The Library

"Is there anything we can do?" Gary looked hopeful at the professor.
"I am afraid not. Even though we are the only ones real, we can die as easily as they can kill us."
Gary loweed his head, Vixen and Joe were trying, but even he could see there were too many, and those other things, they were even worse, killing their own men.
Gary suddenly got an idea. He started digging in the ground.
The professor looked at him, "What are you doing?"
Gary kept digging, "The Bill and Ted theory."
Dirt was flying behind him, "In the movie, Bill and Ted, when they were in trouble, they said they were going to go back in time and help themselves in the present. We can use that hear. I remember a book, where when the good guys were in trouble they..."
Gary struck something, a huge chest he pulled it out.
He smiled brightly, opening it up. There was a huge assortment of automatic weapons and ammo, enough to start a small army.
"We don't have to start one, "Gary muttered to himself, "we just have to stop one."
the professor grabbed a gun, "What did you say?"
Gary looked back, pick up two, "Bill and Ted theory, works every time."
Gary called for everyone left alive to grab a gun.
Joe grabbed Tritens reins and led him intothe town. She lept from Ra's back.
"Professor, take care of Vixen." she said as she grabbed on of the guns. Looking at Gray she said."Bill and Ted?"
He nodded. Joe looked around. The towns people where lost.
"Okay everyone, when I say fire, fire........FIRE!"
The village opened up with a hail of gunfire. The horred begain to fall back.
Edmund Duke: i had grabbed a pp7 and stashed it in my secret compartment in my armor, just in case. then i grabbed a AK-47 and let loose on the running horsemen, tearing through their armor
"Bill and ted my arse, what a stupid time to use these..."
as the horse men were far away the guns in our hands dissippeared (the pp7 was still there) and although the boy tried to find them again they could not, i laughed at his efforts.
"They can only be used in one battle my son. it appears that this was not the time to use them. now we can only get 4 more things from the future and i suggest we choose them TOGETHER!!"
OOC: Roland, that made no sense, there is no time here, the past is the present, and the present is the past, this is a world where all books have come together, that means if a book has ever had a gun in it, it is in this world too. There is no time frame, and things don't just disappear. A solid object stays solid.
Case in point, if we are in the medevil times, then what in the world is HUCKLEBERRY FINN doing here? If you made the guns disappear, i suggest you make him disappear as well.

I was using the Bill and Ted theory, to get things out of BOOKS, not out of the future. The first post said that this world held everything that was in books in the world, Vixen was in a book, the army was in a book, the dinosaur was in a book, and automatic guns are in books, and never have I read a book where guns just disappear.
I'm confused! What are you to talking about? Oh, look my eyes just went cross.
The Bill and Ted thing? It states that the characters can pull stuff out of books.
OOC: ::Winces:: ok that was a fatal blow, but if we use guns then there is really not much of a fight or a story ahead is there, thats why i was trying to get rid of guns, because they take away from the battle factor of a story, shooting a goblin with a gun is not very intresting, fighting a goblin with swords and sorcery is much more intresting story wise, i was just trying to ENHANCE the story not make it nothing more than a big gun fight
OOC: I understand, it does make sense, all right, the guns are gone. I guess we both win, and lose. Nevermind,
::shakes hand::
let's go on, and forget this.
Vixen waved away the professors hands. He clearly had no concept of healing. "I'm weak, not incapacitated, keep your hands off me!" She growled. She squinted into the horizon. "Haven't they killed off those hordes yet?"

She noticed Gary looking at her. "What?"
"Did you lose something?"
"No... just wish I had my book here thats all..."
"We're surrounded by a horde of crazed horsemen and you're pining over a book?"
"Err... well yeah... guess it's kinda stupid..."
"Not if it's a book that can help us out of this... we seem to be winning." Vixen noted.

The professor agreed with her, careful not to touch her after her outburst. She stood up and brushed off her leathers. Tridant came over and nudged her as if inspecting. "I'm fine you big oaf!" She pushed him aside.

