The New X-Force

John Irons awoke in a white tiled room. "...Oh man where am I" Cable emerged from the shadows, "You're in New Orleans at the LeBeau estate, what were you doing at the airport?" "One minute my magazine is getting burned up by some ass riding through the air and then I collapsed." "So you don't have any affiliation with Halloween Jack?" "Who's that?" Cable was able to tell the man wasn't lying, "We took some X-rays and it seems like you didn't break anything." "Never broken a bone, it's just not possible." "I know, your a mutant, with an extra strong skeleton and strength. John I'm going to hand you a few forms to fill out, I'll be back in a few minutes." "Alright" Cable left the room and looked in on his new recruits. Wolverine was teaching them a few new fighting techniques. Forge had arrived earlier and was in the process of building a medical unit like the one in Westchester and a new version of Cerebro. Things were finally starting to shape up.
Johnny Wryder

As The Plain is prepairing to land Johnny Wakes Up "Got to get the Fires Out!" He Than Relizes That He Is No longer On The Ground " Where Am I And Who Are You Guys And Why Did You Atack Me?"
They than Landed And Took Him To A Room He Waited For the One Calld Cabel
WIld Card

Wild Card And Riochet Wallk in to The X.D.R (Extream Danger Room) ItS A Street sene Than the doors close and wolverens V oice Came On the Intercom systam in the X.D.R ~" X-Man is Already In Here Boys But Hes tide Up You Got 120 mins to find him and get him out off here. Your advisayr Is The Brother hood Of Evil Mutants Now which team members are here to Kick your butts Is Un known to you two."~
Wild Card looks to Riochet "OOOO Sounds fun Dont it Marc."
Than sudinly From be hind A Voice Calls its Sabertooth And Juggernot "Look WHat we got here sabertooth."

" looks like Fresh Meat Jugger"

As Wild Card And Riochet Looked at theem piro snuck up behind theem
Cable talks with Wave

Cable walked into the next room, there Wave sat in his bed. The first thing Cable said to Wave was, "Alright let me get to the point, have you ever met Halloween-Jack and if not tell me exactly what you were doing at the airport."

OOC: Hey if you guys want to take temporarily take control of any of the nonoriginal X-men characters for plot purposes, go ahead. I'm not claiming them my character or anything I'm just using them to advance the thread.

Cable and Forge sat in the new, fully automated Medical Center discussing the unusal findings on John Irons' X-rays. "Scott, it seems that Irons' bones are just about unbreakable, so hard in fact that thy can injur others. " "I know, I had Jean do some backgound work on him and she emailed me a rather interesting article." Cyclops handed Forge a file he had created about Irons'. "It seems that Mr. Irons used to be a top NFL running back, he had a small tiff with Howie Long and accidently broke his hand while they were patching up their differences." "If he was such a big player, how come we never heard of him, Scott." "Well it seems that he changed his name after leaving the NFL his real name was Rodney Orion, he's about 27 years old."

Forge look puzzled for a moment, "That's odd, take a look at this." Forge pulled a profile shot of Irons' skeleton. "It seems that the reason Irons' bones are so strong is that he has two skeletons, an inner an outer but it seems that the outer second skeleton is constantly growing. When his skeleton grows it starts to seperate from the other, causing extreame pain and paralysis" "When will it stop?" "I'm not sure Scott. We may have to figure out a way to remove the second skeleton"
WIld Card

OOC:Same here So We All know who the Shared Characters are Ill list them The X-Force Members Cabel, X-Man, Forge, ANd Bishp The X-men Guste stars Wolveren, Cyclops, Jubilee,And Gambit.

ill Post For My Guy Later Right Now Im Latt For Class
Johnny Wryder

"I Dont Know any Halloween Jack . As I Said on the plane I was Passing by And Saw the Fires I was Trying to put them All Out Than that One Guy Throw Chairs at me And than SOme thing knocked me out." Cabel than asked why Johnny Why he was in New orliens " Was Kicked out of My 8th Bording schoolIwas Bout to by a tiket home."
OOC: In my last X-men post Forge sent Xavier Irons' x-rays. Xavier wants to study Irons' upclose so has asked Cyclops to bring him in.

