Village Warriors II:War Captain and the Islands of Empire

Jagged said:
You did fine..I will play the role of governor in your case if you want...but perhaps you would like to do alittle more then just the meeting.

Mantra...wrote his own which is good since he followed the plot line and didn't ask for any responses.

Add alittle and I promise to be responding soon.

I'm just used to the GM playing the role of the NPCs that it's almost habit to write like I did. I'll try to work on my next post.

If you want to RP the governor, here are the things that I was going to discuss with the governor: the renegade Imperials and what he can do about them; the rumors of scout ships from another Asian power being sighted off shore; and the position of the governor in relation to the independent nation of Ichirou (emphasis on Ichirou being an independent nation from the Empire and that the governor is in effect, the ambassador from the Empire).
Jedi_Khan said:
Hey, um, Wolk? You might want to check some of your names. Example: you talked about Marcus rising through the ranks of the secret police, and "now at 30 years old, Julius headed the organization, doing a fabulous job."

I think you can see what I mean.

Oh, and pending Jag's approval, welcome to the thread.

Gaaah! :) You're right!

That's what happens when I decide to give them different names at the last minute.

Thanks for catching.
Sounds interesting...

RT I have tons of work at the moment but I gave it a quick run through. SO there are three brothers and a sister? Seems you lead character changes names a few times...might want to check that out. There are retired parents some place? You have a large slave population which strikes me as interesting and something I can work with...I take it most o your citizens dwell in fortified farms and manors? The secret polive deal with slaves and spies?

All in all it sounds interesting and I think we can make a run of it. I will post your starting position soon along with the role of the Empire on your island since they weren't mentioned.

I like your take on these Romans and this will be fun. Make adjustments and as questions. I will be relying soon.

Wolk said:
I hope it is not too late to jump on board.

Since you said duplicate nations are allowed, I think I can have a lot of fun with a different kind of Romans. Mantra seems to have chosen the disciplined, warrior side of things, and I will take a province which is more about wealthy decadence, slave exploitation, espionage, intrigue, and abuse of power. Hopefully, we will complement each other nicely.

Sooooo, I bring you the province of:


Race: Roman
Size: Medium
Summary: Prosperous breadbasket territory, producing a very large surplus of food and food-related products (grain, wine, olive oil, etc), which used to be exported all over the Empire. Business over war.

500 Legionaries
100 Centurions
50 Elite Cavalry

1,000 Peasant families
2,000 Craftsmen families
2,000 Middle Class

10,000 Slaves

Small army: As Syracilia was considered to be a low-risk province, there was no need for a big garrison until recently. A small force of loyal troops was always there, however, to keep the law and prevent potential slave uprisings.

Slave-heavy population: Due to the way the economy is structured, only a small minority of the population are free men, who work for their own interest and, more importantly, can fight. However, the non-slaves are acutely aware of how hugely outnumbered they are by the slaves; many men have military training and own very good weapons and armor in case they need to protect their family and posessions from a newly-baked Spartacus. Many houses are built with defence in mind.

Expensive tastes: The high class of Syracilia is as wealthy as it is vain and rife with greed and lust. They use their wealth for extravagant forms of entertainment, feasts, orgies, and the like. Thankfully, they are not too numerous, and the natural wealth of the island can support their tastes.

Breadbasket: The land is exceptionally fertile, supporting three big harvests per year, and work has been organized very well, creating a phenomenally productive industry. Grain, meat, wine, olive oil, and even the much coveted and rare sugar flow out from this land as if it was the Horn of Plenty from fairy tales.

Tight internal control: A single family owns and controls almost the entire island. Agricultural production is organized in Latifundia, a series of massive plantations, all of which are owned by the governor or his relatives. Major manufacturing and processing industries in the town are also owned by members of the family. The garrison commander is the governor's brother, as is the head of the espionage organization. Said spy organization has its hands in everybody's business inside as well as outside the island, and is a very powerful tool. In all, the government structure resembles a family-owned corporation more than a province or kingdom.

