Wat’s Carbon Water-N-Stuff Thread - Concepts In Iron And Wood!!!

Poo Poo Pee Pee,

You can insult me in kindergarten style all day, but in the end you're Poo Poo Pee Pee and I'm this:


You have no friends except for a Serb dirtbag and a Trash Panda.

Oh... RoryNothing despises you.

HMP Belmarsh... nice ring. You'll
die there.

( 🍗🍗 )
I don't need your permission, alice.

You're pretty triggered by rory, almost as much as I trigger you.

You're going to be dead long before me, alice, you geriatric cripple.

While you're downtown, let the cops know about you getting bullied on the porn board.
Why do you think the police care about such bullshit?

WT isn't being harassed by a Russ agent, claiming possession of videos compromising to Americans.

That interests law enforcement. Otherwise you may carry on until you're doxxed.

My neighbors love that i do porn. Are your neighbors prepared to see you here?

Poo Poo Pee Pee does this because they're paid to.

I feel pity for you, Trash Panda. You lost these battles but you keep trying, with insults that are more and more lame.

Where are you here?

( O O )
Poo Poo Pee Pee,

We'll all die as Allah has decreed. Since you're such a piece of shit, everyone who knows about you prays Allah the merciful will remove you quickly.

( O O )
Allah is a pedo, i see why love him so much.

wat uses the name of allah as a joke, you're too stupid to see that.

You are a joke, alice. SFPD laugh at your butthurt :)

Why do you think the police care about such bullshit?

WT isn't being harassed by a Russ agent, claiming possession of videos compromising to Americans.

That interests law enforcement. Otherwise you may carry on until you're doxxed.

My neighbors love that i do porn. Are your neighbors prepared to see you here?

Poo Poo Pee Pee does this because they're paid to.

I feel pity for you, Trash Panda. You lost these battles but you keep trying, with insults that are more and more lame.

Where are you here?

( O O )
^^^Drama queen.

Too many video clips have left you disconnected from reality.
Poo Poo Pee Pee,

We'll all die as Allah has decreed. Since you're such a piece of shit, everyone who knows about you prays Allah the merciful will remove you quickly.

( O O )

And his little dog(s), too . . . .

They will wander in later to take their daily dose of verbal prison rape and to tell lies about how they matter in any scheme of thinking. Here's the reminder that they do the things that make Jesus puke and that Allah truly finds them disgusting. That is why he maintains his Hottest Corner of Islamic Hell, just for them and their shit-eating kind.

Firearms really do have triggers.

Better indeed is knowledge than mechanical practice (of religious ritual). Better than knowledge is meditation. But better still is surrender of attachment to results (of one's actions), because there follows immediate peace.

- Bhagavad Gita 12:12
“When we’re through with this earth and all these problems, we don’t have to come back. But as long as we’re here we have a job to do and a purpose to fulfill and that means dealing with the circumstances around us.”

~ Rolling Thunder
Your gummint at work on Really-Really Important Stuff since Longtime:

Margarine developed an unsavory reputation very quickly after it first arrived in North America from Europe in the 1870s. Both the dairy lobby and popular media maligned the butter substitute (then made from surplus animal fats), claiming that it was unhealthy, prepared under unsatisfactory conditions, and full of harmful chemicals. Twenty states regulated margarine’s labeling, and seven more banned it outright before Congress stepped in and passed the 1886 Oleomargarine Act, which, among other things, heavily taxed the manufacture and sale of margarine. Retailers tried to get around the law by selling margarine as butter, which only intensified the anti-margarine crusade.

