The New X-Force

Halloween Jack

As Creed Enterd His Chicago Home He saw h-Jack Just SIting in his house " Iknow You Dont I?" Asked Creed

"you Should I am You"

"If that Is Fact Than you WoulD Know WHy I have This Guy." He pulls Back A Curtinn revilling The Jackel in A Cryo Unit

" Yess i Do Dear Creed Thaw Jackel there we need his Brain"

With that said Creed Woke up Jackel. The three than telaported to The Base Of Dark Beast ANd Sinester.
Wild Card's Exit

Wild Card And His Team Sneek into The Wepon X Building Wild Card Truns To The Others " Ok CanonBall You And Syrin Go That Way And Caus A DistractiionMeat Up With Us In 30min. out side By The X-Force Truck. Polaris, Warpath Yall Come With Me "
Cannon Ball SHot Of Out OF Sit In A loud Bang As Syrin fallowd behind SCreming Soon the Building Whent on alert Siren raing and sounded. Soon Wild Card And The Others Mad it to the lab wher Irons Was held . " Damn it I Cant think With all thi nois " Wild Card Walked over to A Computer And Turnd The Alarm Off "Ahh Thats better. Now People I Believ Thats The Man We're here to Save " Wild Card Pointed At A Clean Tank That Held Irons. " Polaris You Shater the clas Warpath You Cetch Irons As he falls I'll put A Vires in Their Comp To Crash it and to set this progam back A Few Months."
They Fallowed orders Soon They were On Their Way Back To Base With Irons In the Truck A sthey Walked int o the Instute Wild Card Was Meet By Cabel
" What The Hel Was that I Didnt Say You Could Go After Him Yet Wild Card. We Didnt Even Know Who We were up aginst "Cabel Yelled

" Well Cabel ItS A Mut Point Now It Was Just Wepon X ANd We Got Irons BacK, Cherr "

"That Not the Point WIld Card Would Should Have Waited "
" Im Gonna Go Smoke A Cigarr Ill Be Back in soon Cabel "
He Wallked Out Side And kLight His Cigarr Sudenly He Was Struk Fromm Be Hind And Carried Off By A Man In A Trinch Cote
OOC: Fro What Happend Next Refer to "Black Ops Project-X"
I am Going To Take OPver Bishop 4 till I Come Up WIth A New Character

Hay Pm Would you play Dark Beats And Mr.Sinister For me
Irons was working on his 4th straight hour in the danger room and he had yet to break a sweat. X-man oversaw and took notes while John smashed another Sabertooth robot. Cable entered the room, "How's Irons doing since he returned?" "Astounding, these are the best Danger Room results recorded since Jean was possesed by the Dark Phoenix." "Hmmmm and he's phsyically unharmed?" "Yeah, but he totally doesn't remember what happend to him." "I have to go make a call, tell him to come to my office when he's through."

Cable picked up the phone and called Domino, "Listen Dom things are getting really strange around here, my kidnapped recruit returns today and is smashing all previous records." "Sounds unusual." "Tell me about it! Any luck with that stuff I sent you?" "I couldn't figure it out at first but I was flipping though an old file on Deadpool and I noticed that same logo is on his immigration papers but the name of the organization is blackened out. I think it's Weapon X." "Impossible! That shut down years ago." "Actually there have been some unconfirmed reports that Weapon X is up and running again." "I never thought I would say this, let's try and contact Deadpool to see if he could give us confirmation." "Cable, Wade was killed." "Really? I didn't think it was possible." "Yeah, no one's really sure who killed him but they had to scrape him up in a bucket." "Listen, I know that you don't want a realationship with me but things are really freaking me out down here, I don't know who I can trust. Can you at least come down to help me sort out this mess?" "..." "Dom you there?" "yeah...I'll think about it.."
Bishop 4

Bishop 1 And Bishop 4 came upon Creeds Aprtment in chicago As the Busted in There was nothing there except An EMty Cryo chamber

Bishop 4 : " Damn it Were to late "

Bishop 1:" Only By a Moment Look Thery back in New orleins."

