The 50 Plus Cafe, Pub, All-Nite Greasy Spoon and Dive Bar

Any possibility of sharing the goulash recipe? Do you know the difference between Hungarian and Polish goulash?
I don’t know the diff but supposedly the Hungarians have a special pepper that they use for paprika and prepare the paprika differently. (I am sure they all say that.)

I am working, but I will break for a little early and post the recipe. I was thinking about starting a new thread just for our recipes.
Quick catch up - was gone all day
Dang I'm tired - fun day though
Family Christmas Dinner, Sneaky Santa (name exchange), and White Elephant
So. Much. Fun!

Oh shit, have we not posted the rules yet?
Correcting that oversight now...
View attachment 2451284

You know what you have to do...

Thanks! Long day but super fun!!

OMG - good thing I drink decaf... I forgot all about coffee today :oops: :LOL:

Eat. Faster.

Not a cliffhanger but a series. I started wondering when the next book would be released. I 😍 that series! And it had been a while.
Poor woman had passed away. RIP!
Still love that series - had so many people ask what I was reading because I was laughing out loud so much with each book! I seriously need to re-read this entire series!
Jaz Parks Series by Jennifer Rardin

I have done that... there's one book in particular that I have rewritten in my head because I disagreed SO VERY MUCH with the author's approach to the story. It was Book 8 in a series. I still remember hurling the book at the wall after reading the last line in the story.
Yes, book abuse! 😔Not my finest moment.
The author remains dead to me. I have not read another of their stories. I will not name them because it's just one reader's opinion. But I am done with their books.

As others have mentioned, I stick with the original brand.

Nice set up... and nice break for the puppers!!

This is what "taking it easy" so you can rest and get better looks like to you?!?
*taps foot impatiently while pointing to the couch and holding an afghan that will cover you so you don't catch a chill*

Why? Why do they have to take a perfectly good product and marketize it to death and twist it into 20 gazillion bad ideas all for the sake of 💲

Sounds like an amazing day!! 🫂 to your parents!!
Happy Birthday, mom!! 🎂 🎉

Have you used the fragrance free Dawn? Wondering if the grease cutter works just as well. I'm terribly sensitive to scented products. So much so that I can't even have regular Dawn in my house at all!

Welcome, Reacher. Hope this feels like a good fit. It's a bit different from most other threads on Lit.
Also, we're a bit like AARP. Audience is the 50+ crowd, but you can join at any age. :LOL:

That's it for me... too exhausted to do anything but sleep now. Sweet Dreams everyone...
Sounds like you had an exciting and eventful day, L2!

Glad it went so well.
I don’t know the diff but supposedly the Hungarians have a special pepper that they use for paprika and prepare the paprika differently. (I am sure they all say that.)

I am working, but I will break for a little early and post the recipe. I was thinking about starting a new thread just for our recipes.

I was up all day writing this intense treatise about the differences.


While both Hungarian and Polish goulash are hearty stews, they differ in key aspects like ingredients, consistency, and the type of meat traditionally used.

Hungarian Goulash (Gulyás):
  • Ingredients: Typically features beef, onions, paprika (especially Hungarian sweet paprika), and other spices like caraway seeds, marjoram, and thyme.

  • Consistency: Tends to be thinner and soup-like, with a flavorful broth.

  • Serving: Often served with noodles (csipetke) or dumplings.

  • Key Characteristics: Known for its vibrant red color from paprika and a rich, savory flavor.

  • Traditional Preparation: Authentic Hungarian goulash is often made in a bogrács (a large, round cauldron) outdoors over an open fire.
Polish Goulash (Gulasz):
  • Ingredients: Commonly uses pork as the primary meat, along with onions, tomatoes, and other vegetables.
  • Consistency: Tends to be thicker and more stew-like, with a less prominent broth.
  • Serving: Traditionally served with potatoes (mashed or roasted), potato dumplings, or other starchy sides like bread or noodles.
  • Key Characteristics: Often features a robust, savory flavor with a hint of sweetness.
  • Traditional Preparation: Polish goulash is typically cooked in a pot on the stovetop.
In essence, Hungarian goulash emphasizes a rich, flavorful broth and is more soup-like, while Polish goulash focuses on a thicker, stew-like consistency and often uses pork as the main meat.
Catch up time...
Good night all.

3am club meeting is optional. It is the weekend before a holiday after all.
I was early but ditched quickly :ROFLMAO:
I the only one in the office this next week...well all week....
Might be the best week in the office all year 🤷‍♀️
After all these years of being on this site , this is my first visit. It seems like a nice place and I could use a black coffee and have a look around.
Welcome. Hope you like it.
Rules of conduct in the first post - can't recall if someone else already mentioned that or not.
Yah. I'll nap late this afternoon.
Naps!! 😍
I am not a crockpot cooker.... too much food and the freezer is stuffed... I was thinking if getting a super small one
😍 my tiny 1 qt crock. Perfect for 1-2
I haven't. It is almost time to buy dishsoap. I will get it and give a review.....
Bless you! Hoping for a good review so you're not out 💲
My great aunt who was of Hungarian descent, made fabulous goulash. I remember that paprika was key.
Hungarian paprika is Next Level 🤌
The morning news was disappointing as another lithium ion battery fire from an overnight charging of a skateboard. We have a fair number of these happening around the area.
Those batteries are great... until they're not. The skateboard issue has been around for years now. Thought they'd fixed it. Guess not ☹️
Morning all. The cold kicked in (literally) and illness wise.

Feeling a little under the weather today.
Rest. Fluids. Sleep.
Feel better soon.
Get well and drink lots of tea and other fluids!
See! Listen to B2!!
Good morning all, hope you had a restful night. It’s a Monday, but luckily it’s also my Friday as I’m taking the rest of the week off. Since we did Christmas on Saturday with my daughter, the only thing left is going to my Mother in Law’s house for Christmas with them on Christmas Day.

Hope you all have a great day and I’ll try to pop in as my schedule allows.
Merry, Merry BSK!
Enjoy your time off... see you when you're back at work :LOL:
With the medicine I am taking I am developing an aversion to meat..... totally grosses me out..... ugh
Sorry. You probably miss it, too.
Very likely after listening to Peter and The Test Tube Babies album, The Mating Sounds of South American Frogs.

😍 this song...but do you need to listen to the next track to find out what happens in September??
Do we ever find out what happened in September?!? 🤨

I'm watching this right now 😂
Same! Frosty's clearly the best catch in the whole joint!!
Oh, wait. You meant...
Nothing like a last minute invite to Christmas Eve dinner...
and being asked to bring appetizers

Grocery Shopping on 12/23
Forgetting eggs (I have a sub for what I need)
Reminded of picky eaters and 1 other food allergy in the group
5pm and I've only just decided what to make

I can sleep on Christmas Day, right?!? :oops:
Nothing like a last minute invite to Christmas Eve dinner...
and being asked to bring appetizers

Grocery Shopping on 12/23
Forgetting eggs (I have a sub for what I need)
Reminded of picky eaters and 1 other food allergy in the group
5pm and I've only just decided what to make

I can sleep on Christmas Day, right?!? :oops:
That seems a little bit unfair. Unless it’s an event, you really wanna go to, in which case it’s an adventure!

You said,
I have a sub for what I need.
Put them to work!!!

Heh heh

That seems a little bit unfair. Unless it’s an event, you really wanna go to, in which case it’s an adventure!

You said,

Put them to work!!!

Heh heh
It is unfair
It's family
I do want to go - they're fun and I ❤️ them

The sub is for the eggs... I still have to do all the work myself :rolleyes: :LOL:

Off to Bake Land for the duration
Be good everyone