Village Warriors....the War Gods call you forward.

OOC.Later tonight...Romans next........then Asians (pm if you want me to wait)..

Well keep writing good turns and well it takes longer for me to write good replies. But seriously I have been busy and want to give the roleplay its due. Rone I will allow you to edit and add to your post as you wanted. Hope to hear from your soon. Madam to see a turn from you but I know your busy with home life. Drop me a line though. Okay?

The Vikings


Axes can be heard downing trees and stonecutters cut the stone and load it on to ox carts and bring the building materials into town. The project is by far the most impressive one you have undertaken outside of ship building so all are impressed.

The Temple of Odin will be an impressive three story stone structure of wood and stone. Infront of the temple will be a statue of Slepner his eight legged horse. On the roof before the gate will be to statues of his ravens Hugin and Munin carved from black stone. The elder that has taken on many spiritual duties is thrilled that he will have a place to pray and teach from and has made plans to build his home on the grounds of the temple. All Vikings will want to worship there.

As construction begins so does the complain that other gods are not honored and temples if not shrines should be built to honor these other important Norse gods and goddesses.


Training is part of everyday life for most Norse and the additional weapons seem to be adopted into this training cycle. Many are making throwing axes of their own now at their farm workshops. You know the bow is being excepted when you start to see targets mounted on farms. The bow in a skilled hand can down an armored enemy warrior from a great distance.


The crops and live stock look well and the village stores and those of the farmer's them selves begin to fill up with the stapples of viking life. Corner, wheat, fruit, meats and other items make for good meals. The new captives do well at the work though they lack experience. Even their women are good hunters but they are not allowed weapons. Soon many warriors trade goods with them like blankets and wine so that they can do their field work so they can train.

Viking Diplomacy

The new warlodge is very impressive and has all the space needs for eating, drinking, training, living and sleeping. All in town are impressed. Their young warriors learn from old. A wondering priest of Thor enters into your town and is willing to tend a shrine at the warlodge for food and lodging. The ground level has all the sleep quarters divided up with space for each family or resident with the main fire in the center of the building and kitchen and store room on the other side. T

The ale house on the compound is very popular with the warriors and the new workshop attaches a smith from another town who comes with his family and two wagons of tools and stock. Soon you hear his hammer. Sheep and cows are kept in the walled off stonewall area as well. You now have the best home in town. Your old is soon being taken care of by a cousin of yours. The women soon are decorating your hall but are demanding silks and other fine items to fill it with......though a bear skin does grace the entrance area.

It is clear that your tribe things you should be king and after leading them to Victory over the head hunters and rebuilding the village you are in good standing. Those who come from other tribes are interested in meeting you though and your praised as a warrior. Positive feelings are felt but ruling the whole island is a different matter all together. Letters are sent out to the lords of all the other villages. Torstein, Canute, Hacon, and Yric are all warriors and leaders in their own right but the Romans are near and many rumor that they are building gallies on the other side of their island with hired help. The Romans already completely control their island and are beyond villages andhave built cities.

Strength is now important you think as you see the four lords ride towards your village on the dirt road. Each comes with a small party of advisors and guards. They all greet you and are polite but all are serious and have much to talk about.

Hacon rides up to you on a great black horse. He is an older man with a long red beard and is in mail armor with his sword and dragon shield. He tosses a Roman javalin at your feet.

"Raiders....Roman renadges. How soon will it be until they wish for us to be part of their empire. We are viking and shall not live as slaves. Now do you have a place where we can have council??"
OOC: sorry about the lateness I have had a lot of things to do and have not been able to finish anything of late and I didnt want to turn something in that I was not happy with... so without further ado ... here you are :)


As Neferti realizes she has her hands full with her choices of lovers and the even less appeal of prospective husbands, she finally decides perhaps marriage is not the right answer and she is yet still young.. there is much time to think about it .. for now.. Her need to speak with Jason was imperative.. some small part of her wanted to know just where the man stood upon his feelings for her.. verses the feeling of a certain dancing slave she saw in the market weeks ago..


The cotton crops that seemed to be making many fine bolts of cotton, Neferti spoke to some of the caravan leaders and asked them if they would sell bolts of the fabric on her governments behalf for a profit that would be beneficial to both of the partners involved. This would give the farmers and workers money for the cloth and a few dyers that would die them pretty colors, this will help the economy and the influx, perhaps also increase business for her village.

The crops and grains have started to be stored in preparation for the colder months as colder months are getting closer. This will help the village prepare for a winter and the Gods forbid a siege.. she knew the Enemies in her area were threatening with war.. best to be prepared.


The building of more farmhouses seemed well underway. Neferti thinks about her friend that works so hard on their project of her dance school, that she decides there needs to be another building built for the school. Hoping that this will help things at the crouding of the school and to perhaps fund this.. they needed to ask for more payment from the nobles as if they are so bent on getting their slaves trained at her school they will pay the raised fee.

Also a need for barracks for the new soldiers seemed almost completed and Neferti was happy to note that her army for the defense of her village was vast.


Knowing that the school was going through more students she decided it was time she went to a few practices .. as Neferti had taken to practicing by herself in the evenings, she figured she might as well teacher the most experienced class, besides she needed to make sure her experts were.. trained in other fields of defense and subterfuge. This was important if she wanted to make sure she received accurate information.. besides she only trained those she hand picked in this area.

Femi’s aunt she decided to send a letter letting her know of her niece’s behavior and how it was teaching other students to slack off.. which was not acceptable to her. Promising that she would let her stay if her aunt made sure her niece would be more attentive and attend classes. The favor she would ask for when the time came and she had need of one.

Neferti looked at the vast army they had amassed within their village and sadly knew that it was only a matter of time before they would have needs to defend the area.. She told her captains to train them harder set them up in groups so that they are organized should the time come and they were called they would be called by unit and not individually. This being said she told the captains to make sure that those soldiers that they felt were highly trained and dependable put in position where they could over see others in the smaller units.

Another important factor was that those soldiers which the captains’ felt were not war worthy, their posts should be sought out in guarding the village as well as those with the best .. so that they would have enough should their army be depleted in anyway to defend the village.

The chariot teams were well underway and Neferti felt confident in the fact that they would have the upperhand, in any hand to hand combat.


After sifting and replying to all the papyrus missives, Neferti thanks them all for the information ,and decides that if Nany was able to rule singularly then she would as well, being still young she had time before she would have to choose a mate. Besides the prospects were not very appealing to her. Along with the letter to Nany she asks what the possibilities were that they would have to defend themselves..

Neferti then sends another missive to Anakosh and asks if he had any information on the Aztecs as his army traveled along many lands they might know something about these people that she did not, and then invited him to come to the palace on a evening convenient to him when he would be able to spend a few hours with her and share the information, he might have.. and the possibility of going into war…

One thing that she wanted to get investigated was the rumors the mercenary spoke of at the dinner about the Persian trade route.. perhaps there was something they could barter with them and hopefully work on some sort of compromise or contract to ensure the safety of their respectful people


On a random night, after taking care to dress to appeal and makes sure to know that Auset approves in her apparel, she sets of towards the dining hall where she dines with Akunosh and discusses the prospects of war and what the possibilities are that his army would join with hers in case they were forced to war. After the dinner Neferti led him towards one of her setting rooms so they could better discuss things.. at which Neferti explained, “ I have no wish to take my people to war, however I will do anything I can to protect them and this village.. my captains know there is a possibility that we enter into war.. and so they train my soldiers… what I need to know.. is this going to be worth the live of these soldiers.”

Shyly she looks away and says, “the slaves are well underway to being taught, I myself will teach some of the more experienced ones, and the payments which you seek in gold, I wonder.. if we have to go to war.. that this village we war upon .. if we give you the winnings… would that help our payment?” She looks out into the stars once more wondering whether she makes the right decision.

Neferti finally having enough of this cat and mouse game, summoned Jason to the palace one evening for dinner… after dinner Neferti asks him to join her while she walked her private gardens.. On the balcony gardens where she knew that there would not be prying ears, she asked Jason the questions plaguing her heart.. “you must tell me what your feelings are for me.. I need to know..” knowing that if he rejected her then she would find another prospect to love… there were already many other options. Reassuringly she said, “your positions are safe and nothing that you will say will effect my feelings for you in either way.. so worry not and tell me the truth .. I have other things which need to be attended and I cannot dwell on this any longer..”

Old business

Neferti mentions that she wished to the Arab girls to be well trained in defense and thinks they could be perfect guards for the dance school. Where should they prove their worthiness, might join the guards around the palace.

The camels being a pair, hope that they breed in hopes that Neferti might find one more thing she may be able to trade with her future partners or allies..

Neferti decides to ask about having a port built where they could create another port of business thus expanding her city as well as venturing out to see what more they may find.

The Elephants.. grazing about, Neferti wonders if they can be trained, and used in combat, and as well as other uses… and goes about to see if she can find an expert on the subject and has a few come to get trained and then have a report sent to her about the success or failure of the endevor

New Business

Thinking about learning about these Aztecs … Neferti sends two of her most highly trained dancers and assassins and a diplomat with a few highly trained soldiers to make contact with the village, knowing that under a peaceful flag they could not harm the envoy and should they harm them it would give reason for neferti to go to war…

A second thing that seems is important is Neferti decides she needs to learn other languages and sends for a greek, Persian, and Arabic teacher to brush up on her Arabic.. this being important if she wanted to know of other cultures and languages making alliances it would be important to know their language and costumes…
The Romans....

"On my command unleash hell...."-Maximus Crow


Your speech is inspiring to those around you even without a word being uttered. The positive nodding of heads speaks volumes as the meeting breaks up so that the men can assume their posts. Mercenary and countrymen both have a positive perspective now and all that remains is for the plan.......a difficult one to go well.

"As we near the camp, we shall march as silently as the death we shall deal, until the command to attack is given, then, no mercy. "

"Let us march. Jupiter be with us and grant us victory."

The word is given and the plan unfold before you....

The Attack...

Organizing and reforming of your troops takes time and slowly but surely the night disappears as your army marches off into the woods.

The Amazons go out ahead of your troops at a run moving out towards the holy sites seperate from the camp. The move as skirmishers and are fierce lite infantry.

Flavia prepares for battle and transfers command to Alcinoe for the main attack. "I do not relish the role of the assassin in battle but it shall be done. You can always find a chief."

Flavia takes a young and able legioniare name EUPHORBUS with her that is known for his swiftness of foot and skill as a hunter. A small fire is burned and both strip almost naked..and cover them themselves with the ash making them as black as night. Once they are read and equiped with a good bow they head into the night to kill a chief.

Christophorus heads off with what fully manned ships and the lite Roman infantry. He offers you a family blessing.

"Stay safe Cousin we shall meet in the camp by morning and have breakfast together....oh and remember only the Emperor is a god......" He laughs as he cries to you from a boat heading out to the ships.

The execution......

Your march towards the main camp does not go as well as expected. This is not the parade ground and you soon find your cohorts are spread out all over the forest. What is more you know your are generating alot of noise as you head towards the camp.

The mounted scouts do bring a encouraging report that it at least seems that you are undetected but your legionairs are scattered from the sea side to the deep woods. Much of their work is finding units again and putting them on the right path. Without maps or good Roman roads to follow there is no way to know if your complete force will reach the objective.

The last length of the march also heralds the arrival of a important report....

The Amazons came screaming out of the night and into the camp of the Shaman and the druids around the holy sites. Thrown weapons like axes and daggers kill off the sentries and the souls who are first to wake in response of the piercing war cry. Arrows land on the cloaked holy druids and Shammon as they try to rally all their worshippers around the holy ground.

Many young warriors wanting their weapons to be bless have slept in the fields around the holy sites to have their weapons readied for the fighting they did not expect to find until the next day. The Gauls easily outnumber the Amazons but furious and brutal surprise gives the mercenaries the advantage.

Alcibie the scout that brought you the head is in the fray ignores an arm wound and continues to fight and even takes two more heads. The female druids fight against the warrior women and do not give quarter but it is not enough. The fury of the fanatics only dies down when all are head and dying on the field...

In the center of a stone circle leaning against an alter is an old woman with a gray cloak bleeding badly in her torn cloak. She branishes her dagger. Her last act is to spit blood before she fall to the ground.....

Your mounted scout took part in the victory and though wound does bring you this information. He tells the tale with jubilance and confidence which spreads through the ranks.

The Ocean side of the attack fairs far worse, but without your knowledge....

Your cousin unsure of your progress lands his small force unaware that your are slowed down by the forest. He lands his troops and is quickly spotted by Gauls on watch but hidden from view.

Soon the Romans find themselves caught up in battle and are massively out numbered. Informed of the attack and thinking it is the many landing many warriors come running from the main camp and soon are three times the number of your cousin's party.

The troops try to lock their round sheilds, but soon brutal blows from spear and ax break through and Roman bravery and dicipline can do little to turn the tired. Your cousin dies sword in hand only after being over powered by half-a-dozen celts. All perish whether it be on the line of battle or running for the boats. The Vikings left to guard the landing boats narrowly escape into the waves and even with that there are several wounded from spears.

BATAIR the Gaul chief has been selected to lead the combine tribes comes from his tent and orders his horse to readied so he can witness the progress on the coast. Just before he pulls on his chest plate an arrow flies out of the darkness and hits him right in the heart. Before he can drop to the ground another two arrows hit him in the throat and head. Your pair of assassins run from the camp as angery Gauls search all over the camp with no results. The death of such a powerful chief does not bode well for the Gauls on the eve of battle.

The main body....

As you begin to march out of the woods your soon confronted by the majority of the Gauls. You have been watched and the scouts have brought word of your approach. Those thirsty for revenge and angried they they missed the battle at the coast.

Wild screams are head all over the woods. Your main formation is not formed thanks to the clumps of trees. Your forces are all over the field and you can do little to coordinate your fight against the enemy.

The result is that you are fighting many little battles. The vikings soon secure your flank once they join with the cohorts on their flank rally to throw back the Gauls. From your position you have limited view, but see many of your cohorts form squares with their sheilds to hold back the Gauls. Javalins the few that are thrown have little effect due to the trees. Some formations hold and are able to throw back the Gauls with minimal loss of life. Other units are over come be huge numbers of fierce Gauls and break formation under the strain. Some run screaming into the woods or to other units while still other brave souls stand and fight man to man.

From earlier dawn to midday the fighting continues with what seems to be no end. Even you personally are forced to raise your sword in your own protection. The screams of the dead and the dying on both sides ring and your ears as you stumble through the woods over bodies and fallen trees.

About afternoon the fighting dies down atleast among the main forces. The sounds of battle and screams of terror are periodically heard as you reform your troops on a stony hill on the edge of the woods.

Your surrounded by dozens of tired and wounded men. Many with only swords and sheilds many helmets are missing and bandages abound. You sit on a large rock watching the Gauls taunt you from across the field near their encampment.

Ancus soon joins you looking tired and aged from the day's fight. He sits down next to you still holding his bloody ax close to his body.

"We fought them on their terms and payed for it in blood. The good news is that many men still have javalins to throw and I have sent out details to collect more so in case of them charging we will cut them down. No word from your cousin..."he sighs before continuing.

"The Amazons hold and are still counting the dead, but are otherwise ready to take orders. Oh the 3000 we marched with this morning we have,but 1500 able to fight this afternoon. Another 300 remain though they are wounded and unable to fight. I have moved them to the center behind the lines. We have not found many bodies of the Gauls but of those we can say with a degree of certainty that we killed 500 or more of the bastards."

