Teen Titans: The Next Generation OOC

XD well some of those I have.. Jules being presumed dead as a body was never found in a supreme blow out between him and the Queen's little death pixie.... I always forget her name ..

and I haven't ironed out all the details yet(I'm actually going to write this scene at some point and probably post it in my DA account) but Her Majesty's contract kind of ran out and her semi-phenomalistic powers left.. which moments after the Oracle got her ass up from where she sits at the loom in the church.... gave Her Majesty her original memories back... and then freaking tore both of their minds apart.....

... hmm if I write it awesome enough maybe I can convince GV to do a comic of the scene... little known fact.. if I could draw worth a damn I would have so many epic comic scenes floating around of some of what I deem my more prettier writings..
Sometimes I wish I could draw.... Oh well I'll make do with writing plays and books and seeing them get performed (or in the case of my TV Show - Filmed!)

Anyway... I can so imagine a scene where Joker is been interrogated by the bat family, hehe.
Both of my Titan members are going to stay. And I'd like to keep my villains, but I'm not sure where they'd fit in after either time jump, so I'll probably play that by ear.

And you'd better keep X'Hal around, as I demand my yuri action with her and Alice! Or at least teases with occasional breast gropes. Or scene where they start making out and then Mallory's brought in to personally judge on which of them is better at it.
Is that really a contest? Alice has tons more experience..not even counting her past memories

and when the timeskip happens I'll be starting new OOC and IC for newbies... and as a year can do a lot.. I'm making semi new profiles myself.... but that'll be next week or so as I have a life this weekend
Thank you for your useless post making me check this thread thinking there was an update.
delayed reaction is delayed

Hell, with Alice's powers she could probably do that move while balancing a car on her back and not feel much of a strain.
but what would she do to get back at you for making her do it?

You can make Alice do stuff? I... I didn't even realize that was possible.

Alice: *looks at the pose, tapping her chin* Sure, I could do it no problem. But why? It's not even that aesthetically pleasing.

this would more be her speed

Alice: *grumbles* pff I could come up with routines way better than theirs.

*pats her head* of course you can, dear, but that's not the point.

..X'Hal actually has some flexibility herself but she's more like this granted she considers that dancing so it's unlikely to turn up in the rp


Ok revised proposal on the Timeskip

One Year-- Her Majesty is dead. The Oracle is dead. There have been casualties on both sides. A new mysterious leader has risen in Jump City, after months of chaos, and accomplished something the Queen of Spades did not, ended the gang wars. This leader's reign is new and therefore presumably tenuous, but the calm that has settled over the streets only speaks of the storm that is brewing. (I know this all sounds familiar due to copy and paste.. don’t fight it!) The only safe places are Titans Tower(protected for now by a magical barrier) and The Underground. Many of the ‘innocents’ have long been relocated into new lives elsewhere on the planet. Those who have stayed live in the Underground and gather what information they can in order to help the allies they have acquired in the New Titans.

So yea it’s pretty much exactly the same as earlier but the only reason I’m putting up as a proposal and not just jumping into making the new OOC is because I want some input if you guys have it. Now is the best time to tweak things and improve them, before it’s set in stone.
delayed reaction is delayed

You can make Alice do stuff? I... I didn't even realize that was possible.

Alice: *looks at the pose, tapping her chin* Sure, I could do it no problem. But why? It's not even that aesthetically pleasing.

this would more be her speed

Alice: *grumbles* pff I could come up with routines way better than theirs.

*pats her head* of course you can, dear, but that's not the point.

..X'Hal actually has some flexibility herself but she's more like this granted she considers that dancing so it's unlikely to turn up in the rp


holy fuck, that is the most delayed reaction i have ever seen... or read... i don't even remember this happening.

oh, and capoeria is kinda meh in practice, unless you're crazy good at it

Ok revised proposal on the Timeskip

One Year-- Her Majesty is dead. The Oracle is dead. There have been casualties on both sides. A new mysterious leader has risen in Jump City, after months of chaos, and accomplished something the Queen of Spades did not, ended the gang wars. This leader's reign is new and therefore presumably tenuous, but the calm that has settled over the streets only speaks of the storm that is brewing. (I know this all sounds familiar due to copy and paste.. don’t fight it!) The only safe places are Titans Tower(protected for now by a magical barrier) and The Underground. Many of the ‘innocents’ have long been relocated into new lives elsewhere on the planet. Those who have stayed live in the Underground and gather what information they can in order to help the allies they have acquired in the New Titans.

