Wat’s Carbon Water-N-Stuff Thread - Concepts In Iron And Wood!!!

Four thuglettes were having a shoot-out in the middle of a street too damned close to where I was living at that time. There may have been more, but four were shot and transported. Seems that one of them lost the sac in the exchange. Oops. THat didn't make the papers. The woman cops laughed while the boy cops cringed.

I laughed. Fuck him.
Once we become aware that our minds are full, that is the exact moment we become Mindful.

Of course, the laws of science contain no matter and have no energy either and therefore do not exist except in people's minds. It's best to be completely scientific about the whole thing and refuse to believe in either ghosts or the laws of science. That way you're safe. That doesn't leave you very much to believe in, but that's scientific too.

~ Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance

Wat's Perpetual PSA. Remember, 5 out of 4 doctors agree:

Inexorably, the following occurs:

Step #1: hate Wat for Wat's being Wat
Step #2: develop Wat Derangement Syndrome
Step #3: start construction of a malignant tumor to memorialize the hate
Step #4: by itself, the tumor will metastasize and migrate to the effected ass and become ass cancer.
Step #5: there will be, insh'Allah, years of pain and suffering.
Step #6: Allah will collect the sufferer at time of death and deposit him/her in the hottest corner of Islamic Hell, where the fires burn hotter, the torture is more painful, and Eternity lasts a bit longer.

Meanwhile, Wat will merrily pursue Living the Good Life as Allah's Favorite, buying more land and guns and helping the worthy and avoiding the unworthy and paying no attention to the hated-filled ass cancer sufferers.

Because things have a way of not working out the way that Lit libturds would have us believe.

Allah is Merciful . . . .

Then there's that thing about the 54,000 reactions which you twats have yet to reconcile yourselves with.
The only "Zen revolution" being promoted by Lit ammosexuals is the conversion of an inclusive and prosperous America to the fascist shithole of Amerikkka.

Armed BusyBodies circling the toilet bowl ..
Wat's Perpetual PSA. Remember, 5 out of 4 doctors agree:

Inexorably, the following occurs:

Step #1: hate Wat for Wat's being Wat
Step #2: develop Wat Derangement Syndrome
Step #3: start construction of a malignant tumor to memorialize the hate
Step #4: by itself, the tumor will metastasize and migrate to the effected ass and become ass cancer.
Step #5: there will be, insh'Allah, years of pain and suffering.
Step #6: Allah will collect the sufferer at time of death and deposit him/her in the hottest corner of Islamic Hell, where the fires burn hotter, the torture is more painful, and Eternity lasts a bit longer.

Meanwhile, Wat will merrily pursue Living the Good Life as Allah's Favorite, buying more land and guns and helping the worthy and avoiding the unworthy and paying no attention to the hated-filled ass cancer sufferers.

Because things have a way of not working out the way that Lit libturds would have us believe.

Allah is Merciful . . . .

Then there's that thing about the 54,000 reactions which you twats have yet to reconcile yourselves with.

Truly the word of Allah….
This thread continues to deliver.

Most popular thread on the political board.

And Wat is the most popular poster….