Star Wars: Return of the Sith


Tynan nodded.

"Agreed, Marius. He should get to know the people he will be spending so much time around."

He looked down at Luke. "Go on, Luke. I'll find you when I'm done."

He glanced at the other young Padawan present. "I'm sure this young one would show you around a bit."

"But..." Luke started to respond.

"This is no place for you, Luke. And, believe me, you'll hate the council meeting. Go, ahead. I'll find you soon." He smiled reassuringly.

Luke nodded rather sullenly, and walked toward the other boy.

"Hi," the young padawan said as Luke approached. "My name is Myalin Shuk."
The child smiled broadly, and bowed slightly to Luke.
I didn't pay attention to the boy's response, but kept my eyes on Tynan and the Sith."As soon as the Council meeting is adjourned, we will pass on your request to speak with them," Moedwyn explained to Azraiel. "We wish you luck, as we all want peace in the universe. Consider the possibility that they will not listen too openly to one of a kind that has long since practiced dishonest tactics in thier war with the Jedi."
I knew Moedwyn meant well, but I wasn't certain the Sith would take her words as encourage as opposed to criticism.
I found my attention less on the Sith than Tynan just then. He was growing to be quite a distraction, and issue that should soon have to be resolved, one way or another.

hanging upside down, blood rushing to my head...
head throbbing, pounding...
blood rushing...

My arm ached, shoulder actualy throbbed, as though it might be dislocated.
Pain...throbbing head...
I was barely conscious, or was I?
I wasn't sure yet.
hanging upside down...blood...blood rushing...blood...

In an instant, I opened my eyes and found myself laying back on green grass.
I breathed in deeply, expecting to find my lungs fighting me, expecting my heart to throb as I did.
The breath was smooth, gentle, easy.
I sat up, looking around and remembering how I'd gone down, seeing the dark planet come closer, the haze of darkness overcoming me.
Overhead, a deep blue sky looked down on me, accented by a fairly bright sun nearing the horizon.
How had I gotten here?
I stood, looking around. The grass I had been laying in was tall, overgrown but not too high. Stretching in every direction but one. In that direction lay a heavy wood, green and healthy, but beneath the tree limbs lay deep shadow.
I looked off at the hills, which rolled in the distance, spattered here and there by different colored flowers. It was a brilliant landscae, and for a moment, I allowed myself to stare in awe.
"Beautiful isn't it?" A fmiliar voice asked from behind me.
I would recognize that voice anywhere. i turned, more in awe now than I could remember being.
Jedi Master Duu'Raan

"Doprekka," Duu'Raan whispered. "Would you go and esscort the Sssith to us? I ssense there are other Jedi there asss well. Bring all who would lissten."

He turned his attention back to Master D'Rack Fran'Tok. "Any ideass asss to the originss of these Sssstormtrooperss you encountered?"
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*The padawan gave a single nod to his master and the large wookie stood to his full height walking out of the council rooms and exiting the doors which led outside. He was -NOT- happy about this in the least. But his master was wise and knowledgable in these situations. He would do as his master said. Upon exiting the temple Doprekka descended the stairs towards the Sith lord. In a calm, though somewhat tight manner the large wookie motioned into the temple with a sweep of his arm. Though at no time did he takes his eyes off of the Sith.*

(The masters have accepted your petition. You may enter. I do not need to tell you that you are not welcome here, and you will be held under extreme watch, and your words taken with extreme prejudice.)
Alric, Jedi student (NPC)

I passed by Padawn Doprekka, & he did not look to pleased as I walked by him. He must have a very difficult task to complete. Well, my task was almost done. I approached the council door, and with a sigh entered the council chamber.
The instant I entered all eyes in the room were on me. I walked forward to the nearest Jedi, Master Duu'Raan .
"TheStrangertoldmetotellyouthatDarthAzraielwishestomeetwiththecouncilandleavesthisasasignofgoodfaith" Isaid in a rush, then placed the object I had been carrying into his hands, and he in turn placed it on the table. This was the first time I had stopped and looked at what I had been carrying. It was a lightsaber, but not one I had ever seen before. For one thing it was black, like a beetle's carapace, and it was long for a lightsaber, about half a meter long. Strange glowing red runes ran down both sides of the lightsaber, which I now noticed was a double-bladed one. The emmitter ends had four blades coming out of the end, and they looked sharp. Also, for some reason I could not explain, I knew this was a very dark item. Then I noticed Master Duu'Raan looking very hard at me. I bowed, as was proper, and left the council.

