Things You Should Never Google

I looked up Munging and that was enough for me. I just don't have the stomach for this stuff. I'm happy to remain in the dark on the other terms. In this one case, ignorance is definitely bliss!
They purloined munging? That was engineering slang for “mash until no good”
I will admit to googling it..
But I didn't find anything other than a coffee company, a restaurant, and some wildfires ???
Articles such as:

"How to pay zero dollars in income tax and get away with it"​
"How to make a nuclear bomb using everyday household cleansers"​

I follow this guy on TikTok who googles certain things so you don’t have to...but my curiosity got the better of me and I electronics will never be clean again!

So I thought I’d compile a list. Please feel free to add anything you’d like!

1. Munging

2. Amish Oil Change

3. Soggy Waffle

i just need to know...HOW?! How do these things come to be??
These things seem awful
I follow this guy on TikTok who googles certain things so you don’t have to...but my curiosity got the better of me and I electronics will never be clean again!

So I thought I’d compile a list. Please feel free to add anything you’d like!

1. Munging

2. Amish Oil Change

3. Soggy Waffle

i just need to know...HOW?! How do these things come to be??
Great thread! Warning people to not look things they don't know about. I'm thinking the Amish Oil Change is interesting. But where? Must be somewhere. So prevalent it got a name and a place on google!