The Administrative State...What Is It?


Prof Triggernometry
Feb 7, 2017
When the Congress delegates authority to the administrative state it becomes the legislative body, the law making body, which creates law through the regulatory process, stripping that authority from the Congress and thus the American people who are the true sovereigns under the Constitution. The administrative state creates a form of governance in which the political consequence for action is shifted from elected Representatives and Senators to nameless, faceless, unreachable, bureaucrats, transforming Congress from a lawmaking body into its present role as an administrative oversight body.

The American university and it's overwhelming progressive ideology is the keystone of the administrative state, it creates ideologically "credentialed experts" who then take up residence in the administrative state...not to do what's best for the country according to the will of the American people as expressed in the election process, but to carry out and maintain its own appetite for power and change according to its progressive training. It becomes a bubble of influence and power, centralized in Washington DC, obsessed with the expansion and maintenance of its power and authority, which because of its elitist nature is disconnected from the collective whole of the American people.

There is no authority in the Constitution for a centralized administrative state that diminishes federalism and our republican form of government.

When you vote for a progressive you vote to expand the administrative state and diminish the sovereignty of the American people and their control of the government that, incidentally, was constitutionally founded of, by, and for them.
When you vote for a progressive you vote to expand the administrative state and diminish the sovereignty of the American people and their control of the government that, incidentally, was constitutionally founded of, by, and for them.

Do you support Trump and McConnell?
Do you support Trump and McConnell?

The debate at issue has nothing to do with individuals in office today.

The question is: Do you vote to protect and enlarge the administrative State at the expense of your own freedoms and ability to participate directly in your government?

Legislators are supposed to be held responsible by their constituencies. Yet, when they create smaller departments inside the government and give them the power to make their own rules, they relinquish their responsibilities and deny their constituencies the power to hold them accountable.

You can vote out the legislator, but you can't get rid of the department. So, who really runs our government?
The debate at issue has nothing to do with individuals in office today.

The question is: Do you vote to protect and enlarge the administrative State at the expense of your own freedoms and ability to participate directly in your government?

Legislators are supposed to be held responsible by their constituencies. Yet, when they create smaller departments inside the government and give them the power to make their own rules, they relinquish their responsibilities and deny their constituencies the power to hold them accountable.

You can vote out the legislator, but you can't get rid of the department. So, who really runs our government?

Obviously DeluxeAuto is completely happy with a loss of political sovereignty as long as McConnell and Trump weren't around. his/hers is the kind of mentality that clears the way for the introduction of tyranny.
Obviously DeluxeAuto is completely happy with a loss of political sovereignty as long as McConnell and Trump weren't around. his/hers is the kind of mentality that clears the way for the introduction of tyranny.

I don't know if it's that or those who feel the same way don't understand what they're giving away for a chance to draw a ticket to a contest where the prize is an opportunity to lick the sticky spot from a piece of candy on the sidewalk.
When the Congress delegates authority to the administrative state it becomes the legislative body, the law making body, which creates law through the regulatory process, stripping that authority from the Congress and thus the American people who are the true sovereigns under the Constitution. The administrative state creates a form of governance in which the political consequence for action is shifted from elected Representatives and Senators to nameless, faceless, unreachable, bureaucrats, transforming Congress from a lawmaking body into its present role as an administrative oversight body.

The American university and it's overwhelming progressive ideology is the keystone of the administrative state, it creates ideologically "credentialed experts" who then take up residence in the administrative state...not to do what's best for the country according to the will of the American people as expressed in the election process, but to carry out and maintain its own appetite for power and change according to its progressive training. It becomes a bubble of influence and power, centralized in Washington DC, obsessed with the expansion and maintenance of its power and authority, which because of its elitist nature is disconnected from the collective whole of the American people.

There is no authority in the Constitution for a centralized administrative state that diminishes federalism and our republican form of government.

When you vote for a progressive you vote to expand the administrative state and diminish the sovereignty of the American people and their control of the government that, incidentally, was constitutionally founded of, by, and for them.

D's and R's take turns running the show and placing their people in state and federal government positions. The deep state is made up with lifetime employees from both major parties.
D's and R's take turns running the show and placing their people in state and federal government positions. The deep state is made up with lifetime employees from both major parties.

And your point is?
Obviously DeluxeAuto is completely happy with a loss of political sovereignty as long as McConnell and Trump weren't around. his/hers is the kind of mentality that clears the way for the introduction of tyranny.

Authoritarian types always are and that's why the left always ends up the way they do.

The debate at issue has nothing to do with individuals in office today.

