Wat’s Carbon Water-N-Stuff Thread - Concepts In Iron And Wood!!!

Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around.

-Leo Buscaglia

Hey Leo, never misunderestimate the power of a swift kick in the cunt to modify behavior and point-of-view, too.
-Leo Buscaglia

Hey Leo, never misunderestimate the power of a swift kick in the cunt to modify behavior and point-of-view, too.
Hey Wat, how'd that work out for wife-beater Mel Gibson?

NM....teh New York Times is on the case....

Mel Gibson's saga is a cautionary tale for ammosexuals like you, Bobo and the Serial Child Killer, you smack one bee-yotch and they take ALL of your steel peener substitutes away.
I am finding it much easier to believe that God made man, than that man made God.


The happiness we seek, a genuine lasting peace and happiness, can be attained only through the purification of our minds. This is possible if we cut the root cause of all suffering and misery—our fundamental ignorance.

~ His Holiness the Dalai Lama

If the FBI is going to go all Ruby Ridge on anyone, I'd prefer them to be horrible shots and spare the life of my barn doors.

Yeah, because even their "quarter inch at 200 meters" guy (a margin that the USMC armorers would never have claimed) missed Randy Weaver.


One more reason they need to go back to briefcases and clipboards.
One: the second amendment is the law of the land.

Two: it’s in the constitution, and we are a constitutional Republic, at least for the moment.

Three: Any 18-year-old who can pass a background check can legally purchase and possess an AR or AK style rifle.

Four: said 18-year-old can also legally purchase all the ammunition he can afford for AK or AR style rifle.

Five: said 18-year-old can also buy as many so-called assault rifles as he or she can afford.

Six: see items one and two-it’s the law of the land.

Seven: by the way, the Supreme Court of the United States has agreed in one form or another to all of these things.

Eight: Broadway Joe Willie Biden did nothing to ban these rifles in spite of all his bullshit rhetoric to the contrary.

Aren’t facts a bitch?

Talk about pissing off libturds….

Owww!!! Teh Truth!!!

It hurts so bad!!!!!
You really are a stupid fuck if you believe Elon Musk is in charge of the country. Although to be honest...I already knew you were incapable of anything but spewing demorat propaganda.

It's not really good at that, either.

But it tries so hard . . . .