The Blackbird touched down in Westchester about one hour after Xavier got off the phone with Forge. Cyclops wheeled out a heavily sedated Irons' into the medical unit where Beast, Jean Grey, and Dr. Reyes were eagerly awaiting their odd patient. Beast drew some blood and quickly hurried over to his lab to examine it while Jean and Dr. Reyes gave Irons a physical.

Beast called Cyclops into the lab a few minutes later. "Scott take a look at this," Cyclops lowered his head to the microscope and examined the blood cells as Beast countinued talking, "at first it seems that Irons' blood cells are perfectly normal right? But watch what happens when one of the cells is split." Beast split the cell in half with his fingernail, Cyclops watched as the cell seemed to duplicate itself. "What does all his mean McCoy?" "Well Scott it means that at some point after Irons' mutation became activated, he was injured. His bones reconstructed themself and began to try and seperate from his body." Scott interupted, " his body is trying to rip itself apart?? Is there any way to reverse this?" "I don't know but I have to work quickly alert New Orleans immediatly, I can't send him back like this."
OOC: Sorry I mixed up posts, the X-force realted post is under X-men, this part takes part in Westchester.
Wild Card


Wild card quickly Toos Some Charged Cards At Sabertooth And Juggernot Sabertooth stumbeld Alittel But Not Much the Cards Had no evefect on Juggernot Juggernotlaughed theses Words " That Tikkeld PipSqueek" Sabertooth Atcked Riochet As Piro Just Laghed And created A Gighent Fire Beast Riochet Too

OOC: Pm You Gonna join in on this Training Exer sizze Soon Your Guy Gould Get Hurt
Johnny Wryder

Johnny Sat There After Explaining His Story Cabel Came Back With Papers "File Theses Out Than I will give you an enternce exAm . And Yess I have All redy talked to Your Father"

Johny filed the papers out and gave them To Cabel "OkayNow What Dude"Johnny said In A arrigant tone

Cabel looked At the Young man " You Now Change in to some thing You Can Fight in. Thins place you are in Is For Trubel teens . Now Get Changed johnny"

"Done! Yelld Johnny He was Now wearing a Black with red trimm Wetsuit " Only My Dad Calls Me Johnny Call me Wave"

Cabel Laughed at the boy For gthe boy was wearing a wet suit and holding his whelless skate bord" You call that Battel Gerr. Well lets get to the X.D.R."
Wave Fallowed Cabel To the X.D.R "Ok Iisde Are two of your new team mates ane tunes of bad guys and surprises Now get in there and help theem survive" Cabel Grined As Wave enterd the scene.
Halloween Jack

Sat In His Cell As Bishop Enterd " Halloween Jack , WHot Are You Doing In This time And Why Are You here "

"I was Bord So I thought Id Have A Hot Time In The Old Citty But Now Why Iam In this Time I dont know . All Iknow Is this room Is Stuffy Ba Bye " With that He disaperrs Not to Be seen.

Finding A part ner
H-Jack Strold up To A Bar In side He Found Rampage "Lets Talc You Dis Like X- Force I Dis Like My fun Being SToped Lets Help Each Other"
OOC: DT, use my character for the training sequence. I really don't feel like being in the danger room right now but I don't want to stifle any thread ideas you might have. I'll take control of him again after the Danger Room part is over.

Thank you i Will But For the Moment There Will Be A Pause in The Thred As The X- men Thred An This on Dis Cuse A vew Things
I have a question..... just who are the bad characters in this thread because my character needs to hook up with them or he is going to get his ass kicked.

Halloween Jack Is A Bad Guy And I think He is Tring to to team up with you ANy way And Ii AM Working On More Bad Guiys Later

DT, I think what we have here can keep going without the other thread, I just have to figure out what to do with Irons right now.
Irons awoke in a daze as he tried to get up out of the hospital bed. He tripped and fell to the floor just as Forge walked in the room. "Hello John, how are you feeling?" "...who the fuck are you...where am I?" Forge helped Irons to his feet as he explained, "You were brought back to New Orleans after we discovered why you had a second skeleton trying to erupt from your body." "What?? Second skeleton??" "Yes John, your bones are strong because you have two layers of bone matter. The upper layer was trying to seperate from the lower layer, when this occurs, you go into shock." "How the fuck did you figure that out, I've been seeing doctors since I was 3 and they all just thought I just drank lots of milk or something." "Well our technology is a little different from what you would find in your convential hospital." John scratched the back of his head as he asked, "So what happens if the bones seperate?" Forge answered, "Honestly, we don't know but all signs point to your demise, so I created and implanted a device to stop this from occuring, at least until we can figure out what happens." John angrily exclaimed, "You cut me up and put some shit in me???" "John we had to or you would have probably died."