"What is our next move sir?" All eyes turn to you after Ancus finishes his report.
Enter the Visigoths.....

You walk out of your father's house on a fine fall day to go for a walk about the village. The peasants busy leading their lives are still respectful to you and greet you as you walk about the town. You can see two dozen fishing boats in the bay trying to fill their nets with fish and shell fish. Each dock is capable of servicing four boats at once. The mastercraftsmen who builds the boats can be seen supervising the arrival of fresh timber for new projects. In the hills around the village sheep grave and children play. A hunting party returns from the woods carrying several dead deer as well as a pair of wolves.

Despite the fact that your village prospers the island as a whole is not well off politically. The once mighty Romans who ruled all six of the Visigoth tribes has fallen in neglect. The army has not been maintained and the government is corrupt and can do little beyond its own town boarders. This has left a power vaccum among the tribes. Skirmishes and raids occur regularly and there is little cooperation in trade or anything else. Even if tribes are at peace rival clans ignore their cheifs and make war on each other.

As of now you have no disputes but with your neighbors to the east. They claim the whole forest for their lodging operations. They have a budding economy fueled by timber. Their village is very much like a Roman one and has a port and a aqueduct. It is also said they trade with nonislanders. The issue is in important one since before your grandfather's time your people were always able to cut all the wood they needed as well as hunt and fish as they pleased.

"Then we must fight them on our terms, my friend."

He bent down and whispered to one of his men, who ran off to do his bidding. The day had not been entirely without success. Without their leaders and spiritual guidance, the Gauls would likely fall back into their tribal, mob mentality. That might be used to an advantage.

"Centurions to me!"

The leaders gathered around him, to include Flavia and Draga.

"I shall allow the enemy no time to rest or organize, so we must rely on our discipline and determination to see us through this day."


"Form ranks! Box formation!

The legionares sharply moved into formation, locking their shields together and making a wall. Other solgers filed in behind the first, readying their own weapondry and ready to step into any breach of the front line and a third behind them.

"Draga and Flavia shall hold the very center of the formation as a last guard for our wounded and use their bows and crossbows to pepper the enemy. As the Gauls approach, the Legion will throw their javalins. Every man shall throw twice before engaging If there are no javalins, then the men shall hurl rocks."
"The men will hold the line and beat off the Gauls as the throw themselves at the line. The third rank shall use their javalins to stab over the backs of the line. Should the Gauls break, the army shall march forward and sweep them down the hill. Flavia, if we advance, I want you and your Amazons to break formation and using the hill as cover, move aroind and try to keep them from re entering their town. The Legion shall try to press them back towards the sea where we shall destroy them."
"Victory or death! "

Ancus nodded once before speaking. "Very well Trimivate, but how are we to get them to attack?"

Arilias noted the arrival of the runner, carrying a sack.
"Leave that to me. Bring me my horse."


Arilias mounted , taking the sack from the runner. He dismissed the Legionarre with a nod and rode forward. The tightly packed line opened before him and closed just as quickly. He was an impressive figure as he rode forward, in his bronze breastplate and red plumed helm. His horse galloped forward, the Gauls screaming and taunting, but Tyrus ignored them. He pulled around, riding along front of the Gauls, just out of spear range. As he rode, he began swinging the bag overhead, whirrling it faster and faster. At the final moment, he released the bag, holding only to one corner, letting the bag's open end fly open, spilling it's contents.

The severed heads of the Gaul chieftan and high priestess flew into the front ranks of the Gaul pack as Tyrus turned back towards his own men and rode at full gallop. The line opened and closed again as he passed back into the center.

"Archers, fire as the enter into range. Men, prepare yourselves!"

The cries and chants imeadiatly changed into roars and shouts of shock and anger, sweeping through the enemy ranks like wildfire.
First Turn

Enter the VisiGoths

While walking through the village of Bain Tufa is greeted by local peasants, always pleasant and respectful Tufa reply’s with a greeting and a firm handshake. He makes his was up to the town hall where the Elders are meeting to discuss ways to improve the village production, how to open trade with other villages, and the expectations of this winter. Up the wide stone stairs to a set of thick oak doors aged by years of wind and cold winters. The doors are heavy and only the strongest came open both doors at once. A smell of pine, mead, and marigolds fill the hall as Tufa opens the mighty doors. The elders talk and drink at 3 long oak tables put together in a U shape. Little do they notice their visitor until he is apon them. Tufa’s father, Harjarek, looks up and smiles at his oldest son. For this is his son’s first day to lead the village.
Tufa drops to one knee, “ great village elders I come before you today with my plans for the village” “Than tell us how you are going to lead us into the up coming winter Tufa, son of Harjarek”, utters one of the elders. Tufa rises and looks at his father and Waihtwulf his aid, family friend, and elder. “Each winter since I was a small boy we have barely made. Most times at least one village member dies due to lack of food or the cold. Since the Roman’s felt the surrounding villages run wild and war over food and land. To the east a great city stands with their walls closed to us while we war for what little scraps we can muster. My plan is such, a granary must be built to house more food for winter, the new way of planting vegetables must be sought out. New herbs must be planted for medicine. To protect out village I want to build 2 watch towers one at the eastern side of the village and one at the western side. In addition the warriors need to be trained to throw axes and how to properly use a bow. Several packs of wild dogs hide on the out skirts of our village, if they can be breed and raised for hunting and protection it would serve our village well.”
Bothergua, a village elder stands, “very aggressive are the plans you have for our little village. Do you have plans to make our city much like the one to the east?” “If that will provide a better life for the people in our village than your answer is yes.” Tufa straightens up to address the elders, trying hard to look strong and sure. “I also wish to draft 5 letters to the 5 other villages. In 2 moons it will be our great feast to MATI SYRA ZEMLIA, mother earth, I wish to invite 2 leaders from each village to join our celebration and talk about opening trade. We have the family of Roman weapon and armor smiths, as well as food from the ocean that we can offer in trade. Finally I wish to sent 5 parties of 5 men to travel 12 miles outside of the village and map our surrounding area and bring back any new metals or plants that they might find.”
Harjarek raised his hand drawing the attention of the young warrior. “That is enough for now Tufa. It will take us some time to discuss your adventurous plans. Return to us by night fall and we will have our answer” Tufa while taking a deep breath bowed to the elders and exited through the grand front doors, down the stone steps, to return at night fall so that he may hear the elders decision.

Harvest: Grain must be harvested and stored for the winter. Molasses must be drained and stored. All meat must be smoked to salted. Corn, potatoes, cabbage, carrots, onions, celery, and turnips must be harvested and stored. More apple, pear, and peach trees need to be planted to the west.
Explore: 5 parties of 5 armed men will travel 12 miles outside of the village mapping where they travel and what they saw. Also bring back any unknown plants, metals, or items.

Training: All standing warriors need to be trained in hand-to-hand combat, axe throwing, and archery. In addition local dogs need to be trained a guard and attack dogs.

Building: 2 towers need to be built one at either end of the village. In addition a granary needs to be built, to store wheat for the winter.

Diplomacy: 5 letters need to be drafted inviting 2 leaders from each tribe to our village to talk of trade.

Research: Shaman should research new form of medicine; farmers need to work on crop rotation, to make better use of the soil. Roman metal smiths look to improving on gothic ax.
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OOC:even a short turn gets a long answer.....enjoy.

The Asians...

You find yourself in an oddly secure position. The pirates have been defeated and your left with a ship that your men have begun to repair and learn to use the mighty ocean going vessel. Your people have begun to purse more fulfilling lives around the village.


Fortified Farms and Warlodge are the main project being taken on as by your people. The new Samuri class which now has roughly 18 families in it are thrilled with with their new fortress farmers. It allows them to protect their holdings and you can see many displaying family banners from the walls as they are completed throughout the fall. The warlodge built near the temple is a place where many of your warriors go to talk strategy, drink, and tell war stories. It is also a place for the young warriors to train. Both the bow and the sword are very popular. A master armor worker has taken the job at that facility. Kano is from Tran the Cruel's village. He mentions that Tran is involved in a massive arms building project as well as hiring Mongol mercenaries (feared riders skilled with the shortbow.) The first suits of true Samauri armor are being produced now. The armor is metal but covered with leather or has wooden parts and is easy to move and are flexable. A warrior can easily run and mount his horse.

The influct of foreigners bring their knowledge and strong backs. Your population has doubled and become more diverse.

Many Vikings have taken up residence in your village as well as Greeks, Celts, and even a few Comanche riders from the plains of your island. The "Viking quarter" now boasts Celtic and Greek workshops making all kinds of goods. A small chapel built to the Viking god of war Odin even has a few Asian worshippers. Some of your young soldiers even show off Celtic tattoos as well as Asian designs.

Though all come to your house to talk of matters of state the alternative meeting place is of coarse the Happy Dragon (has large craved wooden sigh with a gleeful looking dragon sipping from a large mug of amber ale) which is so popular a merchant has began to build a brewery and a farm to provide wheat. Also a local builder has drawn up plans for a windmill.

The the next large project many are interested in is building a ship building dockyard. The latest design for an ocean going cargo/warship has been completed. All that is need now is the facility and the building materials. Even now though men mark good trees for the project and plant others for the future.


With all the new people in the village food stocks are being strained. The clerk of your storehouse reports to you at a regular meeting. "My lord we simply need more farms and to trade more with other villages. Tran has stopped merchants from journeying to our village."

Since you are paying attention to the problem you will not be caught off guard. Trade seems to be the answer for the moment.


Your parties return due to lack of supplies, but one group brings important news. There is another coastal village some 30 miles away. It is roughly the size of yours, but with a small ship building dock and many fishing boats. Your soldiers say they were treated well and that the villagers there mention two other villages further East controlled by a powerful family.


Between your searching to the East for settlements and and your recent diplomatic efforts it is clear that Tran the Cruel is the next threat on the horizen. He has visibly been building up his army which is a mix of peasant militia and mercenaries promising land a nd glory to his conscripts and gold to his mercenaries. Also there are rumors of a secret society of assassins but little can be determined about the taboo subject.

Also a more disturbing internal investigation produces results. The arms taken from the pirates and stored in the temple orginally counted some 500 weapons captured. Now the records read 300 taken off the dead bodies. Your spies report that this is not an error in book keeping but believe weapons are being sold to another party.

Other news....

The Happy Dragon owned by Kentaro presents you with a gift of a barrel of fine rice wine.

The ship repairs are complete and the extra parts and timber salavaged from the other wrecks not used are stored in ocean side sheds.

The herd of horses continues to grow as more colts are born. Long as the stock is kept healthy your animal trainer promises good results. She has already started to breed a good warhorse but still has to few. She has requested stables be added to shelter the animals over the winter though.

Namiko though still a Geshia appears more often as a samurai. She has comissioned the new armor maker to make her a special helmet and face guard. She has also been seen training with both blade and bow. Oddly she seems to prefer the heavier broadsword then the lite katana. You have also heard that she is responsible for killing a pair of bandits on the coastal road. Truly an interesting woman in always you think considering you heard her sing at a party just the night before hand.
The Romans......

Victory or death isn't just a saying you know....


Your leaders from noble to enlisted soldier, veteran, and raw recruit feel your words. Now it is your oportunity to show these savage Gauls what Roman warfare is like. You hear patriotic songs from the lines and see positive nods from your staff. Even the mercenaries seem encouraged. Some of the wounded take their place on the line limping with bloody bandages.

By far though the best example of valor is set by a young soldier named Albion. Fresh from the surgeon where he left a limb on the field of battle curtisy of a Gaul's ax. He picks up a javilin and walks to the line. From there the complains completely stop and no man dare be a coward........

This battle shall not be lost.


The plan is complex for most armies to execute, but not for a army of Rome. The advantage over these savages is very clear in that formations shall break on the savage rage as water breaks over a rock in the river.

The shield wall forms with reserves close by and the flanks anchored with extra troops. Your Vikings and Amazons hold the center and have stacked piles of arrows in readiness.

To look out at the troops spread across the hill you feel confident the line will not break.

Ancus looks at you questioing before nodding and sending for your horse.


As you ride with the severed heads in your hand the Gauls are enraged even more then they were before when you first landed. They surge forward as you ride by some throwing spears with a few narrowly missing you and your horse as you turn to ride back to your lines.

A wave of humanity charges forward. The war cry of the troops along with the pounding of thousands of feet is deafening. BATAIR in full warpaint is at the head of the Gauls screaming the loudest holding his "magic" warax in hand. He is doing his best to continue to look impressive to his younger kinsmen.

Flavia is perhaps the first to fire a bow shot into the air hitting her mark. A flurry of arrows flows from the rest now that they know the distance is within range. The Gauls begin to fall some dead while others wounded fall and are trampled by their kinsmen as the mob pushes forward.

Next comes the wave of lite javalins that tear apart ever man in the front of the Gaul's line. They still continue on and are greeted by a second wave of flying spears as well as arrors. Batair turns for but a second to look back and see his line reduced by half and waverying.

He tries to bolster the troops raising his sword and running forward with with the standard bearer up the crest of the hill. The warriors follow him up the hill and they hit the line hard.

The Large hlaf barrel shaped Roman shields stop the strong tall powerful Gauls and the sharp short swords cut into their flesh. There are casualties on your sides but as the wound pull back and the death fall the void in the line is quickly filled before any kind of breach.

Ancus steps into the center of the line and encounter's Batair in the field one on one. The Gaul puts up a good fight with his sword and shield but the veteran Roman soldier's ax smashed the shield into slinters and the next might blow lands before Batair can recover and blood flows from his chest. to Finish the job as the old Gaul drops to his knees Ancus takes off his head with a swipe of his blade.

From the point on the offensive the Gauls had crumbles before you as you troops march forward in an orderly manor driving back the Gauls. Those who resist are bravely cut down. The Amazons the fastest of your troops run out and chase down all Gauls who run. The are stabbed through the back or heads cut off as they go down.

Soon you are marching on the village. There is not a warrior to be found of the enemy who is not bleeding to death on the field. Perhaps a few have escaped into the woods but not many. Some even took their own lives.

Your troops seize the large village and encampment herding the women and children into the center. Many are fearful and crying as your soldiers collect them and count how many are present.

Ancus looks to you and he holds the Gaul cheif's sword.

"Not bad kid. Not bad at all."

The Aftermath

As the morning turns into evening you are mazed at the plunder.

6,000 captives ( 60/40, children/women)

3,000+ weapons (spears, long swords, axes, and daggers)

2,000 some comeplete campsites (all camp things like cook pots, tent, wagon..etc).

1,400 exotic items including ivory tusks, animal hides, and Viking cafts (seems the island has had many foreign visitors).

The center village has many huts with a cheif's lodge and a few workshops for making basic items and weapons. All and all you have done well. Your cousin's body is recovered though on the beach.

You have just had your first feels sweet if not exhausting.


Harjarek your father sends for you midway through the week after he has given your proposals some thought. He is out on his regular walk through town but asks you to join him on the portion that goes by the fields where no others are at the moment.

"Son you spoke of much at the meeting and you must understand that these men only wish for a simple life free of outsiders. The lived under the yoke of Rome for many years. They do wish involvement with outsiders even other Goths for now. The feast shall be for our people and our people alone."

He walks on and looks out at the fields.. "You may build the towers and drill the troops though. See what you can do about the crops. More food is always welcome, as well as more knowledge of our surroundings. Oh and your efforts should go well save me a good dog."

He playfully pushes you and sends you on your way.