Bishop 4 :" Now Thery At Where ever Sinister and the Dark Beast Are About tou Get rid of Rayvonus And Bring back a bad Loki"

They Quickly fly back to the X-force home in New Orliens To Re prot in

Wvae Had Just returnd From Hunting Down Bishops He headed to The Kitchion " Good For Some reson Im All ways Ungry after ive ued my powers alot" He was Geting A pie Out Of the Frig when Hendrix Spoke to him ( He hadnt Heard That shes A trader yet) "Mind SHaring That Pie With me Wave? " She said in A Suductive voice

" Shure, i would Love to" i Smiled
OOC: You Dont Mind Playn' with me Do Pm Tick?
OOC: No prob Johnny, but do me a favor, have her knock wave about at the end.
In a lab at an undisclosed location 2 biologists talk, "Our Weapon X facility in DC was raided." "Good, it will take eyes off our little operation here, I told you it was a good idea." "Yes but one of the molds was stolen." "Not a problem." The second doctor pulled watched a row of cryo tanks with bald men in them. "Project 22 is going smoothly, we will deliver the specimans to Norad by the end of the week for their spectacular debute."
All things Bad (Can Only Get Better)

In a undisclosed location: "Colonel Wraith Lab site B Justs sent word That Project 22 is going smoothly, And will be delivering the specimans to Norad by the end of the week for their debute."

"exclent Kid Tell The Doctor at Lab Site B That Our plant in X-Force will Be Bringing him A New Subject to play with"

"Yes sir"

"Those Damn fat cats in Wasington Will Regret the day they Caned My ass And tryed to Shut down Wepon-X"

SOme where near The LeBeua Mansoin: A portal Opens Two Men Wlak out "Ok Now this is WHat you asked For A team Of Heros To join You Know Your lucky and unique You were the only being In that Amalgum univers that Was Not And Amalgum You. now Jack Frost Go And Join that Team" With that Said the one known Only As Acsess Left The Other man .

OOC: Ive Got My New Character His name Is Jack Frost

Hight:6ft even
weight: 200lbs.
Eyes:ice Blue No pupels
Powers: Like his Name Sace He can Controll the empeter Around him He prefers the cold But Can Make it quit Hot.

As i Shared the Pie Withn her She seamed to be flirting With Me Dude did I ever like it. i fell for it Hook line And Seinker. Wel she asked me to Help here Get some Thing from the ARmery " Cant Find My Axcess Card.I think I left it in th ARmery. I am Such A dunce."She Said In A real seductive Voice. So I helped her I Opend th Armery doors She went in And Picked Up Some Explosives Put some in A Bag. "Hay Hendrixs I thought You Said you left your Card in Here Whats Whit the expolives." As I Sadi that She set one And than sat it Down.
"Well Wave Im Blowing This Place But Dont Worrie You and I Wont Be here." As Soon As he stoped talking I was hit from Behind Fell to the FloorI hear some Say To Get Me To the Doctor As soon As posibel What dose that Mean.

OOC: Was that Good Pm And Talon
Jack Frost

jaCk walkin to the Mansion He is nerrly nocked down by Hendrix And her Partner as they excape with the Body Of Wave. Hay Whats GOing On . An Alarm gos off.
OOC: Alright wait a sec, I don't want everyone disappering here, I've got a plan with Dragonfly. I'll be revealing more this weekend. I'll post more tonight to clear things up a bit.
Jack Frost

OOC: Here Lets Keep Wave KidNaped Hes Requeted it Ill STop The Bomb That will Give You A Reson to Have Dragonfly Come Back Is That Ok PM?

IC: As The Alarm Sounded I Rushed In The Dirction WHere Others Were running Icame to Room that aperred to Be the Armery I Saw A bomb Emeditly I react. i take A Deep breth Role My Hands to gether with out tuching I Push Forword The Bomb is incased in Ice Amn With OnE Mettal Arm Looks At Me And Yells "Good Job But WHo the Hell are you "

" Jack Frost I Wish To Join Your Team. By the Way Whtas the name of this Team."

Cabel Just looked at me

OOC: Some One els Play Cabel I hate talking to my self
OOC: I don't think that's a good idea considering that Johnny doesn't even know about it yet. I can write my way out of it. There's still one Bishop on the run, is anyone going to get him? In addition is anyone going to chase the Bishop imposter? He's mysterioulsy still on Forge's radar, which I will address in this post. I know who the imposter is, he's part of the X-men universe and will be revealed soon as well. Bishop 1,3, and X-Man are returning to the mansion next post.

