The Administrative State...What Is It?

Slowly but surely an uninformed electorate is giving up their power to choose who governs us or by what laws we want to be governed by. Our younger generation is being brainwashed in our schools by elites who profess that more and bigger government is a better and a more efficient way, that they know what's best for us.

We now have four justices in the SCOTUS, Justice Thomas, with Chief Justice Roberts, Justice Alito, and now Justice Gorsuch who have all attacked the Administrative state as a threat to democracy and have suggested it's structure and function may be unconstitutional, Justice Thomas being the most outspoken in his criticisms. Another Trump appointment to the court may be what we need to stem the growth of the bureaucracy and it's regulatory power.

When Nancy Pelosi said, "we have to pass the law in order to know what's in it" it wasn't as stupid as it seemed at the time. Upon reflection one soon realizes that what she meant was the vast preponderance of the law on Obamacare would be written, enacted, and adjudicated by HHS. Like for instance the (HHS) requirement that all insurance providers cover contraception, sterilization, and abortifacients—would be made by HHS and not be be found in the original bill enacted by Congress, along with hundreds of other examples.

Another example is the EPA. Under a mandate created decades ago it came out to announce the authority to regulate Mercury, further stating it would cost 10 billion over ten years and that many coal plants would be shut down and as a result that rolling blackouts might occur due to lack of reliable energy supplies. Think about that for a minute, all invented in the bureaucracy by nameless, faceless, bureaucrats, nobody in coal producing states voted for.
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Well put

You have described the mechanism that is being used to once again establish a ruling class. The very thing that those drafting the American Constitution were trying so hard to stop. But there is no stopping it. People crave power and control. The people being vacuumed up by liberal ideals think they are loving and caring people seeking to make the world a better place by making the government a social control tool. But in reality the people that are sucking their brains up with a straw are just promising whatever they have to promise to gain power. Once they have the power they hold on until it leads to a blood bath. I sure wish that people would do a little reading in history books. It is the same story over and over and over again.
We now have four justices in the SCOTUS, Justice Thomas, with Chief Justice Roberts, Justice Alito, and now Justice Gorsuch who have all attacked the Administrative state as a threat to democracy and have suggested it's structure and function may be unconstitutional, Justice Thomas being the most outspoken in his criticisms. Another Trump appointment to the court may be what we need to stem the growth of the bureaucracy and it's regulatory power.


Or Trump (you know, the head of that branch of government) could just not hire any more...

But far be it for me to hold Trump accountable.
I'll bite on this.
If these administrative positions are given out by people who are elected, how is that not the will of the people?
Do you have an example of a person who has given one of these positions and couldn't be removed?

The recent shutdown highlighted that there are 750 thousand Federal employees in non-critical positions.

Most of them are without any sort of influence, but some of them are. The scientists at the CDC for example. They can study something and then make recommendations which end up being turned into enforceable rules by depts rather than from legislation passed by Congress after debate. Think tanks supply data based on policy or ideology and that data is turned into rulemaking without consulting Congress or any elected official

The recent bump-stock ban is another perfect example of the administrative State. BATFE changed them from an "accessory" into a "firearm" and applied the rules change retroactively so that no one can own them anymore.

We don't vote for ANYONE in the BATFE yet we are all subject to their decisions which have no Congressional input. There is no "legislator" who oversees the BATFE "district" because there is no 'district" and thus there is no possibility of the voter having any say in what the BATFE (or any other administrative State department) does. WE are out of the loop entirely.
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Or Trump (you know, the head of that branch of government) could just not hire any more...

But far be it for me to hold Trump accountable.

1. This is not about the Administrative BRANCH.

2. The Administrative BRANCH is not the JUDICIAL BRANCH which is a co-equal branch of our government.

3. It's not about Trump. It's not about R's, I's, or D's either.
Your diminishment of such a serious topic is criminal. You play right into the hands of the administrative state and the very thing you say you are against.

You continue to be an insufferable dunce too slow to participate in meaningful conversation. Best sit this one out.:rolleyes:
We now have four justices in the SCOTUS, Justice Thomas, with Chief Justice Roberts, Justice Alito, and now Justice Gorsuch who have all attacked the Administrative state as a threat to democracy and have suggested it's structure and function may be unconstitutional, Justice Thomas being the most outspoken in his criticisms. Another Trump appointment to the court may be what we need to stem the growth of the bureaucracy and it's regulatory power.