Merchant ships and limited shipyard available: With so much goods being shipped from Syracilia, it made sense to base some merchant ships on the island and create facilities to repare them, which the Empire allowed to do as a matter of exception. So, Syracilia posesses a fleet, enabling it to export its products and bring back imports. Although these are merchant ships, less agile and not optimized for battle, they are built to be able to defend themselves and have a good fighting chance in battle.


Aleus Scipio
Male, 25

Quite young for governorship, he was nonetheless appointed by his retiring father. Business is always in need of the best fit manager, and the Scipii have long ago abandoned the rule of passing everything to the eldest son. It was always the most capable one who got the position, as chosen by a retiring ruler. And young Aleus was very talented despite his years.

His brother, Marius, was a much older and more experienced man, most of whose 35-year life so far was spent on campaigns, fighting the Empire's wars in many corners of the world. He has finally transferred home when troubled times started, and now commands the army of Syracilia. It is his job to ensure the island is well-protected.

Another brother, Marcus, has always been a quiet and secretive fellow. He rarely spoke, but always listened, and had a knack for knowing everything about others while they knew little about him. This man went on to rise through the ranks of the secret police, and now at 30 years old, Marcus headed the organization, doing a fabulous job.

Their sister Julia was a lady of rare beauty and charm. She could convince you the sky was not blue, if she so wished, and you would bow and kiss her feet, thanking her for opening your eyes to this fact. She was a priestess of Mercury, the Roman god of commerce, which was the patron diety of the island.

There were numerous other relatives in various positions throughout the island. In fact, if a position held power and authority, it was almost certain that the person holding it was related to the Scipii somehow.
The parents are alive and well, retired at the family palace, from which the island is governed. They are still sometimes involved as very experienced advisors, but prefer to spend more time relaxing quietly in the far rooms of the palace, playing the role of wise sages to whose tower the young ruler comes for advice from time to time.

Farms and manors, yes for the countryside, but most of my free population is urban as you can see. They rely on strong city walls and the inner fortress for collective protection, but also put strong locks and thick doors on their houses. There are some city manors occupied by the wealthier folk, but most live in smaller houses and three-storey apartment buildings made out of brick. In the country, each large Latifundia has over 1000 slaves and around 100 free men. It is organized with a large fortified manor and other structures surrounded by a wall. The idea is for these small fortresses to be able to hold for a little while against anything and wait for help to arrive.

The secret police deals with slaves and spies, yes, but also with other segments of the population. More importantly, they deal with with spying on the outside world and especially on those with whom Syracilia does business, since it is vital to know everything about your partners to turn the best profit.
rengadeirishman said:
i thought it looked better doing my real turn in a roleplay draping.

I liked both posts...just wanted you to get the most out of them.

Elayne.......swift reply my dear and good as always.*S* pm with any questions. I do wish to reply to all others first. can start posting. Here is your current status:

Nakai your eldest son Tuka spends his days running around in a loincloth on the palace grounds. He is already learning a short bow and scholars around the palace say he is a good student once they get him to sit still. He also like the wooden training swords the samurai use. He brings you a brightly colored bird in a cage as a gift to his mother.

Since the imperial navy's collapse many pirates have been appearing on the sea. Mostly merchant ships that have been outfitted for war, but these freebooters are are cutting into your trade and some have even raided homesteads on your island on your coast.

There are some rumblings among the military about having a woman leader. Martial prowess matters and though it is not a rebellion these feeling could make things difficult in a warrior culture.

Feel free to begin my dear....and pm questions. :rose:
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Don't forget about me?!! Please...I am sorry I have been overly busy get a home, a mortgage and getting everything in line..including handing over tons of hard earned money..~cry~ So I may experience the joys of home ownership.

I will be post and for those who you who still want to play you will get rewards...I plan for this in the next few days as the process goes forward. Once again I am sorry, but I need a place to write from...

Oh and a word to the wise..dancing bananas make lousy movers...~shakes head~
Jedi_Khan said:

Me three! :)

Also, I think we should get our stories a little bit more connected, so that we could do some non-time-moving roleplaying between ourselves while Jagged is writing up a response to our moves. There are many tribes and only one Jagged, not to mention something always might delay him. I think this will help keep the life going in the thread and make it more fun.

