The New X-Force

Rampage looked at the files and then at the stranger with a smile and said, "Okay. You have yourself a deal. We will join forces or we will be fighting each other to get to Cable and X-Force and what is that going to accomplish except to get us captured or even killed. There is only one thing that I ask if I may. What is your name? I don't want to go into a battle and call you stranger. My name is Marc Elias.... but you can call me Rampage and this fellow is Halloween Jack but who are you?"
OOC: I'm gonna keep the character a secret to authors until we get into the fight but I think I have a way around it. If you think about what I've told you about him so far, it's easy to figure him out, just don't tell anyone yet.

"I'll do you one better, friend." The stranger untied his bandana and revealed his face to his new associates. They both smiled and gazed in awe. "One of the originals eh?" H-Jack added.
Bishop pulled up to the bar, he quickly took out the energy gun and the enducer. He started to approach the door when there was a flash of light, it was the past version of himself when he travled in time before the millenium.
Bishop 1 "What are you ..or what am I doing here?"
Bishop 2 "I recieved word that Halloween Jack escaped, so I came back to bring him in."
Bishop 1 "We haven't studied him yet, the Professor suspects he's got multiple personalities, Forge is working on a device to keep him in check."
Bishop 2 "Don't you remember why the X-men of 2099 sent him back? He murdered almost 40 people in a weekend!!"
Bishop 1 "Well whoever catches him, get's him!"
Bishop 2 "Agreed. By the way he has two associates with him. One is Rampage I'm not sure who the other is."
Bishop 1 "Good work, I'll head around the back and hit'em with a dart, you go in through the front and blast Rampage. "
Bishop 2 "Let's go to work!"
Halloween Jack

"Now Not to interupt owr Conversation Gentel men We need to Go " H-Jack smiles As he looks at his watch " And Since Bishop is At the Back Door And The Front Iam Going To Need A group Hugg." Rampage And Their New Friend Look At him With Funny looks on thier. " Its Ok Guys Its so i Con Telaport yall Out of here." th Get Close to him With Out Hugging As He Gets ready To tellaport The Biships Come Busting in SHooting. An electrical Cabel Fell And hit H-jack As the telported "ARggg!" The Three Villans Apperd in Side A SIlver Room "Well Come To Hubel Abode"

(Its Secret underground Base Thats under neth A Lawfirm It Belongs to Magneto.)
Wild Card

Wild Card Jumps over Juggernot And Slash's one of the sides of His Halmet And sets An Wild card in the hole he created in it. he Blows the Helmet off As that happens Wave enters The room He helps Riochet With the other two As riochet Finshis up Sabertooth Wildcard finishes of Piro Wave Use One of his Waves To Knock out Juggernot. ~Good Going Kids You all Work well to gether ANd Wave You did GooD~ As wild Card Exits The room He resive A phon call As he enters his Room Oky Ill Ride Down With Logan
OOC: sary aboput the crudity of this post but Iam Taking Some Mager Exams Right Now And I have my buisnesss to dell with too. My Post Will Be Spased out For A short time ANd For Now WIld Card is Making A trip to The X-men Tred for A Viset But I AM Still An X-force member .

Bishop 1 and Bishop 2 looked around the empty bar, Bishop 1 stamped his feet in anger, "Damn I thought this might happen!!" Bishop 2, "What's that?" Bishop 1, "H-Jack already knows what has happened since he's after our timeline, he can predict all our moves." Bishop 2 pushed his dreadlocks aside, "Well why don't you just remember this and in the distant future, come back." Bishop 1, "That's a pretty good idea, where did you come up with that?" Bishop 2, "Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure." At that moment a ripple in time appeared and sure enough another Bishop appeared. Bishop 3, "Hello boys, I'm here from the future after H-Jack, he has no idea I even exist. He's hiding out with a couple of guys in a secret location, under a law office, but we'll need at least a few others to do this." The three Bishops went back to the mansion to get a crew togethor.