"Okay... this is getting seriously weird... people and places merging... how the hell did I end up here? How do I get out of it?"
She looked at the professor who was scratching his head as he doddled with a stick on the ground. "I think... yes... I'm almost positive we should be heading North." He said.
"North? Are you sure North is even North anymore?"
"Yes," the professor tried to explain, "you see... all the rules are basically the same here, all books follow a basic premise... even science fiction and fantasy are all based on a common concept of space and direction... it's based on human knowledge and ideas... so North, M'Lady Vixen, is indeed still North here."
"Well," Vixen sighed flexing her muscles and loosening up a bit, "if thats the case we head North... which is..." she sniffed the air as she looked around... "that way," she pointed towards the mountains. She went and fetched two horses and offered them to the Professor and Gary... "you do know how to ride don't you?" She shook her head and knelt so that she could help the professor to mount. She looked at Gary, he was trying but he clearly didn't know what he was doing. Without saying anything she did the same for him, feeling his foot in her clasped hands she boosted him up.

She whistled shrilly gaining the other's attention. "Joe! We ride north!" She yelled, she pointed to the fallen Larry... "I think he comes from your world, you might wanna help him along... I'm bored with the fighting... let's go!"
when will these senseless roland plugs cese

Edmund Duke: "North eh?" i said spooking vixen a little bit
"im glad this armor is warm stuff.. by the way....Vixen wasent it? do you by chance know a fellow by the name of roland???" she seemed to wince at the mention of that name and i hoped i was correct about this...i made sure no one was following us and started to recall my times in the librarys pouring over books like this trying to get a map in my see if there was a town or landmark of some sort...hmmm maybe she will have one
"Miss Vixen? you wouldnt happen to have a map handy now would you??"
Joe waved to Vixen to show she understod. Leaning down from Ra she helped Larry up.
"You okay?"she asked. He looked a little pale. He only nodded. "Hold on."
oe reined Ra in ove by the Professor and Gary. "How are you guys doing?"
Te two of them just nodded.Joe had Larry slip on behind the Professor. "I'll be back."
She rode up to Vixen. "Where are we going?"
"We're heading North." Vixen answered.
"Okay, I'll take the rear. Make sure those three are okay."
Joe rode Ra back to the guys.
"Professor, I swear when we get out of here, I'm tying you to a chair."
"Nope, sorry none of them here," Gary answered, wondering what a mage was.
He followed the professor, who was in turn following Vixen. Gary suddenly felt very hot, and confused.
"I am going to walk for myself, for a little bit," he said, to no one in particular.
Gary went so that he was out of earshot, but not out of sight, there were strange things in this place, although he was sure he could handle them, it just took book smarts.
He smiled, that was the only smarts he knew.
"Why are we here?" he started saying, trying to vent some frustration, "This seems like a perfect place, and we came here, and ruined it.
"I didn't want to come here. I wanted to finish my studying, take a test, get the lowsy C I know I was going to get, and go on with my life. Why can't I do that? My life is pretty important, I feel I should get on with it, yeah ok, so sometimes it is boring, and it doesn't have the beauty of this place, but still it is the only thing I have.
"Then again, I have always been fond of changing, that's why I went to college in the first place. For change, what if this is just another change in my life. I could live out my life in a book, being in adventures instead of reading them. I could help Indian Jones, or save Vixen from an evil snake or tiger or a warlock even. <smile>