To make the difference between margarine and butter more obvious, 32 states passed legislation regulating the color of margarine. Most of those states banned the color yellow, but at least five states (Minnesota, South Dakota, Vermont, and West Virginia) went a step further and required that margarine be dyed pink to highlight its artificiality. The Supreme Court struck down pink margarine requirements as unconstitutional in 1898, but bans on yellow margarine remained in effect. In 1902, Congress even amended the Oleomargarine Act to increase taxes on artificially colored yellow margarine. But when the price of butter skyrocketed in the 1940s, public opinion shifted. The Oleomargarine Act was repealed in 1950, and state regulations started to follow suit. The last bans on yellow margarine were in Minnesota and Wisconsin, and both were repealed by 1967.
Interesting tidbits, containing some real soft-peddling of one of the world's greatest mass murderers:


The Truth About Bob Dylan’s Falling Out with Pete Seeger

Seeger’s gentle cadence and friendly countenance are matched perfectly by Edward Norton, but viewers are left unaware that his anger toward Dylan could be divined from his slavish devotion to a particular strain of totalitarianism. Perhaps a line or two indicating that Seeger defended Joseph Stalin throughout the genocidal Ukrainian famine, the bloody purge trials, the antisemitic “Doctor’s Plot,” the Soviet alliance with Nazi Germany, and their subsequent dismemberment of Poland.

In his memoir, Seeger half-heartedly apologized for supporting Stalin, who he had variously called a “heavy-handed,” “hard driving” leader who engaged in an “awful lot of rough stuff.” This was wrong, he acknowledged in 1993, amplifying the criticism only slightly, because he turned out to be “a supremely cruel misleader,” too. (Historian Ron Radosh, who took banjo lessons from Seeger and maintained a contentious friendship with him over the years, criticized his former mentor for singing about Nazi concentration camps but ignoring the Soviet gulag. After the Cold War ended, Seeger would ultimately concede the point to Radosh. “I think you were right,” he wrote in a 2007 letter, including in his letter the lyrics to a new anti-Stalin ballad. But he would never perform the song publicly.)

Seeger would consistently claim that his attempt to shut down Dylan’s electric set at Newport was merely an objection to excessive amplifier volume and poor sound quality. But in the days after the show, he scribbled a note to himself, complaining that Dylan’s voice had turned into a “snarl,” that his new music was “destructive,” and predicted his newer, nonpolitical songs would soon be forgotten (“Who is going to sing them? And for how long?”). It wasn’t the crackling feedback or the plugged-in guitars. It was political. After all, Stalinists aren’t generally known for their broadmindedness.
Lord Jeebus loves the little critters and comforts the battle carbines. Battle rifles, too, methinks. We have bought swords and still have a cloak. We are righteous in His sight.

As opposed to in his sights . . . .

Allah is a pedo, i see why love him so much.

wat uses the name of allah as a joke, you're too stupid to see that.

You are a joke, alice. SFPD laugh at your butthurt :)


Poo Poo Pee Pee,

So triggered! Be happy! It's 1-6 and you can celebrate you and your Trumptrash attacking our Capitol!

You "live" in a world of total delusion where you think you know everything but you actually know nothing.

I don't use terms like "delusion" lightly. You imagine yourself a master of this site when everyone here loathes you and, like me, wishes the worst on you.

The subject of the Creator is one that lends itself to serious discussion. Your caveman grunting, rapist claims, general publicly disorderly nonsense, etc is of no concern to anybody.

Thanks, though for allowing me once more to present my extremely extensive credentials in this area. By contrast, you shouldn't be allowed to possess a driving licence:


The Two Faces of Islam: Saudi Fundamentalism and Its Role in Terrorism https://a.co/d/3liLe8F

The Other Islam: Sufism and the Road to Global Harmony https://a.co/d/2MS5fYX

A GUIDE TO SHARIAH LAW and ISLAMIST IDEOLOGY in WESTERN EUROPE (2007- 2013) https://a.co/d/crzeLn9

That one's free. You, with no credit card, living on the street covered with meth scabs, can read it. I pocketed and spent $250,000 to do it, cash provided by this fine gentleman's chief of staff:

Since unlike the as-yet-undoxxed garbage making up the majority here i never lie, i will note that Poo Poo Pee Pee can't even keep his slurs straight.

In Islam and Judaism, Allah subhanawa'tala has no physical form. Ergo pedophilia would be impossible.

It is widely asserted by dumb kuffar that Muhammad the Prophet, Peace Be Upon Him And Upon His Noble Family, was a pedo because he married Aisha, his favorite wife when she was six and consummated it when she was 10.

Whoa! I hope RoryNonono! doesn't report me.

