The 50 Plus Cafe, Pub, All-Nite Greasy Spoon and Dive Bar

Update on weight loss

63 lbs

Way to go!!
My school used to close for the opening week of deer season...
They still do, but now they call it a "Teacher's Workshop." 😆
We sometimes have "Energy Week". Typically around the 3rd week in January when the temps can be dangerously below zero. Saves the school on heating bills.
Today was catching up on shopping. My nail tech was out sick so no pedicure for me, and YES men can get pedicures. I’ll have to reschedule when she gets better. Spent this afternoon cleaning the weapons I fired at the range last weekend. I know, never put a dirty weapon away but I didn’t have time (that’s my story and I’m sticking to it). Tonight will be last restful night before back to work on Monday. Have a good night and I’ll try to pop in later tonight or tomorrow.