Star Wars: The Great War OOC

IC Thread

The IC Thread will be up soon

So far, I have no problem with any of the characters, as far as Padawans, you guys can sort that out if you'd like. I'll remind everyone, it's your discretion. The story is yours, as much as it is mine.
Jagged, we need another player. We'll always need, another player. Come on in, the water's warm. :)

Name: Tamina
Alternate title: Darth T'mina
Species: Human
Gender: Female
Age: 19
Alignment: Sith
Weapon: Dual sided lightsaber, red.
Master: Darth Evarice (Skar)

Appearance: Stands at a mere 5'1", Weights nearly 100 lbs. Long blonde hair (waist length) and blue eyes.

Bio: 15 years and 9 months ago, Tamina and her Jedi Master were on their way to the Jedi temple. She was taken from her parents when it was found out that she was strong with the force. On their way to their destination, the ship they were tagging along in was hijacked by pirates and by sheer luck, the pirates were able to kill the Jedi Master and when they figured out that Tamina was on her way to the temple, they barter with another rouge Jedi who then turned Tamina over to Skar, who then raised her and took her under his wing.

Temperment: Tamina is stubborn. She has no qualms about killing. Her training with Skar is going extremely well and she hopes to one day become like him....if she doesn't end up killing him first. ( ;) )
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We need one more, preferablly two more Jedi. If we don't have 1 by this evening, I'll create one, and we'll be underway.
Could be interesting. I'm sure this thread has goals other than sexual ones.

Hopefully? If not...I'm screwed. But not literally.
it's kinda like letting the little sister play with her older brother's friends :cool:
it's kinda like letting the little sister play with her older brother's friends :cool:

Well, at least we have a female presence to start with. Women are hard to come by around here for some reason.
Okay what else do you need? Doesn't have to be a Jedi per say...could even be somebody with a shady past or occupation. Or simply someone you need like a crew chief or pilot.
We could use some more non-Force users. I'd say just pick a role Jag and do what you want.
Ra, if I may ask, how long has your character been on the Council?
Ra, if I may ask, how long has your character been on the Council?

Hmm....say six years. He's young for a Master, so he hasn't been there as long as others.
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Ah hell. I hereby promote you to Jedi Knight. For this thread only. You'll still get schooled by the masters. Now write your damn character bio and let's get moving. :cool:
Name: Mace Faleur

Alias: Mace Vorusk, Set Perhi, Jacen Cuthus, Miko Flautis, Travot Zilar, Soon Etison

Age: 27

Sex: Male

Race: Human

Occupation: Smuggler

Appearance: A brawny, with brown eyes and long golden hair worn collar-length, and homemade tattoos from his local prison system.

Weapons: DH-17 blaster pistol, Vibrosword

Ship:The Greedy Knave of Hell

Character Background:
What did you do while sailing the stars grandpa? I stole, smuggled, and did my best to avoid customs people.

When I was a kid I was always getting into trouble if I wasn't busy, and that's what got me in front of the magistrate. The judge thought the military would straighten me right out, and I can still remember it today. A fifteen year sentence or the military. In retro speck I think the jail time might have been the better route. They didn't give me much time to think about it though, I barely agreed before an officer was there swearing me in. Thing was they didn't realize how damn good I was with tools. My grandfather was a hell of a technical and my father was a field engineer. So I learned quickly and had a future in my planet's defense force, but I didn't want it.

So, I'm doing my thing working on these supply freighters, great piece of machinery I might add, and made a little on the side. Now look people can gripe, but people like me have been with armies since the dawn of time. You give aid and comfort to the guys on the line and they fight better.

Games of chance everyone loves them and hell they'd do them anyway, so why not organize things. The girls not as easy, but well when you put your mind to it anythings possible. A transport container can easily be outfitted with environmental controls and sleeping quarters. After that a bar and some massage rooms are easy. You'd be amazed how much stuff goes missing or is just thrown out. I had a cache of more stuff than most supply units. Every thing from spare parts for the vehicles to ammunition to playing cards, spirits, and luxury preserved meals. Oh there is war booty too.

I got some kills and even managed to pickup some decorations, not bad for a guy whose only supposed to be a mechanic. When they got close I picked up all kinds of small arms and other weapons that can inflict some nasty damage. Also if you want to steal you can do anything you want, but don't steal from me you'd better kill me.

That's all in the past now though. I've quite the service, maybe you'd call it an early discharge, you desertion is an ugly term, but I had an opportunity and I took it. I had a chance to liquidate all of my assets and get a ship out of it and have a little left over. Not bad, and I'm ready for some new adventures.