Wat’s Carbon Water-N-Stuff Thread - Concepts In Iron And Wood!!!

You've finally posted something I simply cannot agree with. In my humble opinion WD-40 is over hyped. I prefer Liquid Wrench or PB Blaster. But even though we disagree we can still be friends!

Actually, I agree with you completely. Either one you mention (and some others, too) is superior to WD.

It was the colors . . . .
Enlightenment -- that magnificent escape from anguish and ignorance -- never happens by accident. It results from the brave and sometimes lonely battle of one person against his own weaknesses.

~ Bhikkhu Nyanasobhano

Bragging about freedom from debt draws people looking for handouts. People who stay debt free rapidly learn to shut the fuck up about money. For similar reasons, gun owners may want to avoid saying anything about their guns.
They can't take what they can't find.

Selfish is claiming a "fair share" of what I earned

Liberty is when you draw back a stump
They are too afraid. They demonstrate that in the thread daily.

I'd sooner backfill the Grand Canyon with a #2 shovel than attempt to fathom the dreck that passes for their thinking.