Before the new granary is even finished your farmers redouble their efforts to improve things. Your wheat production has increased as well as the varity of other vegetables. This will all take time to grow but your on your way. The fruit tree of coarse will take the longest of all but orchards are now organized so picking will go well in the future.


Your five parties return and take a great deal of time mapping what they have found. Only a few things are note worthy but your village map as greatly improved. To the NE your men find a small hamlet which does fishing mostly and does not have any village ties. They are goths as well. Another party finds a large pond filled with fish. Another party reports a small mountain range. Though they did not find any minerals they feel a return trip with more tools, men and time is necessary.


The warriors take well to the drill at the begining each day before pursing other interests and improvements can be seen as targets are hit faster and sparring matches go on longer and are increasingly difficult.

The wild dogs are difficult to kill and train, but some are taken from the woods. These new dogs are welcomed in the village though as means of protection and improving hunting. The pups are the fastest to learn from humans and soon in your father's house is a new strong young black dog. The next generation of dogs will be more domesticated.


The two tower go up and are an impressive site as well as giving a good view in both directions. Nobody can approach the village in the direction of the towers and easily slip by unoticed. A large granary is built for all the village stores and is already being filled. It can preserve all kings of foods without problem and prevents them from getting eaten or going rotten.


The letters are written but go unsent. You will have to take up the matter with your father once again.


The Shaman does report to you in time that his work has led to nothing new in form or medicine but he finds he can make a strong dose and have it be more effective. Hence some one is cured faster. He now can say he has larger amount of medicine valuable for your people to use.

Your head smith Kasen says he can improve the ax that you use by replacing the handle with a stronger wood and by using a different method to make it even sharper then before when your local smiths worked on it. He gives you one of the first prototypes. It is very impressive as you find when you test it on wood and hide.


Tyrus pulled Ammonianus aside.

"Take a contingent of men and begin sweeping the field. The dead Gauls and Celts may be burried in whatever mannor their religon dictates. Our fallen shall be given a propper Roman funeral pyre. See that all the wounded are taken to the village for treatment and get me an accurate count. It is my hope that more of our comrades are lying striken in the field."

"Also, although I am loath to do so, collect whatever might be of value from the dead. We may need every coin and shoe if we are to survive the coming winter. Use the captives as labor as you need, but they shall be well treated."

He then summoned Ancus.
"Lead some of the men and take command of the villages and the captives. I want no looting, burning or raping. We are Legions of Rome, not roving marauders. Treat the captives well, we shall need them and they, us, in the time to come. Establish an armory, a treasury, food storage and a barracks for the Cohorts."

Diplomacy begins at home....

Those captives who choose to swear allegance to Rome and agree to help rebuild the protectorate shall be free to come and go as they choose as well as exercise some freedoms they had before. They shall be afforded the protection and advantages of Rome. Those who choose to remain defiant shall remain second class citizens and used only as laborers.


Draga will take five ships up the coast and five ships down the coast, mapping the coastline as well as tidal currents and the like.
Likewise, my 16 mounted scouts will ride in teams of two in all directions, mapping the island. I am specifically searching for whatever quarry that was used to build the old town as well as any farm or grasing lands that the Gauls or Celts might have had. Remind them all that they are exploring and to avoid combat.


The Legionares will construct a stockade around the center part of the village, where the 'important' buildings are located. Arilias will lead a survey team to the Roman town to inspect the damage and see what can be salvaged and rebuilt. The dead will be searched and collected for proper burial.


The captured shrines are still intact for the most part. If any among the women wish to become priestesses, and will swear on their Gods to support me, then I will return the shrines to them so long as Roman Gods are honored as well. Likewise, if any women are skilled healers, then they may be given that 'title' and will be sent to the infirmery to help the wounded. Both positions are not to be used as laborers and may take their children (if any) with them as helpers.


If possible, convert one or two fo Draga's ships into fishing vessels. Others will forrage for any possible foodstuffs in the area be it hunting game or gathering berries and roots. All food will be brought to the food storage for curing and rationing. Any skins and furs will be dried and cured.
Collect and lay out water to evaporate and collect the salt for refining. This will be used to help preserve food and skins.
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Visigoths turn 2


After walking with his father Tufa takes a deep breath of the ocean air. The smell is mixed with pine, violets, and marigolds. Walking up behind him with great joy is Kasen, one of the roman smiths in town. He bring with him a two handed axe. "Tufa, I come with a great surprise. Behold the first of the new axes you asked of my kinsmen to make." Kasen hands the mighty axe to Tufa, whose smile stretches across his face. "The steel has been folded 12 times and the wood is hickory. Try it out on that local branch." Tufa and Kasen walk over to an oak tree whose branches grow low to the ground. Tufa brings the axe over his head and with little effort the 3 inch in diameter branch is taken down and falls to the ground. Tufa says while hugging Kasen with one arm, " My friend you have done a great job. The gods have smiled on this village this day. Please have your men replace the stock of axes we have with these new ones. Your name will be praised at the feast." Tufa and Kasen grab each other’s wrists and laugh before Kasen starts walking back to his forge.
The sounds of men finishing the two massive towers, food being harvested and stored in the new granary, and troops training fill the village with life and energy. Tufa heads to the temple of Kupula, the Goddess of herbal lore to meet with Barolra, the village's head shaman. "Wise Barolra I hope I'm not intruding," Tufa says while knocking on the heavy doors. "No no my boy, please come in. I have some great news for you. With some time I've been able to improve the medicine we use to cure our sick. Let the god's be praised none of our men are sick but if one is I feel this new medicine will speed his or her recovery." "Great Barolra, Kupula has show get favor on this day. I'll ask the men who have returned from their expeditions to bring you any new roots or plants they have found." Tufa nods his head and exits the temple closing the door behind him.
That night in bed Tufa stirs while planning the next move for the village. "If the elders will not allow outsiders to visit us maybe we should travel to this small hamlet. Maybe my father is right; maybe I should keep to our village and leave the outsiders alone. The sound of howls is a new noise to the night as the local dogs call one another. This sound takes some time to get used to but soon is a welcomed and comforting sound. The next morning Tufa rises and makes plans to meet with the men who have returned from outside the village. With in an hour 25 men join Tufa, Harjarek, Waihtiwulfs, and several other elders. The men are lead by Hunananths, Tufa's childhood friend and the town’s best tracker. Hunananths stands and address Tufa, "As you have requested Tufa my men and I have travel 12 miles in different directions mapping the land as we go. I know you have already caught wind of the hamlet we discovered to the northeast. Their numbers don't match ours and they seem to be primarily fishing as a source of food. Another party discovered a mountain range whose soil was rich and could contain valuable minerals and metals. Also close by was a large pond bountiful with fish. Wherever we traveled to we brought back samples of roots, plants, and fruit. I had my men add what was discovered to our maps." Hunananths hands the maps to Tufa and bows. Tufa stands, "Raise up my friend, you and your men have done great. Tonight we will have a feast in your names." The men cheer for they have been on rations for a week. The thought of mead and fresh food delights them all. Men please return to your families and tonight we will eat. Hunananths please stay behind I wish to talk to my father of this news. As the men leave Tufa turns his head to his father, who can already see the workings in his son's eyes. "Speak boy, I know your teeth can not hold back your tongue for too much longer," Harjareks says. " I understand the elders decision to not invite the other villages to our feast. But with the news of a small hamlet not so far way not change their minds to allowing some of our men to travel to their village to just meet with them. Open trade and talks can not hurt." Harjarek puts his head back. "For you my son I will pose this notion. Meeting the leaders of this small village could not hurt. But they will not be joining us for a feast." "That all I ask father." "But what of the other locations I spoke of," Hunananths says to both men. "And what of them Hunananths," Harjarek replies. "I'm aware we live by the sea and our intake is good but the mountain range couple produce valuable metals if given time and resources." "What says you father?" Harjarek with his head slowly rolling back into place stands and laughs. " Both of you since you were grabbing at your mother's dresses were more like brothers who always had their eyes to the sky." At the next meeting I was pose to the elders sending some troops to the mountains to investigate and about sending a letter to this local hamlet so that we may speak with their elders. But right now I have a dog to feed and you have a feast to plan for." Both Tufa and Hunananths bow their heads as Harjarek starts to lead the great hall. " Ow and by the way, Harjarek says to the boys over his shoulder. I was speaking with Boluthas about his last hunt and I noticed how grown his daughter Keyna has become. You know she would make a great wife." Harjarek closes the doors behind him.

Prepare for the great feast of Mati Syra Zemilia in 12 days. After which winter will be apon us. Stock the granary, salt the meat, and get ready for winter.

Tufa and Hunananth both wish for men of 50 or so to travel to mountain ridge to study the land and return with any new metals.

Send 8 men to the local hamlet to set up a meeting with their local leaders. To discuss trade and open exchange of information.

To help with the production of the new axes all of the local smiths will need to be trained by Kasen as to how to make the new axes.
Also the new pups will be used to help with the hunting parties.
Any new herbs are to be giving to Barolra, the shaman.

The new woods that Kasen is using, will they be just as effective if used to make shields?

Prepare for winter. Reinforce homes and add what materials are needed to insure a death free winter.
Draw up places for some new large huts for the growing families, another temple this time to Pyerun, God of thunder and war, and a hunting lodge near the large lake.
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Olaf, exhausted, strips off his shirt and collapses onto the bed face down. Astrid treading softly into the room behind him. Her footsteps softened by the rich fur rugs that carpet the floor, evidence of the growing hunting skills of the village. Knowing the weight upon his shoulders, she collects a small bottle of oil from her collection and pours some onto her hand.
Rubbing her hands together to warm the oil, she gently smooths it over his broad back, kneading away the stress. Hearing his moans of satisfaction, a smile spreads across her face and she begins to push deeper, working out the knots in his muscles.
Olaf, seizing this opportunity to relax before the day ahead, gives in to his wife's touches. Relaxing and feeling her work away the tension in his body has always felt so good. He was at first amazed at the strength in her hands, but then, she was just as much a warrior as himself. Olaf begins to drift off asleep remembering the first time they had met, the first time he heard her angelic voice, their first touch, first kiss.....
Then another image... This one of a warrior racing into battle, but this was no ordinary warrior. He had little armour but his ferocity bore no need for any. His rage was unlike anything Olaf had ever seen. The man's features were distorted from blind fury, his mouth foaming, his axe rising and falling only to rise again stained with the blood of his victims. Noone could get even close to him so great was his rage. Brave men fled from him in terror. His axe blurring with speed, knowing no limits, no fear. There was only one name for this man. He was a bezerker..

The next morning after Olaf's dream was the day the talks were to begin. Olaf rose and began his morning ritual of going to the shrine at his house and speaking to the gods, particularly Odin, beckoning for their strength and wisdom for the day ahead. Returning home, he found Astrid preparing breakfast. Walking up behind her and wrapping his arms around her, he kissed her cheek. "Now I remember why I married you, you have such a wonderful touch. Thank you." Turning her head around and kissing him back she smiled as she replied "Oh, I thought it was because I could cook and you can't!"
"My sweet, if I was to write a list of things that I cannot do but you can, I would die of old age before I could finish it."
Turning around in his arms, Astrid looked into his eyes and says softly, "And that is why I married you. I saw that under that harsh, commanding and", running her hands and eyes over his still uncovered chest," wonderfully shaped exterior, is the heart of the most tender and loving man I have ever known"
The smile spreading across his lips was quickly changed into a kiss as he bent down to meet her lips. Their loving embrace was short lived though as they both smelled their food burning. Quickly pushing him aside, she returned to her task and finished preparing their meal.
After breaking their fast, Olaf and Astrid put on their clothes and made their way to the main hall where the leaders were to meet. This day Olaf wore his wolfskin pelt over his normal garb.
As they passed the area the captives had been housed, Olaf's thoughts are distracted to their situation of late; many people have started to notice that the captives seem to be accepting their fate and even seem to be enjoying their new life. Eric has been seen frequenting the area the captives inhabit. One hut in particular, although there seems to be no trouble and so the majority of the village are accepting of this arrangement. He has even built a small shrine to the god's there which some of the captives have been seen to worship at.
Oskell frequents these huts too, however his purpose as the mystic is different. Seeming more confident now that he has a temple to call his home, he now travels to those captives who differ in their beliefs to try to persuade them to follow the path Odin has set before them, to join the village as allies and friends. It's a difficult task...


The leaders as well as their entourage and the majority of the villagers have managed to fit into the main room although some are forced to stand as there was simply not enough seating for such a gathering as this.
Yric stands and addresses Olaf seated before him; "I believe I speak for us all when I say that we missed your presence at the last meeting. Although I now understand why, and as a gift for your wedding I have brought you two of my finest horses, a stallion and a mare, for you and your lovely bride. Both are as fleet of foot and strong of heart as rumor has it that you yourselves are. Please accept them with our congratulations."
Olaf stands. "Our thanks to you and your people. You truly are brothers and as such are welcome in the halls of my home anytime." Yric and the others nod in acceptance and recognition.
"Brothers, without sounding abrupt, there are more pressing matters to discuss."
All murmur in agreement. "I am aware of the Roman scourge that threatens to ruin all we have worked so hard for. I am also aware that if we have any chance of eradicating this threat then we must fight as one, we must train as one, we must live as one, combining our strengths, fighting as one" Olaf paused..."and under one leader."The room buzzes with the energy of that statement, then slowly a tense hush falls as the gathered await his next statement. The only sounds to be heard are the chirping of the baby falcons that are still breeding in the rafters above.
Olaf steps forward and addresses the gathered in a softer tone, as if remembering; "I had a dream last night... I saw a man. Fierce, consumed with rage. His eyes burned with the fire of Thor's furnace. His hair was matted with sweat, his teeth bared, his mouth foaming. The scream of rage filling his lungs terrified any mortal unfortunate enough to hear it. His hand not slowing as his axe felled more men than five strong warriors could kill in the same time. His arm never growing weary." Olaf's speech halted as if remembering something else. Then, breaking the silence, Hakon spoke; "It is a bezerker you speak of." Olafs eyes rising to meet his as if seeing him for the first time, realizing once again that he was not alone. Hakon continued, "There are rumors that there are a few living up in the mountain. They left our villages long ago. They know no fear in battle, but they also know no leader."
Olaf, speaking to the leaders of the other villages makes a statement, shocking not only the assembly, but also his wife, "If I can bring back them to fight for us, will you accept my leadership over all of you?"
The whole assembly murmured, some voices in disapproval, some in doubt, others in confidence.
The leaders moved into a huddle, talking in low voices, conferring as to whether this was a good idea and whether this could be possible. Could Olaf bring these men back to fight with them? Could he lead them? Should he? Concluding their brief discussion they separated. Torstein stands up and with a voice heard clearly by all, says......
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As fall comes to an end the work on the farms of your village only grows more intense. Grain is taken in and stored while some is converted into beer for consumption. These barrels also fill the stock piles. It seems with all the trade you will have a surplus heading into the winter.

The cotton so soft and strong is a very popular item on the trade routes and the buyers tell you that it sells at the ports cities and goes all over the island chain. The bolts of cotton command a high price and one merchant over joyed by profits gives an impressive gift.

He presents you with three small bolts of red, blue, and white oriental silk. It is wonderful soft and can be made into many different items.

Auset is thrilled and says it could be a lovely dress or great sheet for sleeping.


Many of your villagers are upgrading their residences so that they can produce more food and take on other project like crafts. Though it is to late for it to make an impact this year there will be a large increase in food for the next year. Jason though was one of the first to build a farm is able to brag at the ale house ( rescently built near the temple square and is named Star over the Nile which serves local wine and meade ) that he has a bountiful crop and now a small herd of Arabian stallions. Mayati the wife the pottery shop owner waves to you as she works in the fields and is once again pregnant. She cares for the farm while her husband's business thrives. With larger farms it means more crops produced and more revenue can be drawn from taxes.

