Tunnels & Trolls The campaign begins...

Detton & Tol'Chuk

While the ladies deal with the other corpse that is now off to another plane you look at the blood mess left on the floor. Detton seems eager to pull on the chain continuing so until it seems he has more then 200ft + stretched out on the floor. He has limited knowledge of magical bags though and has no idea what he is dealing with as he tugs out more a more chain.

To the Dwarf who is a seasoned warriors you have heard of endless items and they can't be stored in magical sacks or they open a void to another world. Still though it is impressive to witness all this chain that comes out. You do notice some glowing links every 25ft. When you pull at the link it breaks easily seperating the length of chain. Once though the glow stops the link is strong as the rest. You do have Detton stop before you have to much chain around on the floor as you sit back on the grown and take a long drink.....

Turning to face Rowena after dealing with what little was left of the body. Alnoria asked. Are you alright?? I know it can be draining to cast spell's?

Deciding that it would be best to clean up the mess of blood on the floor. Alonria begains looking around to see what she can find to clean it up.
You notice.......among the the other adventuring gear....picks, shovels, and a pile of earth nearby.

Detton becomes as confused as Hell, after he falls to the ground because the chain that was holding him up only moments ago is now sliding free, and wondering how he can hang in midair by this chain if the second he manages to get enough slack to get his legs out of it, it seems to slide easilly from it's source.

Wanting to see how a counterweight system can be set up that suddenly fails for seemingly no reason, Detton continues to experiment with the chain.

Because if he can figure out how to make it counterweighted at will, who cares about quests and adventures? He could run himself a nice little business and wage a crusade against serfdom.
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With a few free stone blocks you experiement and are soon lifting loads with the chain. You think some pulleys would help though. Seems you have won today and have tons of free chain to use. Darkness begins to settle over the compound.......the night begins.
Rowena smiles and nods, "I am fine, tis an ability the Goddess has blessed me with.. it simply takes a lot of concentration to accomplish it though."

Rowena turned to the others in her group and noticed several people injured..

Not knowing which one was hurt worse, she turned to the one she saw first, Walking over to Stigma she knelt down and asked, "I can help with your injuries .. if you wil allow me. It wont take but a moment .."
Stigma let out a breath of air as the chain monster stopped and let him go. He fell back and laid sprawled on the floor. "That was close..." He looked around briefly at the other people around him, but then to a familiar face, Rowent. He smiled lightly and then nodded, "Yeah thanks, but I'm not the one whose seriously injured, you should help someone else."
Happy for the new gift, Tol'Chuk straps the pouch on his own belt, jostling it every once in a while to make sure it was still there. Seemed like a reasonable gift for the stupid son of a bitch low blow the creature caused.

By now, he was ready to turn in, and get settled. They'd have a lot of waiting to do for tomorrow, and he needed to get a head start.

Walking over to stigmata Alonria looked him over...Then smiled in welcome. saying. I thank you for your aid..it takes much courage to help tho's you do not know. You are welcome company, should you decided to stay.
The door is still damaged but this seems to be the best building in the compound to hold up and that is perhaps while the chain creatures setup an ambush in this particular structure.

The cook pot in the center of the room is a good size with plenty of rations about. It seems this group planned an extended stay at this location. It is not uncommon for adventurers to do so and just ferry supplies here while exploring the mountains and caves.

One of you recalls a blood cat hunting group who took some 66 pelts of the vicious beasts and remained here three months.

Many adventure will speak of the two winters pasted when some 200 adventures made a home here inside the walls of the ruin. Huts and tents were setup and even a trading post by one ambitious merchant. Though there was talk of making the settlement perminett it was over run in the summer by many troll tribes.

For those of you with some knowledge of the moutians youc an pick out your foreboding mountain where you must journey next. It is about a day's journey awat though the terrain is rough and a straight forward march would be suicide.

You relax into the evening liting your fire and relaxing. Wounds are bounded and when possible healed. The dwarf finds the chain pouch to weigh no more then any of his others but at any time find more chain.

Tonight sleep peaceful and labor at what you like...eat without interuption. The Dawn shall bring the next page in our adventure......
Rising with the Dawn Alonria stepped just outside to have a look around. Everything seemed quiet for the moment so she sat on one of the rock's near by. Enjoying the morining air she begain checking her wepons making sure they were clean and in good repare.