Dragonfly dragged Wave into a holding cell, locking the door and keeping Wave out of her hair. She brought her wrist communicator to her mouth, "Papa bird, this is sparrow I need to leave the nest immediatly pick me up!!" "Sparrow, big buzzard is currently hovering over the mansion, prepare for extraction."

Cable, Ricochet, and Forge were in hot pursuit of Dragonfly. They saw her fly out the mansion's doors, X-Force quickly rushed through the doors only to be met by Nick Fury, agent of shield. Dragonfly stood behind Fury, along with a few other Shield agents. Cable screamed at Fury, "You're behind my boy's kidnapping!!" Fury replied, "Listen Nathan, we think you and your team are at risk here, let's talk in your office. "What about the bomb she planted Fury?" "It's not real, just a diversion to get her out, Natalie come with me." "Alright sir," Dragonfly answered.

Cable sat at his desk as Nick Fury and the woman who just recently had been hiding her true identity to X-Force. Fury spoke, "First of all the is my agent, Natalie D'Nair. She was sent to make sure an attack on your mansion did not take place. We suspect that Weapon X is back in business under the command of a rouge army general. Unfortunately, it seems our intelligance couldn't intercept the kidnapping of John Irons. " "Wild Card brought Irons back!" "Wait, there is an Irons here?" "Yea he's in the danger room right now." "We have to get there now!"

Fury stormed out the office and went into the main control room of the danger room, he picked up some kind of data scanning device and opened the security doors. Fury found himself in a replica of the Savage land, "Oh christ, should have shut the system down first." Fury withdrew his pistol and fired three quick shots into a set of bushes. A small compysaurus fell forward from behind the bushes, almost ready to fire it's toxic chemicals. Then he saw his targe, John Irons atop of the trees, Fury shot the branch off the tree, sending Irons falling to the ground. Cable entered the danger room to see Fury empty his pistol into Iron's head. Cable tackled Fury to the ground, "You bastard what did you do!!" Natalie pulled back Irons' shirt to reveal a walking bomb to Cable. "Irons was mearly a replicant, he was going to wait until tonight and blow up the mansion." Cable helped Fury up and apologized. "Alright but why did Natalie steal those files from our system." Fury then had the look of shock on him, "What files are missing?" "Many important files including the Xavier protocols and a database of all inactive agents' locations." "Fury picked up his cell phone, base things just got from bad to worse."

Somewhere over Washington DC, Irons roams a large iron cell with two iron doors on either side of the room. Irons had been alone for hours, paceing in the room by himself. Suddenly the doors opened and two tigers emerged racing towards Irons. Within a minute the two cats covered Irons, attempting to ravage his body. Within a second the observeing lab assistants gasped as two giant fists emerged from both cats, killing them both. One of the assistants picked up a phone, "Sir the speciman is ready." "Good, get him into a holding unit, the auction will start in three hours, be prepared and contact the bidders."
OOC: This part deals with a character of mine from the now defunk X-men thread. He's joining special ops, but I figure this is a good way to tie-up the Irons plot. Michale Nomac aka Rantic is a soon to be ex-S.H.I.E.L.D agent suspected of selling arms to Saudi Arabia (this will explain it.) He has the power to change his skin to metal, think T-1000 meets Colossus.

Rantic had been conducting espionage inside the sky lab for three weeks now, investigating the sales of weapons to the Middle East. He had heard rumors of a super soilder in the works that was being auctioned off in a few hours. He had intercepted a list of bidders, it didn't look that much different from the F.B.I's most wanted list. No doubt this super soilder wouldn't be used to redecorate. He had "acquired" a key card from a guard outside who was mysterioulsy thrown off the sky lab. Rantic opened the adamantium reinforced security doors and found that the rumors were true. The soilder sat in the corner, not even acknowledging Rantic's presence.

Ranitc picked up the medical chart and scanned it, sending it back to S.H.I.E.L.D headquarters, "Subjects name is John Irons, looks like he's really messed up. Surgical scars all over and seems to have been mindwiped, I'm administering a mild sedative before teleporting him to the heli-carrier." Rantic fired a knock out gas canister into the cell. As the pink smoke filled the room, Irons passed out. Rantic opened the cell and grabbed Irons, carrying him over his shoulder. Just then it happened, an alarm went off.

