned to him that I wanted his attention, & he cautiously approached.
" Greetings Padawan. Would you please take a message to the council that Darth Azraiel would like to speak with them, and that I come in peace. I reached out with the force and turned off the cell recognizer in my lightsaber, then I reached down and unclipped it from my belt.
" Take this young one, and give it to your master. Tell him I am leaving myself unarmed as a show of faith in his & the council's goodwill. Thank you"
I gave the boy my lightsaber, and he was immediately off at a run into the building I had sensed the jedi within.

Daelon paused suddenly, the hairs on the back of his neck rising. He could feel it, and, when he turned around, he noticed that Marius had felt it as well. The other padawan was already making his way towards it. Daelon shook his head, for once in his life completely uncertain of what he should do. He couldn't ignore that... could he? After all, he was on a planet full of Jedi, even if most of them were less experienced than he was. Someone else would deal with it. Marius would deal with it. And Daelon didn't want to deal with Marius again until after the Trials. He just couldn't stand the questions.
Daelon ran a hand through his hair, before making his decision. He followed Marius... but at a distance that Marius would not notice him... that is, as long as he didn't turn around.

I was there in little time, slowing as I saw the man hand over his lightsaber. It seemed a fool's decision to believe he carried only one. And the feelings I felt coming from him...
A sith. Definitely...
I paused, my mind wandering back as I came close enough to recognize the man. It was...what had his name been? Thagrin Moole?
Thaggin Mood?
I drew my saber from my belt but did not activate it just yet. As I neared him, I could see Moedwyn Arakken nearing him from the opposite side. Neither of us was behind him, however, not that srprising him was an option. The Force would no doubt give us away. But being where he couldn't see us might give us an advantage.
I couldn't help but wonder what Daelon had done. If he'd followed me or not. I couldn't look back now. COncentration ahead, no distractions.
I neared him, igniting my lightsaber then, but not taking too stern a stance or getting within attacking distance.
"Tholin Mod," I began, his name returning to me then. "WHat is your business here?"
Moedwyn ignited her saber as well, ushered the young padawan out of the way with Mod's saber, and waited for his response.
The Jedi Council - Master Tao'da Basaal

"I hear your suggestions, friends," Basaal began, "And I agree that Yavin must succeed and be protected at all costs, but perhaps we are kidding ourselves with the idea of using military force to do so. In times of war, it has always been our wit that kept the Rebellion afloat, not brute force. We may just be placig all our eggs in one basket."
He looked around at the other Masters, wondering if they followed him and believing they did. He would elaborate more regardless.
'If we bring so many troops here, and are defeated, then we lose more than we can afford to, in only one or a few short battles. Yavin has survived here much time, hidden, but once in the open, as if apparently is now, we might not be able to defend it," he pondered his own words before continuing. "In the past, we've survived by keeping our forced small, and lost many battles because those forces were small. But amassing our forces does not, in any way, guarantee a success, especially given how much of the Empire still remains, and that the factions remaining are all loking to crush us. It would seem wisest to go the way we have in the past. Not draw any more attention to ourselves, and find places to hide our forces rather than set them out in the open, waiting to be attacked. Time can be our friend. More than one team of Sith exist. There are no longer just a Master and an Apprentice, as was the way when the Empire was intact. Given time, as our forced become stronger, they very well might weaken each other, as they did so many years ago. Possibly even destroy one another. Whether that is the case or not, it is our duty to ensure that at least some of the Rebellion survive to rebuild the Republic in its wake."
He stood, stepping toward D'Rack.
"THese forces you've taken under your control. If we bring them here, then the enemy will follow, if many of them are not the enemy themselves. A fleet of imperial soldiers will not just defect at the words of one Jedi, Master or not. They might serve us best where they are, battling for control of Corrusant. As for the Academy, it is best to remember that this base is merely a collection of buildings. What truly matters is what is taught here, and that it is done without distraction. And teaching is something that is beter done in seclusion, not amidst a battlefield. I believe that it is time for the Academy to set up roots elsewhere, perhaps in several different places. That would better ensure the safety of the students involved. I also believe that those Jedi who have not taken padawans be asked to do so, including the bounty hunter Tynan if he could be swayed, and perhaps even young Marius Lane should he pass the trials. First hand Jedi teaching will become very important should this conflict become one that stretches out over the next years. Jedi are few now, and our order must be protected by spreading the teaching of the Jedi. We cannot rush thier training, but some Jedi have not trained padawans at all, and some are not currently training any, and all are capable to do so. Any thoughts on what I've suggested, friends?"
He sat down, looking calmly to his associates, hoping he and they would come to some conclusion that might be helpful, and soon.
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"Oh, goodness," 3PO muttered. "They're in quite a hurry."
The guards who'd led them here were moving quickly passed us when she looked up, breaking her stare at the boy. Until then, he'd been the center of her attention.
"What's going on?" SHe asked, looking to me and Orin. I shrugged and Orin just stared back, having not adjusted to his surroundings yet.
"Looks like something's happening over that way," I suggested, pointing toward the exit."Should we follow? THey...might need our assistance," she said, thinking over her words in front of the boy as she'd trailed off for a moment.
I shrugged again.
"Might as well see what's going on," I returned.
SHe waved for me to follow.
Orin and I filed down the hall behind her, and as we went, I heard 3PO talking to the boy, his voice becoming distant.
"Will you be coming with us, Master Luke?" He asked. "Oh, goodness. It ffeels nice to say that name again. It seems like I haven't said..." He began to panic, "goodness, Master Luke, they're leaving us behind..."
I could hear his metal feet striking clumsily against the tile as she hurried to catch up and wondered if the boy would be with him.
Darth Azraiel

