The 50 Plus Cafe, Pub, All-Nite Greasy Spoon and Dive Bar

thanks... few more minutes, but soon

feels very on brand, RJ 🤗 you must have been a handful as a child.

wrong hat :ROFLMAO:
OMG - the flying nun! 😂😂😂
When you say taxi it sends me back to my NYC taxi driving days. I am in FL but still have my winter clothing for when I travel north. We are going to have a low of 53 here today and to my FL accimated body that feels cold. Hope the taxi ride this morning is a good one!
Taxi drivers in NYC are nuts. You just have some good stories!

Do tell!!!
Happy Monday!!! It snowed and now it has switched to some watery stuff which is, I suspect, Freezing Rain. That's based on how it's collecting on the bare tree limbs. Hmmmm. I'ma not going out in this shit. I may move my truck to the church parking lot. People drive fer-shit here in the rain, and sneaux just makes it worse. Worser. Worserer.

Drivers from that area are the worsterestest. I’m telling ya.
Morning all.

Winter weather. Familial health and life concerns. Monday.

I been off for abt two weeks and am
Actually looking forward to getting back into my work routine. I have tons of meetings lined up for today and a buncha to-dos.

In the other hand it felt like a mini retirement for two weeks and I could get used to that. Except for when I was sick, I wasn’t bored and found shit to do.

Plan for today is my sisters are gonna be w mom today. I will see her after work.

Yesterday was def worse than the day before. But still moments of coherence. My mom and my sisters used to sing all the time so my sisters sang some nice duets to her.

I didn’t really know those songs except for row row row your boat. The. We decided on a trio of White Riot by the Clash! 😂. Once teens, always teens!

Catch yaz all later.
Happy Monday!!! It snowed and now it has switched to some watery stuff which is, I suspect, Freezing Rain. That's based on how it's collecting on the bare tree limbs. Hmmmm. I'ma not going out in this shit. I may move my truck to the church parking lot. People drive fer-shit here in the rain, and sneaux just makes it worse. Worser. Worserer.

Worstest or is it worsterest
Got up, 2nd cup of coffee, looked out the window, snows on the ground, okay need more coffee, opened front door, 8 inches of snow, FUCK! Close the door, brŕr
Need lots more coffee, grab the shovel or the remote, the remote wins. TV is on...more snow is coming, not going anywhere
Oh yeah. Good Morning everyone... :love:
My county is a level 3 snow emergency. No non essential personnel....

I was delighted back during the Pan-Fried-Demic that we were declared to be essential. I couldn't have afforded to be out of work, and it would have sucked anyway.

Mom's lights came back on. He eye appointment is cancelled. She can call to reschedule at her leisure.

I'm making breakfast.