OCC: if you want a more visual representation, this is the closest pic I have found to Tholin's lightsaber:
Jedi Master D'Rack Fran'tok

Paendragon said:
"Doprekka," Duu'Raan whispered. "Would you go and esscort the Sssith to us? I ssense there are other Jedi there asss well. Bring all who would lissten."

He turned his attention back to Master D'Rack Fran'Tok. "Any ideass asss to the originss of these Sssstormtrooperss you encountered?"
D'Racks turns his head to face Duu'Raan. "The troops there were strong in numbers, whichgivestheidea they had something important... Ihave no idea what they wouldwant with Master Obi-Wans home, as no one has been there, since his death, except for master Skywalker which he did find some of the Ancient texts about the Saber.*

D'Rack walkedover to the window and looked out thewindow to where the Sith was. "Skywalker couldn'tfindthe Saber, nor did he havetime to look, that'swhy he gave the task to me." Turning back to look at Duu'Rann. "I feel that I am close to finding it... Once I have, I'll bring it here, before the Council for us to decide what to do with it."

"Before... our, guest arrives... I must say th e growth in number of Sith concern me... We do not want to enter a time of the sith Wars once agian."
Master Duu'Raan

His scales rose slightly, while he studied the Sith lightsaber. He could feel the Dark energies radiating outward from it.

"I agree, Master Fran'tok. The Ssith concern me greatly. This opportunity for disssscussion is an important one. If this Ssith believesss he can bring the otherss in line..."

Duu'Raan whipped his short tail, hard, to show his disbelief at that.

"It could not hurt to hear him out."

He looked at D'Rack. "As for the Ssaber, any help we can give you, you have but to assssk. Massster Sskywalker gave you this tassssk for a reasson, I feel. May the Force be with you in your journey."

He closed his eyes. "My Padawan approachesss with the Sssith."

Tynan looked up at the towering Wookiee with a small smile on his face. He couldn't speak the language fluently, but knew enough to understand what he was saying.

"Not very Jedi-like, Padawan." He chuckled. "You're Master Duu'Raan's apprentice correct? I can't believe those were his words. I find the honesty of your feelings, somewhat refreshing."

Tynan knew Duu'Raan well enough to know he'd have as close to a fit as the serene Jedi could have at hearing his Padawan speak so. The Wookiee seemed to have a temper. Most likely why they paired him with Duu'Raan.

The same reason they paired me with master Skywalker. Strength matched with temper. He laughed to himself again, and followed the Sith and the Padawan into the temple.
General Brian Anderson

Somewhere in Imperial space, the Missiah moved slowly, 4 other Star Destroyers following in formation. The sight of the 5 Star Destroyers was a frightning one at least, and the men and woman on board each ship wanted to take back the Galaxy in the name of the Empire, as Palpatine saw it.

Brian strode across the bridge of the Missiah, worried and concern across his face. Walking back and forward, the officiers looked up at him with every pass he made. "Hmm," He thought as he crossed the Commofficer. "I wonder what is taking so long?..."

He toped, and oke in a deep breath lookig out of the veiwport, to the Stars; he let the breath out with a deep sigh. "Captian?"
The Captian of the Missiah walked up beside Brian, swollowing hard, he answerd."Yes sir?"

With out moving, Brian spoke."Why is it taking so long for the responce from our spy?"

"I," He swallowed agian, "have no idea, sir..." Brian looked at the Captian with a frawn on his face. "Communication is a very risky thing... If he was cought, our plain would, be folly..."

"Dam Sith!" Brian felt like back handing the Captain for that annoying peice of news. "If you want something done right, do it yourself!" Brian span around and stormed off to back of the bridge, turning before the turboleft. "Captain, prepare my Shuttle, I will be departing... Forget the gaurds, as I will be going alone!"

"What shall I tell the fleet, sir?"

"Tell them that I am going to make sure things turn out right!" Brian said as he turned and looked out at the Captain. "We will retake Coruscant as plained." The dors shut, and the Captain trned to his left and walked to the Commofficer.
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"Damn I thought thier weren't any ships in this quadrinte"

I look down at the paper that the idiot gave me.

