The General Commentary Thread

and you call this:

A petticoat disrobed

a NON-erotic poem

be still (whatever that thing is called)


Copied from 007 to this thread because I'm somewhat OCD

Well done, Piscator. And instructive to me. Thank you for the engaging reading material. Made my bus ride go by more quickly. Also you can call me cos. Or cherries. Cos is easier.

Thanks Cos, great to see you are embarking on another 007
and you call this:

A petticoat disrobed

a NON-erotic poem

be still (whatever that thing is called)



That's going back some, I had to go and check that it actually was a Glosa. I think I've been told before on others that they should have been listed as Erotic. Deidre's Rug if I recall was one, but my memories not that good now.
It has never occurred to me to consider the question - how to write a poem, much less to think about structure.

Poems just arrive. You know them when you see them.

If someone sets out to write a poem from scratch - without any pre-existing EUREKA moment, whatever results is almost certainly doomed to mediocrity.

Yes, there are exceptions, as there are to every homily, apothegm, aphorism etc in the known world.

That's how I'd put it were I a creative writing - poetry prof at a small, private women's college (I'm just waiting to reincarnate so that I can apply for that job when I'm still hale enough to really appreciate it)

Of course, I'd have to backtrack and spend some time in the pedantic, didactic jungles of form, to justify the meagre stipend that such employment often entails
Every time I tune into a new thread I find (belatedly) that the last post in it was 2002 or something and the person is long gone or moved to Mars on one of those expeditions we're sending to set the place up for ultimate colonisation . . .

so . . .

it's nice to see someone actually posting in the here and now:))
not that I really care - a poem is a poem and I like yours (and that's not all [slap]), and why does Deidre only have one 'r' in her name when, in the classical world, it would be Deirdre [I won't tell you wheat Deirdre means because it's actually rather tragic]

Now . . .

where was I?

Kilroy: (sigh)
not that I really care - a poem is a poem and I like yours (and that's not all [slap]), and why does Deidre only have one 'r' in her name when, in the classical world, it would be Deirdre [I won't tell you wheat Deirdre means because it's actually rather tragic]

Now . . .

where was I?

Kilroy: (sigh)

Depends how you want to spell it I suppose. I'm English and all the Deidre's I've known have been spelt my way (including my sister's middle name).
As for forms I happen to love them but that's probably because I look at each form as fun. Instead of letting them dictate to me, the art is to make their rules say what I want. So many poets look at the "rules" and discount every form instead of playing with words (isn't that what a poet is, a player with words?) to find a thing of beauty. But each to their own.
As for people no longer being part of the forum, many have moved on, many more have passed on but if nobody is willing to stay and learn, what can one do? All I can make an attempt at teaching is Forms and at one time people were willing to learn. Times change. C'est la vie.
Deirdre of the Sorrows
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Depends how you want to spell it I suppose. I'm English and all the Deidre's I've known have been spelt my way (including my sister's middle name).
As for forms I happen to love them but that's probably because I look at each form as fun. Instead of letting them dictate to me, the art is to make their rules say what I want. So many poets look at the "rules" and discount every form instead of playing with words (isn't that what a poet is, a player with words?) to find a thing of beauty. But each to their own.
As for people no longer being part of the forum, many have moved on, many more have passed on but if nobody is willing to stay and learn, what can one do? All I can make an attempt at teaching is Forms and at one time people were willing to learn. Times change. C'est la vie.
Deirdre of the Sorrows

I eill have some time next week boss, if you want to try nother teach in :D
JC, pretty oel poetry sounds like a challenge i could sink my teeth into, see what ive got floating bout in the trash recepticle I consider a brain :D
Was having a conversation last week with someone careying on about an australian poet, and linked a site with pdf script on it, what happened to that thread anyone know??
I eill have some time next week boss, if you want to try nother teach in :D

I'll have to see how I feel, I'm on enough Morphine to fell a horse (I'm immune to painkillers) and it's turned my brain to jelly and doesn't kill the pain either :( . I did have a submission accepted last week about it that seems to have been missed (hint, hint!)
I'll have to see how I feel, I'm on enough Morphine to fell a horse (I'm immune to painkillers) and it's turned my brain to jelly and doesn't kill the pain either :( . I did have a submission accepted last week about it that seems to have been missed (hint, hint!)

:D I could travel back and revive a couple old ones see how I go then if you feel up to it, ee can look at something new :)
re: Haiku thread

It seems to be going well - one tweak I've come across elsewhere which helps with continuity is for the first line of the next haiku to be the last line of the previous haiku, with a fairly loose definition of haiku beyond 5-7-5.

This could be a modification of the present New/old haiku thread or a new thread. I've added a bad example at the end of the thread.

