Thank you to Ashesh9 and demure101 for the comments on A Return. And thank you Ashesh for the welcome back. I was gone because of some health problems. It turns out I'm susceptible to seizures from drug interactions from some of the medications I was taking. That problem has been resolved by changing the offending medications. There were some other problems as well, but they appear to have been resolved as well, for the time being. I am going to be addressing the problem I have been working through with poetry, as I have little else to do it with. I relied on drawing while I couldn't write, perhaps I'll post some of that as well. Either way, thank you. It is good to be back to a life less living, and away from the scattered shell I was left with for a while when everything fell apart.
Thank you to Ashesh9 for the comment on Pieces of What Was. High praise indeed. Unfortunately, the second half of the poem was cut off, for whatever reason. Everything after the illustration doesn't appear. I have sent a bug report, so hopefully it will be restored.
Thank you very much, HoneyAdored for commenting on BETWEEN THIS BIG BLUE SEA AND YOU
I apologize for delaying in my reply, I don't get into Literotica very often lately, not even for reading any comments on my poems. I know that sounds unforgivable, but I simply don’t have enough time. I hope to improve this situation after this summer.
Unfortunately I don’t have any recording facilities or other musicians available for recording sections at present, apart from a midi studio with only synthetic sounds that fits into a laptop. Still everything is meant for human performers-not machines.
I appreciate very much that you see my verses as songs which, to say the least, appear as incomplete without their melodies, that's how I view them too.
At any rate, the rhythmic/melodic implications of this poem are here.
I wrote it as a melodic exercise (either for solo voice or a jazzy instrumental elaboration for solo clarinet, which expands the rhythmic and melodic implications of the poem) in order to collaborate with another composer who will provide the harmony. When he does I'll see what further work can be done about it.
I suggest that the pdf is downloaded and followed (viewed), while the mp3 is playing, so that you can perceive what goes on rhythmically and melodically. I know that in most cases it is difficult to follow if you cannot read notation, but in this case it is only a single melodic line and the words of the poem (in do,do,do silly sound) are a very good guide for following.
I respect and I admire very much the lyrical qualities of the poems of many a poet in this forum (too many to mention)and I have published already a setting of a poem by seablue in that site from the recent "anything but spring" competition. Only I wish I had time to set some more of them to music.
At the moment I'm working on some stuff by 1201 & by Remec which I will upload on the same site once I finish, and I have in mind to work further with one of your poems also.
If you have any objection, please let me know (and anyone else whose work I interfere with), but on one hand the copyright is protected and on the other I can easily delete them at any time.
Thank you for the interest expressed in the musical side of things.
Thanks tazz317 and legerdemer for commenting on EN CONTREPOINT FLEURI. I consider both comments insightful and helpful.
legerddemer you are correct in what you say about the development and cadence. The cadence here is of the unexpected variety (also in musical terms). It is meant as a comment to what has gone previously and made from a very big distance in time. I don’t know if it's effective enough to give that sense of time distance (and with a touch of necessary irony), but the fact of the matter is that I am not sure either where I stand with the whole cycle entitled "A Week From Hell", which I work very rarely on and it's still largely un-composed as yet.
Thanks for making me more aware about the irregularity of argument within the traditional sonnet constrains.