The Administrative State...What Is It?

Precisely why I mentioned in my Op they are the keystone to the Administrative State, they protect the integrity and the architecture of the Admin State from outsiders like...Donald Trump and anyone else in the civil society that assumes to challenge the existence of that architecture or it's authority. They have become a threat to our democratic system, our ability to self govern.

Trump definitely challenges academia.
OK, you're just an instigator with no real thought process or facts.

dude. Like I just posted links to TWO books on the subject, specifically just for you, which contain the premise the OP has articulated.

If you can't debate the subject because you don't know anything about it, STFU already.
dude. Like I just posted links to TWO books on the subject, specifically just for you, which contain the premise the OP has articulated.

If you can't debate the subject because you don't know anything about it, STFU already.

I'll address you when I feel that you have something to add to the conversation. This isn't that time.
Precisely why I mentioned in my Op they are the keystone to the Administrative State, they protect the integrity and the architecture of the Admin State from outsiders like...Donald Trump and anyone else in the civil society that assumes to challenge the existence of that architecture or it's authority. They have become a threat to our democratic system, our ability to self govern.

As an identifier, this is fine.

What do those who believe in the Constitutional legislative state do about it? Electing different legislators won't change anything. Even electing conservative legislators en mass won't do it because they'd have to completely tear down the entire government.

That would wreak hell with employment/economy as well as foreign relations and national security.

So, what's the answer? Where does one begin to change what's been done? And, at this point, should we?
I'll address you when I feel that you have something to add to the conversation. This isn't that time.


I'm sorry, did you try to say something important?


I thought not.
As an identifier, this is fine.

What do those who believe in the Constitutional legislative state do about it? Electing different legislators won't change anything. Even electing conservative legislators en mass won't do it because they'd have to completely tear down the entire government.

That would wreak hell with employment/economy as well as foreign relations and national security.

So, what's the answer? Where does one begin to change what's been done? And, at this point, should we?

It's a good question and I don't have the answer. There are at least two generations who can vote who probably believe this is the way it was meant to be. This reformation began with Congress primarily in the FDR regime but was expanded during the Johnson Administration. It would take Congress to bring it under control. It took the best part of a century to usher in the present tyranny de Tocqueville feared and we now see developing. The Constitution belongs to us, not the government. We can let it and our way of life all go away for we can be the force for change.
Do you support Trump and McConnell?

The debate at issue has nothing to do with individuals in office today.

The question is: Do you vote to protect and enlarge the administrative State at the expense of your own freedoms and ability to participate directly in your government?

Legislators are supposed to be held responsible by their constituencies. Yet, when they create smaller departments inside the government and give them the power to make their own rules, they relinquish their responsibilities and deny their constituencies the power to hold them accountable.

You can vote out the legislator, but you can't get rid of the department. So, who really runs our government?

I can answer for Betty here...

When the team I support is in charge of government
I like government despite all of your slanders and pejoratives
about big government, socialism, the deep state, the administrative state
and I will let you know just how stupid and deplorable you are in no uncertain terms.
When my team loses their grasp on the control of government
I am terrified and appalled about how they are using our beautiful tool
and get very angry over your lack of patriotism in not being outraged over
the abuses that your team is engaged in because you are just too stupid for words;
well, you know, polite words, I actually have plenty of words to describe your hatred of country.
I do see the Administrative, the Deep and the post-1913 State
as a pernicious evil, a Leviathan of greed, corruption and irresponsibility.
By instituting the 17th Amendment, we destroyed a crucial check on the day's
"passion of the mob" and made both branches of Congress beholden to these passions
leading to an unchecked growth of a government bent upon bribing the mob with
the largess of the National Treasury and codifying an expanding "Rights Industry"
to win the favor of competing groups of hands out for handouts.
There is not one aspect of our lives (and Liberty) that they are not willing
to regulate from upon high, but fearful of accountability
they freely surrender their responsibility to yet
another unaccountable, and unelected, body.

Our experiment in life, liberty and property with government
as a protector of these Liberties, increasingly becoming
so powerful and pervasive that it is tending
towards the tyranny of the faceless, nameless, and shameless petty bureaucrat.
That takes the focus off DC and shifts the blame to
my neighbors and members of my community
who are a helluva lot more accountable than
the little guy in a cubicle in charge of
enforcing regulation...
Some of my best friends are minor bureaucrats.

Actually that’s not true. But there is a girl with really nice tits at the DMV.
I'll address you when I feel that you have something to add to the conversation. This isn't that time.

You only address when you feel that it is comfortable to deflect.

You are not very good at this.

Probably better at COD.

Ya know, not reality.
You don't get it. The real Administrative State never get's elected or fired.

I'll bite on this.
If these administrative positions are given out by people who are elected, how is that not the will of the people?
Do you have an example of a person who has given one of these positions and couldn't be removed?
Says the poopy face to the other poopy face. No, YOU'RE the poopy face!

The Administrative State has one good purpose.

To provide marriage stock and Benefits for the self-employed.
I'll bite on this.
If these administrative positions are given out by people who are elected, how is that not the will of the people?
Do you have an example of a person who has given one of these positions and couldn't be removed?

Did you catch a case of vagina stomach?
I'll bite on this.
If these administrative positions are given out by people who are elected, how is that not the will of the people?
Do you have an example of a person who has given one of these positions and couldn't be removed?

Lois Lerner
Precisely why I mentioned in my Op they are the keystone to the Administrative State, they protect the integrity and the architecture of the Admin State from outsiders like...Donald Trump and anyone else in the civil society that assumes to challenge the existence of that architecture or it's authority. They have become a threat to our democratic system, our ability to self govern.

