Wat’s Carbon Water-N-Stuff Thread - Concepts In Iron And Wood!!!

The Chief Activator - the Supreme Trigger - of the foul behavior of our Lit libturds is their Self-Centered Fear. This is their Fear of not getting what their childish selfish little hearts want deeply, or the Fear that they will lose the little bit that they have. They live in the Hell of their own making with their unsatisfied demands, and this is what they are in a constant state of anxiety, agitation and disturbance. This causes them to lash out futilely at Sentient Life. Their Abject Misery is truly 100% what they have wrought.

This is Divine Law set up by the one god Allah at Creation . . . .


I was scoping out the latest parcel in Wat's Massive Land Grab several months ago, and the baby deer were watching us. We interrupted them, but they circled around are were watching us from behind concealment to see what we were doing. They are more than welcome.
That should be interesting. :rolleyes:

Fred of Fred's M14 stocks fame wrote about such a thing for decades. His preferred tool to eradicate such was the M14, of course, and the 7.62 NATO cartridge. So it humored me in Fred's honor when I saw this meme out there and knew that it needed sharing here.

Libturds' Favorite beverage:

Kool-Aid was invented in Nebraska.

Kool-Aid was invented in 1927 by Edwin Perkins, a resident of Hastings, Nebraska. While working at his father’s general store, the young Perkins grew fascinated by the idea of inventing new products. He performed various experiments with foods such as Jell-O, and even patented a tobacco-based medicine known as Nix-O-Tine. After moving to Hastings in 1920, Perkins introduced locals to a sweet beverage he concocted called Fruit Smack. This soft drink concentrate was sold in six flavors and became extremely popular, though the fragile glass bottles caused shipping issues. Ever the chemist, Perkins figured out how to remove the liquid and sell the product as a mixable powder in bright paper envelopes, which he renamed “Kool-Ade.” By 1931, the product was such a hit that Perkins moved operations to Chicago, and in 1934, he again renamed the drink “Kool-Aid.” Perkins later sold Kool-Aid to General Foods — the manufacturer of Jell-O — in 1953.
Beretta 84s are out there, cheap, and on sale.

One is arriving next week . . . .
Considering the pre-pubescent replies we have collected scores of pages of in this thread and the previous incarnation, one must pity the fools, so to speak.

If they could simply own their terror, something might be possible.

If they could simply own their hate.

If they simply were willing to admit that maybe they aren't right . . . .