The new barracks are a great improvement over the previous army barracks. The new barracks area has two levels with a watchouse on the roof. On the second level there is the sleeping quarters with plenty of bunk beds for sleeping. The first level is divided between an indoor training area and a kitchen/dining area. All the recruits like the new living space. It makes the army look that much more professional.

The military post now has over 1,500 soldiers within its small walls. Most of the barracks are of the new type mentioned apove. Another new feature is a track area for training cavalry and chariot troops. Though they will not be ready any time soon, but your moving forward. The army under your reign is a far cry from that of your father's army.

One difficulty has occured though with the growth of your new military post. A tent city has grown up just outside the gates of the post. In these tents many things go on including gambling, whoring, and drinking. Many young soldiers spend all of their pay there before returning to duty. Also it is taking an increased number of onduty soldiers to patrol the area where fights are common. Akunosh the Scorpian is said to be making a great profit in this quarter with all his Greek women who practice at the dance school by day and whore at night.

The dance school continues to be the best money maker and the nobles of your village and other villages agree to pay more to cover the improvements. So at the end of fall you soon see an impressive new building. It is ivory white and is two stories tall. Around the outside of the first level is an awning which allows for teaching and practice outside even in the rain. The inside boasts large new studios and balconey space for musicians to perform. The second level has offices for the teachers as well as private studios for more personal lessons.

SANURA sends you a papyrus thanking you for the new lovely office space and promises improved results with the improved facilities.


The army numbers some 2000 troops with 1500 of which ready for battle while the rest train. Captain Mereruka labels the remaining 500 troops "reserves" that will remain in the town. This total does not include the some 120 troops that guard your palace.

The training only gets harder with the possiblity of war. The typical soldier wears leather armor with sandles and carries a spear, body size shield, and short sword. Axes, bows, and longs swords are also employed by your troops. Jason's divivion ( 3 divisions 500 troops each) wear Greek style armor and have round shields and very long pikes. Many of the Greek imigrants to your village have joined asking for this division.

As a symbol of your leadership your give an complete suit of armor (Greek armor with wirst, chest, knees and a helmet) which is a impressive metallic silver color. Exotic feathers dawn your helmet and the cape is of royal purple. Good leather riding boots are included as well.

Nany sends a angry letter to her niece Femi demanding that she quit or put all her efforts into her dancing. She sends you a letter apologizing for her niece's behavior. She mentions she will be visiting you soon and includes some freshly cut roses from her garden for you tied to the scroll with a red ribbon.

A select group of some 20 girls mostly daughters of patriotic citizens take classes to learn about espionage and assassination. They soon learn how to be observant and how to thurst a blade. The training soon pays off unexpectedly when a girl walking to her parent's farm is attacked by a would-be rapist. With a hidden blade she cuts his throat swiftly and continues home.

Each night after handly affairs of state you teach the select class and you find you improve as you teach. The dancing has put you in good shape and while in the bath you notice that you are developing even stronger and toned muscles.


Your diplomatic efforts have seemed to at least bear some fruit. All leaders agree to meet and stay with you over the winter holidays. As to a military effort they see no need to move until spring is abound. The general consecious is that a minor campaign into Aztec territory my be a good idea.

Mankauhor who's son is of the same name sends you a love letter. It is a crude and raunchy letter promising you children and to slay all your enemies. Auset only sighs and nods as she reads over your shoulder.


Your love life does not seem to differ much from your diplomatic efforts as of late. Gone are the care free days of just kissing a boy and running of into your room.

Akunosh is the first to enjoy your company for a palace dinner. The rogue is dressed more for the battle field the the dining room but behaves well in your presence and is friendly if not flirting.

He listens to you quitely and nods and seems to be listening until he declares, " the girls dance beautifully and has improved my business greatly. I feel pledging my 100 men to first for your cause is a wise investment. I am told the Aztecs have a great deal of gold and booty like that shall pay well for services rendered in wartime. Right now my men just eat, drink, and train. They are bored and eager for a new challange."

He walks about the chamber and smiles, "I will wish some of the captured land to become mine as well though. I will be a noble on your frontier."

He leaves later that night with a smile and only kisses your hand. His rowdy band is trouble some, but only in the coming conflict ahead will it be seen of they are worth the trouble.

On another lovely night you enjoy Jason's company and walk about the palace with him until you find a balconey with a view of the garden. It is peaceful and is there you pose your question to Jason........“you must tell me what your feelings are for me.. I need to know..” knowing that if he rejected her then she would find another prospect to love… there were already many other options. Reassuringly she said, “your positions are safe and nothing that you will say will effect my feelings for you in either way.. so worry not and tell me the truth .. I have other things which need to be attended and I cannot dwell on this any longer..”

"I do not wish for you to dwell on this matter any longer and feel relieved that I am safe no matter my answer. Now I am free to love the woman not my protector."

He moves to you and passionately kisses you on the lips. Soon you find yourself in a passionate embrace and hands wonder and lips part. Perhaps could he be the one? He takes you by the hand gently, but looks at the concern in your eyes.

"I only laid with Zahra in an attempt to forget about the love I felt for you my Queen. You are the only woman I desire to be with and I had to let yu know. I understand if must marry another for the good of your kingdom, but you will be in my heart always."

The night is far from over and Jason soon carries you to your chambers. Over the coarse of the night he is gentle, but intense in his practice of the arts of loving and pleasure. You soon experience the rapture of your first love making. These feelings return over and over again into the early morning hours. Jason seems great pleased as well as you hear his sounds of pleasure as well.

You both fall asleep in each other's arms warped in sweety sheets. You never thought it possible to kiss a man so many times. Your Greek though poor is good enough to utter, "I love you," which Jason repeats to you in your native tongue. Your night of passion is far from over as you soon find........

Old Business

AMABEL and OONA the two Arab women who guard you refuse to go to the dance school and insist on guarding you alone. You worry not when they are around and you feel at ease having them around at private times like bathing. Though they are serious often Auset comments they care for you greatly. As you stuggle with your Arabic lessons you sometimes hear a giggle escape their lips as you butcher words. Still though you find yourself drawn to the two women you saved.

The camels breed in the fields when left alone and soon your able to allow them to be used for work around the village. Many of the merchants already have camels, but still there are something that everyone needs.

Talk of a port being built electifies your engineering, architecture, and building community. There are many plans submitted to the palace as well as letters from merchants saying how it will greatly improve trade. Once there is access to the see Persian markets shall be open to trade and greatly increase revenue.

The elephants are hard to train, but are not completely resistant. One farmer trains one elephant by giving it apples for each command followed. For one barrel of apples a large portion of land is cleared. The military thinks they can train the creatures in time. The elephants are amazingly strong as many witness. The uprooted trees are proof.

New Business

Soon your days are filled with many tasks. Besides teach classes in the evenings you find yourself once again being tutored in no less then three languages. You make some progress and even have taken to wearing a dress fit for a Persian noblewoman.

Your diplomatic envoy to the Aztecs brings back a proposal and information. The Aztec Emperor Ahuizotl sends you a small gold box with a scroll inside. It basically declares that if you wish to be left in peace that you must send 30 peasants every month or 100 for every season. He awaits your answer along with your first tribute.

Your small party tells you much of the city of the Aztecs over the coarse of an afternoon (feel free to ask specific question I don't answer.) The Aztec army is in the thousands and practically every adult male severse in the military. Some of their warriors dress as Eagle or Jaguars. They have many temples and a war god. The city has a thriving port where Greek, Persian, and even Viking ships were sited. Gold is almost a common item to them as well as jewels. The Emperor is believed to be a child of the Sun God and is an absolute ruler.

They expect tribute at the beginning of spring......What is your next move?

A Night Raid....

As you lay tangled in the sheets with Jason your lover your awakened to the sounds of battle, but more closely your monkey Kuto screeching loudly. Your eyes sleepily open to find jaguars in your chambers?.......Jaguars no men dressed as Jaguars. The Aztecs!!! You now are are aware of four in the chamber with you and your lover. The sounds of battle are heard all through the palace now.

The warriors surge towards you as both you and Jason roll out of bed. Jason clad only a loincloth counterattacks with his shortsword. Hi blade smashes against the warrior's shield then he paries his blow from the Aztec warrior's oddly looking wood "sword." Jason is not just a great leader though but a excellant fighter. A swift kick to the midsection of the warrior bends him over and Jason swing with full power taking off the man's head. Soon though another attacker is on him wounding him badly.

You roll out of bed to find the gift from your mercenary friend on the floor ready for use. You take up the ivory handled blade and defend yourself againsted the skilled warrior meeting him blow for blow. The third and fourth warrior join in and your knocked to the floor. Not to be taken you pull your dagger out from your pile of clothing and land a luckey blow killing one with a knife throw to the throat.

Another warrior drops to the floor two arrows in his back. You look over at the open balconey to find Auset climbing into the room with a bow and a quiver of arrrows on her back.

The doors burts open in pours a dozen young guards with AMABEL and OONA at there head both are bloody and you can see dead bodies of Aztec and Egyptian in the hall beyond. The quickly surround the last attack on you and hack him to piece in revenge for violating the palace grounds.

You look across your chambers and see that the Aztec warrior and Jason continue to fight on in a brutal battle with many blows landed and blood gushing. You run to aid your lover has the Aztec warrior who fights like a man possessed lands a hard blow to Jason's side causing him to fall to the floor.

The guards run to help you but you raise a hand, " he is mine." The obey and hold back.

The fierce warrior raises his weapon and shield in defiance, but you pay no head and your razor sharp blade cuts him from the top of his head to his stomach before jamming in his now sagging body. You turn to look after Jason as Auset puts a robe over you and the guards continue their search of the palace. Your guards stay near you as you watch Jason though badly bleeding prop himself up against the nearby wall bleeding badly.

He just smirks at you and sighs. "Thank you for the lovely evening my Queen. The food was delightful, but the entertainment around here could kill you...." He laughs.

Auset just nods her head, "they are resecuring the palace as we speak. The killed many sentries, but someone left the garden gate open for them to gain access. There was at least 75 of these...."she says as she kick the body on the floor.

OOC: Sorry for the delay......but I am proud of this turn.
The Romans


Ammonianus leads the troops through the field and recovers many badly hurt men. Some wounded to badly to move and perish with in hours while other just knocked unconscious are cared for and return to duty. All said and done 100 men thought to be missing are found though not all are fit for duty.

Ancus operates inside the village and soon returns with a map and a list. The village and tends are not burnt or looted and the virtures of the women are respected. A guard detail protects the largest group of captives in the village's main hall.

The village is mostly of large huts and Ancus selects a group that cna be protected and patrol to centralize the troops. He suggests a wall be built around that area and barracks construction can be started in the spring. The blacksmith shot is still standing with storage huts nearby seems to make the most sense for an armory. The food stores are intacts as well and seem to have plenty of food. Another common building related to food supplies is a number hunting lodges located around the village. Clerks are factoring the man and the captives and troops and are satified that there will be enough for the time being.

Order is being maintained and your starting to setup camp with your troops and mercenaries. The day is one and with proper planning you shall win the next.


The terms of victory.... are told to those who remain. Mostly what is left is women children and slaves. In general they do not have any problems with the oath of loyalty once they know they will receive food. Some want promises that they can worship their gods and speak their language. Even in those intances the protest is respectful, but demands an answer.


Draga takes the better part of the fall mapping and taking maritime notes on the island with five of the ships. Though in the end you have an impressive map of the island hanging from your command tent wall. The riders report the locations of the other five villages but cannot speak to their troop strength. One party notes that the Celtic village was guarded by but the oldest and youngest of men.

The quarry is the easiest to find along with the primary Roman settlement fields since the roads still remain. One riding team even finds a sigh marker still intact.

The reports from the riders fill is alot more of the map but things are far from totally clear. The riders not looking for a fight still find scattered resistance and one pair of riders does fail to return.


Eager to gain some independance many young women become priestess and tend to the shrines. Space is made available for Roman shrines to be built in scared spots and in the village. In the burned out settlement the main temple is found in ruins long since looted.

Your surgeon ARISTOTELES welcomes the help in his medical tents that are overflowing with wounded. Many though begin to turn to duty sporting the scares from their latest victory.


Over the months the majority of your supplies are moved inland and accounted for along with the captured food stuffs. Your troops supplement their rations with hunting and fishing they do on their off duty hours. The locals start to bring in a harvest which seems to feed everyone.

Soon skins also are added to a legionaires gear and give extra warmth in the cold nights. You soon have a bear skin on the floor of the chief's hut which you occupy.

Apples are also found and efforts are made to replant the trees in a more orderly fashion and closer location.

Facts of note.

Many of your men though not permitted to marry have taken on mistresses. The Large huts hold ten men but many have taken Gaul women in with them and in some cases their children as well. The women keep house and cook for the men.

Also many of the men are getting extensive tribal tattoos as well as the number and name of their cohort.

One officer named AENEAS finds in a small valley a herd of wild horses. Though he believes them to be orginally of Roman cavalry stock.
The Visigoths

The Harvest

The celebration is but one of the concerns when it comes to your food supply. Snow has not started, but it is expected soon (towards the end of the turn) so their is a flurry of activities. All things like berries and apples are picked and crops are takeen in and stored in the granary. Also the regular crops as well. Deer, boars, and even fowl are hunted and salted and put in the granaries. When all is said and done your father's scribe reports a surplus of food for the winter celebration. Also plenty of spirits to drink. He sees no problem supplying the food for the feast.

Some Visigoths from other clans and tribes have already begun to arrive for the feast. They have setup their tents and are selling their wheres. Nothing is note worthy except from what is sold by those live by the great ocean. They sell crafts made from items like shells.


Your father only allows 50 men total for exploration so the village is not undermanned during the time of the feast. He does support the idea. Soon his faith in you does get repayed.

Hunananth returns and brings two sacks with him from the the Southwest. In your father's house late that evening he relays the tale as he lays out a map drawn on animal hide marking two sites. He looks to you and begins.....

"My lord it is weeks journey through the woods and rough hills to a small valley near these three sites. Two contain iron for fashioning into tools and weapons while the third contains this..." He pours out a pile of large gold nuggets on your table.

"It is behind a waterfall and they are in the stream and the earth. The problem is that the area is not easily accessed. You would need a whole other settlement there for miners." He drinks a horn of mead.

" As of now only I and the other men know of its location and I have told them to speak to no one about the matter. Even their families."


Athalamunths a friend of your father's and a jack-of-all-trades (poet, fletcher, carpenter, name a few) leads a party of 7 warriors to the tiny hamlet on the coast.

They are warmly greated by the people of the Mahak tribe. They like to fish for salmon in the large river nearby and even hunt whales on the coast which is not far. Athalamunths reports many interesting sites like huge long boats, pit houses which are houses where a pit is dug and a roof is put over it. Also infront of each house is a totem which Athalamunths relays to be a way of keeping history.

Abachka is the youg warrior chief of the island who among his claims of his great accoplishments are that he killed three centurions, a great grizzly bear, and has sailed around the island in open boat.

Over the three days of discussion, feasting and games many topics are covered. Abachka agree to trade since his people have few horses and good metal weapons as well as other craft goods. He can promise you plenty of good food though. As to a military alliance he wants an ally against the Romans.

