The AH Coffee Shop and Reading Room 09

I poured out the coffee dregs in the pot and started a new pot. The teapot is still warm if you want a cuppa ...
Going to do some traveling today. Another funeral to attend. Second in two weeks ...
So starting my new-old job this morning. So one or more of the following will occur.

I will cut myself shaving.
One or more of the goats will escape while I'm feeding/watering this morning.
My car will have a flat tire or not start.
There will be an accident on the freeway and have a fourteen mile backup.
One of the dogs will be sick the minute I'm walking out the door.
I will find a stain on my pants from feeding the goats, just before leaving.
Because of the fourteen mile backup, will need to use the restroom immediately upon arriving.
Will get to the restroom and discover a tag or sticker on my new shirt that I did not see when dressing, but I know was obvious to everyone who saw me thus far.

Time to go. Wish me luck.
So starting my new-old job this morning. So one or more of the following will occur.

I will cut myself shaving.
One or more of the goats will escape while I'm feeding/watering this morning.
My car will have a flat tire or not start.
There will be an accident on the freeway and have a fourteen mile backup.
One of the dogs will be sick the minute I'm walking out the door.
I will find a stain on my pants from feeding the goats, just before leaving.
Because of the fourteen mile backup, will need to use the restroom immediately upon arriving.
Will get to the restroom and discover a tag or sticker on my new shirt that I did not see when dressing, but I know was obvious to everyone who saw me thus far.

Time to go. Wish me luck.
Good luck. I hope that anticipating all the problems will twist fate so they never happen.
Good luck. I hope that anticipating all the problems will twist fate so they never happen.

Good luck! And remember - it's the things you didn't foresee that will bite you in the ass

Including one of the goats.

Best of luck, Rob!

Thanks everyone. My day went off without a hitch, but sadly I found my neighbors dog dead in the road outside our canyon. We have a lot of hunters driving like assholes in the neighborhood before dawn and likely he was run over by one of them.
We had our first hard frost this morning. That should kill off everything in the garden except Swiss chard and broccolini.

It's been a long season for the chile, and I still have a batch waiting in the fridge to be roasted, peeled and chopped. What I haven't already given away is going to supply us all year. The jalapenos produced more than I can use or give away. I have four pounds of it fermenting. That was an experiment. If it works, then I won't have much to do with the result.
My cold, flu, covid, whatever the fuck it is, got worse yesterday, and Mum came up to lean a helping hand. I'm sitting up in bed using my laptop, but I'm about to go back to sleep, I think.
Halloween is getting exhausting round here - over 50 rings on the doorbell in the last hour, probably a couple hundred kids. Not many treats left!
frigid morning - 50 degrees (10C) (hey, that's frigid here)
wore an orange t-shirt that says "This is my Halloween Costume" to work.
Same-old same-old
Turn out the lights. Nobody's home!
Ah, the young'uns have returned, to give out their lovingly-decorated cupcakes - and any loot they don't want!

My job is done. It goes quiet by 8, apart from older kids seeing if anything has been left out. Got one wee boy with no costume other than a hoodie pulled over his head, who asked very politely if he could have two bags of cookies, so I let him. There's a lot of local families who can't afford any sweets so this is their lot for the year. Possibly dinner, too.
Halloween is getting exhausting round here - over 50 rings on the doorbell in the last hour, probably a couple hundred kids. Not many treats left!

Our sanctioned trick-or-treat night was last Friday. We're one of those awful couples that don't celebrate, but no matter, there are few <13-year-olds in our neighborhood and the streets were quiet. Lights are out after our two first years here where we spent $30-40 on treats only to benefit maybe a dozen kids... and my waistline. Downhill since.

Halloween observance is disjointed in our small town, with events spread over two days. Our annual big parade is the Halloween parade, held the Saturday evening prior to the 31st. It's a big, big deal, and the Fall Festival is earlier in the day, a street party downtown, which also hosts the kiddie parade. With trick-or-treat the prior evening in two parts - downtown merchants for an hour, then two hours after dark for neighborhoods, the disparate activities sort of knock the wind out of everybody's sails for the actual holiday. It's probably better that way - no hi-jinks.
My neighborhood doesn't celebrate Halloween at all. We're always prepared for trick-or-treaters, but we haven't had even one for several years now. More treats for me. Last year I gained five pounds over the holidays, starting with the Halloween candy.
It's one nice thing about living in a crowded city - you can normally walk round the block and back in under 10 min, passing a couple hundred houses, so if even one in ten participates, that's a goodly amount of loot before even the small toddlers get tired. If you go out after the smallest kids, and spend an hour, even with some houses running out, the older kids still get plenty, and the teens wandering out after that are adorably grateful to get anything.

It's all very organic and unstructured, which is partly why it's become so popular over the last 20 years. Especially as nowadays you can't have bonfires in cities and councils and sports clubs don't have funds for many firework displays, and it's way harder to buy them for your own garden, so Guy Fawkes on 5 Nov is way more corporate and you pretty much have to go to one of the huge public displays with a funfair and all, if you want to see fireworks. Places which still have bonfire societies, like Lewes, now need police cordons to keep excess tourists out, as they were getting so dangerously rammed - not what you need when everyone's carrying flaming torches! I last went about 20 years ago, and at 4pm had to park a couple miles outside the town, and we couldn't leave until about 1am because of the crowds.
We're out at the edge of town, across the street from me is a narrow pine forest (pulpwood) and behind that is the St. Mary's river, then there's Georgia Highway 121, and behind that is the Okefenokee Swamp. Not a lot of trick-or-treating going on in my neighborhood.
Sounds like the ideal place for ‘treat-or-tricking”, mind.

You left the balmy, comfortable plains of N Dakota for this?
Sounds like the ideal place for ‘treat-or-tricking”, mind.

You left the balmy, comfortable plains of N Dakota for this?
I wrote a Halloween story about this area last year, the Ex Exorcism. This is a great place to party in the dark nights of autumn and winter. The story got trolled to obliteration and is just now coming back to life. A Shining example of why I don't do Halloween stories
Mum and Dad reported they were inundated with kids from all over their community. Community defined as the whole damn town. They went through 500 candies last night.
Mum and Dad reported they were inundated with kids from all over their community. Community defined as the whole damn town. They went through 500 candies last night.
Not a soul, living or dead, in my neighborhood. That means I can eat all the Almond Joy bars I want... except for that pesky diabetes thing...
We have M&Ms and Milky Ways. It might be time to check the grocery store for bags on sale. I wouldn't mind some peanut butter cups, and I'm going there to get fruit anyway.