Jagged, how about it? Can we have diplomatic missions in each other's kingdoms? This way diplomatic/trade/military discussions and negotiations can keep on going between the official 2-month turns. Of course, if some nation would rather not have diplomatic contacts, they could chose not to participate in this.

My Syracilia, being a trading province, welcomes contact and dialog with everyone! :cathappy:

P.S. Congratulations on your new home!
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Wolk said:
Me three! :)

Also, I think we should get our stories a little bit more connected, so that we could do some non-time-moving roleplaying between ourselves while Jagged is writing up a response to our moves. There are many tribes and only one Jagged, not to mention something always might delay him. I think this will help keep the life going in the thread and make it more fun.

Jagged, how about it? Can we have diplomatic missions in each other's kingdoms? This way diplomatic/trade/military discussions and negotiations can keep on going between the official 2-month turns. Of course, if some nation would rather not have diplomatic contacts, they could chose not to participate in this.

My Syracilia, being a trading province, welcomes contact and dialog with everyone! :cathappy:

P.S. Congratulations on your new home!

I can think of one thing that is the primary flaw in your suggestion, and I'm wondering how you'll get around it. But I'm going to let someone else, or maybe even you, say it. Think about it. I wonder if you'll notice it.

If you do happen to recognize the problem, and you do suggest the solution I think you might suggest, then how you going to get around that little problem then?
Come on, Jedi, spit it out. :) No need to be cryptic.

I do see some limitations with this idea, but nothing that would prevent me from suggesting it. And if you see something I don't, I'd love to hear it and brainstorm on a solution.
Wolk said:
Come on, Jedi, spit it out. :) No need to be cryptic.

I do see some limitations with this idea, but nothing that would prevent me from suggesting it. And if you see something I don't, I'd love to hear it and brainstorm on a solution.

No, I don't see anything that would prevent you from suggesting it, either. I just see a problem that would keep it from working. And I'm not going to spit it out yet. I'm not the type to lay my cards on the table so soon. But I'll give you a hint: the problem is an in game problem.

Besides, how I can I know that I see something you don't if I don't know what it is you see? Did you think of that?
Well, Jedi, since you are refusing to cooperate, there is no way I can fix what you believe is broken. :(

The last thing I want is to make anybody unhappy, start fights, or poison the atmosphere here. I'm taking my suggestion off the table since it seems to make at least one player unhappy.

However, anyone who is interested in playing out diplomatic negotiations with me inbetween turns is more than welcome to PM me and we will do this in private PMs, after having established contact and sent embassies in an official turn.
Wolk said:
Well, Jedi, since you are refusing to cooperate, there is no way I can fix what you believe is broken. :(

The last thing I want is to make anybody unhappy, start fights, or poison the atmosphere here. I'm taking my suggestion off the table since it seems to make at least one player unhappy.

However, anyone who is interested in playing out diplomatic negotiations with me inbetween turns is more than welcome to PM me and we will do this in private PMs, after having established contact and sent embassies in an official turn.

Oh, I'm not unhappy about this. Not in the least. The thing is, how will contact be established when you are the only nation that is capable of inter-island travel? None of the other nations is capable of travel between the islands because the Empire controlled that aspect of life. How are you going to get around that problem?
Jedi_Khan said:
Oh, I'm not unhappy about this. Not in the least. The thing is, how will contact be established when you are the only nation that is capable of inter-island travel? None of the other nations is capable of travel between the islands because the Empire controlled that aspect of life. How are you going to get around that problem?

Ah, that. Yes. :) It will be tough until travel is established, but not impossible.

Here is what I was thinking about it. Although the Empire controlled travel, I am assuming people still had the freedom to move on imperial ships before the collapse of the Empire. As such, individual tribes would likely have had contacts with each other for one reason or another - extradition of important criminals, trade, political reasons, whatnot. Those contacts did not contradict imperial interests and so, I'm assuming, were allowed. Even if they were not allowed, chances are that these things went on anyway in secrecy. After all, the islands are relatively close to each other, and so their governors would likely have an interest in talking to their neighbors.

So what we probably have are unofficial ambassadors in each other's islands, people who have the trust of the governor of their homeland and also are on good terms with the local authorities. These people can speak for their nation even in the absence of direct ship contact, although the limitation is that the ruler or their nation would not immediately know the results. Nor can the ambassador promise too much without consulting his king.

