The Vendetta: Author grudge match

Vix's eyes grow wide as she stares at the emerging creature.
*sprouts her own blue wings*
Oh my goodness, how adorable!
Where'd you get it? I've never seen a black one before.
Must admit, I'm sutably impressed (even if I can't spell it.)

Nice Slayer's move ... *Scratches the behind her dragon's ears w/ her claws*
Arc da Rat said:

Nice Slayer's move ... *Scratches the behind her dragon's ears w/ her claws*
*bows prettily*
Thank you, was hoping someone would get that.
*looks at her circle- there's a golden woman standing in there glaring at her*
*Is stabed by the sword of sorrow.* "I'm sorry man I didn't mean to offend you. I was only trying to help. I'm so sorry." * Is teleported away and ahs the sword removed.* "Thanks"

*Watches barreir, salt, flash of lught etc.* "Okay that is new to me." *Watches black pheonix egg hatch.* "Oh, I call the pheonix!" *Pulls out a large collar* "Thanks for growing it Hy. It'll be a nice adition to the hell cats and kitten ninjas. Once it has the collar on."
Black Phoenix's eyes glow red just before incinerating the colar. "Sorry, it was hatched because of my energy, and my blood, so it will not listen to any body else without MY permission!" The black phoenix turns around and lands near Hybird.

"Oh and Vix, creating a black phoenix is fairly simple, just take a regular phoenix egg, and freez it for a hundred or so years, then constantly feed it energy and blood.
Um... interesting.

So it was cold! just like your heart! And also that cup of coffee you had the other day.

So next theme shall be battles while falling down a bottomless pit.

Since some one who will remain nameless removed my tail a week or two ago, can some one else make down town lit into a bottomless pit?
(Hey, you asked for it...) "A bottemless pit huh? Okay!'' Hybird grabs his infamous Demon Sword and stabs it into the ground. "This takes about oh, three minutes..."
"Yeah... Whats up with it...." Hybird walks around the sword. "It should work..." Hy's growing agrivation forces him to kick the sword once. "I guess it need re-paaaaaaaaaaaaiiirs!!!" Hy grabs the sword and dives out of the way, where a giant hole began to form.
*Pushes Hy into the hole.* Okay every one dive in. *Dives down after hy arms crossed ahead of me so I can hit him hard.
*Waves tail summoning a gaint white fwater cat after us.* This fight is going to stay fair minions or none.
Who's beating it? I'm useing it to cook. What else would you use an unbeatable Gaint white water cat for? Between the two of them I'll be haveing steamed Hy for dinner.
Steam-fried? Is that even possible, I mean they have steamed vegetables and then they have fried vegetables. So in any case I'm not a vegetable.

*Waves tale summoning a scymitar.* Now to settles this. *Slashes at Hy.*
*summons her press box bubble*
So I get razzed for a garden battle and here the two guys are arguing over whether or not they can steam/fry someone. Its possible- just takes two steps to do it.
Much like postickers and gyoza (japanese version). You make, boil then fry them. Yum... damn it- its 11 at night, no where's open. *sighs*
Arc, don't know whether to kiss you for the thought or cry because of the reminder! Sighs- know what I'm having for breakfast tonight when I wake up. (I work nights, so my breakfast is around 5pm).

*watches Hy drool in the abyss*
Now that an interesting effect.

Only one tiny problem with eating for gyoza that most guys come down with afterwards....

*Leans over to Vix's press box & whispers*

So what do guys get?

*Set a piece of Gyoza on a hook that is attached to a fishing pole & then casts it out into the abyss*
*waves a hand, blocking all sound output from the press box*
Well, unfortunatly gyoza, for all its tastiness, has air in it and it goes down with it. Some people have problems with this, resulting in some truely stinky burps/farts. A friend of mine has been forbidden by his shop from eating gyoza while at work.
Makes beans smell pleasent, you know?
But tis well worth it for good gyoza, not to mention the food one eats after the appetizer.
*unblocks the press box*

Well, they're still in the abyss and still drolling.
*Light bulb flashes*
I know! *pulls out her Sword of Culinary Summoning*
I call upon the, oh mighty one.
I summon thine aid on this day!
For feeding and for fun!
Let it rain gyoza hooray!

Some deitys are easier to please then others.
*holds a net as gyoza rains down past the press box and into the void, pelting Cats and Hy.*
Yum- here Arc, try some. Wait, can you eat real food?