You walk out and sit down on a rock to do your morning equipment check you notice that the compound has some new arrivals.....

You look to the main gate from your position....what seems to be a army of Gnomes. They are all dressed uniformedly carrying spears and round shields. The first few are wearing armor that looks like it has been resized from troll armor.

One with a horned helmet walks towards you slowly. He doesn't look hostile but has his hand on his sword. "Hello I am Hamfast of the Gnomish Free Company of Tallhills. We are on a quest to rid the mountains of trolls and restore the Gnomish lands. You are??? What brings you here???"
Alonria watched the Gnomes as they came forward. Ready to defend herself if nessary. Not feeling to threated, and seeing that they were being just as cashious as she was. She smiled and welcomed them.

Greeting's... My name is Alonria. I and my companions are on a quest of our own. Would you care to share our fire this morn? She said laying her bow down beside her so that they didnt feel threatend.

After a night of trying to get the chain to defy the laws od nature again, Detton packs it up, and decides to go out for a morning walk enjoying the fact that creepy chain-using things didn't kill him.

Glancing outside at the army of gnomes, Detton rethinks his decision, and decides to search every inch of the compound for anything that might come up to be remotely useful instead.

Besides, if he lived he could sell it. If he trudged around with it for a long time. But Detton was used to grueling under work for long periods of time with no rewards.

Go with one's skills, after all...

Hamfast looks to you and nods politely. "Yes we would I think there is plenty of room for all of us here inside this compound. We have tents and we intend to build cabins for the winter. If you journy out there are many trolls of the Red Claw Clan are about. Seems they are having some kind of celebration on their mountian and are inviting all allies, friends, and cousins. Don't know why.....we kill trolls and remake their armor into Gnomish sizes. We do other creatures as well..." he smiles at you and notices your bow.

"Do you like waffels?"


The chain bag seems like an interesting magical device even if you have not totally figured out as of yet.

With the company size element of Gnomes arriving you decide to have a walk around the compound. Interestingly enough you do find what might have been a garden. A row of plants remain. They are all leafy green plants that look strong and healthy despite them not being cared for for some time.

You do not reckonize them from your years on the farm, but perhaps they are similar to some kind of plants that you once saw growing outside the town wizard's house in your old village. Not sure what they do, but they are special. A curious development...

OOC welcome back people..........remember I always have time for a good game. feel free to keep on playing. I will keep writing.
Gnomes... they weren't the worst of species. He could tolerate them. A good warrior gnome was worth its weight in gold, and if you weren't careful, it would steal its weight in gorld from you before you even knew what was happening.

He gave them a flashy toothy grin, when food was mentioned. His ale, unfortunately, had ran out during the night, and now, in the horrible soberness of the morning, he thought perhaps he could devoid himself of reality with a good meal.

"Food? Mmmm, Waffels, you say? I am not familiar with them, but I have not eaten in days. Please, let's feast."

Of course, not eating in days had been his own choice. Food always got in the way of a good dwarven drinking binge, but now... that alleway was closed to him. No other real towns or stores for him to buy any alcohol. At best, he'd have to hope for the trolls to have kept some ale from their raids, or some passerbye's with an ample supply they are willing to get rid of.
Your waffel's sound wonderful. I thank you for the offer. We'v had a run in ourselve's with some of the Red Claw's ourselves. Is there anything more you can tell us about them? Alonria asked. Smiling at Tol'Chuk as he Joind them and mentiond the waffels as well.
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Detton used his knowledge of plants and how to store them to carefully take the plants and store them in the pack that was bigger-inside-than out. He thought hard for a moment, thinking if he had ever heard of a use for them.

Shrugging, Detton puts them away, and continues his search for things of interest.

The Gnomes being from a order dedicated to doing almost the impossible look well on a dwarf who wishes to wipe out as many trolls as he can before dying.

Needless to say they are very friend to you and as they build cook fires they engage you in coversation. Several give you small gifts including a bail of pipe tobacco of a Gnomish blend, a tool meant for cutting locks off of strong boxes and doors and a pair of small throwing axes. They also share their hard cider with you as the cook.