And, of course, I'm hoping that sooner or later direct travel can be established with those nations one interacts most with.

That's what I meant when I asked Jagged whether we can have embassies - pre-established unofficial embassies that one player could speak through to another without their king being directly aware of it.

PS This will not work for Mantra's Romans, or anybody else who is just taking over. But I'm sure something can be arranged. Mantra, for example, had contact with pirates, so if he wishes to play out some pre-ship diplomacy, Jagged could let him send an ambassador via a one-time passage on a pirate ship.'re idea does sound a little more feasible now, except:
Jagged said:
Why you have not had contact previously has to do with the story. ... they did restrict travel and that means the type of boats they allowed to be built. There are no long range ships directly in the hands of the subjects. Most are owned by naive merchants who have permits or ties to the Empire. Charts were a closely guarded secret and most sailors know their island alittle else. So sailing even to the next large island isn't easily done, and only the experienced try.
"Have not had contact previously." To me, that means that there was no contact between nations on separate islands, even for the reason you give.

Now, you might get the impression that I don't like the idea you have proposed, and that I appear to be hell-bent on destroying it, but in truth, I'm just a nitpicker. If I see a problem in an idea, I'm going to point it out and keep at it until I don't see any more obvious problems.
I know, you're right, that clause was there. That's why I'm asking Jagged now to relax it a little bit and allow this minimal prior contact, since it shouldn't change the balance of the game that dramatically, but IMHO will make things more fun while we wait for our turns to finish.

If nothing else, at least it's feasible that Syracilia would have representatives in one or two other tribes, since there are long-range ships stationed on my island and merchants went to many places. They had to negotiate with merchants in those other places, which means ambassadors of sorts.
Wolk said:
I know, you're right, that clause was there. That's why I'm asking Jagged now to relax it a little bit and allow this minimal prior contact, since it shouldn't change the balance of the game that dramatically, but IMHO will make things more fun while we wait for our turns to finish.

If nothing else, at least it's feasible that Syracilia would have representatives in one or two other tribes, since there are long-range ships stationed on my island and merchants went to many places. They had to negotiate with merchants in those other places, which means ambassadors of sorts.

And that is where we come to an agreement. Syracilla would have the resources and the ability to communicate with other nations, and possibly to pass messages between nations.

But, let us wait for Jag to put in his two cents worth.

Sorry people meant for updates to happen this weekend but they will happen the next two days. I actually have time marked off for them.

As to your little discussion I said no prior contact to protect you all. Namely none of you with larger kingdoms will sail of and crush the weak or sell the location to another more powerful group. No I am sure you had the best intentions with the diplomatic option but it can be missused. You will have contact soon....if you want it and I very much want players interacting, but it will happen when it happens. Then you can build trade networks, marry off characters, and make war.

My fault for not getting this moving as fast as I should have (gawd knows I want to), but give it alittle time and you will see all the things you want happening. Updates will happen in the next ..two days.

bare with me and you will see plenty of good stuff
Jagged said:
Sorry people meant for updates to happen this weekend but they will happen the next two days. I actually have time marked off for them.

As to your little discussion I said no prior contact to protect you all. Namely none of you with larger kingdoms will sail of and crush the weak or sell the location to another more powerful group. No I am sure you had the best intentions with the diplomatic option but it can be missused. You will have contact soon....if you want it and I very much want players interacting, but it will happen when it happens. Then you can build trade networks, marry off characters, and make war.

My fault for not getting this moving as fast as I should have (gawd knows I want to), but give it alittle time and you will see all the things you want happening. Updates will happen in the next ..two days.

bare with me and you will see plenty of good stuff

Your two days is almost up, Jag, and you have yet to post the updates. Tick tock, Jag. :cool:
Two days in Jagged time sir...*S*

More to updates....but getting there
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Jagged said:
Two days in Jagged time sir...*S*

More to updates....but getting there

Eh, I checked the time stamp on the posts. You where just under an hour late in posting the first update. But I'll give you that. Therefore, you kept to your word and updated within two days time. Congrats.