Poo Poo Pee Pee:

I made more money than you ever could. I spent half of each year in Europe. I worked in the White House and communed with Presidents.

And i visited places you will be sent as punishment:

This was good:

You are too crazy to observe my interactions with WT intelligently.

Beating your ass online is:

So did your friend SFPD Chief Bill
Scott tell you SFPD laughs at me?

Cops don't laugh about people they may arrest.

Of course not. Every word you post here is an obvious, idiotic lie.


Those are real fascists. You and your kind are just wannabes.

And you'll never be anything more than POO POO PEE PEE.

I own you.

( O O )
Last edited:
Poo Poo Pee Pee,

So triggered! Be happy! It's 1-6 and you can celebrate you and your Trumptrash attacking our Capitol!

You "live" in a world of total delusion where you think you know everything but you actually know nothing.

I don't use terms like "delusion" lightly. You imagine yourself a master of this site when everyone here loathes you and, like me, wishes the worst on you.

The subject of the Creator is one that lends itself to serious discussion. Your caveman grunting, rapist claims, general publicly disorderly nonsense, etc is of no concern to anybody.

Thanks, though for allowing me once more to present my extremely extensive credentials in this area. By contrast, you shouldn't be allowed to possess a driving licence:


The Two Faces of Islam: Saudi Fundamentalism and Its Role in Terrorism https://a.co/d/3liLe8F

The Other Islam: Sufism and the Road to Global Harmony https://a.co/d/2MS5fYX

A GUIDE TO SHARIAH LAW and ISLAMIST IDEOLOGY in WESTERN EUROPE (2007- 2013) https://a.co/d/crzeLn9

That one's free. You, with no credit card, living on the street covered with meth scabs, can read it. I pocketed and spent $250,000 to do it, cash provided by this fine gentleman's chief of staff:

I made more money than you ever could. I spent half of each year in Europe. I worked in the White House and communed with Presidents.

And i visited places you will be sent as punishment:

This was good:

You are too crazy to observe my interactions with WT intelligently.

Beating your ass online is:

So did your friend SFPD Chief Bill
Scott tell you SFPD laughs at me?

Cops don't laugh about people they may arrest.

Of course not. Every word you post here is an obvious, idiotic lie.

Those are real fascists. You and your kind are just wannabes.

And you'll never be anything more than POO POO PEE PEE.

I own you.

( O O )
Triggered tranny defending his fellow pedo... lmao

You're an idiot in clown shoes, Alice.
Is Wat being mean?

The whole Wat narrative has no basis in fact - that's the short version. The true version is, they have contracted a fatal case of WDS and have commenced growing malignant tumors. Wat will be around to bury them all, except that buzzards have to eat, same as worms. Wat wins.

Wat's reported - still here. The alphabets will come to carry Wat away - still here. The Internet Poepoe is coming - still here. Project 2025 will get him - still here. Wat is little and fat and weak and puny and st000pid and pathetic - well, invite Wat to lunch and see what you whinge at F2F like 30 other Litsters have done and find out that your odds of being right are better on your next lottery ticket. Nothing is as you say, and the truth is nothing like your narrative. But please, do keep following him around the PB and casting aspersions at your better from afar as though anyone with two working braincells gives a shit.

Anyway you cut that, Wat wins.
Is Wat being mean?

The whole Wat narrative has no basis in fact - that's the short version. The true version is, they have contracted a fatal case of WDS and have commenced growing malignant tumors. Wat will be around to bury them all, except that buzzards have to eat, same as worms. Wat wins.

Wat's reported - still here. The alphabets will come to carry Wat away - still here. The Internet Poepoe is coming - still here. Project 2025 will get him - still here. Wat is little and fat and weak and puny and st000pid and pathetic - well, invite Wat to lunch and see what you whinge at F2F like 30 other Litsters have done and find out that your odds of being right are better on your next lottery ticket. Nothing is as you say, and the truth is nothing like your narrative. But please, do keep following him around the PB and casting aspersions at your better from afar as though anyone with two working braincells gives a shit.

Anyway you cut that, Wat wins.


It is THE HOUSE that always wins.