"I could follow the Nile, ride a spaceship... Hey, where are all the spaceships??? Well, probably in space, but we should have certainly seen one by now. There are tons of books about aliens and humans and all sorts of space adventures. We could live it all, go with Luke to see his father, make a special delivery to the moons of Vega. That was in a book."
Gary paused, before continuing,
"And what exactly does go into this world, anyway. Obvious books, but books are just words printed up. What about what some guy writes on a napkin. That is words on paper, is that here? Some kid writes a story about the world exploding, does it happen? and speaking of worlds exploding, there are tons of books where the earth did blow up, or turn lifeless. Why is there life here then? Well, it could be possible that we aren't on the planet earth, but no, because if we weren't on earth, there would be no earth, because all stories came here, so this is a combination of all the planets in books.
"And what about non fiction books. The profesor said all the world's fiction was here, well what about non fiction? Technically that is fiction, but then again technically it is the opposite of fiction. If I wrote a book right now saying that we were here, and then all of a sudden a comet hit our spot, would it happen? And if it did happen, that would prove that it was non fiction, because I wrote the truth, but I didn't write the truth at the time I wrote it, so it would be fiction, until it became non fiction, in which case as soon as it became non fiction it would not be anymore, in which case it would be fiction again.
"It is like one of those loops. If you had a time machine, and you went back one day, and dropped a penny, then the past you picked up that penny, then he would go back in time as well, and drop it. So the penny itself would be in a time loop, and since it is in a loop, which has no beginning or end, it never had a beginning, which means no one created it, and if no one created it, it doesn't exist.
So, then, all that trouble to send myself a penny, as soon as i picked it up, it would disappear. That would be weird.
"Speaking of time machines, where is the Delorian? It was in a script, three actually. That is printed word, so it has to be here. What if I could find it, then I could time travel. I could take it back to earth and see the beginning of time, and the age of the dinosaurs, and the future, oh I could go into the future, and then into the past, and prove that time travel is possible. I used a rather interesting method, but I did it, or technically will do it.
"Thats brings up another point, can we bring things back, we brought things here. In Terminator, only living flesh could go back in time, no clothes. Well, we all have our clothes, so it is possible to bring things to this world, can we bring things back. A dinosaur, or treasure, or anything we could ever wish for, all we had to do was write it down.
"What about that? the books, now that we are here, are we ruining the books that we affect? Huckleberry Finn wouldn't be an american classic if all of the sudden Mark Twain put in armies and us talking about life in the twentieth century with futuristic clothes. Did we turn one of america's greatest novels to crap just because we dropped in here? The profesor said the plight of both our worlds depended on us going back, and closing the holes, but what about the third world. The books themselves, will they ever be the same."
Gary's mouth was dry, and his head started to hurt, talking to himself sure was exhausting work. He slowly went back to the others.
Gary caught up to the profesor, he wanted to ask him about a few things, but decided against it. Some things were better kept to yourself. Gary decided he would just follow, follow and be alone with his thoughts, for a while.
Vixen turned to Edmund Duke and winced at the mention of Roland. "A map? I don't use maps, I'm totally challenged in the map reading department, I go totally by instincts... and according to the old man..." she nodded towards the Professor, "this place probably isn't really on any map anyhow..."