Rantic looked up and realized he was surrounded, he quickly changed to his metal form and slapped the teleporter to Irons teleporting the young mutant immediatly. Something was wrong, Rantic was still there, he should have been whisped away with Irons. The guards opened fire but the bullets bounced off of Rantic's metal exterior. He charged at the guards, knocking them out of the way. He grabbed a parachute and headed toward the deck.

As Rantic reached the deck the voice of who ever the mastermind was behind this boomed over the loudspeaker. "Nomac, we went to the academy togethor you didn't think I knew they would send you?" "Who are you?" "You don't remember? I'm hurt. You costed me a lot of money tonight Nomac but I think I've taken you out of the picture. Look at the screen on the deck." A giant screen popped up on the deck of the air lab, it played a picture of an arms deal going down but Michael was digitally inserted into the picture!. "Congrats Mikey, your S.H.I.E.L.D's most wanted fugitive!" That's why they didn't teleport him! He couldn't go back to New Orleans now, he had to think fast.

Rantic leapt off the deck of the ship and cut his parachute. "In my metal form maybe this won't hurt so bad and they'll think I got shot down." Rantic fell straight down towards Southern New York.

Back in New Orleans, Nick Fury assured Cable they had recieved Irons at the heli-carrier and needed to keep him for a week. He had been augmented and emotionally scarred. He told Cable nothing of Rantic, he would have to handle Nomac himself.
Cable sat in his office, pissed off as usual. He didn't like the idea of some government officials spying on him. He didn't like the idea that someone recently stole some important files from the computer system. He didn't like the idea an imposter was in their company and he couldn't detect it. But most of all he hated the fact that he wasn't in control. Ricochet and Wave had been resting since the incident, they had a rough week and needed some shut eye badly. Forge and the Bishops were in the ready room, trying to figure out who the imposter was and why he showed up on Forge's flux radar. The new recruit was in the XDR and Irons was still on the ship. "Where is Xman? Fuck it I don't care!" He decided to light a cigar to ease his nerves a bit, he reached in his pocket for a match when the hand of his old friend Domino placed a lighter in his hands. "Dom!! Your here!!" "Well I decided maybe I should lend a hand."
Just some comody

Wave snezzes And The wall in fony of him Desintergrates. Deth to the rebels DOwn with the cows Long live the chees This thread is dead i Cryed at it funeral Than I SLept with its mom:) ;) :D :cool: :rolleyes: :p
OOC: I'm trying to hold on to this for as long as possible. Forgive me if I forget someone here.

Domino had been at the mansion for two weeks now to help Cable get X-Force off the ground. Things hadn't been going well, after a huge fiasco with multiple Bishops, one member had mysterioulsy disintegrated (Wave) while another was abducted only to return as some weird techno zomibe (Irons). The rest of X-force enjoyed a rather quiet time while occasionly working out. The identity of the imposter is still yet to be determined and it was really taking it's toll on Cable.

Domino walked over to Cable's bedroom and rapped on the door. No answer. Domino opened the door to find that Cable's room was empty excpet for a note on his bed. Domino read the note to herself:


I think I know whose behind this, I'm raiding there hq tonight, your in charge till and if I get back. It's not looking good, I'm going to raid the S.H.I.E.L.D hellipad.

Domino ripped up the note as she gasped. "This is not good."

Recap The way only I can Do it:D

OOC: Heres A recap so All know Whats up And Be Whatching for The Casting Call for This Thread. First Of Will Be The Cast Of The Current Show.