I sensed the Padawan & the Jedi well before they revealed themselves. A Sith does not grow older by being careless. The boy who had my lightsaber began to approach the jedi with it, but she motioned him away and ignited her saber, as did the padawan.
"Tholin Mod, What is your business here?"
I slowly turned and faced the young padawan, his... pink? saber ignited but not in a true fighting stance. The other jedi moved over to protect the padawan.

Well, at least it was not open hostility. I guess it was past the time for subtlety, so I released my hold on my mask, and let my aura pour forth.
“ I am here, young one, to speak with the council of a vision I have had concerning both the Sith and the Jedi, the Rebellion and the Empire. I am here to talk, not to kill. I am unarmed as a gesture of good faith, and would appreciate a return of that faith from you and the young jedi with you, Padawan Marius.”

I folded my arms in front of me and awaited his next move

Luke followed, perplexed and amused by the golden droid. Good to sat that name again? What does that mean?

Eventually they came upon the scene. One man, surrounded by many. Some of them Jedi. Luke moved closer, looking on with interst.
D'Rack Fran'tok

D'Rack felt his temper raising. "Do not forgot the past, it appears you have a selective memory." D'Rack holds his temper back... "Control, I can control my feelings!

"Do not forget that it was us being overpowered that led to the fall of the Rebellion, remember that we didn't have much deffence on Mached V, and look at it now..." Pointing to the probe droid. "The Imperials may already know we're here... They may very well be coming here as we speak."

"If we are to learn from the past, we must be willing to change... It was the Rebellion mastering our forces' and stricking at the Empire at Endor which not only destroyed the 2nd Death Star, Emperor palpatine was killed, but also Darth Vader turned back to the Light side."

"I am not here to totally destroy our beliefs, and way of life, but if we don't do something, Yavin IV will meet the same fiat of that of Mached V... Not only will we lose a lot of our Force, but we may lose the Jedi, us."

"The force under my command is loyal to me, I made sure of it. I will take back Coruscent, and then we can make a strong point."

OOC: Thanks, Quiet_Cool. You gave me what I need for my plains with D'Rack.
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Jedi Master Duu'Raan

Duu'Raan stood, slowly, holding up his clawed hands in a peaceful gesture.

"Pleasse, let uss not lose ssight of our prioritiesss. We are all here sseeking the ssame thing, to ssssave our Academy."

He looked at D'rack. "Massssster Bassaal hass made ssome interessting pointss. If we give the Empire many targetss insstead of one, we decreasse their chancess of harming usss." He glanced to Basal. "Perhapss even a few 'mobile' sssights? Onboard sstarships that could escape when needed? By keeping the sstudents mobile, we could increase their ssafety."

Duu'Raan could not make himself comfortable with the aggresive actions Master Fran'tok proposed. In fact, Master Fran'toks actions here only increased his concerns over the venerable Jedi Master.