Dragonfly walked out of the danger room to find Cable waiting with her results. "Excellent job Amanda! I don' t think I've ever seen a new recruit do this well, keep it up." "Thanks Mr. Summers." "Call me Cable and report to the meeting room, we have an emergency situation on our hands." Cable walked into his office and called Marrow in Westchester. "Marrow, there's something off about Hendrix, can you do a background search and call me back in 20 minutes or so? Great"

Cable hungup the phone and went into the briefing room.
Cable recieved a phone call from Marrow in 15 minutes, "Marrow, what have you got for me?" "Well Nathan it seems Miss Hendrix was admitted into the Mass. Academy shortly before it was closed, then she was here for about two months. After that she disappeared for about 6 months and now she's in New Orleans apparently. She's a great student, 98% percent tile, but needs to develop her telepathy more." "Thanks, Marrow."

Cable hung up the reciever and thought for a moment. "..still kinda fishy..." At that moment he heard Bishop's call to arms and joined the three Bishops in the war room along with Forge, John Irons and Riochet. The group waited for a few more minutes before Cable got on the intercom, "Last call people, who wants to see some action??" A fly buzzed around the room and landed on the ceiling.

Meanwhile, miles away in an undisclosed location, The Dark Beast and Mr. Sinister sat at DB's computer terminal watching there advesaries. "Well DB it seems one of your little creations finally proves it's worth, that camera bug works great." "Yes I know, it seems as if our experiment has left the building, perhaps it's time to send our boy in." "Perhaps, but lets see how X-Force handles their little field trip first." "Fair Enough." The beast picks up an atari joystick and controls the fly.

The fly lands between the folds of Bishop 3's armor, ready to send infromation to its dark masters.
Johnny Wryder

Wlaks in to the Redy room " Im Going " Wave declairs.
X-mAn States he staing Be Hind With hendrix And He Tell Wvae that If he is Going On this Mission he needs A vew Aditions to His battel Suit So He Take him And Brings Him Back Wahat aperrs to be a Armored Wetsuit That was Crimsam red and onix Black. "Now lets go We dont Want this Baddie to get away do we?"
Cable briefed his students: "Alright people, here's the situation according to the first two Bishops. Halloween Jack is a fugitive from the future, sent back by the X-men circa 2099, he has two unknown accomplices with him probably mutant definatly, dangerous. All we know about H-Jack is that he can teleport and he fires energy balls that can devistate a concrete wall so be carefull! We suspect he's a split personality so Forge has created a device that when surgically implanted in him, will stop his evil side from coming through. The trio is hiding out underneath a law office downtown. Bishop 3 I'll hand it over to you."

Bishop 3 stands up, "Alright people, I too am from the distant future and I have chronicled H-Jack's exact moves. Now the first thing I will do is fire this cannon that Forge has made from my enducer. This will leave the three powerless for about 45 minutes, that gives us a huge advantage and prevents H-Jack from teleporting. Our primary mission is to sedate and capture H-Jack. Once captured, we will attach an enducer to him, rendering him powerless until the device is turned off. Then we will bring him back here for surgical emplantaion and I will return to my own time with H-Jack. As far as the other two go, since we don't know who they are, we can't really form a plan against them."

John Irons interrupts, "Excuse me, but if your from the future and know exactly what's going to happen then why don't you know who the other two are?" Bishop 3 glances over at Cable who simply shrugs. "Alright this is a little complicated so listen closely, there is no one definate future there are many possibilites. I am just one of these possibilites as is Bishop 2, Bishop 1, and all of you. In fact your mentor, Cable, is also from an alternate future. Now in my future, you all died in this attack and the only way we found out about the details is because H-Jack loves to brag. Keep in mind, this doesn't mean any of you will die in this mission but of course as members of the X family, you know that death is always a possibility. Anyways, the plan of action is to subdue the other two as long as possible. After I neutralize their powers Bishop 1, Cable, and Riochet will rush in through the front entrance creating heavy fire. As this occurs Irons and Bishop 2 will block the back door while Forge, Wave, and Myself will make sure no one jumps out a side window." Cable started to bark orders, "Alright, we know the game plan everyone head to the garage." Cable had everyone pile into a van as they set out to battle.

Meanwhile Dark Beast microwaved up some Jiffy Pop as he and Mr. Sinister watched the events unfold on the screen. "Ha ha ha, Jeez Sinny, loosen up were in for some entertainment." Sinister didn't even crack a smile, "You can laugh all you want, I'm taking notes." "That's your problem Essex, you don't know how to relax. Besides no matter what happens, they won't be able to stop our creation." "Yes, I suppose your correct. While they're battaling, lets send Stealth to interfer." Dark Beast started to crack up, "Spectacular!!!! I love it!!!" Dark Beast picked up a comm device, "Stealth, report to the main computer lab at once."

