Village Warriors II:War Captain and the Islands of Empire

Jagged said:
Happy thanksgiving...

Glad to see that you're still alive, Jagged. Now how about them posts? Skip mine for now and do the ones you haven't done yet. Our patience wears thin.
Right working on more later...back on track though and feeling good. Did you read my message about what was up?
More then you know...talked to Mantra he is still in but busy. Will be doing updates this week. The work load has been off the hook. I finally have got it into a system to manage and feel more inspired to write.
Thank you I will give it a read and get everyone back on track....good to see you again buddy.
Jagged, I've been wondering. Do you create maps for the various player nations or would you like the players to create maps for their own nations?

The reason I ask is this: I've been thinking that it might be good if there was some way to visualize the layout of Ichirou and Ichirou Castle. And the best way to do that is with a map. And seeing as how Ichirou is of my own creation, then I would probably be best suited to make a map. But then I figured that I couldn't make a map of the entire island because I don't know what's beyond the borders of Mitsurugi's territory (except for one thing which I won't menton here).

And this is where the question came up: do you make the maps or do you not?
A map is on the list of things to do for this campaign....or at least directions. I will say I'm doing a bit of search right now so I can update your turns and give you some additional data...thanks for your patients.

Btw great turn mantra
Renegade...good reply short and to the point...but it won't be that easy....More to come along with other updates
Message to the Troops

Hey people....just found out my job where I worked hard didn't need me any more as of last Friday. Well these things happen and frankly stuff wasn't going well and it is like being pushed off a sinking ship before you have a life boat ready. Happy to be off but damn it is cold.

Well finding myself with more free time then I know what to do with I will be working more on all my threads. I know your all tired of excuses and I am sure I could have been more dicipline with my writing so now is the time for a change. I will be more dedicated and I will deal with this like my job situation.

Thanks for writing with me...expect more soon.
I know your all tired of excuses and I am sure I could have been more dicipline with my writing so now is the time for a change. I will be more dedicated and I will deal with this like my job situation.

Thanks for writing with me...expect more soon.

Bah to all of that Jag. It's not 'excuses', it's real life. I've always said real life trumps anything here at Lit.

Do what you need to do, take the time you need. Those of us who like your games and know what the real score is, will still be waiting for you.