The New X-Force

Ricochet vs Rampage

Riochet heard a noise coming from the side of the mansion. He left the rest of the team to tend to the new recruits while he slipped out the servants entrance to see a small explosion. Marc cautiously approached the area as he saw Rampage threatinign an old man. "...tell them that Rampage is after them." Riochet sprang into action, laying a well placed kick to Rampage's jaw. "Why don't you tell us yourself, loser!"

Rampage lept to his feet, claws withdraw, as he launched the bone structures toward Riochet. Riochet was able to dodge the claws and attach two dozen small energy globes to Rampage's body. Rampage laughed, "What are you trying to make me into a Christmas tree?" Riochet just smiled and detonated the globes, throwing Rampage across the lawn.

Ricochet figured saw his opponent was knocked out so he used the comminicator Cable had given him and the rest of the confirmed roster earlier. "Hey guys, I just knocked out some ugly jerk towards the east side of the house, get some cuffs or something out here." Cable responded immediatly, "Are you sure he's knocked out?" Ricochet turned around to examine the body but it had dissappeared. Rampage snuck up behind Riochet and put him in a headlock, cutting off oxygen to the brain. "Ricochet this is Cable check in...Ricochet this is Cable check in..."
X-Man: Retruns

some one Laughed as The Sene Around Marc Changed To normal Rampage Was Gone A Man lands He helps Riochet up " The Names Nate Summers You Can cal Me X-Man" Nate Smiles
"That littel battel you had was all in your head. Rampage as you call him paid avisit to X-force's old Base. WHeres Cabel Wild Card They need to Know this."

Wild Card
" Cabel What is it is Marc alright"

Name:Johnny Wryder
Nick Name Wave
Group Afilieation: none
Powers: He can see and control Sound, energy, and light waves. He has the abilety to Maniplate these waves
Bio Hes From hawie he is A Surffer He discuverd his Powers And left to travel The world To have fun He has no super hero name his Friends Just Call him Wave . Back when He was A champin surffer .
He travels on A Skate bord that has no whells he uses harmless sound waves to Surf acros the land
X-man helped Ricochet into the mansion. Ricochet held his head, it felt like he had been too close to the speakers at a Slipknot show. Cable approached Richochet, "A psychic attack eh?" Marc rubbed his head, "What the hell is a psychic attack, one minutes this guy Rampage is here the next he's not!" Cable sighed, it turns out he had a lot more to teach these kids than he thought.

Xavier scanned the psychic plain, "Apparently it was a hit and run, Rampage is just gone. Interesting." Cable clenched his teeth, "Yeah I taught him that after making an attack, you should cloak yourself from the psychic plain, so that if your weakend you couldn't be located and attacked pyschically." Xavier sighed, "Oh, good thinking. I have to leave here Cable, something is going down at the Bugel, enlighten your students and report to me on their progress. Also, test these new recruits, the've been a lilttle quiet lately." Xavier exited toward the hangar where Cyclops pulled up in the blackbird.

Cable turned toward Ricochet and Wild Card, "Well you heard the man, it's time to get you two in top form."
Halloween Jack

Now Fur bars and an airport burn in new orliens to Night As A freakish lunitic throws Orbs Of fire at Thhe cops And Are Who try to Stop him " Come on you can do better than that . Dont yall have any stonger chalengers for me" laughs H-jack
new player

OOC: Hey we seem to be short on guys a little so I'm introducing a 2nd character.

Name: John Irons

Height: 7'2"

Powers: Extreamly Muscular and resistant to physical attacks. His bones are unbreakable due to a bone structure that grows over his skeleton, thus strenghtening his bones. But he is extreamly prone to psychic attacks and often his immense strength get in the way. He can't hug his Mother or else he'll crush her ribs, he can't shake a man's hand or he'll break it.

Irons started his adult hood as an NFL player, playing for the Giants. He astounded everyone his rookie year, crushing anyone who even attempted to touch his quartback, everyone except Howie Long. Long and Irons argued many times over Iron's abilities, these arguments quickly turned to shouting matches. When the season came to an end, Irons won rookie of the year award and Howie went up to congragulate him and bury the hatchet. Irons was also eager to make peace but he didn't know about his handshake problem. Irons was so pumped up he gave Long a nice hard handshake, breaking Howie's hand. The league was agast, this was to them a sign of poor sportsmanship. Irons was ejected from the league forevor. We now meet him in New Orleans airport where he has just come back from another sports card signing.
Irons meet Jack

John Irons sat in the airport reading a copy of Maxim as he waited for his plane so he could make it back home. Irons flipped through the magazine, listening to his headphones, ignoring the rest of the world as people around the airport screamed. Irons was looking at a picture of Aylssa Milano, anamored with the picture, "Oh man, this is going right up on my wall." Suddenly an energy ball hit his magazine, disintegrating it. Irons, now realized something was going on. He pakced up his headphones and looked around the airport, "What the hell!" Then he saw the source of the destruction, Halloween-Jack.

