Traveling Literoticans - Post your travel plans

Talked to Goddess the other night about a road trip down to SA when she is here next month..

Let's try to kick start this thread again.

I have to be in Brussels, Antwerp and Rotterdam next week. Any locals want to show me the cities? Ladies would be great, but a local guide of any sex, and fellow Literotican, would be appreciated.
Currently in Virginia.

Also, since I'm new - a bit about me - 27m, 6'5 tall, brown hair, blue eyes, in very good shape. I work in media, and blush when women ask what sort of porn I'm into, because I usually read rather than watch.

Longtime reader, first time poster.
Oh shit...

Forgot about this thread. I just returned from a few days in Butte County, CA. Oops... :rolleyes:
Saturday was to the west side of the state for tulip fest.

Now it's looking like a track meet north of us