Once the first are going they take out several metal molds on long sticks. they fill each with batter that is kept in jars and heat them up.....flipping them after alittle while. Soon they produce a round cake with patterns on them......they add butter and syrup and serve them around the group including your party.


An older Gnome comes over to you.....he has a long white beard and is in impressive old bronz armor with a horned helmet.

"Aye well a nasty bunch in a few days they have their great celebration. They start fires...have human males fight until dead and kill human females on alters for their dark god. They divided up booty taken and normally just get drunk for days. Once they killed over 100 humans in two days. A nasty bunch.....now come and eat."


With all the plants safely packed away you continue to explore. Walking around the long abandon temple you walk near the foundation and feel a creek under your foot. Surprising since it is all earth under your feet. You have a closer look and soon find there is a bored hidden by dirt. It has been washed away abit....

You pull up the bored to find a shaft below it. Dropping down you see a tunnel heading away from the temple. It doesn't go far before you find a pile of stones blocking the path. It is heavy and stacked.....he tunnel looks well built and is held together with a subtance you don't know but has made the dirt walls very smooth....

Detton frowned, looking the problem over.

The first thing to do was determine whether the tunnel would remain stable if he moved the blocks. If yes, he'd have to see if there was anything to give him a hint what was behind it.

After that, he had to determine whether he'd have to move them by hand, or if he could use any tools to help him. He ran through a mental list of what he had on him, and what was back at camp, and then began the examinations.

If it would take more than ten minutes to make a sizable passage, and there were no clues what was behind it, he'd leave it for now and continue on a search before going back to the others.
Lauging at the look on Tol'Chuck's face. Alonria smiled and begain to eat the waffels she was offer'd. I thank tee for sharing your information with us, as well as your food. This is wonderful............

The Gnomes take your thanks and smile many looking at the first lovely female they have seen in awhile. You have many short admirers. Though white bearded Gnome sits down with you and smiles.

He hands you a decorated blade in a fine leather sheath. "It will glow when a troll is within 20 yards my dear. I hope you find it useful."


The tunnel seems strangely secure even more then what a dwarf might do which seems odd since it lacks support. The only thing seeming to hold it in place is the strange clear substance all over the tunnel. Look at the stones it does not seem like they are part of a supportive wall. In fact it seems the stones were brought in from the outside possibly one of the walls.

Once back on the surface there are Gnomes milling about every where in the compound. Some are smoking pipes putting things out while others are depositing their equipment in the main temple. It seems many use carts pulled by a large breed of dogs (large by human standards as well as Gnome) some of the Gnomes even ride them as horses complete with lances and barding. A pair of gnomes interestingly have set up a pair of large crates near the temple steps....

One of the Gnomes pulls from the crate a 2x4 then another.....and another all clearly to long for the box there are in as well as to many. He continues to remove them though. Another Gnome pulls from the other box a pick, a shovel, and a sledge hammer all bundled together. Once again he keeps pulling out several of these bundles your amazed to see at least a dozen come from the crate...

These Gnomes seem to be planning to stay you think when you see some other Gnomes huddled around a parchment laid out on a board over two saw horses. The paper shows a typical two level hut desgin as well as model for the small work shop on the second level.
Tol'Chuk was grateful for the gifts as well as the food. He had seen many a gnome, both good and bad, and these ones didn't bother him so much. In truth, there were humans inside his own party he would have greatly traded for a few of these companions.

"We should head off soon, then," he said to the rest of his group, taking another plate of waffels.

Detton glanced over the Gnomes, looked at his party members, and then spoke loudly so everyone nearby could hear him.

"I found a hidden board with this wierd blocked-off tunnel. It doesn't seem to have any support except from some clear substance on the walls. Anyone else find this odd?"
Thanking the Gnomes again for their help, and accepting the sword. Alonria stood, and bleted it at her waist. She turn'd at the sound of Detton's voice. Excusing herself from the others she walked over to see what Detton was talking about.

After looking at what Detton was talking about Alonria said.
This is strange..i think we should talk with the others and see what they want to do before exploring this place. The Gnomes may help if we ask. Looking at Detton she said. You look hungry... the Gnomes have made some really good food. and walked back over to Tol'Chuck, and the Gnomes.