Irons saw a madman on a rampage that needed to be stopped. He took off his coat and ran down towards the creature, as he was being pounded by energy balls. Irons hit Jack with a right hook, Jack was stunned for a minute but then took a shot to the ribs. Suddenly, pain shot up Iron's spine, he gasped in agony, the same pain that had been nagging him since he was 13 years old, it felt like he was reasting on a bed on nails. Jack took advantage of this and through a set of chairs at Jack, knocking him over. The pain had paralyzed Irons as the creature advanced on him. Then Irons heard a sound he had never heard before "Snikt!!"

Wolverine stood behind Jack with his claws gleaming in the light. "Alright listen pal, I have a class to teach in an hour so I can either dice you up into little pieces, giving me enough time to get a cup of coffee before being on my way, or I can take the time to secure you in throw you in Sabertooth's old cell.!" Jack simply grimaced, egging Wolverine. Wolverine just answered, "I was hoping you'd say that!"
Wild card

"Befor we Start The training Ilike to say A Vew Thing. Wellcome To The Le;Beau Instituet For WayWord Yungsters. Cabel And X-man Are our main Instructoors But here we are all equel We Are Not Students But Residents. We will Also have other instructors Coming and going At difrent times. Now wellcome to my home." Than An Alrm sounds

X-man looks up "Theres trubel in the city. Riochet with Cabel Wild With your with me. Are there any other members to the team yet"
Johnny Wryder

As he Surffs in to New Orliens Jony looks aroud At wolveren And John Irons The wave He was Ridng Takes A Solid Visibel form The wave picks up speed And tha He pust his hads up And A Wave of sund Shoots At the firs puting themm out but as fast as he can put fier out Jack Stats more
N.O. Air

OOC: DT, who is talking in your last post?

Ricochet and Cable apporached the burning airport. Police had evacuated the airport and all incoming flights were diverted. Cable readied his weapons as Ricochet examined his movements, "What's your power, unlimited ammo?" Cable looked at Ricochet, straightfaced, "Telekenisis." Ricochet noticed Cable looked a little pissed, "What's up Summers?" "You kids aren't ready for this yet, we haven't even trained and you got your ass handed to you a half hour ago!" Ricocht simply replied, "Oh" The pair entered the airport. The first thing they saw were claw marks all over the walls and floors. "Great it looks like our guest lecteur is here."

Across the airport, John Irons' body started to loosen up as the pain eased and he regained movement. Irons looked around the place but couldn't find where Jack and Wolverine disappeared to, all he saw was a thick wall of light and a man floating in the air. "Another asshole thinks he can mess with the airport hu?"
Not knowing Wave was here to help. Irons lifted a chunk of concrete up and threw it towards Wave, intending to knock him out of the sky. Wave managed to fire a soundwave, destroying the concrete and creating a ringing effect in Irons' ears that was so painful he had to hold his ears to keep his skull from splitting.

Wave was trying to say something but Irons was concentrating on getting to a safe distance. Irons picked up a set of plastic chairs and tossed them toward Wave, this time knocking him out of the air. Irons approached Wave, with the intent on pummeling him.
WIld Card

OOC: Wild Card Gave the Speech And X- man Divided The team Up I am Sarry If I Did not make it clear.

IC: X-Man And Wild Card Came up the street. Wild Card Gets redy to Go in to the inferno Of Buildings. X-man Looks at Wild Card "WIld Card Stop."