Before Beast finished, A figure totally in black, with a black visor appeared and knelt before Sinister and Beast. Sinister was impressed, "Good work Stealth, I want you to follow the signal from the bug and get an anylasis of X-Force while kicking them around a bit." Stealth knodded and jump into the air disappearing. Sinister smiled as he said, "Now let the show begin..."-
The van ride to the office building was totally quiet. Finally Irons turned to Wave and said, "Yo man in case something happens to me let me tell you something, um about the airport, sorry man I thought you were the one trying to blow everything up." "Understandable, I apologize as well for harming you." The van stopped and everyone got into position.
Halloween Jack

Now Bopy S Lets Get Down To Fun How Do you stop How Do You Stop The Most Powerful group of Mutans On The Planit
Bishop 3 aimed the enducer cannon carefully at the law office as a cigar dangled from his mouth. Bishop 2 walked over to him, "Hey what's with the cigar? I don't smoke those things will kill you." Bishop 3 casually answered, "I'm from the future remember, you'll start smoking soon enough. Now places everyone, after I fire this bad boy and nullify their powers we move in." Inside the office Halloween Jack and Rampage continued discussing how they would kill Cable if he were here right now, "...alright first I would burn him until his stupid metal arm started to melt off then I would just unload a bunch of punches on him," H-Jack cackled in satisfaction as Rampage began to talk, "..alright first of all that stuff's not metal it's some virus he's got but anyway, I would run up and just start punching him like crazy then I'd wind my arm back, extract a claw and just jam it into his heart!!." H-Jack again laughed, "Hey stranger what would you do to Cable." The stranger looked up and gazed into Jack's eyes, "I have a plan, but I never let anyone know what I'm thinking, I like to keep everyone on their toes. I'm going outside to have a smoke, either you ladies want to come?" Rampage answered, "No we're cool." The stranger went outside the back door and slumped behind a parked car. Back inside H-Jack flipped thorugh a stack of magazines as Rampage looked on , "Hey man is that the new issue of Maxim over there?" Suddenly the room filled with an odd green light for a brief second. H-Jack turned to Rampage, "What the hell was that?"

At that moment Cable, Ricochet, and Bishop 1 came rushing through the door. Rampage immediatly sprang into action, trying to pop out a claw and fire it at Ricochet but to his shock and dismay, nothing happened. Rampage was met with Ricochet's heel in his face as he stumbled backwards, H-Jack was also trying to figure out why he couldn't burn his enemies or at the very least teleport around the room. Bishop 1 aimed his dart gun and informed them, " Both your powers have been neutralzied you can choose to come peacefully or pummeled, it makes no difference to us. H-Jack, under the time travel act of 2015 and the McFly law of 2077 you are ordered to lay down while an X.S.E officer cuffs you and brings you back to the future." H-Jack reached a hand insided his pocket and pulled out a smoke grenade but not before taking 3 sedative darts to the chest. H-Jack immediatly collapsed to the ground, dropping the smoke grenade to the side as the back of the room began to fill up with smoke. Rampage nailed Ricochet with a punch to the midsection, causing the new recruite to be thrown back a bit, "I remember you from outside the mansion, since my psychic powers don't seem to be working I'm going to have to just beat the snot out of you!" Bishop jumped behind Rampage and pinned his arms to his side, but was thrown across the room. Bishop hit the floor as he said, "Bit of a scraper isn't he?" Cable threw his side arm to the ground and replied, "He should be I taught him." Rampage walked over to Cable with the look of disgust on his face. "Cable vs Rampage you don't know how long I've dreamed about making your face look like hamburger meat." "I don' t know what I ever did to you Rampage but I know what I'm going to do to you if you don't give up now." Rampage lunged at Cable, who managed to catch Rampage's fist and quickly counter with a jab of his own. Ricochet got up and started to rush toward Rampage but Cable told him to stand down, "..I'll handle this myself."