Athalamunths seems to think that his tribe was once much large and destroyed during the age when Rome had a more solid hold on the island. Though Athalamunths sees great opportunity for trade. He brings back a handful of items including a bow given to him as a gift. He already took a deer down with it on the jounery home and impressed by its construction.

He thinks perhaps establishing an embassy post of some sort for trade and talks is a good idea.


Kasen agrees to teach the other smiths his method of ax making and soon in a few weaks they are in steady production but still in small numbers. Such a good design takes time to recreate even when the maker knows how.

The new pups are trained and slowly are included in the hunts. Many of the older dogs take to guarding the house holds that the live out. One dog proves his worth to one warrior's family by driving away a bear from the familie's foot supply. Soon you hear that the dog receives a large portion of meat every night.

Your father's own dog Wulfa seems to like his new surroundings and often is near your father. The dog is very powerful and one day you find him nawing on a field that once hung on the wall. Though he is powerful he soon gives it up when your mother chases him away with a broom.

Barolra speaks with many of those who farm an many are willing to grow at least a small patch of some of the herbs he needs. Once there is a steady supply of the herbs it will cut time in half because they items needed for medicine will be ready.


Between his regular work and his teaching duties Kasen does find time to work on a new shield design. He soon comes to your father's house with several finished items that are covered with cloth and brightly painted. You find they heavier then your standard shields but strong and after many blows still refuse dent deeply. Laying it flat and bring down an ax on it with your full weight is the only way you make any headway.


By the time of the first snow all the homes are refitted and have large wood piles kept near the houses. No one reports any problems though and no deaths occur due to cold.

For those who need it like those sharing with extended family and have many children are the first to enjoy the large huts. They are soon praying at their own shrines, repairing their own weapons and filling their own stores.

The hunting lodge by the lake is finished soon enough to produce results. Soon the granary has fresh fish in it and a few otters. Even after the first snow one of your warriors brings down a large deer and with his new hunting dogs brings it back to camp. The lodge soon has its own kennel for dogs and promises more strong dogs for the summer. Another positive result more wolves hunting for food that murder your livestock are stopped in route.

The plans for the temple to Pyerun hang on the wall in your father's main hall and look impressive. The work cannot begin before spring and even then will take a lot of labor and materials.


The young but strong maiden Valdamerca is often smiling at you when you walk through the village. She is pretty with long brown hair and loves her job. She makes leather armor but helps the butcher slaughter the cows herself and is often seen in a bloody apron and carrying a long bloody knife.....She always bows her head to you with a pleasant word and smile.

OOC........Vikings next.
A big turn with alot to cover...

The Vikings....


Astrid sees you off most morning with a hardy breakfast and another reason you know that you must protect the village. She is a wonderful woman and seems to be able to do an endless amount of tasks. She helps tend the farm, works in the woodshop and has made several chairs infact. In the evenings she does her needle work and cooking. Though when other warriors come to the house to drink she will lift a flagon of mead and throw axes with the rest. She often attends meetings with you and takes careful notes and prays regularly at your personal shrine.

In the last few weeks you find one of the women that was taken captive doing work around your farm. Always a arm's length away from Astrid, Ngoc is very helpful. Astrid speaks her language well enough. She has waist length raven hair and many exotic tattoos on her small body including 15 red skulls looking marks on her right arm. She chops wood, clean up, tends some of the animals like your wife's new rabbits. She has even taken to dressing like a Norse woman, but thinks of nothing of going topless and barefoot with a skirt around her waist when she does tasks like laundry.

When you do finally question Astrid about her one night since she has taken on more responsiblities and is sleeping in your house by the fire in the main hall.

She rolls over on her side putting down her scroll and replies, "Ngoc is very helpful to me and she is very loyal. She could have run a dozen times at least. She has hung many charms to protect our house and she is very strong. The marks on her arms are fo each kill she has made protecting her village from sea raiders." She stops to sip cider from a mug caresses your hair.

"Don't worry it happen at least a year ago and their description was of Persians not Norse. Besides I will need her help in the months to come. The great warchief with have his own wolf pups soon." She gives you a proud grin that you remember from the day you approached her at the alter.

"They are going strong and you remember my love that my mother had two sets of twins and my sister did have twins as well." She kisses you and leans back.

"Oh we will need a bigger house you know...."

The captives that were once the fierce headhunters that plagued the island for so long no seem resigned to village life filled with farming, hard work, and learning about Norse life. Some have run off to the woods while some of their young boys fight with the young norse but many think it is nothing special. Some have taken to improving their huts and there are a few large ones with gardens. With new Norse dwellings the Asian community is surrounded on all sides.

Oskell reports that many of the women are interested and some even are seen praying at shires around the village. Their proud warrior tradition seems to fit well with yours though they see it as a regular need to spill blood. Oskell does report a few true conversions. You have gotten requests for permission to own weapons.

Oskell now has come in from the hills and has built a house near the temple with a special shrine. He even takes a bride marrying one of the widows in the village. Does construct a banner for the village for which to rally your troops around in battle and a second for your flagship. Once he has heard about your dreams though he turns over much of the materials he has on the legendary warriors to you commenting, "seeing one is like seeing a raging bear. It is not an honor but it is an impressive site to see."

Eric seems to be keeping at least one mistress among the Asian women. He is not the only one it seems as you see few women that were not pregnant on their arrival are now showing.

Afi (not sure if we gave him a name) your gray haired mastersmith has even taken on one of the women into his shop to do some of the metal work. "She understands the work well and makes good knives." One you stop by he tosses one of her's to is in a fine leather shealth has a bone handle and is long and thick with a sharp blade on it. She walks out from the forge dirty with a bandana around her long hair. She smiles at you and gestures for you to take the blade. Your smith smirks before sending her back to her work, "figured she meant it for someone special."


Torstein clears his voice and speaks, "Olaf we will need a few days to consider this matter. In time we will have your decision for you and I think you will aprove. We all can agree though that you should begin to pack your gear for this quest that you and you alone should attempt. These beserkers are more animal then man. Some say they are part bear. To defeat would make you a great warrior. To lead them out of the mountains to the village here would make you a great leader."

Many heads nod as you hear words of approval. With that you and your men are sent from the main hall to await their decision. If there is one thing the old chief's can do is talk......and talk.

For close to two days they debate, discuss and grill over every point in the alliance. Astrid is not worried and is content to tend to the two new horses that were brought as gifts. Mean time you pace a hole in the floor until your loving wife tells you to sleep in the warlodge or you will find out what a beserker is really like.

Riggs arrives in time though to bring you news that the council has finished meeting late that second night. You are ushered into the mainhall where the chiefs have ate, slept, and talked.

They have agreed that you must do the following....

Lead the beserkers back to the village with an agreement to fight for the tribes. They need not live among the other Vikings but must be willing to fight.

To accomplish this task you may be allowed to bring three other warriors with you and you have a week to complete the task (takes roughly a day and a half to make the mountains.)

They suggest that you apoint someone to lead while your gone and they will respect that person's words as your words until you return.

Once you return (many seem to think your mission shall go well) you must agree to the following terms.

#1 Once your king all the other chief's shall keep their land and pay taxes just like everyone else. Each chief shall collect the taxes for his village and then turn over your share.

#2 Your main role is provide military leadership and deal with all threats. "If we are to join together we share foes and friends."

#3 Your secondary and no less important role is to mediate disputes between nobles, commoners, and setup a court.

They ask you to agree to the terms and if you do not wish to agree they wish to know what deletions, changes, and additions you would like to make. All eyes look to is not every day a king is made.
Turn 3

Tufa wakes to another busy morning in Bain. Some of the men have started to chop down a couple of the local tree for firewood and for building materials. Other families are reinforcing their huts for the up coming winter. Outside his window he can see all the people of the village working on their daily chores. Not longer after Tufa awakes Wulfa, the new family dog starts scratching at the wooden door asking to come in. The large beast barrel’s the young war chief over resting all his massive weight on Tufa’s chest preventing little change to Tufa to ward off his licking to the face. This heart warming scene is end when the rest of the children coming running down the hall to wrestle with Tufa and Wulfa.
Crashing into the kitchen, Tufa with one child wrapped around his neck and another child in each arm, comes right up to his mother and plants a wet kiss on her forehead. “Good morning mother”, he says while setting the two children in his arms down so he can grab some food. “Here now don’t think you can barge into this kitchen like your father and take food with out asking,” his mother says while grabbing the swinging child off of his neck. Now get your brothers and sisters to the table for morning meal and after that there’s work to be done.” After breakfast Tufa’s sister help their mother clean the food and clean the dishes while the boys get ready to work out in the fields. Tufa makes ready to assist his father in greeting the clansmen who have started to arrive for the great feast.
Many local tribes set up in the cleared lots out side the West and East gate. Full tents and pavilions house families and trading goods that the people brought with them. Furs, seashells, metal jewelry, and meats are top items of trade. Harjareks and Tufa move through the crowd of people welcoming all who came. Many have traveled for 5 days to see their kinsmen. After all the formalities Tufa and his father retire back to the house an hour before dinner. Tufa takes this opportunity to catch a quick sleep before supper.
With out any warning there’s a knock on Tufa’s door. Quickly Tufa grabs his furs and heads to the door. Standing on the other side and taking up most of the door way is Tufa’s father. “Come son we have much to discuss.” Both father and son walk down the hall to the families dinning room. There is Hunananth and Athalamunth standing next to the great fireplace playing with the family dogs. The two warriors charge at each with great delight. They lock hands and try and push each other back. “No matter how old Hunananth and Tufa get they revert two young boys when they first see each other after one of them have been away,” says Harjareks while briefly conversing with Athalamunth. After the brief test of strength match the 2 boys settle down for serious business. Harjareks looks to his audience,” please everyone sit we have much to discuss and my wife has made us a feast.” An hour elapses while the family eats and talks about the visitors that have come this year and how grand the feast will be. Harjareks sets his mug down and looks at young Hunananth, “ So my boy tell me what did you and your men find in the mountain?” Hunananth rises from his seat and heads over towards the fireplace where three sacks are resting. As he brings the sacks over the sounds of metal hitting each other could be heard. Hunananth sits the sacks down and looks to Harjareks. “As you know myself and 50 other men traveled to the mountains southwest of our village, there we found two things. Hunananth opens the first 2 sacks and balls or iron come running out of the bag. With this metal we could make much stronger tools, armor, and weapons. Tufa grabs the largest piece of iron ore and smiles. “I knew we would find metal but not anything of this quality.” “There is more my friend,” Hunananth says, with an equally as big smile, he opens his final sack and pulls out a rough-cut gold nugget. “Located behind a waterfall and some 12 paces up the rock wall gold coasts the rock wall. I must say it was one of the most beautiful sights I’ve seen.” He hands the nugget to Harjareks, “All my men are loyal and will not speak a word of what was found. If we were to mine either minerals we could not doing it would out building a second settlement at the base of the mountain in my opinion.” Tufa jumps to his feet, “Hunananth you bring us great news. With this gold and iron we could make better tools for trading and better weapons for hunting. And with the gold we could..” Harjareks cuts the energetic Tufa off before the evil of greed over takes him. “We could do a lot with the new metal. The iron would be a very valuable asset to the village but the gold isn’t really all that important to our way of like. Tomorrow I will inform the Elders as to the news of what was discovered as well as relay Hunananths suggestion about building another settlement but that will not happen until late summer. Tufa quickly tries to interject but is halted by his father. I know son, you have grand ideas of trying to expand our village but we don’t need to move so fast that we overstep our boundaries and step on our neighboring villages. Things will come in time you must learn patients. Tufa returns to his seat now that the wind was taken from his sails. Hunananth you have done great, please leave the sack of gold and on sack of iron here with me. Take the other sack to the blacksmith. Harjareks raises his mug to Hunananth, go and join your family we will talk at the feast. Hunananth stand and nods his head to Harjareks and Tufa and leaves with a sack of iron. Now Athalamunth please tell me of your travels to the hamlet on our border.” “The trip went well. The hamlet belongs to the Mahak tribe lead by a young war chief much like your son by the name of Abachka. Since they live directly on the coast their great fishers and ship builders. Their weapons, armor, and tactical styles lead me to think they much like us played a large part in the Roman occupation. Since the Romans left it has left a bitter taste in their mouths. They are open for trade and are willing for an alliance against any Romans. We discussed setting up an embassy post in either village as a sigh of good will. Having a family of ship builders wouldn’t hurt nor would learning their techniques for building bows. I received a bow as a gift and I was impressed. Armored with an iron time I would be a dangerous combination. My suggestion would be to offer some land for any ship builders, craftsmen, or smiths who wish to live in our village and at the same time request that a hut be made for a diplomat to stay when visiting. If all trades go well a path should be cleared to make travel easier for carts.” “I’m glad your travels went well my friend. We’ll discuss this more when we meet at noon with the others.” The three men rise; Harjareks and Tufa show Athalamunth to the door and wish him well.
The two men stand outside, Harjareks smoking his pipe and Tufa gazing as the full moon. The young warrior looks to his father, “Father, when I am older and Chief of the village if I am to do something that will cause trouble to the village you would let me know right?” Harjareks, give a short laugh, “That’s why we have elders to prevent men from doing things that will harm the village. And as long as I’m alive I’ll be an elder, so you have nothing to fear but being alone. Since we’re on the subject of alone you know your mother and I aren’t getting any younger and your brothers are still to young to take a bride. Even a blind man would see how young Valdamerca eyes you.” “I never really notice, most times she’s covered in blood for the butcher.” “Well son, there’s only some much that can be said about a woman who works with her hands,” As he smiles and walks back inside. Trying not to think about a beautiful woman covered in blood our young chief travels to the house of Valdamerca. Wading about 30 paces out side her window he throws some pebbles at her shutter doors one at a time until she notices. After 3 hits the young maiden opens quit puzzles about the noise. Looking around she says, “Who’s there?” Slowly Tufa moves his way up to her window. “Valdamerca, over here,” whispering and waving his hands trying not to wake her parents. “My Lord what are you going at my window?” “I was heading to the camps outside the East gate. I could hear them playing music and I decided I wanted the company of a lovely maiden and yours was the first image that came to mine.” Thinking to himself, this will never work the young lady beckoned him to help her out her window quietly. Together they spent several hours dancing and talking with the clansmen that had come for the feast. And after sneaking the young maiden back through her window and sneaking himself back into his father’s house, the young chief recapped the day with a smile on his face.

Try and gather new fishing techniques from the local hamlet. Hold the grand feast and try and give some leftovers to any group traveling over 3 days away.

Make plans to cut a trail towards the hamlet of Mahak, making trade easier. Cut out a trail to the new hunting lodge. Survey the land around the waterfall for new settlement. Also check the surrounding area for any local tribes whom may cause trouble.

Hold great feast and give than to any neighboring villages who stopped by. Offer land next to Bain to anyone from Mahak. Request a building be build for any diplomats to stay in the Mahak village. Learn bowyering techniques, armoring techniques, and ship building techniques from the Mahak people. Agree to help the Mahak people if they ever need it.

Any new techniques from the Mahak people need to be learned by master craftsmen.
New iron needs to be worked and well a gold made into jewelry for trade. Keep really nice couple of pieces for Tufa and his family. Have about 30 men learn to ride horses well for possible cavalry. With iron tips and stronger bows I want the hunters and archers to practice, continue axe throwing, and have my top soldiers learn the 2 handed great axe and a group to learn axe and shield formation while making a shield wall.

Have Roman black smith use the new Iron to make better arrows heads, tools, weapons, and work on a great sword design for Tufa and Hunananths.
Research new longer shallow boats for trade and better fishing.