Shared Characters
Cabel, X-Man, Forge, Domino ANd Bishop

Curent Guest Stars
Nick Fury (Pm/Dark Talon)

Team Members
Dragonfly (PM)
WIlDCard (DarkTalon)
Jack Frost(DarkTalon)
Wayv(Johnny Wryder)

Bad GuyS
Rampage( Angelus)
Halloween Jack(Rayv)
Demon (DarkTalon/ Rayv)
Dark Best And Sinester (Pm/DarkTalon)

OOC :Now I Wil Do the Curent Status Of The Current Cast

SHared Charaters
Cable:As Ran Off on An ramPage to Brack Ijn to Shild
X-Man: DIsapered During The Bomb Threat
Forge:Still At the Mansion in new Orleins Trying to Figure What Happend To Wayv
Domino: Left in charge of the X-Force When Cabel Left
Bishop: Bishop 1 Was kild By Demon durring a fight in the sub way tunals Leaving Bishop 4 To Tack his Place Bishop is Now Helping Forge With the wave problem

Curent Guest Stars
Nick Fury:Kidnapped Durring A joint venture between X-Force ANd SHILED
Rantic:Currently Amember Of Magnetos BrotherHood
Wraith: CUrrently At A Gentelmans Club In New Orliens
Fritzroy: Unknown

Team members
Dragonfly: Whent missing same time as X-Man
Irons: Works For Shiled He Is On lone To ProJect-X
Ricochet: He IS Curntly in New York Looking For X-Man
WIlDCard: Left X-Force to become the Leader of the Governmen Group Project-X. He Now As Gone Rouge
Jack Frost:Jack Had TackenThe Loss Of Nick Furry Bad For Some Reson And Had Gone to wosington To hellp find him .
Wave: After A TrAning Sesion in the DXR With Jack Wave Discentergrated.
Ghr'Unt: Returned to his planet
Rayvonus: Was Recoverd From The Subway tunal where Rictor And Demon Fought Bishop 1, Bishop4, And Jack Frost He Is Still In the Cryo Chamber They Found Him In.

Bad GuyS
Rictor: WasBurryed in the Sub way tunal Durring The Battel ; Thoughjt to be Dead
Rampage: Last Seen He had Got Some Sort OF enAnce ment from Dark Beast And Sinester
Halloween Jack: Merged With Creed to creat Demon
Creed:Merged With Creed to creat Demon
Stelth: STill Working For Dark Beast And sinester
Demon: Was Barryed in the Subway Fight Thoughjt to be Dead
Dark Best And Sinester : SUn known Where They Operate But they Are Still Free
OOC: Now Keep Your Eyes Opend For The Casting Call And The New Story line
Wave Re Born

Forge Sat in his New lab At The LeBeau istuit in New Orliens
" Finly Thats It His Body Was Changing His powers Were Growing Maybe If i" As He Said that Wav Be gan to Mateirlize In Front of forge. Forge's Jaw jroped At What he Saw Standing Be For Him Was One Beautiful long Haird Blond Nude. In The Mast Sexy Voice you ever heard Wav Spoke Whats Wrong Forge What Hapned to me " She than Heard Her own Voice " WHats With my Voice" Forge Handed Her A Mirror Wave Just Starred At her New Body " MMM How Will I Ex plain This To Dad . How Do you Tell your fother that His Bady boy Is Now His Baby Girl."

Wave Walked Out Of The Lab And up to her Room To Find Some Cloths
Bishop takes Comand

Forge Cam runing in to the kitchen where Bishop was Eating "wave S Back But Shes Not Quit the Same "
"Good Im Glad shes Back Im going to call JAck back Domino And Ricochet hasn't Reported Back So im Gusein that Theve Been Captuerd And Cabels Still At Shileds Helie Base . Im Going to Have Wave And Jack Come With Me to Straiten Al this up " Bishop Than walked Out Of The kitchen With Out Giving Forge A Chance To Speak "Wait DiD He Say She ?"
All things

Bisop Called Jack Frost on his Cell Phone. ~Hello Jack here~

"Jack Its Me Bishop I need you Back Here At X-Force emeditly"

~Ill Be There In On Two Days Im In Canida~

" Ok "

Bishop Hung Up The Phone

Two Days Later

Wild Card Puled Up To The X-Force Mansion in A Big Black Utilaty Van . As Jack Arived From the Air Port . Wild Card And Wolverien Steped Out Of The Van And headed to the Back Doors Of The Van.
Jack SPoke to Them"Hay Did Bishop Call yal Here Too"

"No " Wild card And Wolverien Both Said in A Sirus Tone.
Wolerien and Wild Card carrfuly Took Gambit And Storm Out Of the Van And Carred Them In Siad Of the Mansion.