Meanwhile outside the stranger puffed on a Camel Red as he noticed smoke was coming out from under the door. "That ass Jack must be burning things again." Then the stranger noticed someone watching him from a distance. He finally got a good look at them, "Looks like Cable's new group of meat puppets wants to play...I'll give'm sometihing to play with." The stranger raised his hads in the air, causing the ground to tremble. Irons was knocked flat on his back, "I thought he couldn't use his powers what happened!!" Bishop 3 replied, "Damn, he must have gone outside the building just as we were firing. The walls must be lead inforced or something. Bishop 3 reached for his side arm and began firing, causing the stranger to fall back. Irons got up and crawled up the side of the building, waiting to pounce on the stranger. By this time, Wave and Bishop 2 had joined in the fight, trying to force the stranger to put his back against the wall. The stranger waited until the three were close enough and unleashed another earthquake, forcing the three to fall back. Irons pounced on the stranger surprising him.Back inside Cable danced around Rampage and kept nailing him with shots to the face and midsection. Suddenly Irons came flying through the door, knocking it clear off it's hindges followed by the stranger. Irons lept up and tackled the stranger, managing to pull his mask off but was quickly thrown across the room. Cable stopped and looked at the stranger's face to see the image of his former student Rictor!

"Rictor no!!! You're behind this?" Rampage tried to attack Cable while his attention was elsewhere but Cable put him to sleep telepathically. "You're surprised? You let my friend Warlock die in Genosha and killed my father and you're actually surprised I'm trying to kill you?" Rictor laughed, "I'm not gonna kill you today Cable," Rictor pulled out a pistol and aimed it at Richochet, "I'm gonna kill him!! No big loss to you though, he's just a student right? The same way Warlock was just a student!!" Rictor fired a shot just as Cable jumped in the way, taking the bullet in his shoulder. By now the rest of the team rushed in the back door and surrounded Rictor. Rictor lifted his hands up and said, "Ok Ok, christ everyone's here aren't they?" Rictor threw the gun to the ground and walked in the center of the room. "Great I can take all of you out at once!!" The ground began to shake as the building started to collapse. Cable yelled, "Everyone to the van now!!!!"
X-Force piled into the van with the heavily sedated Halloween Jack. The van sped down the highway as the entire building and the surrounding area fell into a sinkhole created by Rictor's earthquake.

The ride home was rather quiet, the students watched as Cable telepathically removed the slug from his shoulder. "Alright people anyone hurt besides me?" Bishop 2 answered, "Nothing more than a few bumps and brusies." "um Cable who was Rictor and what was that about his father and a guy named Warlock?" Wave asked. Cable replied, "Warlock and Rictor were members of the first X-Force incarnation, the New Mutants. Warlock was kidnapped and killed in Genosha when a madman named Cameron Hodge tried to take it over. Later on my dopplegannger, Strife killed his father and blamed the murder on me. Despite all the evidence that proved my innocence, he still doensn't believe me." Cable noticed that Bishop 3's belt was sparkaling electricity. "Bishop from the future, what's with the sparkles?" Bishop 3 looked down and cursed, "Damn the time fluxor was damaged in the fight!!" "Is that bad?" Forde asked. "I'm not sure, I'll fix it after Halloween Jack's operation." Suddenly the communicator in the van crackled, "Cable this is X-Man calling from the danger room, we have a bit of a problem." "X-man we're just pulling up to the garage now, we'll be there shortly. Alright Bishop 3 take Halloween Jack to a holding cell and strap one of the enducer collars from Genosha on his neck. That'll keep his powers nullified until we take the collar off. Everyone else, be prepared for another battle!"

X-Force bursted through the doors of the danger room and all their jaws dropped. The room was filled with alternate Bishops from various timelines. "This must be a product of the damaged time fluxor," Forge said. "amazing!!" Richochet turned to Cable, "um..what are we going to do?" "Right now, everyone get out of here, we'll lock up the room and throw some food in here until we can figure out what the hell is going on."

Meanwhile in a dark tunnel hundreds of feet under the ground Rictor and Rampage followed Stealth down a dark hallway. "Hey man, thanks for the save back there um..where are we going.." Stealth remained quiet and pointed toward an iron door. Stealth opened the door and the three men entered a room filled with biological hazard barrels. That room led to another room with a huge metal table with various surgical tools scattered on it. Suddenly, Mr. Sinister appeared from the darkness, "Gentlemen I think introductions are moot in this case, you no doubt no me and I've studied the two of you very carefully. How would you like to enhance your powers and get another shot at taking out X-Force." Rictor immediatly stepped forward, "I don't know about Rampage over here but I'm in!" Sinister turned toward Rampage "What about you?"