"Yep it said it was clear"

I stop the ship and go check all of the systems to make sure that nothing goes flying around. I go around and check the drive system and get some info from the droids. I walk back upto the front of the ship.

"Screw going around, I'll just cut down the center"

I go towards the group of ship at top speed and for some reason they aren't shooting or trying to track me in. Just as I am getting close to the first ship a smaller ship appear on my radr.

"Shit don't these idiot watch what they are doing"

I make the ship go vertical so i avoid hitting it and get on my radio.

"Next time watch what your doing, you Imperial idiots"

I make sure that the space is clear and jump into hyperspace and make my way towards a rebel base.
General Brian Anderson

Brian's Shuttle launches from the Missiah. As he unfold the S-foils, he starts his steady thrust away for the fleet.

As Brian enters in his destination, something pops up on his rader. As he goes to look, a white shape moves towards him and moves to miss, then goes into hyperspace. "What in the name of..."
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Darth Moridin

Lady Charis' hologram smiled up at him. "Two more systems have joined our cause, My Lord."

He steepled his fingers. "Excellent, Lady Du'Thar. But six systems is hardly an Empire. Have your spies been able to find the boy?"

The smile slipped off Charis' face. "Not yet, My Lord."

The air seemed to rumble around Moridin. "Is finding a small boy too much for a Sith, Du'Thar?"

"No, My Lord. I just thought getting you systems to rule..."

"Do not think. Do. I want that boy."

He could see the anger on her face. "As you wish, My Lord." She knelt, and the transmission cut off.

Darth Moridin stared at the holotransmitter for a few more moments. He would have to go to the Thrawn sooner than he thought. It might be time to kill the Lady Charis, and he didn't want her maintaining control of two of his ships until then. Especially two Imperial-class Star Destroyers. Perhaps he should have made her more his slave from the beginning. He hated to do that, however, as it tended to limit a persons ability to think on their own in difficult situations.

But still, Lady Charis Du'Thar was starting to become a distraction, and he couldn't have that.
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Following the Sith, I wondered where all of this might lead. It could go in any direction. The Sith might be armed with other weapons, especially given that we didn't check him for any. Not that it mattered. He was about to enter a temple full of Jedi masters, along with two padawans, a Jedi, and whatever Tynan considered himself to be. Numbers alone would make an attack a senseless move.
I found myself wishing more that Daelon were there, but Moedwyn would have to do if a fight broke out. She was a Jedi afterall.
When we reached the masters, we stopped, and Moedwyn and I bowed our respect.
"Tholin Mod," I announced. "Also called Darth Azraiel."
I stepped back, allowing the Masters their chance to question the man.

My eyes found him as he exited from beneath the trees. His tall, lithe form seemed to float on top of the grass as he moved toward me. That grace that made him so deadly.
As he came, his blue and black Jedi robes swayed around him, met with the movements of the two long tentacles that grew from the top of his skull. His bluish-gray skin reflected the light of the sun above just enough to accentuate the shape of his features.
He stopped before me, looking down on me from his 6'2" vantage point above. His bright blues pierced my own brown eyes, and he smiled.
I didn't return the gesture, merely because it was in my nature not to, and this made him smile harder.
"The same Raine I remember," he replied.
"How did you get here?" I asked, then, without giving him the chance to respond, I asked, "Where did you go? Where have you-"
"Shhh," he interrupted, gently. "In due time. All those questions will be answered very soon, I feel. For now, a more pressing issue lies at hand."
"What is that, Marlik?"
"That is you, Raine. You're survival here."
He motioned around himself, at the trees and the pasture.
"I don't understand," I replied.
He reached down and took my hand, gently. I allowed him to hold it for only a second, then discomfort grew within me, the same discomfort I always felt when physical affection was shown to me and I pulled my hand away.
"you know I can't..." I began, explaining my reaction, then trailed off. He'd meant no harm, nor any real affection either. It was a gesture most people accepted without much thought or response, but I just couldn't allow such contact. It made me uneasy.
"It's just a little contact, Raine, nothing too personal. you'll have to cometo terms with that issue before you'll be the Jedi you have the potential to be," he explained.
"I know," I replied. "One day..."
"One day?" He asked. "It's always one day. You need more aggression when asserting yourself, Raine. Duty you never fail, nor do you let down those who count on you, but to yourself you ceaselessly neglect."
I stepped back, then sharpened my expression, ready to put this topic behind me. Iwould deal with this issue when i was ready.
"You need a more aggressive presence in your life, Raine," Marlik explained.
"Perhaps that's why she chose me," another voice said, this one every bit as familiar, and much more recent.
"Mare? Did you bring me here?" I asked, turning to face Marius.
He smiled, then shook his head.
"No, Raine," he replied. "In fact, niether of us, nor Marlik, are here at all..."
Master Duu'Raan

Duu'Raan rose from his seat as the Sith entered, followed by Jedi Moedwyn, Padawan Marius, and Tynan. Duu'Raan nodded to Doprekka who towered over them all, behind them.

