The 50 Plus Cafe, Pub, All-Nite Greasy Spoon and Dive Bar

If cats get the zoomies.... do they get speeding tickets?
I possess something I call cop-dar. I almost always know when there's a cop in my vicinity. IDK how, but I do. Yesterday, when I was driving to my dr appointment, I was driving in the HOV lane with my pass. (Here, one can pay a bit to drive in the HOV lanes on some of the freeways.) I has been driving just a bit (or more) over the speed limit when I unconsciously backed off on my speed. I saw a vehicle far behind me in the same lane. As it got closer, I moved out of the lane so the vehicle could pass me. Sure enough, it was WSP! 🤯
OK…this is weird.

According to my mother. We’re related to the Ritter’s!😮. Tex Ritter was my maternal grandmothers first cousin…talk abut some family history…I had forgotten that’s what John died of🥺

The good news is I’m all signed up and get my test on Monday morning. Gonna take it real easy through this weekend! 😂
EXCELLENT! I'm so glad you got an expedited appointment! 🫂🫂
Holy 🐄 ! So gladyou've got the test soon.
Talk about coincidence & family history...yes, mention it for the family medical history
Who says random bar trivia has no practical use? :LOL:

agreed - be a good patient :giggle:

not just from the sugar IMO 🤢

there you go!
betcha that doesn't have bubbles either 🤭
We have such a rich diversity of knowledge here! 😅🤣😅
I’m up way too early as got a call from my son at 2 am. It was about his mom, my X, who had a dementia episode. She called him wanting him to get her and take her home. She is in an assisted living facility. As he has autism, he was having difficulty handling this. And he called his reliable old dad.

I called him down. But I could not get back to sleep. I know I have to live a long life as my adult kids especially my son needs me. It’s a challenge but I accept it.

Sending 🫂 to whoever needs it and knowing we have each other’s back here no matter what challenges you are facing.
We were gods before and, by golly, we'll be gods again! 🤣🤣🤣
When it comes to heart issues, I only see cardiologists initially. I get weird stuff and PAs don’t have the experience or education. A lot of doctors don’t either but there is a better chance they do.
EKG show electrical workings of the heart, not the heart walls, valves, blood movement, fluid where it shouldn’t be, possibly blockage or aneurysms.
If you feel off I’d push for an endocardigram, cardiac mri or whatever.
If your pain increases over the weekend, seriously consider it an emergency.

Btw Jon Ritter died in surgery for an aortic dissection which is a tear and not an aneurysm.
An aneurysm is a bulge in the wall of a blood vessel, caused by a weak spot.

I hope it’s nothing that serious and can be treated by medicines.
I am definitely with you on the pain and taking it heart easy right now. I’m two days into meds.
You’re welcome and thank you!
I know way too much about aneurysms because Byron died of an abdominal aortic aneurysm. I actually somehow convinced a cardiologist to check me for one just in case. I do have EDS so it was reasonable to do it, though the cardiologist didn’t know that.
I hope your cardiologist is monitoring you yearly for it. 🫂🫂
I had a fantastic day yesterday. My granddaughter was so cute dancing and singing children’s songs. Then I went to lunch with my GF at a German restaurant where we had sides like red cabbage and potato salad, cheese and bread and a giant piece of 4 layer carrot cake.
That sounds like a stellar day to me! 💖✨💝
I’m up way too early as got a call from my son at 2 am. It was about his mom, my X, who had a dementia episode. She called him wanting him to get her and take her home. She is in an assisted living facility. As he has autism, he was having difficulty handling this. And he called his reliable old dad.

I called him down. But I could not get back to sleep. I know I have to live a long life as my adult kids especially my son needs me. It’s a challenge but I accept it.

Sending 🫂 to whoever needs it and knowing we have each other’s back here no matter what challenges you are facing.
Your son is so lucky to have you, B2! Hugs back to you. I hope you got back to sleep! I'm headed there soon! 🫂🫂🫂
It's not yet 0200 on Saturday morning and I've caught up! I hope the rest of you are sleeping in on this weekend day or, if you're on the other side of the world, having a good start to your day. I'm getting ready to go to sleep. I've had a busy week.

Tomorrow (today), my broken tree comes down. I hope it has another life warming people.

I might, or might not, have construction ppl here. IDK. One guy said he would be here at 1000, another said no one will be here tomorrow.🙄😖😤 SSDD.

Have a stellar Saturday, everyone! 🎄💝✨💖

The inside of your body is like a very tightly packed suitcase. Especially in the chest area as there's no place for expansion. When anything is out of place, it puts pressure on the other things.

The bulging of an aneurysm can put pressure on the spinal nerves, causing pain. The thoracic aorta runs right in front of the spinal column.

If you have to wait that long, PLEASE make sure your blood pressure is in the normal to low range. 🫂🫂

Also stay off alcohol, it can make it worse