Hours later in New Orleans Halloween-Jack woke up in a cell. "Where am I? What's the meaning of this? Why can't I use my powers!!!?" Forge's vocie came over the intercom, "Jack my name is Forge I'm working here with X-Force. Jack your pwers have been temporarily shut off via that Genoshian collar around you neck. The only way to get it off is to retrive the key which is kept in a safe place. You're in New Orleans, we've been studying your brain waves and I've determined you've got a split personality. You will be sent back to the future after we ask you a couple of questions. So tell us why your here in this time...."
Flash Forword

WIld Card Lies with his eyes closed on a bed in the me lab in west chester After falling in to A Temprel Booby trap set by the dark beast and Volture During the fight against Panthor And the Brood WHere Creed turnd out to be some sort of Demonic monster Named HellCat. Dark Beast Disaperd Right Be for the Fighting Started And Hellcat Got Away. Wild Card Got Up Off The Bed "So McCoy WHats up Why Aren't any off My Powers Working "

"Well WildCard It seem that Temprel Trap Cossed your DNA To Completly merge into One compleat stran in sted of four sepret.SO Your Body is Adjusting So whene your powers do resurfis They Could BeDifrent ."
"Well I'm Going Home Thanks For the news "

"Just Like Logan Ill Just Fax his Medical Files To Forge And the Summers Brothers"So beast dose fax The X-force a copy of wild cards Medical files.

Mean WIle Ariving in Chicago Creed gets of APlan" Home Sweet home"
Halloween Jack

" well Iam Am Here to find My Self , Dear forge. By the way The Same Mater can not occupie the same space at the same time."

Forge= "Whats that soposed to mean"

"it means you better hope that all those Biships in XDR Dont shake hands. Oh Yea I Lied"

"Lied About What ?"

" My powers Not Working" He snaped and The coller vanished " now Befor i Go talk to Demon cat Named creed I'll leave you peopel something to remeber me with."
As he disaperrs Sweet home Chicago Starts playing on the pa .

One Of the New Bisops Looked difrent than the others He His uniform Was Darker than the others it was battel damegedHe looked Older and stronger than the others He than Calld ot to X-man Who was whatching from the abserver booth of the XDR " X-Man I Can Stop H-Jack And The Others I have More Info than The Other Bishops"

OOC: Some One Els Do X-man For Me Ill Have my bishop Tell my story latter Now I must Go to Class
OOC: Rayv how does H-Jack get the collar off? Rouge couldn't even break it off.

Cable called Forge over the comm unit while in the infirmry, "Forge whatever you do keep the Bishops locked up, some of those Bishops might not be as fun loving and heroic as our Bishop. What the hell happened to H-Jack?" "I'm not sure Cable but I can track him wherever and whenever he goes, when we implanted the device in him it included a homing device and a nice little gizmo that will administer an electric shock if he tries to leave this time without Bishop 3. I'm going to see if I can fix the time fluxor so we can sort through this mess." "Alright Forge good luck. Dragonfly patch me into the intercom system.." Cable's voice boomed over the PA, "Attention all students and staff the Danger Room is off limits unitl further notice, I repeat the danger room is off limits until further notice thank you."

Irons was in the weight room, doing his normal lifting rountine. When he noticed Dragonfly taking a zip drive into the the computer room. "Hmm I wonder what the new girl is up to."
Irons followed her and watched as she began to download some files. "Uh hey Amanda right?" Dragonfly was startled and almost fell off her chair, "Yea, uh hey what's up." "Nothing much, listen I haven't been here too long either but I don't think Cable would appreciate you downloading those files." "Oh I'm not downloading anything, just playing a little Minesweeper." "No you clearly are, I think I better alert Cable." Suddenly someone knocked Irons over the head. Amanda turned to the figure and said, "Alright get him out of here, just make it look real don't worry I'll live."

Cable was still getting patched up when he was on the phone with Xavier. "Yeah Forge is trying to figure out how to send all the Bishops but our own back to wherever they are without interuppting the cosmos or anything. " "Sounds complicated, tell Forge I'll try and get in touch with Lilandra to see if there's anything she can tell us about this." "Good idea sir, hey Rictor and Rampage were allied with H-Jack." "Hopefully one day they will see the errors of their ways and rejoin us but until then we must try to convince them." "Understood, I'll talk to you if anything else occurs." Cable recieved another page, "This is Dragonfly in the media room...come quick..."