"Welcome to Yavin IV. I am Jedi Massster Duu'Raan." Duu'Raan introduced everyone to the Sith, then turned back to him. "I understand you have come to usss in a quessst for peace. Do you prefer to be called Tholin Mod, or Azraiel?"
Jedi Padawan Gwan Twak

Coruscant... One big City... once the Home of the Jedi Order, and main operating point of the old Republic, and Palpatine's reign as Emperor...
Now, Coruscant is nothing more then a plant,like the rest... With out power, with out some one strong enough, some one smart enough; Coruscant needs a person like that to unite it and bring back one domaint power thoughout the Galaxy.

"I vcow, I will control the Galaxy, and they shal live in pa..i... peace... I will kil..." Gwan put his hand to his face as he droped to his knees. The never ending pullbetween ligh and dark, good and evil, is destroying him.

If either Sith or Jedi saw the sorry sight of a man, he would be outcast, even killed. He was unstable, and could snap at any momment.

While D'Rack had been away, the pain in Gwan's heart grow... He could notstop it with out D'Rack's presents... D'Rack wassuch a power being, that just seeing him had an unknown affect on people.
Gwan, when he saw D'Rack, would forget his troublying past, and bring the erge to do good, driving the evil from him... But when D'Rack left, it all stoped, and the memories came flooding back, the want to kill, hurt, and cause pain came back as well... This being to much for anyone to take, Gwan started to get confused a lot more, and a lot more easy. It was a miracle the crew did not notice what was happening.

Gwan stood up, tears running down his face, he reached up with his shaking hand, turning on the communit."Commander... I want you to reassign 15% of the work crew from the Avanger to the DeathStar... I want it to be able to support it'self... What is the Avanger's... status?"

"The Avanger is all most ready sir... I recommad we keep all the men working on it though, it is almost done, onmce finished, we can assign 50% of the workers to the Death Star."

"Very well commander, good idea" Gwan switches the communit of, and thinks to himself. "My first order is to have you ki..l..l.ed." Gwan stands up and slowly walks to the veiwport in his chambers, out at Coruscant.

"I have a preasent for you D'Rack..."
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Darth Azraiel

“ My name is Tholin Mod Carradas, but among the Sith and to the general population I would prefer to be referred to as Darth Azraiel. First let me say thank you to you, Master Duu'Raan and to the members of this esteemed council for allowing my words to be heard.” A small smile crossed my lips as I said this, then I chuckled. “ Actually, we may have just created history. I do believe this is the first time a Sith has said “ Thank you” to a Jedi, or possibly anyone at all. Anyway, I digress. You are all probably wondering what I have to say to you, so I had probably better get to the point.’
I began to pace a bit as I got into my speech. I had so much riding on convincing these Jedi that I was sincere, that I was nervous for probably the first time in 50 years.
“ For several millennia Sith and Jedi have been at war with each other. Though both sides have had victories, both sides also have nearly exterminated each other. The most recent example of this was the Jedi Purge during the birth of the Galactic Empire, and the Emperor and Lord Vader’s death at the Battle of Endor. Both of these events and the wars in the past have one thing in common, balance. Whenever either Jedi or Sith grow too numerous, something happens to restore the balance. I believe we are nearing a time of balancing right now, and do not want to see another purge of either Jedi or Sith. To prevent this from happening, I am proposing a radical solution. I propose that there only be one jedi council, and that the Sith have a seat on that council. I realize that in the past that the Sith have always sought to control the galaxy, but in this new age, we would only serve as members of the galaxy, under the rule of the Jedi Council. What we would gain is peace, and the right to train those who do not fit in the jedi mold. As there will always be a light side, there will always be those who feel the pull of the dark side. Those trained by the new age of the Sith would still be Sith, but would know honor, and would not be a force of turmoil in the galaxy, but would be a final answer to quell such turmoil. I realize that this is a very radical change from the way things currently stand, and if it is to be, more than my own vision must forge this alliance, so I will now ask that if you have any questions or comments, please give them now. Whether you accept this proposal or not, I do thank you for your time and for hearing my words, and will leave you in peace. Thank you.”
I then sat down and awaited the coming firestorm.
Master Kelson remained silent, nearly unobserved as he held the force tight about him to prevent much notice and softly whispered through the minds of the others in search for his personal answers, the council would debate for a while before anything that truly required his input. For now, he would remain silent.

