The Time of Dragons, an Magic.. OCC.....

Jumping In!

Is it too late to get in the game? I've been playing D&D(and other RPG games) for about 7 years now.
Well, we did use a D&D comparrison thing earlier on, but I figure that most of us have gone and made a character that we just thaught up, and are not overly powerful. For my part, I'm using an old D&D character of mine

I was thinking of playing a Fey'ri. They are shapechangers. If shapechangers are ok, that is.
Greetings everyone.

Out of curiosity, is anyone still interested in this story?
I'm willing to keep story telling it if I can get some dedicated players back.
I.... can't remember an awful lot about this! :eek: However, I would at least try to stay in it...
I'm still in if we're making a comeback. I'll just go re-familiarize myself with the happenings so far.
I remember everything now! Huzzah! And I even remember the motives of Gar and Valanthe!
Good! I was hoping to draw them into a wider place in the story.

I recognize your quote from "Mystery Men".

Love that movie!
Hehehe! Yup! Just watched it again the other day! I love all those wannabe heroes!

Squeegee Man, Radio Man, Pencil head and Son of Pencil head, PMS Avenger, Ballerina Man....
Hey, everyone!

May I use the characters you've created in our thread in a story?
Sure, if you want to. You prety muc know how Valanthe goes by now, but I'd prefer if you don't use Gar. Not quite sure if you'd get him just right... :D
How does this work?

How does this work? Do you all get together at a certain day and time to play? I'm new to all of this. I play RPG games, but have never played this way before.
Oh, no no no. Basically, have a bio ready, and post as and when you are able/interacted with

Who's the DM, or is there one? hehe, I have so many questions. How detailed should I make my toon? Do I need to post a background on my toon?

Don't know if meant Ona, but if you want to use her go ahead. If you want to know anything else about her that hasn't come out yet in the thread just ask. She's still kind of an amorphous character but there's a few things if you're interested.

Basically just come up with a rough character bio, race, background, weapons, talents, magic...that sort of thing and post it here. You can follow this thread back and see each of ours. Mantra is our DM kind of guy, guiding our story along (and doing a great job btw)

So jump in and get your feet wet! Looking forward to meeting your character.