Cable ran down the hall and headed toward the media storage room, he found Amanda passed out in the hallway. "I need a medical unit here asap!" "Oh,...Mr. Summers...H-Jack came down the hall and kidnapped Irons." "Forge get that homing device on H-Jack were are his current quardnets?" "Cable, after he disappeared he showed up in Canada." "I think your equipment is malfunctioning Forge, meet me in the med lab and I'll fill you in."
Wild Cards Return

WIld Card pulls his bike up to the front of the Xforce mansion in time to see som guy Carring Irons Off WIld Card Quickly Shots off A Homeing divice That sticks to the stranger with out notice. He than Walks In And get the scoop on whats haping from Cabel Sudn ly He hears X-man on the Pa Call Evry on to A Brifing InThe Ready room
The New Bishop

Sites In the Ready room as evry on comes in He Than Starts to speak.
"Now Ye sH-Jack Is Split Personality But Our Mistake in trying to captur him Was He Is Not A Mutant But A God. You See Whene Onslat atackt The God Loki Tryd to hel But Was Striped of his Evil side And Trund Human Traping his Powers And The Loki Persona in A limbo Than One day in 2099 he awoke as loki Than in a fight He Wastrok Bysevrel Bolts Of elctrisety Wich Case the persona of H-Jack to Awakin H-Jack Is Pure Mistiff Mixed with Alittel Good . He than Joind the X-men of that time He later betrade them And Tried to Get them Killd Why He trid to Retrev his evil side From This Time pirod But Was Knowk in to this time By mistake When he got here he ad changed into his good Perspna Nmed Rayvonus. than After being struck by lightning He turnd Bake in to H-Jack WHo Teamed up with Rampage And Rictor WHo Tha Teamed up With Dark Beast And Sinester WH helped H-Jack ANd Hell Cat, H-Jacks Evilside Get Back to geter but only after the removed Rayvonus from The mix . Needles to Say That was Bad. After that They quickly conkerd the World Aband of freedom fighter emegerd X-force Consiting Of Me Spider Mand , The Spider ,WIld-Man, The Great Wave Rider, Bones, Logan ,Mainac,And The Summers Twins Cabel And X-Man. I Just Came from the Batel Where they all died But I Have the scmatics on The flux So Forge Can Fixit And send All the other Bishops Home Except me I Stay And Hepl Stop My Future from Hapening>"

OOC: I hope I explanie How igot the Coler off
Cable and Forge sat at the foot of Amanda's hospital bed while the medi-bot scanned her body. "Nathan, I found something rather disturbing, it seems that Amanda was downloading some top secret files from the computer right before the accident took place." "How top secret?" "Schematics of the building, Maps of the Morlock tunnels in Westchester, the addresses of former collegues, and the Xavier Protocols." "Fuck, first that scumbag H-Jack escapes, then we have a danger room filled with about a thousand angry Bishops, one of our students gets kidnapped for no apparent reason, and now another one of my students is allegadly betryaing us!!" The intercomm went off again, "Cable your needed in the ready room immediatly!!"

Cable rushed to the ready room to find Ricochet, Wave, Bishop 2, Bishop 3, and X-man standing between Bishop 1 and another Bishop. "What the hell is going on here!!" Bishop one spoke first, "This guy thinks we can help him fix his timeline if he helps us catch H-Jack." "So what's the problem?" "Cable, the mere presence of all these Bishops means that all of their timelines are diverging from what they're suppose to be." "I see." Forge came running in the room, "I have the flux fixed, those schematics helped out a lot. Now we can send everyone back and with the homing device implanted in H-Jack we can find him in no time." Wave looked at one of the monitors and uttered the two worst syllables one can utter at this time, "Uh Oh" Everyone turned to the screen, Cable asked, "What do you mean, Uh Oh?" "It seems that the Bishops have escaped and are loose!"