So yea it’s pretty much exactly the same as earlier but the only reason I’m putting up as a proposal and not just jumping into making the new OOC is because I want some input if you guys have it. Now is the best time to tweak things and improve them, before it’s set in stone.

I have no problems with anything in that, though I am intrigued by this 'underground' information network though
I wish I could find a clip like it on youtube... but there was one time I was watching a documentary on Brazil and there were these group of people on a beach just doing capoeria for shits and giggles but they were going crazy fast at it with knives and it looked AWESOME... and that's about what I envision X'Hal doing..leave that slow methodic wary movement for the kids

and as far as the Undergound network goes.. feel free to get all up in that

though I do happen to control the mysterious bad guy of mystery so I have all the info on him...*shrugs*
oh yeah, its beautiful to watch, but unless you really know what you're doing, like really trained for freaking years know what your doing (which i assume X'hal would) its all show.
well yeah..most forms of martial arts and dance it takes a crazy amount of training, practice, and sheer effort to do things smoothly and where they look easy.

I can't count how many girls quit after their first day of trying pointe. *hushs* that was the beginning of a rant so I'm not gonna get into it.
lol true... but I'm also just trying to cut down on my tendency to indulge in random rambles
... explain.

because my interpretation of that sentence just tore apart the plot completely and just left a shitload of questions in its' wake
... explain.

because my interpretation of that sentence just tore apart the plot completely and just left a shitload of questions in its' wake

isn't it obvious? he wants the city to be inhabited by nothing but hot young women, all eager for some titan lovins, I for one whole heartedly endorse this idea

damn now I miss the Planet of the Women thread I was in forever and half a day ago...
XD mm more like old cliched scifi radio play type of thing.....

Good ol red-blooded American astronauts land on a planet of 'barbarian' women who were to soon be educated on the wholesome heterosexual relations they'd been missing out on for centuries. I was playing the priestess that took tradition very seriously and so was against this whole blasphemous thing called a male.
Damnit, I wish I had meant that...

But what I had actually meant was, that in the wake of the big 'war' the city was declared a no-mans land, basically meaning that it was no longer part of the united states and is instead treated as hostile territory by the US Army and the general populace. The citizens were given the choice to leave, which most took, before the Government but up cordons, fences and patrols outside the city to stop people getting in and out.

As for the Titans staying this also caused a bit of a stir up amongst the superhero community. While most of the heroes kept quiet, they admired the titans for sticking true to what they had to do, while some others (namely the parents/guardians of the titans) were less than impressed. Some Titans also left the city with the populace.
umm the first part.... no.. that would be redundant... Jump City was already declared a No Man's Land years before the events of this rp started.

and there's little need for fences as there's about a five mile radius around Jump City covered in mines.. though I suppose beyond that there probably are patrols on every major road system to keep the innocent and stupid away. ..and while Her Majesty was alive, she was not going let people simply walk out of her city

As far as beyond that... I'm sure the League was divided on their support for the New Titans from the beginning, especially with having so many of their own children involved. With Her Majesty's reign being over ..that is some sort of improvement, but I could see that the League's support is waning as time goes on and it would become more and more like the private endeavor it once was.

Lol I never did think of some Titans leaving..oddly enough.... I was on a killing spree in my head for a bit there, but yes that makes just a bit more sense than 'They all died. The End.'

On a side note this brings up something on new chars that we might get on the timeskip. Like more people that lived in Jump City..whether former villains or civilians(super powered or non) that feel like joining the Titans/Underground. Or other young superheroes that've heard of what the New Titans are still doing and want to join. Possibly even some of the League, seperating from JL because they don't agree with where it's going anymore, have come to lend a hand. .. That sort of thing.
fair enoof, i'd forgotten about bits of that.

I like the idea of possibly having new characters tho.