The Vendetta: Author grudge match

Chewey watches as some of his fellow werewolves break out some lawn chairs. Leaning back in a chaise lounge, Chewey watched in fascination as the others made mecha warrior appear. Chewey threw an empty beer can towards Hybird but it hit an invisible ceiling. Chewey looked over and smiled at his mate who had unknowingly put up an impenetrable forcefield to protect the weres from the metal shrapnel.
Hybird glares darkly at the laxy were-wolfs. "You know what... I was saving these guys for the sudden death (As all battles vetween cats and I would be if Arc didn't interupt us!) But I'll use it agaist you lazy bums!" Hy whistles to the sky, making ominous black clouds appear "J Squad! Strike all of the were-wolfs down! Every single one of them!'

The clouds suddenly jolted lightning and a hordes of japanese demons and ghost fall from the sky, all after one goal. Destroy the were-wolfs.
Chewey laughs as the attackers splatter like bugs on the windshield of his car when he is on the highway. "What part of impenetrableforce field did not penetrate your thick skull? " laughs the Were maliciously. "This is better than watching the basketball playoffs. "
"Chewey Chewey Chewey... How dumb do have to be, to forget that NOTHING, is impenetrable?" Hy yawngs as something beneeth the were-wolfs begins to rise out of the ground, and demons begin to jump over the field "In about, *yawns* 20 seconds, about 600 demons will feed on your very souls."
"SOULS...... You think we have souls? All of us Weres have been married at least once before, our souls were sucked out long ago. Besides, we have all sprayed ourselves with demon be gone. It keeps those pesky critters away. Of course the smell keeps the women away too, but we all have to make sacrifices. "
"Demon be gone? That cheap 99 cent stuff? HA! Oh thats funny! I'll admit, that stuff stinks to high heaven, but it gives our victims an, oh how should I say it.... Spicy taste.

And besides, even if you guys didn't have souls (which I'm sure you don't.) Your flesh and bones should be satisfying appetizers!"
Now to prove Hy's point about nothing being inpenitrable I give you, Mao Mo Lin, strait from china this cat ghost is lucking for a bride, how ever I talked him into doing this one favor for me.

*Mao Mo Lin picks up Hy and throws him head first at the barrier eassily breaking through the barrier, and giveing Hy a head ache.*

Wait a second I think I messed it up. That ilustrates Chewies point. Hy's skull is thick, possibly even inpenitrable. Only one way to find out.

*Drops the Blade Ligar on Hy again.*
For the first few seconds nothing happens. But then the blade liger begins to hover off the ground, just before a slightly bloody Hybird hurls it, hitting the first row of were-wolfs.
*Waves tail and it disapears before the damage the werewofls take is rolled.* Hmm, do you bench press also?

Okay maybe we need a gaint robot thread.
"Nothing can stop me! Ah-hahahahahahahahaha!" Hybird pulls a feather out of his armor. "Geez thats annoying!"
Okay that was really bad Hy. Only one thing can be done now. *Drops the spare blade ligar on you again*
Wow, you guys took this one and ran with it huh?
Okay points-

Cats- 1 pt for the Gundams,
2 pts for the Escaflowne

Hy- 2 pts for the Eva (cause its cooler)
1 pt for effective Gundam usage.

Chewey would have gotten a BP (brownie point) if he hadn't accused females of sucking the souls from thier husbands. Most of us do not do that.

Hmm... should we stick with the Mecha or move to another battle type... perhaps starships or something?
I have recently noticed that the Escaflone Managa is very different from the series. Also the manga doesn't have music by Yoko Hono... sorry to misspell her name.

Any one know which came first.

Next theme Please because thus far no mecha was used as intend.
Cats are you talking about the difference between the Escaflowne Movie and the Series? There's a HUGE differance- the series came first, based on Manga.

Okay... since we've a new theme request.
What to do...
*Vix ponders in the midst of the carnage*
Oh, I got it! Its a Puchu battle!
Wait, that's too cruel... I can't do that to you guys. Besides- some may not be Excel Saga fans.

Moving along... hmm... I suppose we could have a garden battle.
Normal terra-based plants, no mold or fungi. Same goes for lawn equipment.
Demon-infested John Deer mower good.
A mower designed to trim hell's grass (so it has odd 10 foot blades)- not good.
Use of poisening plants, ie Belladonna or Foxglove, is to be limited.
Killer poiensettas would be cool.
Have fun!
(Yep. Somebodys been watching waaay too much Martha Steward...)

"This is so not my battle."
hybirdx said:
(Yep. Somebodys been watching waaay too much Martha Steward...)