Wild Card=" But We need To Get in there and help"

"No. Cabel Can Handel It EVen With the roockie Tagin' along." X-man Said With A Stern Un wavering tone

" Than What Do We Do An X-men Work As A team they Dont Let others Handel things alone"

"well Than You Should Go Back To The X-men, The X-force Gets things Done. Butt thats Not Why We're held up. I will not go in to battel And Have you Keeping Secrets "

" what Do You Mean X-Man"

" I Mean Who Are You, Why Is You File Classifed, WHy DId You Colapsed A Day Ago, WHy Was X-Froce Re built on Your request. " X-Man Staerd At Wil;d Card
Johnny Wryder

In the airport, Johnny started to To Words irons The Guy WHo had fallin. Irons looked around the place but couldn't find where Jack and Wolverine disappeared to, all he saw was a thick wall of light, Energy, and Sound and a johnny Riding It with is street bord. Irons lifted a chunk of concrete up and threw it towards Wave, intending to knock him out of the sky. Wave managed to fire a soundwave, destroying the concrete and creating a ringing effect in Irons' ears that was so painful he had to hold his ears to keep his skull from splitting.
" You Oky Buddy, You should Get Out Of here."
Wave was trying to Speak to him, but Irons was concentrating on getting to a safe distance. Irons picked up a set of plastic chairs and tossed them toward Wave, this time knocking him out of the air. Irons approached Wave, with the intent on pummeling him.
OOC: ill Post More Later
Ricochet and Cable quietly walked down the hallway, looking for Halloween Jack and Wolverine. Then the pair heard the inevitable, the locking of a door. Cable ran up to the door and heard Wolverine's voice, "Guess Logan's handling this on his own" The two turned their heads away from the locked door when they heard John Irons' screaming, the pair started to run to the other end of the airport. Cable lifted his comm unit, "X-Man and Wild Card where are you? We've got multiple situations going down here!!"
Wild Card

Wild Card=" My file Is Classidfide On Xaviers Request. My unique Qud helix DNA Split In to Fuor sepret Strands OF DNA So I Colapsed When it Happend If Now Want to know What that Means It Means I Some Day Split in to Four Sepret People. As For X- Force I Was Tired Of The X-Men Whene I Told Prof-X He Infoved you Two. Nate Summers And Nate Summers."

Befor X-Man Can replie A Mesage Comes Over The Com Bage. The rushed in to The Air port Tha Got to The Locked Door Wher Cabel And Riochet Was.

Wild Card Heard Wolveren In the other room Wild Card Raised his Right Hand And Drew his claws "Ill Get this Door Some One Go Check On That Scream Yall Heard The Rest Get redy to Enter Wild Card Than Rip the Door to Shreeds With his one set of Claws.
Marc walked down the street towards his bike when he saw something that instantly gained his interest. On a television screen in the front of a store was a news report. He instantly recognized one person as his former teacher, boss and what he thought, friend- Cable. He turned and ran towards his bike and jumped onto it then started it up. There was one place that he had to be right now he thought, a grin appearing on his face- the airport.
Johnny Wryder

In the airport, Johnny started to To Words irons The Guy WHo had fallin. Irons looked around the place but couldn't find where Jack and Wolverine disappeared to, all he saw was a thick wall of light, Energy, and Sound and a johnny Riding It with is street bord. Irons lifted a chunk of concrete up and threw it towards Wave, intending to knock him out of the sky. Wave managed to fire a soundwave, destroying the concrete and creating a ringing effect in Irons' ears that was so painful he had to hold his ears to keep his skull from splitting.
" You Oky Buddy, You should Get Out Of here."
Wave was trying to Speak to him, but Irons was concentrating on getting to a safe distance. Irons picked up a set of plastic chairs and tossed them toward Wave, this time knocking him out of the air. Irons approached Wave, with the intent on pummeling him.

Johnny Quickly Createed A small Wave of light energey and sound not enuf to hurt Iron Or even knock him out but enuf to sting And maby colm him down. He lounched it Hiting Iron Squer in the chest.
Halloween Jack

H-Jack Looked at wolveren " Hay Your Wolveren . Do you think I can get Your atograph Be for I Burn your flesh And Melt your bones."

Wolveren Than Sad " Try Bub"
H-Jack Started to Bounce Of the wals Towords A More Privet Scene Whene thay Stopd H-Jack Faced Woveren . He waved his Hand And the doors Locked

Wolveren Than Smiled and said " Looks Like Ill Get to fight all by myself Bub."

" Do you ever Get tired of saying Bub " as H-Jack Says this He Throws Two orbs Of Fire At Wolveren Berning his Mask off.
As He did this The door Was Sliced to shreds.

Wolveren LookEd AT Wild Card's New Claws

Wolveren: " Looks Like Cagins BoyS More Like Me Than we Thought."
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OOC: Rayv I'm confused, did Wolverine slice Jack or did Wild Card???