Plan for new settlement near the waterfall at the base of the mountain. Continue work on new temple. Work with hamlet of Mahak to make a wide path towards each other and towards the hunting lodge. Work on plans to copy Hahak’s shipyard.


Tyrus heard and reviewed the many ledgers and reports from his budding reconstruction. He had sworn, publically and in prayer, that all that was Roman would be Roman again. Such depravity, theft and murder that was suffered by the colony would be rebuilt...and repayed. The food, weapondry and wealth was being inventoried and in some cases, rationed. Aside from the reconstruction and work however, there were two things on Arilias's mind. First was the request by the Celtic women to speak and worship as they had. The second were the practices being undertaken by his men.

"Send in the woman." Arilias said, settling into his chair. The woman came in bowing before the Trimivate.
"You speak Latin?" he asked, and the woman nodded.
"I have considered your request." he began. "I am willing to allow you to keep your language and religion, if you agree to provide some who are willing to teach Celtic to those of my men willing to learn. I will be your first student."

"In addition, you will allow Latin and Roman culture to be taught to your children and any others willing to learn."

The woman left and Tyrus summoned Ammonianus.
"Sound assembly. I wish to address the men."

Horns sounded and from all corners, the Legoinares who were not on patrol came running, all forming into box-like formations, each with their Centurion standing rigidly beside them. Tyrus left them standing for a moment before stepping out, splendid in his full armor and dress.

"Men, legoinares, citizens of Rome. We have crossed the sea, met the enemy, won a battle and begun the reclamation of this land for the Republic." he said, walking along before his troops. "We are Brittanics, we are Thracians, we are Celts, we are Macedonians, but above all we are Legoinares and defenders of Rome."

He fixed some of his men with harsh, disapproving glares.

"We did not cross the sea to forget who and what we are. You are soldiers! You are Romans! You are a part of the most powerful fighting force in the known world! You will behave as such!"
"I have heard that some of you have begun to taking of mistresses, I see no great problem with this, but those who are caught away from their duties or out of their barracks by night without cause will recieve five lashes."
"There are those of you who have decided to cover yourselves with pretty pictures. I find this somewhat disturbing. Are you here to advance the cause of Rome or are you here to emulate our opponents? I shall forgive those those who have had a 'lack of judgment', but there will be no more."
"Then there is a more concerning issue."

Tyrus pointed to one of his men.
"You, what is your Legion and Cohort?" he asked, then held up his hand, forstalling any anwser. He tugged down on the Legionares' collar, revealing a portion of an insignia tattoo.

"It would seem you have already told me and told any Gaul, Visigoth or barbarian chief who might have captured or killed you."

He resumed marching. "These indentity marking will ceace! Although I admire your cameraderie and spirit, we are in a foreign land, surrounded by barbarians who care nothing for your expression of loyalty. All those who have recieved this marking will be reassigned, without exception. Should I find another, the bearer will recieve ten lashes."

"Remember your training. Remember your discipline, and remember who you are. Dismissed."

Arilias moven back into his command tent followed by his leutennants. "Now let us speak of other matters."


"We have won a great battle, but let us not be fooled. We have paid for it with the blood of many loyal men. Some of these were Centurions who will need to be replaced. Ancus, Ammonianus, see who you believe to be worthy to promote from the men and send them to me. In addition, all Centurions will come once a week to me and we shall discuss tactics, strategy and training requirments for the men. The Centurions are the heart of the Legions. They must understand the field battle to win battles."


"Select three Cohorts to hunt down and destroy these remaining marauders in the woods. Eliminate these rogues and if they are using horses bring them and any captured bounty back to camp. It sould be good training for the new Centurions."

"In the meantime, our scouts have reported a Celtic village without adult warriors. It is likely that the adult warriors were here for our landing. Take two additional Cohorts and move into and occupy the village if practical. If you feel the village is too heavilly defended, return to base or aid in the destruction of the bandits. Again, this should be good training for the Centurions."


"I have a use for the men who decided to get these Celtic tattoos. They will go to these other four villages. Report size, terrain and troop count as well as whatever these villages build or make, then return to report."


"There are several projects which need to be addressed. First is the quarry. I would like to have blocks cut and brought to the old city until building can begin after winter. I would also like to locate some brickmakers and start brickmaking en masse. These huts and tents are not acceptable for long term."

"There is also the need for lumber. We are blessed that wood is so very plentiful and near. Start cutting trees and splitting lumber as well as stockpiling firewood for winter."

"We are also blessed with a nearby apple grove. Gather what we need and see that the trees are protected or replanted near the farmlands. The Gauls likely burned the farm, but I doubt they actually could do much to the land itself. It is possible that there might still be produce in the fields untended. This is especially true for wheat chaff. The barbarians might have plundered the fields, but hay might still be salvaged. There is no point in capturing horses if we have no hay or oats to feed them. These farms will be critical to our colony come spring. I wish them to be protected."

"Tell Aeneas to track this heard of horses and capture some of them, but make sure he takes no more than we have the ability to feed. I am more concerned with getting work and riding horses than war horses."


"Again the riders will go out and try to fill in some of these blank areas on our map. More importantly, We need to locate fresh water, preferrably several locations. Also, our scouts have found old roads. One led to the quarry, but where do the others lead?"

"I also wish to have some teams explore the lands around our camp in search of new resources which might be useful."


"With firewood coming in, fire up the blacksmith. Hopefully, more than one. In addition to tools, nails and the like, I want them to start tempering some of the lumber. I want six catapults built for defense of the colony. In addition, I want ten smaller stone throwers built for use by the Legions."
"Although there isn't time to work on the original township, there are the docks and two Roman gallies in ruins there. Before the winter sets in, I want to beach the two gallies and see if Draga's men can repair them and the docks. The sea can be our lifeline to other lands. They are to be rebuilt if possible. Likewise, what is the status of the barracks and the stockade?"

'Morale can inspire good men to do great things...'

Arilias Tyrus again stood before his assembled men. Again Tyrus was dressed in his armor but his clothing had been cleaned and armor polished, thanks to the two servants he had taken into his lodge from among the Celtic women.

"Not long ago, we were charged with a duty by the Emperor himself. To come in search of our lost bretheren, defend the Republic and spread the glory of Rome. We have come and learned of the tragedy that has befallen our kindred. I have sworn that all that was Roman shall be Roman again and that the glory of Rome would be preserved. Because of you, we have met the enemy on their own terms and have drove them back. You are all champions, all heroes of Rome and your Trimivate is proud to lead you to greater glory."
"Tonight we have come to honor just a few of our fellows who have distinguished themselves. Of course, there are too many heroes and champions among you to honor individually, yet a few have gone above and beyond simple service to Rome. Step forward Ancus, Centurion of the Legion."

Ancus came forward kneeling briefly before standing straight before the Trimivate. Arilias picked up and presented Ancus a huge two-handed sword. The claymore taken from the Gual chief.
"Let this be a sign to all those who stand before the might of Rome. May they meet a similar fate. Hail Ancus!"

With that, the entire Legion called out 'Hail Ancus!'

"Step forward Ammonianus, Centurion of the Legion."

As Ancus withdrew, Ammonianus came forward. Tyrus brought out an ivory drinking horn, inlaid with gold and silver, and passed it to the Centurion.
"Let this be a sign that those who serve Rome and lead the Legions to glory shall be rewarded. Hail Ammonianus!"

And again the Legion called out 'Hail Ammonianus!'

"Step forward Albion, Member of the Legion."

The young man limped forward, scarred from the battle to wrest back the settlement. Tyrus placed one hand on the boy's good shoulder. "This is a great and a terrible day for you. With one arm, you cannot serve in the Legoins. Yet I cannot forsake one with such valor and loyalty in their blood. If you are willing, then I offer you a position with me. I invite you to act as my runner and my standard bearer if you are willing."
The Visigoths


Home life is nothing but enjoyably typical. Your younger siblings play around the farm while your mother runs the house hold and tends to her own interests like the arts. Your father never is without something to do around the village or farm. He still trains daily to keep fighting fit and prove his prowess to the younger men of the village. He still splits alot of wood daily and no weapon on the practice field does not no his grasp. He has received several gifts from the new potential allies including a new bow. He is already showing great skill with it and was able to bring down a deer with it in the woods.

Your household grows this winter with the arrival of your uncle Wala from the main Roman city of Syracusae. He has given up his citizenship and sold his land there and has packed up his whole clan and come back home. Your father is thrilled to have his younger brother and his family back with him at his table (your uncle has 6 children and his Roman wife Dyna.) Wala brings some 15 (some 200 men women and children) other families of his clan he built up while in once great Roman city of Syracusae.

The bring many Roman crafts and objects as well as knowledge. Many have intermarried with Romans so many wear skins as well as togas. Many of the men are veterans of military service to Rome at home and abroad. Your uncle gives his "favorite nephews" each a Spatha which is carried by all Rome's barbarian soldiers. It is longer and easier to use then a Gladius. To your sister she receives a whole roll of silk for dress making which thrills her to death.

After the celebrating and eat and the drink things settle down in the village. Homes are open to those who do not have space of their own and wagons are unloaded and horse allowed to graze. Your uncle's settle's in for the night along with your mother and younger siblings it is just the men around the main fire. Out of a chest he has already displayed many trophies from his adventure's serving the state. The items include long strings of boar tusks taken off a great warrior from another island your uncle took after killing him in personal combat. Also included is a Viking shield, a German wolf skin, and gold statue of the Eygptians just to name a few of the exotic items.

He settles back on a bench with bottle of wine in hand and look into the fire be begins to tell you of the Romans and Syracusae.

"The city once was wonderful and amazing place with fields filled with grain and a harbor of ships. Now the fields are ravished by raiding Visigoth clans." He smirks at that thought before continuning.

"The Persians and others have cut them off from other Roman cities and plundered their trade routes so much that they can hardly keep a Navy. Once there was enough sons of Rome to field a half a dozen legions, but now only two are active. Of the two that are active they are most filled with Visigoths, and sons of Viking traders. Only the Praetorian guard of the city has only Romans serving in it at this time."

"The current govenor who calls himself King Augustus since no one has sent tribute back to Rome in some 15 years. He drinks, consorts with women, and rides doing little else to goveren except not do any worse then his father. He has the city and some surrounding territory but little else. Loyalty is not something he inspires though and intrigue and assassination are as common as debate in the senate."

We walks about pondering his thought and kneels to pet Wulfa before rejoining you all by the fire.

"Was it so long ago that those once mighty people came to these shores and fought like lions and had us paining tribute? Was becoming a citizen not something to be strived for all? Instead we aid them in keeping a dying empire alive but a day I wish to rest."

Valdamerca is more friendly to you then before and you often see her waving as you tour the village. Also she personally delivers the meat for your family rather then wait for you to come to market.

She is not the only one to take notice of you though. Dyani is a long dark haired beauty from one of the clans that has ties to the hamlet. She is tall, strong and has raven hair to her waist. She is a runner for the tribe she is beautiful but strong. She always smiles at you and has even left you a flower by your window.


Spear fishing is something that many of your people learn when they journey northward. Some have even had the chance to go to sea and hunt whales at see. Many regard it as a great thrill and Athalamunth has made scretches of them and the sea that impress all once displayed.

Many of those from the nearby area are very happy to take extra food for the trip home. Your generosity will not be forgotten. It has made you some friends.


The rush to finish the trail before the first snow pays off with a well made trail to the Mahak. Also the path cut to the hunting lodge makes it much eaiser to bring game back to the village. Dyani even comments that it is greatly cut down on any chance of getting lost.

Members of the party that first discovered the mines soon have a good site for the settlement that is defendable and has a good water source. They have not found any signs of other tribes, but they can always be hidden. Some of the party have already voluntered to settle there in the spring.


The feast goes well and the agreement is struck to aid each other in the future. A building for diplomatic purposes is built and Athalamunth takes up residence there and begins discussions about trade for the spring. A building is built in your village for the same purpose and has a totem out front.

Your offer of good land to farm brings a handful to your tribe. Good land near the coast is at a premium to farm so the chance is jumped at by those who are able to make the move. Soon their crafts are being sold at the market place. One interested craftmen named Hinto takes on the task of teaching to build long boats. He promises your father his own by spring.


The practice field and workshops are busy places at least until the first snow for the outdoor activities. Knowledge of how certain crafts are made is shared over the months.

The new jewelary made from the gold is beautiful and the weapons are strong. The jewelary is loved by your mother who wears it often. The heavy axes are given to the best warriors of your tribe. Seeing these destructive blades used on trees let's you know just how powerful they are and makes you think what they will do to flesh.

The shield formations are solid but still need work, but that will come over time as diciplane improves. Most warriors do see the advantage of fighting together though. The cavalry troops look good and you watch as they cut down wood posts placed in a row. Your men like what the horse can do for them and battle. Many build barns just for their new mountains and treat them well. Many already have started breeding the best of the bunch for even better warhorses.


A new boat design that is solid is still some months away but your craftsmen feel they have made progress and feel that their models have only gotten better. The say they will have a good sea going boat sometime in the spring.

The new metal is not really so much better then the current iron your using but it is at least the same quality. The smith makes many new items with it and says that all the pieces are of execellant quality. He delivers to your home a new quiver of arrows, a bow, a spear, and sword all made with the new metal.


Though no shovel has broken ground or hammer to nail there is much evidence of building in your village. The walls of the main hall are covered with drawings of the new temple and an enlarged shipyard for the building of the new ship and boats. The temple is 50% complete and your builders know it will be completed in the spring. All they can do now is watch and make sure it is secure over the winter months.

The new paths were completed though and all those to travel them say they are a great aid. It is now possible to take whole wagons filled with goods back and forth without difficulty. The plans for the new settlement are kept at your father's house to keep them secret, but your sure word is getting out about the new land.
Thinks to self, I may have to make this into a book....


Olaf cannot believe that he will now be a father. His memory travels back to the not too distant past when Lars was overjoyed at his newborn son. The way he used to rave on and on about it... Olaf can barely hold himself back from screaming his overwhelming joy at the top of his lungs to the whole world. His head is spinning from the thoughts flashing past his eyes: Were the twins going to be boys or girls? Would they be strong and healthy? What would they name them? Would he be a good father? When they grew up, would they rule over the village after him in a wise and just way?
Astrid walked for many hours looking for her husband, finding him standing as motionless as a mountain, on the wharf staring out to sea. As she approached him her mind regressed back to the moment when she first displayed her feelings for him openly; walking up beside him silently and sliding her hand into his, the experience of that electrifying and yet comforting first touch.
She walked up to him as silently as she first had and again slid her hand into his. After some time she turned and looked into his eyes squeezing his hand gently. Olaf, realizing for the first time he was not alone, turned his head and looked into her eyes. In that brief moment so much was exchanged between them. He saw the answers to all his questions, his fears, his anxieties. He no longer feared the future. He saw in her eyes that all would be well, that his children would grow to be strong, corageous, wise, merciful, and their lives full of love and laughter. Theirs would be a peaceful existance. He knew in that instant what he must do. He must create that world for them.
"Olaf?" Astrid enquired.
Knowing that no matter what responsibilities he had, no matter what position he held, he could always pour out his heart to his wife, Olaf got down on one knee and held his wife's hand in his and looking up into her eyes said, "I love you more than anything in this world Astrid. You are my life, my love, my companion, my compliment, the other half of my soul." Placing his hand on her still flat belly, he continued, " I promise to love and care for our children to the best of my ability."
He paused, lowering his head as if under a heavy burden. Astrid, crouching down to him asked, "What is it my love?"
Olaf sighed and said, "I must ask you to stay behind. This is something I cannot allow you to do, to risk our children in this quest." Astrid moved as if to speak but was stopped by a look from Olaf. "It is too risky. I don't know enough about these men to guarantee your safety if something should happen to me. I will go with Thor, Riggs and Eric. I will leave Lars in charge of the village while I am away. He will be upset that I am not taking him as well but he is a good leader and will have to accept my order, besides, his wife would kill me if I dragged him along with me on another of my 'fool hardy' adventures. I do not know what to expect when I get there and that worries me because I have never walked into a situation before without first knowing if I can walk out of it."
Without another word between them, they sat together watching the sun slip gently beneath the waves.


