The AH Coffee Shop and Reading Room 09

I'm starting to wonder if people were looking for an excuse to stockpile TP. The Great TP Shortage of 2020 was driven by a homebound nation, a dire shortage of truck drivers, and a shortage of people to stock the stores. But Paper Products are home grown. If the dock worker strike went on too long we'd have all the TP we'd ever want to eat... and that's about all we'd have to eat. I live in the middle of thousands of acres of fast growing Loblolly Pine all dedicated to making your bathroom routine a soft experience. If you're going to stock pile something, stockpile canned soup or maybe MREs

Eat enough MREs and you won't need TP.
I could never understand why people stockpiled tons of the stuff.
I COMPLETELY forgot - Halloween is coming up... there's this "Seppo" tradition for Halloween...

TP House.jpg

it's the American way to tell your neighbors to do something about that damn yappy dog of theirs
Finally! A vehicle that I love!
My ancient SUV gave up the ghost and my stepson located a "little" truck for me while I was in North Dakota and I told him to close the deal for me sight unseen.
It could have been a dumb move but so far it's turned out to be the best money I've spent in a long time. Her name is "Big Red #5"
Big Red 2.jpg
Finally! A vehicle that I love!
My ancient SUV gave up the ghost and my stepson located a "little" truck for me while I was in North Dakota and I told him to close the deal for me sight unseen.
It could have been a dumb move but so far it's turned out to be the best money I've spent in a long time. Her name is "Big Red #5"
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You need your oxygen tank just for the climb into the drivers seat.
NIce truck, D.

I'm still working on my second cup of coffee, but I have chile's roasted, pickle speared canned (they're more sour than my usual -- I like it), and the fountain drained. I'll need to go adjust the sprinklers in a few minutes, then I'll set to the gladiolas and the amaryllis. The swamp cooler is off. I'll get on the roof to button it up after the lawn is irrigated.
Finally! A vehicle that I love!
My ancient SUV gave up the ghost and my stepson located a "little" truck for me while I was in North Dakota and I told him to close the deal for me sight unseen.
It could have been a dumb move but so far it's turned out to be the best money I've spent in a long time. Her name is "Big Red #5"
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You know, D, I can bring my mobile antenna installation tools your way. I'm expert in drilling holes through roofs.

It's Saturday, and we're at the parental unit's home. We converse, play with Donnie, drink coffee, discuss things that are momentous and things that aren't important at all. It's a typical Saturday at Mum and Pops. But I need to write. But here I am checking on y'all. Make my brew strong, black, and unsweetened. Just like me.
You know, D, I can bring my mobile antenna installation tools your way. I'm expert in drilling holes through roofs.
You know something Mr. P - I suddenly became a Mag Mount kind of guy.
But here I am checking on y'all. Make my brew strong, black, and unsweetened. Just like me.
Oh you're sweeter than you realize. Trust me, I just spent four full days dealing with Government Employees (Amtrak) You're a cuddly darling!
Ah, that's so sweet of you to say.
You know something Mr. P - I suddenly became a Mag Mount kind of guy.

Oh you're sweeter than you realize. Trust me, I just spent four full days dealing with Government Employees (Amtrak) You're a cuddly darling!
Sliced enough jalapenos to make six pints canned. Tomorrow. That's for tomorrow. Right now my hands are burning from handling the peppers, but I'll get over that soon enough.

With luck I'll get about two more pounds of jalapenos and try lactofermenting a batch. I've put jalapeno slices in the pickle spears, and they come out tasting really good.
You know something Mr. P - I suddenly became a Mag Mount kind of guy.

I kid you not, I had a '94 Explorer that I drilled not one, not two, but twelve NMO mounting holes into! Four were for multiple bands - 6m, 2m/440, 220 and 1.2G in one cluster, and four each for nested 2m and 440 direction finder arrays. Even our local FCC contact complimented the professional installation. I'd find a fox (or jammer) just in the time it took to drive there.

Plain white base-model Explorer with a bunch of antennas? Funny, traffic would suddenly slow when pulling onto an expressway. :rolleyes:
Coffee's on!

Today's to-do is getting an overdue haircut, and mowing the lawn at the studio. Similar operations, best not to get the equipment confused.
I'm sure she is. My sister called me from the game and used profanity about how they Fing Kicked the Raiders as***. Mary was much more reserved, NOT! Both families were sitting together in Mary's husband's season ticket seats.
It was a good ass-kicking. Raiders only scored in the last three quarters because the Broncos' defense played to kill the clock at the end of the game. That let the Raiders save a little face.
Concert tonight. I'm a little nervous about it because the conductor has been ratcheting-up the tempo on one piece to the point where I can't quite keep up. Clarinets are fine, but my fingers are getting tied in knots. Band arrangers disrespect the oboe entirely too often.

Insult added, I'm the band manager (many mentions here), and I haven't heard back from the hire truck guy about picking up the rental to transport the percussion. World of hurt if that glitches. 20 more minutes will go by, and I'm gonna have to call 'im again.

In better news (or, rather, mood), I have two episodes in my serial ready to go and a third cooking along nicely, just deciding on which of the two to upload first to better fit with the sequence of events.
Hey Russ... too bad the forum doesn't have a tongue-sticking-out "like" smiley!

Concert went OK. Conductor backed off the tempo (Barber of Seville Overture was my concern) and therefore there were fewer casualties. Played tuba on 3 out of the 5 selections; no worries there. Almost had an oopsie picking up the truck - the rental lot key safe was broken into and the key for "my" truck was missing! Lot manager was johnny-on-the-spot though, and found the key in another box and I was on my way.

Rinse and repeat in two months. :rolleyes:
A HP update. The company I arranged to deliver two bottles of fine Australian port to HP got a call from him. He's having all sorts of computer issues, which is why he's not online. He asked them to pass a message to me.

He very much likes the port, and he's sure it'll help his recovery. :)
Good to hear from HP, even if indirectly.

We're flying to Detroit mid-morning tomorrow, so I'm finishing things up here and packing them away. I think I'll be passing over Millie tomorrow afternoon. I'd wave, but that would make the people around me wonder about me. I'm in an aisle seat.
Hey gang, a month back, right after my birthday, my birth mother died. I hadn't seen her since (whenever it was) when Jo and I visited. Things went to shit on that one because she wanted me to visit my birth father's grave and tell him I forgive him. It became a shouting match, and Jo packed up the car and made me leave. That was before Donnie, so she had never met him. Why would she even want to? She didn't. He was white, Jo's white, my adoptive family is white, and while she was alive, she hated them all.

Dad and I flew down for the funeral; we were almost the only ones who attended it. I paid for the thing. But we didn't even go to the interment, because I didn't want to. She gave me life but didn't protect me from my father. Even so, I've been depressed because now, like my father, I can't fix what's broken between us. If there is an afterlife, maybe I can have the opportunity to forgive them. Perhaps they can try to make it better.

Anyway, I've had some rough weeks with writing since then. I've written only dark stuff I can't publish here.

I'm about to drink my third cup of caffeinated tea. Does anyone want to join me? Irish Cream, without adding cream or any sweet stuff.