"This is so not my battle."
I do not! That bitch isn't even on the TV here. I'd just finished watering my potted plants, so was thinking about plants.
You come up with the next battle theme!
*plops down and waits expectantly after putting on her battle gear*
A plant and power equipment battle? That would work....

Chewey watches as the dung that his scared werewolves dropped sprouts bitter fruit. Bitter fruit for Hybird at least. Fifteen huge venus fly trap plants came out of the fertile ground. Specially bred to ignore cat or werewolf DNA , the plants immediately turn with open maws towards Hybird.

Chewey reaches behind his back and pulls out his John Deere hedge trimmer. It is a Tim Allen signature series Platinum and Adamantium edged eight foot tall trimmer. The serrated blades make quick work of trees, stumps and hardened bones. The perfect gift for landscapers and men with mother in law problems........
Hybird looks at all the annoying opposition against him. Once again every bodie was against the friendly (As freindly an californian demon can get) nerbhorhood demon. "Screw it." Hy olds out his right arm and snaps his fingers, banishing all the demons, including Bass X. "I'll chose later!"

"Ya want me?" Hybird pulls out his infamous demon sword, and opens his crimson eyes. "Then come and get me!"
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"Oh, so that's how it is?
*raised eyebrow* Fine with me!"
*summons her armies of Terran Angels- a mix of demons and angels, bound to the earth to serve its protector.*
"Tara! Akain!" Two particuarlly tough angels fly up, one female with blue wings the other male with gold wings.
"Began attack plan Seirra Tango Echo!"
*summons her Glaive of Lightning looks at it for a moment then tosses it away and summons something far worse- the Blade of Joy!*
"Joy-burst!" I scream as I throw the magic of the overly cheery blade at Hy. A normal weapon wouldn't hurt him much, but a good dose of happiness just might.
Failing that, I mused, we can just rip him appart.
*Escaflone steps on the Venus fly traps, pushing a lawn mower, as the blade of joy passes by at Hy.* "Ah nothing like a lawn free of weeds."

*Gets out of escaflone and waves tail summoning an army of cats running towards me* Now to clear a feild for my cat nip farms. *the cats turn into white light as they reach me and disapear, as I sponaniously grow. Until I am gigantic.*

Oh now about Escaflone. I've seen the movie which sucks when compared to the series. I've also seen the entire series. I have only fliped threw one of the manga. *Sumons a gaint sized and yet propotional shuvel.* Now when I fliped threw the manga Hitomi had glasses and longer hair, which she didn't have in the series or the movie. *Uses the shuvel to flip over a buildin on the side of the park in down town lit. leaveing a big hole.* Also when I fliped threw book four I believe, it had a scene that looked ratehr unfamilar to me. I didn't recanise the concept at all from the series. *Pulls out a big bag of dragon bane fertilizer and pours it into the hole.* So my question is "Does the series depart from the story in the manga which you said came first?"

*Waves tail turning back into an army of normal sized cats.* Planting seeds works much faster this way. Okay guys I want that palce feild with cat nip seeds.
"Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!" Hy bends charging every ounce of energy for sheer destruction. The blade of joy quickly disentergrating before comming in a ten feet radius.

"Did you really think that would stop me?! Hah! I'll show you why I'm an Ex-greater demon!"
IC: Watches the blade of joy get destroyed. *Stabs Hy in the back with the sword of Joy.* It's not the original but it always helps to carry a spare. Now can you help do ayrd work in my cat nip farm?
*Takes out the sword of joy and breaks it in half.* That hurt, you know? *Stabs cats with the sword of sorrow*
Laughing, summons Cats to her side.
"Blade of sorrow huh?" Whispers a mantra, healing Cats. "Be more careful."

Sets up a barrier spell and tosses sea salt on Hy without explaining why.
Vix starts to whisper the spell, her sapphire of power flaring to life as she does so.
"Darkness beyond blackest pitch, deeper than the deepest night! Lord of Darkness, shining like gold upon the Sea of Chaos, I call upon thee, swear myself to thee! Let the fools who stand before us be destroyed by the power you and I possess!
Inside the barrier gold flares, blinding those outside for a moment.

"Well I doubt that killed him, but I know he's hurting!"
Hy sighs and puts on shades. "Yawn!" Hybird takes his left hand and jams it in his right shoulder. "You know, that would have reallym hurt if I wasn't all charged up!" Hybird digs into the shoulder even more, causing it to bleed constantly. "Now I'll show you why I charged!"

With a small grunt, Hybird pulls out a small black orb,"Ah... Here it is... This little gem is actualy a egg. A special egg in fact. And you guys are going to see first hand what it really is!" Hy pulls his arm back and hurls the orb in the sky. The orb cracks as it flys and soon shatters.

"Awaken Black Phoenix!"