At that moment Cable walked in the room, "Forge give me a moment with Mr. Irons." Forge exited the room as John countinued his angry tirade until Cable finally stopped him, "I've been listening to you jabber for about twenty minutes now so quiet down while I offer you the deal of a lifetime. In case you haven't figured it out, these people are willing to help you. They've already saved your life without you doing anything but yell obsenties. Now you can countinue to stay here until we figure out what's going on with your body or we can part ways here." John thought about it for a few minutes, "I'm in for now, as long as you can stop my bones from exploding or whatever." "Wise choice my friend, now report to the registration area for a room assignment."

As Cable was walking out of the health annex, a young woman was walking down the hallway. "Excuse me are you Mr. Summers? My name is Amanda, I was told to come to you for my entrance exam." "Yes right this way."

Cable left the examination room and began walking toward the XDR when Bishop came running down the hall, "Cable, Halloween Jack has escaped, I'm taking a bike and going after him." Bishop was armed with his standard energy weapon, a dampaning enducer, and a dart gun. "Just be carefull carrying those arms Bishop."
New player

Here is a new character, Amanda Hendrix, also known as Dragon Fly. At this point in time she has minor telekenetic abilities.

She came to the institue after reading about it on the internet and immediatly left school to join X-Force.
Rampage looked over at the person that was talking to him and liked the idea that this person was giving him. He turned towards him and found to his surprise that it was one of the mutants that had been in the fight at the airport. He grinned before he moved forward and looked the mutant straight in the eyes.
"Okay. I like your idea of us joining up but I have one simple question. How is it that the two of us are going to destroy the X-Force, especially Cable."

A bone spike suddenly shot out of his arm without any warning and slammed into the floor of the bar.
Halloween Jack

" I Konw things About this time That kknow one els know In cluding Biship Wich Reminds Me He shoud be riding up To this Bar In 20 minnits. Now As Fars As X-Foce gose As long as we go after them Fast And soon We should Have Vary littel problems Taking them Out " The impish Halloween Jake Grind A wicked Demonic Grin. " Now if thats All For now we should leave Soon.
special guest appearance

A waitress approached Halloween Jack and Rampage, handing the pair a beer each, "The guy in the corner sent them over." Jack and Rampage looked over to the corner to see a man in a leather jacket and jeans wearing a bandana with two eye holes cut out, over his head. "Why do I always attract the weirdos?" Jack snickered as the pair walked over to the mystery man. The man spoke, "I overheard you guys saying you were gonna take out Cable, I was wondering if you could use my assistance. I used to work with Cable, back in the day. I know every move he'll make, he'll sacrifice his students and their families before he gets hurt, he's done it before. So whattda say guys?"
Rampage moved closer to the mystery man and said, "I know Cable also. I used to be in the X-Force, before he left me to die that is. I know what you mean about him sacrificing people but why should we trust you. You have to give us something first because if not then the two of us are just going to leave this bar and not look back and then go after the X-Force without you. And trust me on this- if you try to intervent or even try to help us in anyway if we leave this bar then I will have no trouble at all in destroying you. Do you get me."
"Fair enought" The masked stranger reached into his jacket and pulled out a manilla folder. Rampage flipped through it, "What the hell is this?" "They're called the Xavier Files, they were created in the event that one of the X-men's own turns on them. It tells you how to take out each and every member of the X-Family. H-Jack asked, "Wait where's Cable's profile in this?" The stranger reached into his coat and pulled out a sheet of paper, "You didn't think I'd show you until I had your full support did you?" H-Jack smiled, "He he he, devious, how did you come across this information?" The stranger again reached into his pocket and pulled out a New Mutants membership card with the face and name scratched out of it and a piece of cloth brandish the trademark "X." "You see Rampage, I too was a former student of Cable's. I saw him let my friend Doug die as well as my father. Now if you don't want my help, you better stay out of my way. What's the verdict pal?"