Bishop 3 interjected, "With the fluxor fixed, we can track down their signatures and send them back one at a time." The new Bishop spoke, "What about H-Jack?" Another argument erupted. "EVERYONE COOL IT, " Cable yelled, "Bishop 1 and Bishop 4, you go looking for H-Jack, everyone else go looking for the other Bishops and send them back to their own time! Let's move out!"
Wild Card

Wild Card Walkls Over to Cabel "Good Orders But I have A Question ? Do You Want to Go Find Irons " He than holds up a hand held computer pad With a red dot blinking on it. " I've got a tracer on the assalent." " Well Cabel What do you say"
Cable thought about it for a moment, "You and a special team I'm putting togethor will go Wild Card. I've called in reinforcements and they should be arriving soon. But we have to figure out what we're dealing with first. Forge found some video taped footage of the assaliant that the computer is trying to identify now. In addition, I want someone to stay here with Dragonfly to monitor her recovery." Cable didn't tell his student the truth, he didn't want anyone to go yet because who ever did this knows all their weaknesses from downloading the Xavier Protocals. He also didn't bother to tell them that he suspected that Dragonfly was a double agent, but working for who? He didn't know. He wanted to wait a few more hours to see if her employers would come out of the dark.

Miles away, Irons was strapped to a metal examining table while doctors probed him. "It seems this implant is restricting the experiment." "Remove it immediatly, then strip him and move him to the air lab. Have him ready by the time we have to go to Washington."

Elsewhere, Sinister looked on as the Dark Beast implemented his experiments. Rampage, still undecided, looked on as well. "I must say if these subjects are half as good as your second experiment, we're in for something special," Sinister hissed. "Beast hit the keys on his computer with his toes as he devored a bucket of fried chicken. "Wait to you see what our partner on Muir Island has got, you'll be so impressed we'll have to change your name from Sinister to Smiley."

Somewhere in US air space, Irons is knocked out in a tank of water, fashioned with an oxygen tank, while doctors take out Forge's implant. "The implant is removed sir, what shall we do with the subject? He's no where near manifistation." "Add more agent red, it will speed up his growth but have a medic on hand."

Cable sat in his office decrypting the blurred video tape while Wild Card sat and waited for his reinforcements. "...are they here yet?...." "No! For the last time they'll be here any minute!" Then there was a knock at the door. "That's them now, come in." The door opened and in walked Cannonball, Polaris, Warpath, and Siryn. "Wild Card meet X-Force's special ops unit."
Wild Card

Wild card looked at the new team members And Thought For Amoment " Cool " SO now Can We Go"
OOC: Hey anyone know if Wave is still playing?

Ricochet and Forge closed in on another Bishop, blasting him with the modified fluxor beam Forge had created. This Bishop apparently was hanging out outside a nightclub completely plastered, signing some 4 non-blonds song. "Phew, this Bishops don't seem quiet as sharp as ours," Ricochet stated. "How many we got left Forge?" "Not including the three extras that are helping us out or our Bishop, 4." "It's amazing, you go through life saying what if I did this or that and now we see the thousands of possibilities. I mean think about I could be a rock star or an actor. Who do you think you are in these other dimensions Forge?" "I never really thought about it, as a shaman I stay so in tune with our reality I never really think about others I guess. X-man told me that in his dimension I was his teacher." "What do you mean his dimension?" "Um...I'll explain later it's a long story." While the two walked down the streets of New Orleans they didn't realize they were being stalked. Stealth, Dark Beast's silent assasin, took photographs of the two men.

Cable finally decoded the camera footage from Irons kidnapping. The kidnapper was wearing some odd red jumpsuit with a black stripe down the front of it with a pair of black gloves and a black helmet. Cable noticed a small badge on the front of the kidnapper's jumpsuit. He magnified the badge until it filled the screen, "Looks familar but I can't seem to place it. But I know who will" Cable picked up the telephone and dialed the number of a dear, dear friend. "Dom it's me, I'm sending you something I need you to identify it. Can you do a background check on an Amanda Hendrix for we as well? Thanks Dom, say why don't you come down here, I could really use your help getting this new team off the ground."

Over the skies of Washington DC, Irons lay in a contament chamber being prepared for a special experiment. "Prepare the subject for fluids." The chamber was sealed shut and quickly filled with a neon green liquid that made Irons' skin begin to glow. "I think the commander will be more than please."

Wave Got Partner off with Bishop Three. They Falwoode They Fallowd A bishop To A Tatoo Parler And Strip Bar . Wave looks AT Bishop " What A strange Combo Uh Bish ."