Let we know what you think.
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Mr. T-Zed I started to write a response to your delightful Onegin Stanza but eight lines in I realized I wasn't writing the alternate lines in tetrameter. And now it's nebulizer time (what I have instead of Miller Time), so maybe soon. What a tricky little form.

Also I've missed you. Good to see your words here again. Oh and I'll raise a fist for us both. ✊ :rose:
We're all English

Depends how you want to spell it I suppose. I'm English and all the Deidre's I've known have been spelt my way (including my sister's middle name).
As for forms I happen to love them but that's probably because I look at each form as fun. Instead of letting them dictate to me, the art is to make their rules say what I want. So many poets look at the "rules" and discount every form instead of playing with words (isn't that what a poet is, a player with words?) to find a thing of beauty. But each to their own.
As for people no longer being part of the forum, many have moved on, many more have passed on but if nobody is willing to stay and learn, what can one do? All I can make an attempt at teaching is Forms and at one time people were willing to learn. Times change. C'est la vie.
Deirdre of the Sorrows

Yes - many of us got our start in the old Country and have returned many times to either work or simply to marvel at our luck in getting out before the place went into terminal decline (although I know I shouldn't even 'glance' at the Daily Mail, let alone read it.

Rest assure that I am a veteran of Sunday Goon shows on the radio, with Cabin Boy Bluebottle (sees Admiral coming out of corner of eye - good job I have got square eyes), with Secombe and Sellers and Max Geldry. Not sure if you're old enough to remember the Clitheroe Kid and Mrs. Dale's Diary (which I found strangely comforting as a child).

and who can forget running up to the corner newsagent for a Beano and a Fry's bar when Daddy came home on Friday night, pockets flush with L.s.d.

"Of uncertain derivation, Deirdre was the name borne by a legendary Irish princess who was betrothed to the king of Ulster, Conchobar. She eloped, however, to Scotland with her lover Naoise, who was then treacherously murdered by the king. Deirdre supposedly died of a broken heart. The name might be derived from the Old Irish Derdriu (young girl) or from the Celtic Diédrè (fear)."

"My name is Deirdre and I often get many compliments on my name. However, it is often misspelled (Deidre, Deirde, Diedra, Dierdre, etc.) which was really horrible as a child, and only tolerable as an adult. It is also REALLY commonly mispronounced and I have many people who can never get past calling me Deidre (dee-dra) which is also very frustrating. Keep this in mind if you choose this name for your daughter. I would reccomend using it with a more common middle name and easily spelled and pronounced last name. However, I would say having such a unique name has always shaped who I am, and I can't imagine another name.

Hello, my name is Deirdre. I empathize with the above respondent. No one hardly spells my name right. However, I've always made a little game out of it. It's a good ice breaker, and it leads to a good conversation considering it's rarity. My mother named me Deirdre along with my two sisters Desiree and Danielle. My friends do pronounce my name Dee-druh. I didn't find out until a few years ago that the way mine is spelt, it's supposed to be pronounced Dear-druh. But I don't find it an issue. Often the spelling is slaughtered, which comes to be a problem with awards and such. I love my name, reguardless. My full name is Deirdre Faith (insert long and complicated German name). So yes, I do suggest a simplier middle name. It doesn't matter if the last name is unusual... it just provides more talk time."
I'll have to see how I feel, I'm on enough Morphine to fell a horse (I'm immune to painkillers) and it's turned my brain to jelly and doesn't kill the pain either :( . I did have a submission accepted last week about it that seems to have been missed (hint, hint!)

I just read a bit this morning about cannabis oil (CBD) being used to replace opiates and opioids - not sure if that is relevant to you at all

(opiates grow on trees (sorta) like money, whereas opioids are invented in labs, which will come as a surprise to many journalists)
I just read a bit this morning about cannabis oil (CBD) being used to replace opiates and opioids - not sure if that is relevant to you at all

(opiates grow on trees (sorta) like money, whereas opioids are invented in labs, which will come as a surprise to many journalists)

There's a big hoohah going on at the moment over here about Cannabis oil which is illegal being taken away from an epileptic boy at the airport.
Anyone want to feel old?

I was 26 when I first came around the PoBo and a week ago I turned 41!
Damn! The 5 senses challenge has SO many good poems. Pretty much every single poem after I posted is a keeper. Nice work!
If I remember right, I wrote a dirty triolet, titled, 26 Licks. Maybe the gold watch and twice as many licks! :devil:

You just grab those ankles when you're ready. The poet chicks will be happy to spank that latte loving butt for you. Hell it's the least we can do just for the 5 senses thread! :catroar::caning: