As far as the difference between good stories and porn: There really shouldn't be a difference. Unfortunately the difference is profound. Porn puts its emphasis on speed (wham bam thank you ma'am). They know they're readers are just looking to get their rocks off and go often leaving the story without reading the rest of it afterward. So typically their stories have under-developed and stereotypical characters that play into the clichés in favor of the quick and heavy action. Alternatively (I hesitate to use the term) Good stories have something to say beyond just getting the readers rocks off. They use characters that go beyond the stereotypes in both the domme and submissive roles. Like Jacob in the Vampire Queen's Servant isn't naturally submissive. He's all alpha type of man. The type of man that could walk into a bar and expect to walk out with any woman he chose to invite to warm his bed for the night, but he chooses to submit to Lyssa because he's fallen in love with her, and much of the drama in the book is his battle with his own sense of self in serving her and being part of her world, a world that sees him as little more than we'd see someone's dog or other property 24-7.
Thank you so much for the suggestions; I'd forgotten that it was you who had made these, but I'm off to go read them.
Quite frankly, I've about had enough of RL BDSM, and I'm thinking I may take my kink and considerable skills to literature and leave it there. I think I'll be a lot happier if I do that.
Perhaps the books will take my mind off things, at least.
As for your comments on porn vs stories, you are correct. I think I may have to tackle this gross inequity in literature.