Don't forget the role lobbyist play and how they sway our politician on what's best for their constituents rather than make decisions for our best interest. How politicians after serving become lobbyist using their swamp cronies to influence political outcomes for their constituent, usually big corporations or other political agendas.

We can never pay down debt or cut spending because the administrative state has too much influence on our politics. Our educational system is a train wreck, a breeding ground for socialist agendas, designing these degree programs to further enhance a socialistic agenda well into the future. Our educational system is teaching how to govern outside the government. They develop these social degrees to engineer social change. Isn't social engineering the capstone of socialism.

I've been preaching this deep state for a while. We spend per/capita the most money in the world toward education and yet rank 38th in the world. Can anyone explain that, I think I can " the teachers union " [ DEEP STATE ] Not everyone needs a college education, we still need traditional skills, maint techs, plumbers, electricians, carpenters and machinist however they're portrayed as careers for lesser cerebral capacity, actually, they're smarter than most and are incubators for small business development.

Slowly but surely an uninformed electorate is giving up their power to choose who governs us or by what laws we want to be governed by. Our younger generation is being brainwashed in our schools by elites who profess that more and bigger government is a better and a more efficient way, that they know what's best for us. They teach our past is something to be ashamed of, just a slap in the face to the greatest generation, a generation who freed the world of tyranny. I was shocked by what the schools taught my children about the holocaust. They even chastise our founding fathers from Washington to Buchanan for having slaves. It was something that was common back then. We see it as unacceptable today but it was part of our history and we progressed from leaning from our past not by trying to erase it. Some self righteous better than thou idiots don't recognize the good that also came from those leaders and would have you believe to eradicate history is for our benefit, we need to as a nation shut this movement down. You can't undo what was done. Where do you think our kids are learning this shit from?

Look at the polls to see how many young people believe in the communist Bernie Sanders or Elizabeth Warren who both want more big spending even though were 22.5 trillion in debt. Basic economic principles are being turned on its very head. Today it's a bad thing to be wealthy, or valedictorian status not being recognized because it cause stress amongst alumni. WE ARE OUT OF OUR COLLECTIVE MINDS.

Placing more value over illegals than our own people. Cities and states are up to their eyeballs in debt and yet are determined to set OUR TAX MONEY aside to give them healthcare and educational privileges. A deep state agenda to provide future voters in order to stay in power.

We are giving away the store and we as an electorate are powerless to do anything about it. The left will do nothing about the border and illegal keep coming. Activist elites judges taking sides with the leftist agenda making decisions that go against our very principles. Ellis island is no longer the beacon of freedom, open borders and lawlessness is. Our elites would have you believe that stopping illegals at the border and sending them back is immoral. The elites would have you believe were running concentration camps at the borders or seperating children from parents when it's documented fact that children are being used as pawns in a very deadly game. They, the elites criticize protecting our borders while they sit on their ass and do nothing and yet live in their gated communities away from the effects these illegal migrants have on our community and yet lack the integrity to legislate when it comes to our homeless population or drug ODs. The elites pretend to have the moral high ground when in reality are using their power for a self serving agenda and showing viceral intolerance to anyone who dare oppose them. The deep state is here in force, so let's go tear down more statues in the name of having moral high ground rather than accept those statues as a reminder of our past or burn down and lute more cities in the name of fraudulent rallying cries. Remember the brown shirts. Remember when government becomes all powerful and we as an electorate can't control their power or when our government spies on its people and our civil liberties slowly diminish.

The ACLU was designed to protect us from government overreach now they are a very big part of the deep state protecting everything but our national principles, making the majority bow to special interest. How about a 100 year old memorial cross in honor of our WWI war veterans, somehow it's being categorized as offensive or somehow in conflict with separation of church and state. The secular is challenging our very judeo Christian foundation as a country and yet we allow it to happen. How does that cross affect anyone in a bad way, it remind us about a great war and how our soldiers died protecting our values as a country. Lawyers are twisting the meaning of our constitution and our judges are facilitating them. I've been around for a while and it's just in the last 30 years or so that this move towards socialism is really picking up momentum. There is government and then there is a shadow government ( DEEP STATE ) We as a people are racing towards mediocrity not equality. Providing a platform, the freedom reach your full potential is not the same as having a government provide you with what you need at the expense of others. My humble opinion. Can't wait to hear from the deep state.
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I'll bite on this.
If these administrative positions are given out by people who are elected, how is that not the will of the people?
Do you have an example of a person who has given one of these positions and couldn't be removed?

The Executive Branch employs around 4 million people, less than 1% are appointed by the President or confirmed by Senators.
When the Congress delegates authority to the administrative state it becomes the legislative body, the law making body, which creates law through the regulatory process, stripping that authority from the Congress and thus the American people who are the true sovereigns under the Constitution. The administrative state creates a form of governance in which the political consequence for action is shifted from elected Representatives and Senators to nameless, faceless, unreachable, bureaucrats, transforming Congress from a lawmaking body into its present role as an administrative oversight body.

The American university and it's overwhelming progressive ideology is the keystone of the administrative state, it creates ideologically "credentialed experts" who then take up residence in the administrative state...not to do what's best for the country according to the will of the American people as expressed in the election process, but to carry out and maintain its own appetite for power and change according to its progressive training. It becomes a bubble of influence and power, centralized in Washington DC, obsessed with the expansion and maintenance of its power and authority, which because of its elitist nature is disconnected from the collective whole of the American people.

There is no authority in the Constitution for a centralized administrative state that diminishes federalism and our republican form of government.

When you vote for a progressive you vote to expand the administrative state and diminish the sovereignty of the American people and their control of the government that, incidentally, was constitutionally founded of, by, and for them.

Your diminishment of such a serious topic is criminal. You play right into the hands of the administrative state and the very thing you say you are against.