"the Names Bishop And its Not What it Seams We bettr go help Him Tahn seend him Back "

Wave didn't question Him HE Just Rode A Sound ave Down To the building And Went in on Bishops Orders The Building Was ome S.H.I.L.E.D Underground Base The quicly Found the bisop And Sent him back to his own tim If it Still exsisted.

OOC: I am A College Student And An ameture profesional surfer So Ill Post As Frequintly As I Can
OOC: No prob Johnny.

Bishop and Bishop 2 managed to corner one of the alternate Bishops in an alley. Bishop 2 released a lariat and watched as it circled the alternates legs, trapping him. Bishop suddenly grew suspicious, "Your me from a year ago, how come I don't know how to throw a lariat?" "I guess we're from different realites." "Perhaps..." Bishop prepared to blast the alternate Bishop back to his own time when suddenly an electically charged rod smacked Bishop in back of the head, knocking him out. Bishop 2 turned around to see Stealth, holding the rod preparing to attack. Bishop 2 withdrew a pair of his curved knives as he said, "Listen pal, you don't know what your dealing with."

Back at the mansion, Cable countinued to review the video footage, "Wait a minute, Irons is already on the floor when the footage begins, someone deleated the beginning of this tape." The phone began to rang, Cable picked it up, "Dom what do you have for me." "No Cable it's Forge, I just wanted to report that we have 2 Bishops left to locate." "Oh, good work." He hung up the phone and countinued searching the computer for any incriminating evidence.

Stealth nailed Bishop 2 with a punch to the gut, knocking the wind out of him. Then Stealth smashed Bishop 2 in the face with a round house kick, knocking him to the group. He stood over Bishop 2, who was so beaten he couldn't move, and withdrew his samurai sword. Bishop 2 watched helplessley as Stealth lifted the sword over his head and charged it with electricity. As the charged sword began to descend on Bishop 2, Bishop 1 fired an energy burst at Stealth, knocking him off his associate. When the smoke cleared, Stealth had disappeared once again.

Cable walked over to his office just in time to catch the phone, "Cable it's Dom I don't have too much new to tell you but I think I have to warn you of something." "What's that?" "This Hendrix girl, she didn't exist before she enrolled at Xavier's?" "So Hendrix is probably an alias?" "Most definately." "What about the badge on the soilder?" "I'm still researching it but I the sword in the left corner of the crest suggests it's somehow related to the government." "Do you thing Hendrix and the badged man are connected?" "Could be, sitll too early to tell though, keep an eye on her." "I've got her under high security, no way she's leaving her without getting through me first. Listen Dom, why don't you stop by tommorow? We can grab a bite and catch up." "Like I said I have work to do." "Dom, you there? Dom?" Cable hung up the phone frustrated, "Women."

Bishop extended his hand to Bishop 2, trying to help him up. "C'mon we better get back to work. Hey, what's with your face?" Bishop 2 stood up and felt his cheek, Stealth had cut part of his skin away, revealing his true complection beneath the Bishop 2 mask. Bishop 2 quickly through a right cross and knocked Bishop out. Bishop 2 made a mad dash for an open sewer grate. X-man had been patrolling the skies, trying to find the alternate Bishops, he saw Bishop 2 attack Bishop one and started to descend to see what was going on. By the time he hit the ground, the only evidence of Bishop 2's presence was a dread-locked wig and a plastic mask made to look like Bishop 2. X-man picked up Bishops flux device and blasted the alternate Bishop who was still on the ground, sending him back to his own universe. Then he picked up Bishop and headed for the mansion.

Cable decided to patrol the halls until he had heard from Domino again. He walked into the medical lab to see if he can get any info from Hendrix. He opened the security door to find that Hendrix had somehow escaped. He examined the room, no sign of entry, no holes in the walls, no tampering with the vent, It was like she had just vanished. "How the hell did she do that?"
Wild Card, X-foce Specil Ops

WIld card And The Others left fallowing the Tracer To A Un Marked Building in DC Warpath Spoke"Looks like Some Guvenrment Building."

"Hay Over here thers some symbel" Helld Siryn. Every one cameOver to wher she was standing WildCard Looked at the Symbel It Had Sword And A gun Makeing An X " I Know This Symbel Its The Wepon X ProGram We Better Be Carfull." Wild Card Said

"The Wepon X" asked CannonBall

" Yess And If Irons is here We need to get him out fast"