"My Padawan and I will track thiss probe to itss source, if possible. When we have more information, we sshould be able to better assess our enemies, and their capabilitiessss."

Bal walked away from his fighter and wondered what was going on as he saw several guards moving quickly this way and that. He stopped suddenly however when he heard a familiar voice, "There is someone over there that I must see and I do mean now."

Before they could stop him Bal was running away from them towards where the voice was coming from. He stopped suddenly when he came upon a young boy, woman, 3PO droid and a Toydarian. At first he didn't know what to say until he smiled at them and said, "Sorry it took so long and this is such a weird introduction but I'm Lieutenant Bal Isalias. I am so happy to finally meet you."
Jedi Master D'Rack Fran'tok

"I agree, Master Duu'Raan." D'Rack starts to feel a lot carmer now. "I most control my feelings... I lost her long ago because of we did not changie our ways.

"Perhaps, if I master my forces an attack the Imperials, maybe that will destract them long enough for Duu'Raan to locate the source of the Droid... Only we know that I controll that fleet, the Impeials will think it is another Moff just wanting more power." D'Rack stands up. "They wont know it was the Jedi, and they won't strike back at us, they'll strike back at themseves, adding more fual to their civil war... Which, will give us even more chance to grow, and hope to rebuild the Republic."
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Daelon did not step forward, still hoping to avoid Marius' detection, but knowing it was probably impossible. His eyes on the Sith, his hand drifted to his lightsaber, but when he saw that he didn't seem hostile and that he was being taken care of already, Daelon turned and stalked away, wondering what was happening, when Sith came before Jedis, laying down their weapons and proposing peace. Daelon shook his head, before stepping up his pace, eager to find somewhere quiet where he could think.

My eyes were locked on what was going on before me, mostly wondering why they didn't just blast the man and be done with it. All I really needed in this situation, with Kerra possibly galaxies away and this odd bounty hunter seeming in control, was the return of Darth Pompous Ass.
The pilot distracted me, however, when he approached.
"Sorry it took so long and this is such a weird introduction but I'm Lieutenant Bal Isalias. I am so happy to finally meet you." The pilot said.
"My name is Nastasia," the bounty hunter replied, extending her hand.
"Mogo and Orin," I added, figuring he didn't care anyway, but why not let him know, just in case.
"Hello, my name is C-3PO, human cyborg relations," the droid chimed in. "I'm programmed in--"
"We're glad you found us," Nastasia cut him off, ignoring the droid altogether. "And we're grateful that you're okay. So, how long have you been with Rogue Squadron? Is it true that they're the elite?"
Again, I didn't see her tone, or her behavior coming. This girl was proving to be quite the cameleon.

Tholin made his point clear, and stood waiting. I looked to Moedwyn, wondering what her thoughts were. Others had gathered, but the situation appeared to be in our hands, the others trusting us to make the decisions. Good thinking. Too many people making too many decisions got too confusing.
SHe glanced over to me, gave me the nod, then looked to Tholin again.
"I will honor your request, but only to a degree. You will not be allowed the priveledge of seeing the Council until they have decided to see you. Currently, they are in deliberation, but no doubt, they are aware that you are here. Also, while we will not attempt to imprison you, you will be kept under supervision at all times until the Council has told us otherwise. Understood?"
Jedi Master Basaal

He looked at D'Rack, who seemed uncharacteristically upset over such an unthreatening statement.
"I did not wish to anger you, D'Rack," he stated. "I merely wanted to point out the possibility of avoiding immediate conflict, especially when their forces are more prepared for war than ours. The Jedi must be at the center of our struggle, to maintain balance and control, to fight panic and anger, and to ensure that only the most honorable rise to power in the end. In order to do this, these children must be taken away. If it must be war, then it must, but the children cannot be allowed to be casualties."
Basaal took in a deep breath, wondering if he was pushing the issue too far.
Jedi Master D'Rack Fran'tok

"I appoligise, Master Basaal." D'Rack bows to show respect. "It's just that I lost someone quite dearto me because we don't change our ways."

In a calm, kind voice, D'Rack continues. "All I am trying to point out is that the Imperials have learnt how we are, and how we would react to certan things."

Looking around the room at the other Jedi. "If the Imperials truly wanted to wipe us out, they could have killed the key partof us on Mached V... We got away to easy... There up to something."