Olaf stands before the village in the centre of town. His wolfskin pelt wrapped around his shoulders, the sword 'Ragnarok' by his side and his new knife also decorating his belt. His voice leaving no ear untouched by his words. " My brothers, as you all know I must go and find these bezerkers or bear skins if we are to have any hope of surviving in the times to come. You also know that I must choose three companions to go on this quest with me and another to stay and keep the peace while we are gone. Lars, I am charging you with this responsibility.You have been a loyal and trusted companion through many years. I would love to have you by my side my brother, but you are needed here, by our people, and by your wife and son. Keep our people safe my friend. Those to come with me if they so wish will have a difficult task ahead of then. I cannot guarantee their safe return. Thor... Riggs...Eric, will you go with me?"
The crowd is silent as those named move forward and as one get down on one knee. In unison they accept this challenge without question.
"Thank you my brothers, we leave in the morning."
Turning to the leaders of the other villages Olaf speaks, "I accept your offer and this challenge, also your conditions, however, I also reserve the right to negotiate finer details later on after my return."
They nod in approval.

The Quest

With not a few dry eyes the warriors begin their journey into the mountains. Olaf on his own horse, Thor on his horse with Eric, and Riggs making the trip on Astrid's horse. They carry little save for their weapons and some light provisions. Riggs is seen holding a small handkerchief in his massive hand, given to him by a girl that has managed to fight off other admirers long anough to capture his large heart. They travel all though the first day making only one brief stop to water the horses and continue their journey.
That night they make camp near a small stream and sitting around the fire, exchanging tales and stories of battles fought and won and of loves gained and lost. Olaf, his mind constantly upon his wife, cannot hold back any longer. His words slurring together in his haste to tell his trusted companions of the good news that he will soon be a father.
At that, Riggs brings out and unstopps a small jug of ale and passes it to Olaf, congratulating him. After consuming this welcome repaste, they all fall asleep, contented for the moment, but each one's mind cannot help but wonder as to what the following day will bring....
The next morning, rising with the sun, their journey continues. However they cannot risk the horses, so Thor ties the other two horses to his massive beast and tells him to go home, assuring the others that he will lead them home. Turning up the mountian trail towards the place indicated on the map provided them by Hakon, they set off on foot. As time moved on, their minds moved faster, each one thinking of the possible outcomes of this quest. Nearing noon, looking ahead a short distance, they see smoke rising as if from a camp fire.....


With the arrival of others from the surrounding villages, there is much action around the training centres. The air over the archery field is a dangerous place for birds as arrows seem to be constantly streaking through the sky, searching for their targets. The sounds of metal swords, spears and hammers hitting shields is heard throughout the surrounding area. Techniques and ideas are exchanged between the local blacksmith that took over Olaf's job as head smith, Afi, and the visiting smiths and farriers. Now that he has the two former apprentices of Olaf and the new arrival to work under him, production is increasing, however, need is arising for more raw material. So Afi makes a trade agreement with some of the other smiths for the raw material they have been mining around their villages. He agrees to trade the iron ore he needs for the coal that he is able to get from a nearby area. One of the other smiths teaches him a way to treat coal to become coke, which burns with a greater heat, thus allowing him to treat his metal in more ways.


With the increase in population of the village, production has never looked so good. New farms are being built and worked by the newcomers to the village.


Several days after the village leaders arrive, a trader with a wagon load of goods pulls into town. He has never been seen before in these parts, but the neighbouring villagers say that he is a regular visitor to their towns. They also say that he has no name that they know of, they simply refer to him as 'the trader'. His cart is simple yet sturdy, being pulled along by two old work horses. His looks indicate that he is of a possible asian origin. He asks permission from Olaf to buy and sell goods in the village.
The Romans.............


Guennola meets with you and listens. She dresses as a Roman woman but wears jewelry of gold formed into Celtic symbols. She nods as you speak and does not seem to miss a word of what you are saying.

Before she stands to leave she does say, " your kinds knows much of math and the world so our children shall know these things as well. But rest assured they will go to your schools, play with your little ones but they will live and die free as warriors...." She leaves but after giving the proper respect you and your rank.

Your speach is received about as well as it possibly can be by a group of men who do not want to be told what to do by authority. But the point was taken and your reasons seemed justified. Neglecting duty ususally takes a much harder penalty so the thought is that you understand the situation and there has yet to be a report of dereliction of duty. Women and children can still be seen around the camp though but all is quite at night.

The other point of your speach also seems to be taken as tattoo artists slowly leave the group of vendors that have been formed up in your camp. Though more prostitutes have moved into the area and have setup tents.

Training "It ain't training unless its raining"-Unknow D.I.
OOC: This might be useful for anyone dealing or commanding Romans:

A scroll of applicants for leadership postions is assembled by your officers and NCOs for possible promotion. The scroll has something in the order of 15 names listing acts of courage, duty history, occupations before the army, background and some recomendations from officers. Of the list 10 of the men are veterans prior to serving with you on the expedition.

As the winter months roll by your NCO enjoy any distraction that takes them indoors to train. They all review tactics and strategy. For some it is topics well known while others are understanding things better then they have in the past. A spring approaches you feel that all have increased in ablity if not kept their skills fresh.


The winter months only see small scale military operations. Your boyhood friend Actaeon a Tribuna Laticlavius and an excellant rider and hunter leads three hand picked cohorts of veteran volunteers into the wildreness. Towards spring he does send a report to you from a rider.

..."Greetings my friend. The months have been long and the days dark and snowy. Your assumption was correct that these where warriors of the island and could simply not get to the first days fighting fast enough. I can say we have had but few losses and inflicted some 200 casualties on the enemy. We also burnt one of the Gaelic that had been supplying food to the enemy. Most were slaughtered but I will report that I will have slaves when I return in the spring. I wish to patrol more but for the most part I believe the operation is complete at this time."

Iphicles Primipilus of the first cohort and friend of your father's finds the one celtic village and soon has sent you a report as well.

"Are arrival went surpisingly well as that the celts foreign to the Gauls has been raided by the wildmen of the woods and shunned by those of the other villages. Most of the population was of the old, children, and women. They are not warm to us but they are not hostile either. We have been here several weeks without incident. I have taken to building a fort and barracks for the troops to wait out the winter in and for security. Local help has been small but useful in the project. The cold ground and snow have not made anything easy."


A few heavily tattooed soldiers volunteer and even bring their new women with them so they can blend into the village settings. The first to return confirms your report of the Gaul village being burned to the ground. The second returns a report of an abandon village and sited long boats on the horizon.

Sadly the third is given by the soldier's woman who says they knew he was not of their stock once they arrived he fought so she could escape before dying valiently in battle. She does say they had more warriors though and the farmers where large and the main part of the village had walls.

The four does not return until nearly spring and reports that the village he saw was and interesting place. It had Viking, Arab, Greek and even Asian merchants trading in the markets. Also buildings of those cultures were around the town. There are numerous galleys at anchor as well as other ships he does not reckonize. The Gauls there have a large fortress and are training many young men to replace loses. In fact he had to avoid being recruited by acting crazy. The town is large and though not layed out as well as a Roman town it is still impressive for Gauls.


The men set to work bring in stone at least until the first snow. Your engineers do tell you it is enough to start with in the spring though and plans are layed out for a brick yard and other workshops that are necessary for reconstruction. For the most part the farms and fruit trees are left intact since the defenders thought they would easily wipe you out in the first days of the campaign. As thought some are wrecked or burnt, but the field will yeild a crop again in time.

Some men mostly officers collect horses and field them as best they can. Theya re of good stock most likely of Roman and local crossbreeding. Some make shift shelters can be seen around your camp.


Though riders are sent out not much can be found before the snows come down and change the land. The roads end abruptly inland at what would be a could site for another settlement that was perhaps planned but never attempted.

Though you scouts do sit with some of the locals and you soon find your map on your wall slowly added too over time giving you a better idea of what is between coasts.


Your supply of lumber is one the few requests that is easily fulfilled. All have plenty of firewood for the winter and no one feels the chill of the cold nights. Many like the conditions as they are so though plans are drawn up many think it is best to wait until spring to build barracks in the new settlement.

Before winter falls large teams of men with ropes and logs drag the wrecks in from the bay to the sandy beach. The Vikings think with some work both can be sailing again but it will take time and alot of wood. Some huts and workshops are built near the old settlment and some work at least what can be done indoors begins. Also two long docks are built from the strongest of trees. The last nail is put in jsut days before the first snow. Each dock can servous up to 4 ships at time as of now.

This pleases Dragga and says they will be good for his ships and that of merchants. More will be needed but that will wait until spring.


After your meeting with Dragga he is making repairs to his ships, gathering supplies and training his men. I tells you that he will be going to trade in the spring and he will pay his taxes then to you as you have agreed.

He moral of the legion is stengthened by a familiar ritual and rewards for valor and brave serves. These ceremonies are always moving and even the locals that watch from the sidelines are impressed by the pageantry. All are moved and it seems you have a new standard bearer for your flag.


Tyrus rread over the reports along with his leutenants regarding the Gaul township. He could see by their faces that they were all thinking the same thoughts.

"There is to be war in the future." he said plainly. "If they are not dealt with, I do not tink the Gauls will leave us be. Not after what has already happened here."

The others nodded. "We shall have to step up efforts to meet them."

Tyrus sipped his wine as he looked over the tablet of Celtic words. Guennola likewise looked over a similar tablet in Latin. Both were notably fast learners, but Arilias pushed the tablet aside for a moment as he regarded the woman.

"Guennola, what do you know of these fortified towns? And how is it that the Celts and Gauls became allied here against to old Roman fort? The Gauls seem to have little love for the Celtic villages."

Tyrus penned a pair of reply messages:
Well done loyal Actaeon, bring the plunder and men and return home for reassignment.

Hail Iphicles, Learn what the locals might need built that we might sway them to the the cause of Rome. Perhaps establish a line of trade or alliance. I place you in command of our first outpost.

Tyrus replaced the quill and ordered a pair of runners to deliver the messages. With the full of winter, war would have to wait.


Tyrus again met with his leaders.
"There are many young men coming of age since we arrived. See how many might be interested in joining the ranks for the Legions. Ancus and Ammonianus shall be responsible for their training and indoctranation. In addition, we shall have to enlist willing women to support our ranks in war. I would like to see some 300 to 500 take up the ranks of archer auxilery units."

"Actaeon, you shall assemble and command the first Cohortes Equitatae unit. Select 120 men for this duty to include the mounted scouts."


Through the winter, preperations for building will continue. Continue making building materials such as nails, bindings, spikes, tools, etc. When the spring begins, building may begin in earnest.

In the meantime:
Tyrus stepped into one of the many shrines dedicated to Mars.
"I have a duty for the priestesses. Each cohort wields a standard of victory. I wish them all to be blessed and consecrated. In return, I offer a prized horse to be sacrificed to Mars for his favor."


Wood will continue to be harvested, cut, cured and stockpiled. In addition, several barrels will be filled with clean snow and stored as drinking water.


"Flavia, I have a new task for your Amazons. Your unique skills are needed again."
"Surely, you have heard of this fortified village and the Gaul town. I wish you to scout their positions and gather all the information available."

The Viking shipbuilders will work to restore the two Roman ships.

Also, a market place will be organized and set up in the township. Local vendors may set up shop for a very nominal fee, but outsiders, while welcome most warmly, must aquire a permit before setting up shop.


I shall try a different approach, the 'roumor mill'. Sending selected 'gossipers' out to the villages and even the market places, let it be known that Rome has returned to these shores. Any who seek refuge or protection from Rome, any who seek new lands to settle, are welcome there. Moreso, it is said that any who posess skills which might benifit the Republic, smiths, carpenters, animal trainers, etc, might find a warm welcome in the provadence as well. If nothing else, Roman marketplaces have much to trade to those merchants willing to go and see for themselves.

Other details:

Markets and economy:
While I am trying to foster trade, I also need to establish an economy to support the providence. Taxes will not be levied yet, but there are fees and tarriffs for foreign traders to open markets or dock ships. These will be fair to all and barter will be just as welcome as gold. Of course, those who have ambitions beyond simple trade could swear alegance to the Republic and skip many of those fees.....
I have alot of items for trade, salt, skins and captured 'knick-knacks' as well as lumber and foodstuffs.

Hopefully as word passes through the foreign markets and traders, we can start gathering and attracting immigrants and their famalies. All will have to be 'processes, and squatters will not be tolerated. This way, I can keep track of those who come, both allowing a more accurate system of tracking who/what/where and keeping possible spies and thieves out. Unregistered people will be taken to be registered. If they refuse, they will be removed, possibly after having their stuff confiscated. I have a good handful of farm and grazing land that might be parcelled out to those willing to come.

I will allow them to stay, even letting them organize into a sort of guild assuming the women are, 1) clean, ARISTOTELES and his medical staff must see to that and, 2) they pay dues to the Republic. They will be housed away from the center of the town. If any refuse to agree, then they might find themselves either banished or providing services of another sort.
((I have returned from my excursion into poverty however it is late and a turn as long as I feel is required and as skilled as I have ever been is not in my mind at current. Thank you Jaggad for the cool turn but it will be monday or tuesday before I can come up with a great turn as I myself feel is nessacary. Ryutetsuo has much to do and he needs time to think.:D
OOC: Glad to hear your back sir.......poverty is not a fun place even to visit. I would be happy to see your turn up by the Tuesday. This weekend I will be doing some updates but you will be fine.
I hope you like. It took me 7 pages.