The Door Was Sliced so yall Could Enter Sorry about that. Bye The Way I think This Thred is Working Alot better than X-men

Cable and Ricochet ran down the terminal to find Wave and John Irons, locked in battle. Ricochet looked at Cable, "UM....Summers what do we do? How do we know which one is the evil one?" Cable simply replied, "I'll handle this, just catch the flying one." Without warning the two mutants suddenly collapsed as if they exhausted themselves. Cable had used his powers to lull the two mutants asleep, Cable tied both of the mutants to a concrete pillar. Something outside the window caught Ricochet's eye, "Hey Cable, didn't the airport divert all incoming flights." "Yeah, why?" "It looks like there's a plane coming in!" Cable patched his comm unit in with the radio tower, "Identify yourself, there is an emergency here, go somewhere else." Cable smiled as the comm unit crackled back with a familar voice, Cyclops' "Special support from Westchester."

The Black Bird landed and Cyclops, Bishop, and Jubille came out. Ricochet asked, "Who's that?" Cable answered, "Those are our new teammates, Bishop the time traveler, Jubilee the firecracker, and Cyclops, my father." Ricochet was stunned for a moment. Cyclops quickly took control of the situation, "Ok people Nathan and Bishop come with me. Ricochet and Jubilee bring those two mutants on board and prepare for a third." Cable asked Cyclops, "Do we know what we're dealing with yet?" Bishop quickly answered, "I do, Halloween Jack, a fugitive from 2099."

When the three arrived at the locked door, they found Wolverine and Wild Card sitting by a tied up H-Jack, smoking cigars. Wolverine simply answered, "This one's ready for transport, let's head back to the LeBeau Estate."
OOC: Rayv I totally agree, X-men thread is still a buch of people hanging out in the halls.
Willd Card, X-man, And Wolveren

X-Man Tryd to Lounch A Telknetic Atack He was Surprised When It Had No Afect An H-Jack
" Ooo That Tickeld Kid Here You Try Your Own Medicen " H-jack said With A laugh

X-Man Fell With A Thud. Wolveren Jumped towards H-Jack With His Claws Extended H-jack Doged H- Jack Got On top Of Wolveren A Fire orb Aperred in H-Jacks Hand " Know You Die Wolveren"

WIld Card sudely Felt More Rage than He Had Be For He Throw Four Explosivly Charged Jokers At H-Jack Knocking him Off Wolveren Wolveie Imeditly Jumped Up And Atacked Soon they Had H-Jack Tied Up
" You Want A Cigar Kid ?"Asked Wolveren
"SHure Old man" Said Wild Card

" You Made me Proud Boy. Now If We Could Do Somtin About that Acent Of Yours."They Both Laughed As The Others Enterd they All Lode in too the Black Baird
Marc stopped his bike outside of the airport and got off it then walked through the doors, trying to find where Cable and the so called X-Force were. He stopped and listened, knowing that he didn't have to wait long. He walked slowly to the main area of the building and smiled when he saw that everyone was standing around, thinking that everything was over.

Slowly a bone spike appeared in his right arm and he closed his eyes, charging it up. Without a word he threw the spike straight at Cable who was oblivious to his presence. Marc watched the spike then slowly crept away, knowing that if he was seen he would have to fight the team. That he didn't want right now, there was still so much he had to plan first.

*The air shifts with enormous force, seems as if the balance of reality is being ripped. The air crackles and a door in reality is opened. A lone figure steps through the whole in reality and lands on the ground. He appears to be a male of 25, around 6'2'', and 225lbs, his musculature is olympian. His eyes are flaming emeralds of power, as his dark long hair cascades down his shoulders plates over his SoulForge armor, that was created at the beginning of time. The air seems to crackle all around his form with lighting shimmering off of his armor, and his two gigantic swords Soul-Crusher and Soul-Reaver shimmer at his sides. He is also wearing a large black wool hooded cloak over his armor with a black leather baldric over his shoulder containing the Dark Impaler in its sheath. His presence is overwhelming and even the night trembles at this display of Godlike power. He walks down the path his steps unheard but his eyes piercing through this new world he has come into, and his senses pick up the activity of the surrounding area......whispering silently into the wind.."I have come, and I find this world ripe for the picking."*
Coming of Azurikel "The God of the Night"

My twin comes, he will arrive soon....beware the forces are joining together....
