Wat’s Carbon Water-N-Stuff Thread - Concepts In Iron And Wood!!!

I would like to see Congress pass a Bill stating that the 2nd Amendment is the law of the land and that any infringement upon the Right of the people to keep and bear arms, is null and void. Including the BATFE rules and regs.

I would 1000% support such a piece of legislation. I could write a letter to my Congressweasel, but that bitch won’t do anything. Wring her hands and say something about assault weapons bans. Fucking useless piece of shit.
I would like to see Congress pass a Bill stating that the 2nd Amendment is the law of the land and that any infringement upon the Right of the people to keep and bear arms, is null and void. Including the BATFE rules and regs.
Strange take from a supposed lawyer, who should realise all laws can be changed as time and climate dictate.
I had a bedspread once that had infringe around the border.

On firearms, we need to have a 4 year class starting freshman year on "what it means to be a Minuteman" and "the responsibility of the militia man."
All those who suffer in the world do so because of their desire for their own happiness. All those happy in the world are so because of their desire for the happiness of others.

~ Bodhicaryavatara

No man ever steps in the same river twice, for it's not the same river and he's not the same man.

~ Heraclitus

Early in this thread, the topic of mandatory service of some kind came up. It wasn't warmly received, but it's still a thought. Something needs to be done to teach folks to develop huevos instead of into huevones. And that would include learning one's way around a rifle, what it can do and what government limitations are and need to be.

And then maybe go get a job, and then actually show up to work, on time, put away the phone and leave it there, and earn the paycheck by gainful means.

I know, Crazy Talk . . . .

:ROFLMAO: :nana:
Early in this thread, the topic of mandatory service of some kind came up. It wasn't warmly received, but it's still a thought. Something needs to be done to teach folks to develop huevos instead of into huevones. And that would include learning one's way around a rifle, what it can do and what government limitations are and need to be.

And then maybe go get a job, and then actually show up to work, on time, put away the phone and leave it there, and earn the paycheck by gainful means.

I know, Crazy Talk . . . .

:ROFLMAO: :nana:
Hello Wat...I agree. After high school I was not sure what direction to go or what I wanted to do. The military gave me a different perspective and I learned I could do more than I thought. Once my enlistment was up I was a lot more prepared for the civilian workforce. Had a tiny advantage and had some idea of what to expect from two uncles that were also enlisted. So my experience was generally positive versus some of the recruits I went through basic with.