When Nancy Pelosi said, "we have to pass the law in order to know what's in it" it wasn't as stupid as it seemed at the time. Upon reflection one soon realizes that what she meant was the vast preponderance of the law on Obamacare would be written, enacted, and adjudicated by HHS. Like for instance the (HHS) requirement that all insurance providers cover contraception, sterilization, and abortifacients—would be made by HHS and not be be found in the original bill enacted by Congress, along with hundreds of other examples.

Another example is the EPA. Under a mandate created decades ago it came out to announce the authority to regulate Mercury, further stating it would cost 10 billion over ten years and that many coal plants would be shut down and as a result that rolling blackouts might occur due to lack of reliable energy supplies. Think about that for a minute, all invented in the bureaucracy by nameless, faceless, bureaucrats, nobody in coal producing states voted for.

I used to think the EPA was a 4th branch of government, NOPE! DEEPSTATE! They ruled by executive fiat with no constitutional authority other than an implied mandate under the auspices of the executive branch, unlimited authority that went unchecked. Congress complains about executive power but never complained about the EPA or raining in its power, why, because it fits one of the deep state narratives, global warming and climate change, a cult following. If you were a business charged by the EPA you were guilty and were forced to abide by their edit. They were true dictators. Their bureaucracy had the power to crush the biggest of industry. Please don't bore me with " the epa did nothing good " they did. They improved emission standards and water quality and a host of other things, they also ruled unchecked, impeded many projects the selected that were not in their interest by the use of red tape entanglement and excessive environmental studies.
I used to think the EPA was a 4th branch of government, NOPE! DEEPSTATE! They ruled by executive fiat with no constitutional authority other than an implied mandate under the auspices of the executive branch, unlimited authority that went unchecked. Congress complains about executive power but never complained about the EPA or raining in its power, why, because it fits one of the deep state narratives, global warming and climate change, a cult following. If you were a business charged by the EPA you were guilty and were forced to abide by their edit. They were true dictators. Their bureaucracy had the power to crush the biggest of industry. Please don't bore me with " the epa did nothing good " they did. They improved emission standards and water quality and a host of other things, they also ruled unchecked, impeded many projects the selected that were not in their interest by the use of red tape entanglement and excessive environmental studies.

Trump has cut much of EPA's regulatory authority and has appointed leadership that's been successful in tamping down much of its totalitarian open season on American business.
Trump has cut much of EPA's regulatory authority and has appointed leadership that's been successful in tamping down much of its totalitarian open season on American business.

You're at an age where a few more carcinogens won't make an appreciable difference on your life expectancy.

Those four chronically underachieving sons of yours might suffer a bit more.
You're at an age where a few more carcinogens won't make an appreciable difference on your life expectancy.

Those four chronically underachieving sons of yours might suffer a bit more.

Your pathology of layered lies and fantasies heralded your intellectual demise long ago.
The Executive Branch employs around 4 million people, less than 1% are appointed by the President or confirmed by Senators.

The recent shutdown highlighted that there are 750 thousand Federal employees in non-critical positions.

Most of them are without any sort of influence, but some of them are. The scientists at the CDC for example. They can study something and then make recommendations which end up being turned into enforceable rules by depts rather than from legislation passed by Congress after debate. Think tanks supply data based on policy or ideology and that data is turned into rulemaking without consulting Congress or any elected official

The recent bump-stock ban is another perfect example of the administrative State. BATFE changed them from an "accessory" into a "firearm" and applied the rules change retroactively so that no one can own them anymore.

We don't vote for ANYONE in the BATFE yet we are all subject to their decisions which have no Congressional input. There is no "legislator" who oversees the BATFE "district" because there is no 'district" and thus there is no possibility of the voter having any say in what the BATFE (or any other administrative State department) does. WE are out of the loop entirely.
Neither one of you addressed the question.
Neither one of you addressed the question.

Your failure to understand doesn't mean the information provided doesn't adequately answer your question.

Please try to keep up with the rest of the class.
The debate at issue has nothing to do with individuals in office today.

The question is: Do you vote to protect and enlarge the administrative State at the expense of your own freedoms and ability to participate directly in your government?

Legislators are supposed to be held responsible by their constituencies. Yet, when they create smaller departments inside the government and give them the power to make their own rules, they relinquish their responsibilities and deny their constituencies the power to hold them accountable.

