The AH Coffee Shop and Reading Room 09

Mid - October, which means summer is coming, which means the winter comp is on it's way. Anybody keen on stepping up and duleighing a copy/paste on a previous years support thread?
I'll get it... I'll get it
I'm also doing a Winter Holiday contest on another site if you'd like to join and enter your stories over there too... 🎄
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I'll get it... I'll get it
I'm also doing a Winter Holiday contest on another site if you'd like to join and enter your stories over there too... 🎄

PM me the details and I'll have a look. I may have something I prepared earlier...
Just got home to where it's warm and dry. We finally did something other than eat four large, high-calorie meals/day with the local (Michigan) rednecks. We went downtown and had an excellent breakfast at the Hudson Cafe and spent a couple hours at the Detroit Institute of Art, where I bought a black hoodie with Cezanne's "Three Skulls" printed on the front. Michigan as a whole was very into Halloween, and the print seemed appropriate.
The ball is rolling on my new job. Accepted the offer, signed off on my background check, and got the drug test out of the way. I start on Oct. 30 and couldn't be happier. It felt so cathartic when I laid my resignation on my managers desk. It's not him, he's actually a good guy, but I just hate the job itself. For an ADHD guy like myself, it's a nightmare. 10,000 things to go wrong with the machines, but nothing with enough repetition for me to remember. After three years, I just barely feel like I'm contributing meaningfully. Time for a change.
The characters in my current story are conspiring. Pretty soon they'll just write the story without me. Maybe I should name them as co-authors.
I know the feeling! One of my characters just wrote a Dear John letter to another character. That was not planned, Hilde says it's for the best and Alan isn't talking to anyone... This story is killing me... #100! You'd figure I'd have gotten some control over these creations by now.
The ball is rolling on my new job. Accepted the offer, signed off on my background check, and got the drug test out of the way.
There was a colleague at work who was interviewing for a job at the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. In the process there was a drug test requirement. All of us at work are going ‘Is it going to be better for your chances to pass or fail this particular test?’
I came down with the airport crude. It's probably just a cold, but Nyquil wasn't enough to give me a night's sleep, and now the house feels cold.

I checked the thermostat. The house is cold. Maybe I should turn on the furnace.
There was a colleague at work who was interviewing for a job at the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. In the process there was a drug test requirement.
The test shows that your THC levels are a bit low, but Ecstasy and Molly are right were we like to see them... welcome aboard!
Broncos play the NO Saints tonight. The game might be the only reason I stay up past eight. I feel cruddy.
New ED treatment: Saw a commercial for it tonight, and the plot bunnies were making a huge ruckus in their hutches.

Question not answered in the promotional material: "What does it taste like?" 🤪
Sounds a little bogus. It might not be much different from tingling lube. A more effective prescription might be "take one Literotica story twice a day. Repeat as necessary."
Yeah, it does lend to doubts. "Contains no pharmaceuticals" is a bragging point.

Eroxon® contains alcohol, aqua, glycerin, propylene glycol, carbomer, and potassium hydroxide. Controlled evaporation stimulates nerve endings on your penis, leading to increased blood flow which helps you get an erection.

It is alleged that it has FDA approval as safe and effective, which is more than can be said for things like vitamins and herb supplements.

And it certainly doesn't sound very tasty.
Yeah, it does lend to doubts. "Contains no pharmaceuticals" is a bragging point.

It is alleged that it has FDA approval as safe and effective, which is more than can be said for things like vitamins and herb supplements.

And it certainly doesn't sound very tasty.
They don't actually say that it's FDA-approved. They use the phrase "FDA-cleared." I don't think any of the ingredients are FDA-regulated, so FDA wouldn't review it or approve it.

It's essentially hand-sanitizer.
The crud descended into my lungs over night, so I stayed home today and tested for COVID. The test was negative, and despite the lung effect I feel better than I have in the last couple days. I'm not even medicated right now.

My wife can't hear about how much better I feel, because now my voice sounds like a collection of gravelly grunts. I've largely given up on talking. That, too shall pass.
The crud descended into my lungs over night, so I stayed home today and tested for COVID. The test was negative, and despite the lung effect I feel better than I have in the last couple days. I'm not even medicated right now.

My wife can't hear about how much better I feel, because now my voice sounds like a collection of gravelly grunts. I've largely given up on talking. That, too shall pass.
A sunny Sunday morning. A wonderful day to do my tax return. 😕

Copious quantities of coffee will be required.
I've been doing that for too long. They're due in a week.

On the plus side, when my eyes start to glaze over, I flick over and do a bit of my winter story.
Switching back and forth could make it hard to concentrate on either one.

You could do what I did. I screwed up our tax return so badly one year that the IRS amended it and gave us money back that I didn't file for.

My wife has done the taxes ever since. She was the one who made them complicated, so it was only fair (say I). Now, with new software and new tax laws, they're so simple that the whole process takes her about an hour.
Now, with new software and new tax laws, they're so simple that the whole process takes her about an hour.

Yeah. Once you get past the "mother may I" gatekeepers installing the software. Software package I used for a few years totally screwed-up the download from my (big name!) brokerage two years ago. After about a dozen go-rounds with customer support in the space of three months, I was advised to enter investments transactions by hand. I kept my cool, but firmly told the last two reps the entire reason I buy your software is so I don't (!!!) have to enter those by hand. Come the last week of filing, I said "F--- it," and bought the competing package, starting from scratch. Return was done and uploaded to the IRS in two hours.

The original company risked smacking the hornet's nest asking for a review. I was honest, not nasty, and received two phone calls from a customer satisfaction rep. I did tell her that I was going to stick with the other package, and that they had really blown it from my assessment as a retired software engineer. I hope my insights assisted in improving their product, but I'm not going to take that kind of personal risk again.