When the Jedi disappeared inside, I turned to Orin and glanced quickly to the boy and Nastasia.
She was looking around, not seeming to notice him just then. However, I knew she would return to his side eventually. He was already a link to the Jedi, and currently, her most active one.
"Can anyone tell me where I can get something to drink?" I asked, hoping any random person who might be nearby would be kind enough to answer me.
"You mean alcohol?" A man's voice replied.
"Yep," I said, turning to him. "That's the stuff."
The man looked back at me for a moment, grinning slightly. He was dressed in a uniform, but a different one from that of the guards who'd greeted us at the hangar.
"Sorry, friend," he replied. "But this base is dry, as are most of the current Rebellion bases."
I bowed my head in defeat.
"The best I can offer you is a hot meal and a special drink I picked up on Tattooine a few months back. No alcohol, but it can lift your spirits some."
I nodded. Food would be good.
"Mogo," I said, offering him my hand.
"Beegas," he replied, shaking it quickly.
"Orin," the mech shook his hand as well.
"And who's she?" Beegas asked.
Nastasia turned to him, smiling.
"Nice to meet you," she said. "But I'm not feeling particularly hungry. Perhaps later I'll eat."
SHe excused herself, making her way toward Luke and the young padawan with him.
"Luke," she began. "Can we talk a bit longer. We can speak with your friend as well. What's his name?"
I turned to Beegas.
"Let's go. I feel famished."
Jedi Master Basaal

The Sith was indeed well-spoken, and intelligent, and most importantly, thus far unaggressive.
Basaal glanced around, noticing Kelson in the corner, sitting quietly. He could feel the man's eyes moving around the room however, sublty, but still active."Such a proposition might take some time to consider. I donot believe we can come to a resolve in one meeting, especially with this idea so new to us. We will consider this appeal, Darth Azraiel."
Basaal glanced to Marius. It was time. His companions could handle this here. The padawan caught his stare, and the Master saw in his eyes that he was indeed ready to get things underway.
Impatience he saw there too, but that might change with time.
"For now, I must excuse myself, as other responsibilities await my attention."
He stood, moving carefully across the room and passed where the Sith sat, not even attempting to shake his hand. Such a gesture might be too forward, and imply acceptance when that might very well be out of reach.
"I look forward to speaking with you again, Darth Azraiel," Basaal commented, then motioned for Marius to follow him.
Jedi Master D'Rack Fran'tok

D'Rack could hardly believe what the Sith said. To him, it sounded like a trap. Never in his long years did he ever hear such a thing. The idea of Jedi and Sith, good and evil working together as one made him sick.

Standing up, D'Rack looked at each Jedi. "If no more business is to be handled, I shall leave as i have some things to do before I depart. I will be in touch."

With that, D'Rack wlked towards the Sith. "I do apologise, but I am running out of time. Perhaps we will talk again?"
Darth Azraiel

" Within the force, all things are possible Master D'Rack"
I too rose as the other Jedi began to go their own ways. I walked over to Master Duu'Raan.
" If it would not be too much trouble, I would like to impose on you and get soeplace to slep. It has been a long day, and the next few promise to be longer"
Master Duu'Raan

"A place will be found for you to ressst. I must admit, thiss idea fascinatesss me, but it will take a great deal before we are ready to admit you into our circle." He turned to Moedwyn. "Would you be ssso kind as to show the Darth Azraiel to the guest chamberssss?"

He waited for her assent before turning back to the Sith. "Do you really believe you can bring the Ssith in with you, and if not, what will you do with thossse who disssagree with your choicessss?"

He nodded thoughfully at Tholin's reply, and bowed slightly to him. "I wish you well in your quessst. Goodnight, Darth Azraiel."