Visigoth Turn 4

The shutter doors rattle as the winter winds blows off the coast. Tufa, deep into a dream, pays little attention to any noise or the time. Tossing and turning in his bed the young warrior finds himself fighting a black bear with his bare hands on the path to the Mahak village. In the dream Dyani stands behind a large oak tree watching as the two wrestle. Gasps are the only noises that could be heard over the bear’s groans and Tufa’s battle cries. With a mighty swipe Tufa is both thrown to the ground hard and cut deep. Tufa knows he cannot keep this battle up much longer. The bear is stronger and is uninjured. His only way of winning is to blind the bear and attack him from behind. While grabbing a handful of dirt Tufa rolls out of the way as the bear tries to crush him with all its upper body weight. Using his uninjured arm Tufa throws the dirt in to the eyes of the bear temporary blinking it. He than charges the beast and lunges at its eyes, forcing one eyeball in and the other to be injured. The bear goes into a frenzy swatting in all directions trying to hit Tufa. Sniffing around the bear tries to catch Tufa’s scent but all the dirt that bear kicked makes it too hard for the bear. With what strength his has left Tufa grabs a boulder and puts it over his head. Creeping behind the bear Tufa strikes the beast on the head, causing the bear to drop dead. Dyani runs over to Tufa as he falls to the ground exhausted. With in a second the young warrior opens his eyes to a stunning and naked Dyani lying atop of him healing his wounds. Slowly she rubs oils and herbs into his gash. Trying not to flinch and with hopes to appeal to the naked woman Tufa flexes his chest muscles to impress the young madden. In doing so his wounds hurt more and Tufa is forced to bit his lip to stop from yelling. “ Silly boy flex will only make the wound open again. You need to relax, I will help you with that.” With a repositioning of her hips Dyani slips Tufa inside her and takes his mind off of his injuries. On the skin of the black bear the two move together in a cabin. A low warm fire burns in this one room cabin. Dyani give a long curved roll up his body causing Tufa’s body to stiffen. While frozen Dyani bends at the waist, her hair falling on either side of his face, moving closer her breast push up against his chest. Their nose touch and she starts LICKING HIM LIKE A DOG.
“Ah Wulfa get off me,” Tufa yells while kicking and thrashing to get the family dog off of him. Between his yelling and the dog bark the entire house is alarmed to the fact that Tufa is not awake. Tufa quickly puts on his furs and opens the door to his chamber, “ Wulfa out you smelly beast.” From a distance a whistle could be heard from Wala. “Here boy,” Harjareks yells from the comfort of the sitting room. “Smelly, dirty, lazy beast,” Tufa storms around to throw his blankets back on his bed and to relieve himself in the piss pot. Opening the window is a major task this morning. The cold winds push against you and the ice acts as a sealant. Outside the village is covered in white snow. No villagers could be seen trying to brave the frozen winds. “ Two more moons and this will be all over,” a voice says from behind Tufa. Wala dressed in furs and leather sets into Tufa’s chambers and walks over to the window. “This time last year is was in Syracuae master of my home. Servants to handle every need I had, but it was a dream that was falling apart.” “Uncle tell me more of Rome and Roman life,” Tufa’s seeking line was hooked on his uncles stories of travel and adventure. The two spend the first 2 hours in that chamber talking about Wala’s adventures to the land of the Germans, Vikings, and Egyptians. The two talk about the decline of Syracuae after Rome no longer supported the expansion, the attacks by local tribes, and how the Persians army cut off the naval trade. On and on the two talked about what was Roman life, how Rome came to this island, and how Roman cities were made. The two would have continued talked for hours if not interrupted by Harjareks. “Son, you must eat something than there are chores to be done.” Tufa bows his head to his uncle than hurries down to the kitchen. “Wala, I need to speak with you.” Wala looks as slightly defensive due to the tone Harjareks used. “Keep your stores short when talking to my son. I don’t want you filling his head full of non-sense about the Great Roman Empire.” “ Your sarcasm is so thick the mightiest of warrior could not cut it. I see your distaste for Roman life still has a bitter taste in your mouth.” “No, my distaste for bowing down and serving a master oceans away. Acting like another race makes me want to spit. We are Visigoths; the Gods have made us one of the most power people to walk this world. Why should I bow down like a come dog and pay my respects to someone who does not know who I am or what God I pray to. Keep your fond memories of being a citizen to yourself and your clan. Do not try and taint the minds of my family or people or by the hand of our father I will throw you into the ocean never to be heard from again.” The two brothers stare at each other for a moment in silence before Wala’s sigh breaks it. “I am not here to change your village. You and your boy have done great things. I remember being a child and playing in the forest. Now your son has made roads and I hear a local tribe is going to bring people to live by the ocean. Your men practice formations in case of battle. It reminds me of how Syracuae was when it first started. I’m here cause I’m going old and I want to be with my people, with other Visigoths. I’ve given up my citizenship, sold my land, and moved all my people to be with their families. We are all tired of being barbarians and want to be kinsmen. I tell your son of my stories because he hungers for greatness. He has the body of a warrior and the heart of an explorer. He will lead this village to great status and will be ruled by Visigoths not Romans or anyone. I have give silk to your daughter and to your other sons a spatha but tonight I have a special give for Tufa.” “Tonight we’ll feast in celebration of your arrival and after the meal you can continue your conversation with Tufa.” The two men hug and laugh like young boys. They leave closing the door behind them.
That night the two families feast and drink together. Talks of enlarging the village to make room for the new people roles off the tongues of many people. After dinner the children gather to play while the women watch. The men sit around the table and talk while having a few drink. At one people Wala stands up and touches Tufa on the shoulder asking him to join him. The two men walk outside, the wind has died down and the moon shines through the clouds. “Tufa, your father and I spoke today while you were tending to your choirs. I think you have become a fine young man and have the makings of a great leader. I have a gift for you and you only. Wala unlatches his sword belt and hands it to Tufa. “This spatha has been with me for several years now. I have used it to protect my people against hard. I want you to do the same. Know this one thing. When a leader is strong his village is strong. When he is weak the village is weak. Very soon this village and you are going to be one. If someone dies you and the village will feel that loss. If attacked you and this village will attack as one. You can do great things Tufa; you have the heart of a leader, the mind of an explorer, the body of a warrior, and the spirit of a bear. Remember being strong and aware and so too will this village.” With that Wala pats Tufa on the back and heads from the cold leaving Tufa there to think about what his uncle had said. “Spirit of a bear.”
The next morning Tufa is up bright and early. It’s a calm winter day, the sun is out, and before breakfast Tufa is out splitting logs. Standing at the window looking onward is Wala and Harjareks. “What did you say to my son,” As Harjareks looks on at his son in astonishment. “Words of encouragement brother words of encouragement.” That day Tufa visited all the new arrivals from the Mahak tribe, the 200 men and women from Syracuae, Barolra the shaman, Kasen and his kinsmen, and had lunch with Valdamerca and her family. That night Tufa and Hunananth took a ride to the hunting lodge for some time off. The boys talked about creating a new settlement and how to protect it, battle tactics, exploring the coastline with the Mahak’s boats and of course women. Hunananths breaks the news that he is thinking about asking Valdamerca to marry him. The two have been seeing each other for several months now. Stunned and excited Tufa poses a toast to Hunananths and insists that if she says yes that their marriage be the first service at the new temple. The boys continue to drink and play with the pups that are in the kennel until they passed out. The next morning they hunted and killed a doe for breakfast for them and the dogs. His friend’s good news took some of the wind out of Tufa’s sails but he was determined to remain strong. The two parted ways outside Valdamerca’s hut. “Hunananths I ask of you 2 favors before we part.” “Anything, you know that.” “If she says yes please take great care of her.” Hunananths looks a little perplexed by Tufa’s requests but nods in agreement. “And your second request?” Tufa leans over and whispers into his ear. “As you wish I’ll have it done personally.” The two boys shake hands and ride in their different direction.
A week travels by and the new Mahak people help with the food intake by teaching some of the locals how to fish or effectually while the dogs and hunters help bring in meats during the winter. After 2 weeks Hunananths along with 3 other hunters comes knocking on the door looking for Tufa. The men wait inside will Tufa is summoned. A couple minutes later Tufa arrives and leaves with the men to Kasen shop. “I asked Kasen to get his tools ready.” “Thanks you Hunananths, where did you find it?” “Surprising enough it was on the road waiting for us.” “Did it put up much of a struggle?” “For the size of the bear I though it would have, but the beast came down with little struggle. I think that it had been in a fight.” “Please don’t tell me the fur is too damaged.” “No, in fact it had a huge cut in the back of its head and the skull was slightly crushed. All we had to do was hit it three times in the neck and it dropped. Poor bear, what ever it fought sure hit him hard.” The four men knocked on Kasen shop door. After the 3 knock the door opens and the men are knocked over by the smell of dying meat kept in enclosed places. Inupiaq, the Mahak lead on Bain, and Kasen are standing there with the carcass of a black bear hanging in the middle of the room. “Come in boys Inu and I were carving up the meat for some of his people. Now Tufa and Hunananths can you tell me what this bear was brought to be for?” Tufa moves closer towards the middle of the room. “Kasen can you tell me did this bear have eyes when it came in?” After turning his head and blink in confusion Kasen and Hunananths both look at Tufa and respond, “Yes the eye where there.” Kasen walks over to his table and retrieves both eyes that float inside a jar of salt water. “I take the eyes out so I could replace them with fake ones. I presume you want this stuffed.” “No, Kasen in fact I have a greater plan. I want you to work with Inupiaq’s tanner to make a full suit of leather armor, bracers, and boots. The armor and bracers I want to have metal inlays. That is where you Kasen come in. The boots I want lined with the bear’s fur along with a cloak made from the bear’s fur. The cloak needs to attach onto the armor at 2 shoulder points and a chain with the bear’s teeth line the front of the armor.” Silence fills the room as the five men try to picture this image. Inupiaq steps forward, “I will get my best men on this right away.” “Please do so Inupiaq and please have the tanner make the armor black like the bear.” “I will have the bear’s own skin used to make the armor. This will be a fine suit for you.” “I trust in your skilled men Inupiaq. Kasen, can I ask for your help in this matter?” “I’m sure given sometime we could come up with a fine suit with ornate pieces and good functionality.” “Please keep this silent from the other villagers. I want to wear this when I go before the elders in 19 days.” The men nod their heads to each other and all go their separate ways.
Two weeks pass and the village waits off the rest of winter. Tufa spends most of his free time with his uncle Wala taking about Roman technological advancement, military strategy, exploration, and Roman citizenship. When not with his uncle, Tufa dedicates his free time to working on plans for spring, and training. Hunananths quickly becomes Tufa’s training partner and both men become very formidable warriors using a spatha and hand axe. Finally the snow has let up enough for the elders to travel to the Great Hall for their meeting. Harjareks wakes early to ready himself and to wake up his sleeping son, how is to present his plans to the elders. As many times before, the aged father travels done the hallway to his eldest son’s chamber and knocks on the door. A few seconds pass and no sound. Again Harjareks knocks on the door but to no response. Finally he lets himself in to find Tufa’s room slept in but empty. His desk, where all his plans lied now is empty. Perplexed Harjareks walks back the kitchen, than to the dinning room but still no sign of Tufa. About this time Wala is walking out of his chamber to get some drink for his wife. “Wala have you seen my son?” Harjareks says with a distressed look on his face. “I heard him saying he needed to speak with the Mahak tribal leader down by the shore before the meeting.” With a new look of disgust, “When will that boy start keeping me informed of his plans? He needs to speak before the elders today.” “He knows, that’s why he took all his documents with him.” “How did you know he took his documents with him?” Throwing his hands between the now angered Harjareks and himself Wala tries to ease his brother’s mind. “Relax brother, I presumed that if Tufa left early he would have taken everything with him. He’ll be on him and ready don’t worry.” “This is only his second time before the elders and he needs to be on time and prepared to show he’s ready to be the next war chief.” “Trust me he will do find, but you and the elders may need to be ready. I think Tufa has some big plans in store for this season.” Wala smiles and turns to go into the kitchen while Harjareks is left to think about what his brother said. Times passes and the elders all gather at the great hall. Talks about how much grain was used, how the hunting lodge allowed for more families to have fresh meat, and how with the new Mahak people some families have been dieting on fish and shell fish his winter. Soon there is a knock on the main door. Three knock and than both doors are pushed open. A sharp cold breeze rushes in and causing a couple of the elders to shiver and bundle up. The torches flicker as the doors open and close as Tufa shuts the heavy doors behind him with a THUD. From a distance Harjareks can’t make out the shadow of his own soon. In the back of his mind he thinks, “That can’t be Tufa, the shadow is much to large.” But stepping into the circle of the torch’s light stands a much different looking figure than expected. On his feet are black leather boots trimmed in black bear fur. On both of his arms, leather van braces with metal plating. Lastly his body is protected by black leather with thin metal plates protecting his kidneys and sternum. The shoulders covered in metal studs. Two metal bear heads biting down on a gold chain, keeping a full black bear cloak onto the wears back. The cloak hangs just short of the ankles. On either hip a spatha and a one handed axe. “Great and wise elders I come before you with my plans for this season. Tufa kneels and bows his head. A mutter could be head from the mouths surround Tufa. One of the eldest, Brathumas, speaks. “Young Tufa, son of Harjareks are we threatened by something that you need to bring weapons into the Great Hall.” Again the elders start taking to each other. “No, eldest Brathumas, as of know we are not under attack by nor are we threatened by any other tribe or village. But nor is it written that weapons shall not be brought into the Great Hall. While standing to his feet few gasps are heard before Tufa resumes. However I am not here to discuss my attire, I have my plans for the up coming season, which I hope I’ll have your support on. The Temple to Pyerun is almost complete. Once the weather permits it I want it completed so that our people can worship along with the people from Syracuae and any others who wish to pray. Afterwards with the help of the Mahak people our shipyard needs to be enlarged and our people need to learn how to make the large and better shipping vessels. With those boats I plan to train two boats of ten men each to travel back between the Mahak village to the north and any other people we discover to the south. Also several fishing boats need to be constructed for the Mahak people and ourselves for better fishing. In addition the crews of those boats will keep records and maps of anything new they discover to add to our current maps.
Next a party of one hundred to one hundred and thirty men women and children need to cut a path to a preplanned location near the mountains that was discovered to have a rich iron and gold deposit. A new settlement needs to be built there. I will force no family to go if they do not wish only volunteers would go. To protect our new settlement an outpost will be created about half way between them, and us which will double has a hunting lodge. His outpost will be equipped with a bell on top of a small tower. The wood that is cut to make the path will be used in the construction of both the outpost and the settlement. To defend our new settlement and our own village I going to increase our army by fifty men. I will have some of the elder warriors who have come to our village from Syracuae to add in training our army. Twenty men will be trained as cavalry and use spathas much like the one on my hip. To aid them I will need to build a stable for the horses. Also an armory will need to be built to aid our blacksmiths. Eight foot long spears, hand axes, spathas, 2 handed axes, and medium round shields will need to be made. Archers will be given their bows and arrows as well as 2 handed axes. Our front line will form a shield wall with round shields and hand axes and behind them is troops with spears. Each man must wear either leather or hide armor.” “Why must we train an army for war?” Vowesha, currently the only female elder, asks harshly. All other tribes have no problems with us. Many just joined us for celebration. We are not Rome; we’re not out to conquer this island. Are you?” “No Vowesha, I am not out to conquer this island. But the greatest city on this island is Syracuae to the east. And they have been under attack by Visigoth tribes and by other civilizations such as the Persians and Vikings. Soon Syracuae will fall and those attackers will be coming for the village to plunder. We are not alone and not everyone will want to drink and celebrate with us. If a force lands at our shore we need to be ready. If a tribe tries to take our land we need to defend it and that takes an army. Those men who serve their families will be give food from the village’s surplus so that their families do not starve come winter. I a sure you great and wise elders my plan will benefit the village as a whole. Our peace with the Mahak tribe has brought great ship builders and sailors, which we can use to explore and discovery other tribes to trade with and learn from. The second settlement will give us new material to work, new land to hunt from, and in time more families of Visigoths. This will prove to be a great season for our village if all plans are met. I hope I have the support of all the elders in my plans and I wait for your decision. I will leave all my plans here with you”. Tufa walks to his father who stares at him. Tufa reaches his hand out and looks at Harjareks. A moment passes and Harjareks still just stares at his son before him. ”Father, are you going to take my plans?” After a couple blinks Harjareks takes the documents and straightens himself up. “That well be all Tufa, we will discuss your plans and get back to you. You may go now.” Tufa bows his head and backs away from the circle of elders before turning around and heads for the door. Before Tufa reaches the main door Hunananths and other man push the doors open for him. The two look like they have been waiting outside the entire time. As Tufa descends down the stairs both men close the door shut. THUD.







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