You can vote out the legislator, but you can't get rid of the department. So, who really runs our government?

Why would you want to "get rid of the department"? I don't particularly care to visit the driver's license county office, but I recognize that they are a necessary evil in today's society.

I cannot think of a single "freedom" Americans are losing due to bureaucracies.

Perhaps you can enlighten us.
Why would you want to "get rid of the department"? I don't particularly care to visit the driver's license county office, but I recognize that they are a necessary evil in today's society.

I cannot think of a single "freedom" Americans are losing due to bureaucracies.

Perhaps you can enlighten us.

Growing weed for profit.

See how easy that was???

Comrade Rob, the reason you can't think of an individual "freedom" ...aka liberty or as you like to call it "toxic shit sludge" that was being lost/denied by bureaucracies is because you openly loathe and deride individual liberty all the while considering bureaucracies getting rid of that "toxic shit sludge" (individual liberty) as 'progress'.

It's ok all the super American, extra patriotic founding US comrades are proud of you!!! :D


Sing loud and proud comrades!!!

United forever in friendship and labour,
Our mighty republics will ever endure.
The Great Union of States will live through the ages.
The dream of a people their fortress secure.

Through days dark and stormy where Great Lenin lead us
Our eyes saw the bright sun of freedom above
And Stalin our leader with faith in the people,
Inspired us to build up the land that we love.

We fought for the future, destroyed the invaders,
And brought to our homeland the laurels of fame.
Our glory will live in the memory of nations
And all generations will honour her name.

In the victory of Communism's immortal ideal,
We see the future of our dear land.
And to her fluttering scarlet banner,
Selflessly true we always shall stand!

Nothing more American than that!!! Just ask a "progressive" :D
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Growing weed for profit.

See how easy that was???
Marijuana was declared a Schedule 1 drug by Congress in 1973. Highly addictive. Congress has defeated several attempts to reclassify it. Interestingly, per Congress it's more dangerous than cocaine (schedule II). Don't blame bureaucrats for congressional action. Talk to your congressman (or congresswoman).

Comrade Rob, the reason you can't think of an individual "freedom" ...aka liberty or as you like to call it "toxic shit sludge" that was being lost/denied by bureaucracies is because you don't even recognize the existence of individual liberty. You openly loathe and deride it all the while considering getting rid of such things as 'progress'.

It's ok all the super American, extra patriotic comrades are proud of you!!! :D

I don't refer to "Liberty" as toxic shit sludge......I call your personal philosophy "toxic shit sludge" because that is what it is. I openly loath and deride government parasites such as yourself, castigating others for the government largesse you enjoy.
Marijuana was declared a Schedule 1 drug by Congress in 1973. Highly addictive. Congress has defeated several attempts to reclassify it. Interestingly, per Congress it's more dangerous than cocaine (schedule II). Don't blame bureaucrats for congressional action. Talk to your congressman (or congresswoman).

Tell that to the 10 (last I checked) states that have legalized....but only for rich/well connected comrades. :cool:

I don't refer to "Liberty" as toxic shit sludge......I call your personal philosophy "toxic shit sludge" because that is what it is.

Liberalism, what you call "toxic shit sludge", central concern is individual liberty....which you very much openly loathe.

I openly loath and deride government parasites such as yourself, castigating others for the government largesse you enjoy.

I've never castigated other veterans (or parasites as you call them) for collecting on their earned benefits, unlike you. :)
Tell that to the 10 (last I checked) states that have legalized....but only for rich/well connected comrades.

Is that me? I just walked into a dispensary and bought what I needed. No signs of the filthy rich or communism there. You'll just have to be wrong about this.
Is that me? I just walked into a dispensary and bought what I needed. No signs of the filthy rich or communism there. You'll just have to be wrong about this.

Consuming =/= production or distribution bubba...learn to read Luk.;)

Tried getting a licence to grow, produce goods (edibles/concentrates) or distribute lately?

100% guaranteed you don't have anywhere near enough money nor the connections to get that paperwork. Sure as fuck not in LA.
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It's always fun proving you wrong, SpazBot :D

That reading disability got you again son....consumption =/= production or distribution no matter how hard you tuck your tail or run from it.

Come back and try again after you figure out spending your moms money isn't the same thing as turning a profit. ;)
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