"If this place doesn't follow the rules of my world... then... then why can I still do the things I could do in my world?... " she pondered this question not really expecting an answer... "am I limited by my abilities... am I really... just a character in some... some book?" She frowned... not liking this idea at all... she went to pinch herself... turned towards Gary and pinched him instead... he yelped and snapped out of his thoughtful look to stare at her in hurtful surprise... "well... you're certainly real enough anyway..." Vixen commented, causing Edmund Duke to laugh.

"Old man..." Vixen addressed the Professor, "Joe is right, I don't know how she managed to let you loose, but you're a definite danger... still since you seem to have some idea how to put this right... we're following you... but I'm telling ya now, my blade in your skull if I think for one moment you're messing around understood?" The Professer simply looked at her curiously... "intriguing, she has a distinct personality outside of her written form... I'd say a very good author wrote her... " he mused, Gary seeing the fire flashing in Vixen's eyes at this pulled the Professors horse away hurriedly. "Okay Professor, time to get moving yes?" He said nervously looking over at Vixen who looked at them both with narrowed eyes.

Larry leaned against the Professor's back, he looked around groggily and realised they were moving. Vixen whistled shrilly indicating they were moving out... he winced at the piercing sound. They travelled towards the great mountains.
Larry, still dazed from the slaughter, slowly became aware of his surroundings. He was heading what appeared to be north. <This old man riding me, they called him the professor. Does that make me Gilligan? No I'm Wosollooa.
No he's dead. Died with the village>
"I'm Larry from Indiana. I need to go home."
"I know son, we all will get home." The professor sounded sure.
"Just thinking out loud professor. If you see a spare horse, I believe I can ride now."
Vixen looked over at the Professor... "he's awake?"
The professor nodded. Vixen took the horse she had been leading as a spare. She offered it to Larry. They stopped briefly as he mounted the horse. Vixen frowned as Larry winced. "You fought bravely... " she said, her face remaining neutral. Larry looked away, trying to hide the pain those words brought. "Lot a good it did..."
"hmmmph" Vixen pursed her lips... "feeling sorry for yourself? Did they not have minds and hearts of their own, they fought and died bravely, at least they didn't just wait to be slaughtered... the Goddess of War herself will greet them in the nether world for that..."
She didn't wait for his response... she moved her horse forward, she looked around for signs of anything... but she felt distinctly at odds in this world with no familiar landmarks...
Joe rode up behind Gary. she listen to him talk to himself. She grabbed the reins of his horse. she let Ra nudge him in the back.
"Get on the horse. We need to stay with the others." After he mounted, Joe pulled up next to him and punchedhim in the arm.
"That's fr thinking negatively. Come on." SHE Rode off, still leading his hourse.
Joe pulled in behin everyone. Why me she thought. Why is it that i get stuck with the most negative thinking people on the face of the earth?
"Damn, I know the way to a powerful mage's tower, if anyone wants to go?" Genjaro asked them.
Larry sat up tall on the horse the lady provided.
"Thankyou, Vixen, for the horse and the words. I'll be fine." He trotted the horse in a circle getting a feel for the animal. He pulled up along side Genjero.
"A mage might be just what we need here. Lead on." Spurring his horse he speed off again in a circle feeling the wind in his hair. "Yes, this time maybe I'll make it back home."
Gary rubbed his arm, it really hurt. He looked up at Joe, what was wrong with her, she was acting more like...
more like someone who had lived here all her life.
Gary wondered what had happened to her. His mind wandered to a book he had once read. Lord of the Flies. Where a group of students were marooned on an island, and they all went mad and turned to a savage state.
Gary wondered, "Is Joe turning savage? Was she forgetting everything about earth?"
Gary couldn't answer that, he didn't think anyone could. He looked behind him. Larry and the other guy, he didn't know his name, were heading in another direction. They were going to search for a maze, no no a mage wasn't it. Gary wasn't sure.
"Good luck to you both," he said, but they were out of earshot.
"We are falling behind the group, should I trot to catch up?"
Gary looked around, puzzled who said that. But there was no one here. He was on his horse, and the group was indeed ahead of him. Could it have been...
The horse looked up at him, "Well, should I trot, or are we going to stay behind."
Gary wouldn't believe it the horse was talking to him. He shook his head, this was a fantasy world, of course, technically everything could talk. Gary fondly remembered a book where the grass talked to each other.
"Umm, Yes, trot," he thought that was rude, "Please."
The horse started trotting. Gary had never ridden a horse in his life, and this was very odd. He was hopping and boppng like no tomorrow. He stayed on, however, and in a while was doing a little better, not much but a little.
They were soon up with the others, the horse not saying a word.
Mr. Ed? No, Gary thought that horse was black, wasn't it? Maybe another story, like the horse whisperer, but in that one didn't the person speak to the horse, not the other way around. Gary didn't know, but there had to be a book involving talking horses, this was proof.
He was back with the others. Gary looked up at Joe again. He didn't think he was negative. Not wanting to be on a make believe planet that is based on anything and everything ever written in books isn't negative isn't it.
Gary remembered a line from Lord of the Flies. The stick was sharpened at both ends.
Gary supposed it was, and he had to watch out for both of them.
" It's this way, right through the Duck!" he said, throwing his head down. 1000 arrows flew out of the trees at the some moment.
Larry rode hard toward the arrows, they flew over his head.
Spinning his horse he galloped away hearing another flight singing threw the air. The arrows started landing all around him, but he had reached the end of the archers range, most of them fell behind him. Having no weapon he couldn't fight. He watched as Genjaro dodged the flight.
"Hey! Help! Back here!" Larry tired to signal to the others for aid.
Duke: "Get Down Lad!" i leaped and pushed larry to the ground and covered him as the arrows bounced off my armor. "Reinforced Titanium, Top o the Line stuff this is.." i drew Glamdring and it Glowed Bright Blue
"Orcs, Here lad!" i handed him a pair of Short Swords. "These are easy to handel. Now comon lets get back to the action!!!" i crawled under the bush as my survival traininig came to mind..i was able to slay a few orcs but was met with a hail of arrows and covered my face