The question is: Do you vote to protect and enlarge the administrative State at the expense of your own freedoms and ability to participate directly in your government?

Legislators are supposed to be held responsible by their constituencies. Yet, when they create smaller departments inside the government and give them the power to make their own rules, they relinquish their responsibilities and deny their constituencies the power to hold them accountable.

You can vote out the legislator, but you can't get rid of the department. So, who really runs our government?

I hold leaders of the Nation more responsible for their leadership than you.
I hold leaders of the Nation more responsible for their leadership than you.

Do you? Can you prove that? Or are these just words to bolster your opinion of yourself and your beliefs?
I don't know if it's that or those who feel the same way don't understand what they're giving away for a chance to draw a ticket to a contest where the prize is an opportunity to lick the sticky spot from a piece of candy on the sidewalk.

Might be simple ignorance of the role of the citizenry in a free society and how that role channels informed consent of the governed to those who make the laws by which we live. In the present situation we find our consent to be more and more meaningless, or completely unknown and unwanted to those unelected, regulation centered, bureaucrats more interested in driving their own agendas.
What debate?

I can prove it with my ballots.

dudly, the whole point to this thread is to DEBATE the issue presented in the OP.

Seriously man, get a grip on yourself. You have no idea if your ballots are any "different" than anyone elses, or that they carry more "weight" than anyone elses do, or even if they carry ANY "weight" at all.
dudly, the whole point to this thread is to DEBATE the issue presented in the OP.

Seriously man, get a grip on yourself. You have no idea if your ballots are any "different" than anyone elses, or that they carry more "weight" than anyone elses do, or even if they carry ANY "weight" at all.

The current Administrative State is a disaster. Firing and appointing people on a monthly and sometimes weekly basis isn't how to set an example for the legislators.
D's and R's take turns running the show and placing their people in state and federal government positions. The deep state is made up with lifetime employees from both major parties.

You don't get it. Once you decide to become an accepted member of the elite Bubble, D and Rs don't really matter anymore. They are but a subterfuge in the reelection scheme. At that point one's job isn't about adhering to the informed consent of the people and abiding their political sovereignty, it's about assuming that sovereignty for yourself.
The current Administrative State is a disaster. Firing and appointing people on a monthly and sometimes weekly basis isn't how to set an example for the legislators.

You don't get it. The real Administrative State never get's elected or fired.
You're confusing "administrative State" with the "Administrative Branch". They aren't the same thing.

2 books for you:

The blurb for the first book gives a good basic intro.

I wasn't confused, thanks.

I did in my opening post.

Broad strokes do not count.
The American university and it's overwhelming progressive ideology is the keystone of the administrative state

Will you provide specifics?
I wasn't confused, thanks.

Broad strokes do not count.

Will you provide specifics?

It's generally known most of the prestigious Universities and colleges in the United States are progressively (leftist) centric in their economic, political science departments, most of the humanities and social sciences are today nothing more that propaganda workshops for the Marxist left. These places used to be proving grounds for innovation and competing ideas, today they are PC minefields that exist to oppress dissent.
It's generally known most of the prestigious Universities and colleges in the United States are progressively (leftist) centric in their economic, political science departments, most of the humanities and social sciences are today nothing more that propaganda workshops for the Marxist left. These places used to be proving grounds for innovation and competing ideas, today they are PC minefields that exist to oppress dissent.

That's not really the most problematic thing.

Since these are prestigious universities, their graduates tend to get solid career opportunities in areas where they can become part of the "unelected" cohort which establishes policy for the various departments of the "administrative State". Positions where they can spread their leftist centric ideology and leanings where no one who opposes them can infiltrate or prevent it.
It's generally known most of the prestigious Universities and colleges in the United States are progressively (leftist) centric in their economic, political science departments, most of the humanities and social sciences are today nothing more that propaganda workshops for the Marxist left. These places used to be proving grounds for innovation and competing ideas, today they are PC minefields that exist to oppress dissent.

OK, you're just an instigator with no real thought process or facts.
That's not really the most problematic thing.

Since these are prestigious universities, their graduates tend to get solid career opportunities in areas where they can become part of the "unelected" cohort which establishes policy for the various departments of the "administrative State". Positions where they can spread their leftist centric ideology and leanings where no one who opposes them can infiltrate or prevent it.

Precisely why I mentioned in my Op they are the keystone to the Administrative State, they protect the integrity and the architecture of the Admin State from outsiders like...Donald Trump and anyone else in the civil society that assumes to challenge the existence of that architecture or it's authority. They have become a threat to our democratic system, our ability to self govern.